ComicBookPage is a website about comic books. What started as a simpy hobby website has grown over the years to include more and more aspects of comic book collecting and the comic book industry.
I used to live in San Diego and I've been going to Comic-Con International: San Diego for decades. One of the early centerpiece of the website was an in-depth Con Report for Comic-Con 2001 and Comic-Con 2002. Both of those con reports included thousands of high resolution photographs organized by booth and there are image maps of the convention hall floors. Most of the navigation through the Con Reports includes thumbnail (200x150 pixels) versions of the photographs which are linked to medium sized (640x480 pixels) versions which in turn link to the full size (1600x1200 pixels) photographs. The convention reports can be found under the "Convention Reports" menu.
One of the other key aspects of the site from the beginning was the comic book sales reporting and analysis. I've been intersted in comic book sales for decades and when I started up the Comic Book Page website back in 2000, I figured I might as well share the information I had. This later became known as The Mayo Report. The sales reports and analysis can be found under the "Mayo Reports" menu.
In 2006 I discovered podcasting and by the start of 2007, I'd started the Comic Book Page podcast. The podcast episodes can be found under the "Podcast" menu.
Shortly after starting up the podcast, I added a forum to the site which can be found under the "Forum" menu.
I'm also a a fan of the Super Sentai shows and the American-ized version known as the Power Rangers. The podcast episodes can be found under the "Super Sentai" menu.
I've tossed a few other things on the site over the years such as photos of my comic book room and a cover key I did for "JLA/Avengers" #3 which was later used in the slipcase hardcover for the series. All of those sorts of things can be found under the "Other..." menu.
I have made the decision to avoid pop up ads like the plague and currently have no banner ads on the website. As a result, the income from the site is minimal and comes mainly from donations. At the bottom of most pages, there is a donation button and visitors are encouraged to donate as they see fit.
If you have any feedback, feel free to email me.