Tag Archives: Marvel Collector Corps

Subscription Boxlight: 2015-08

John Mayo and Kay Kellam open up and discuss the contents of some recent subscription boxes:
* 2015-08 Comic Con Box
* 2015-08 Marvel Collector Corps
* 2015-08 LootCrate

Time Codes:
00:00 Intro
00:36 Opening Comments
01:16 2015-08 Comic Con Box
12:50 2015-08 Marvel Collector Corps
21:18 2015-08 LootCrate
32:48 Wrap up
33:18 End

Comic Con Box: https://comicconbox.com/
Marvel Collector Corps: https://www.collectorcorps.com/
LootCrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/
Discount Comic Book Service: http://www.DCBService.com
Comics Podcast Network: http://www.comicspodcast.com
League of Comic Book Podcasts: http://www.comicbooknoise.com/league/

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This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website: http://www.ComicBookPage.com