Comic Book Page

These are photos of my action figure collection. The collection contains well over 800 action figures. For most of my collection I employ a chronological, gravity based storage system. As is obvious by these pictures, I need a better way to store/display the collection...

As you can see, I'm a closet DC Direct fan...


In theory, this room is my "library" but the action figures have kind of taken over.

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While I like the Marvel Select line of action figures, the packages are HUGE.

I haven't had a chance to unpack a number of the DC Direct figures from the boxes they came in.

I'm not sure where I'd put them if I did unpack them.

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The white file boxes, large moving boxes and black tubs in the corner all contain more action figures which I haven't gotten around to unpacking since I moved into the house.

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Some stuff hasn't even made it into the room yet.


And, finally, off in another room is my nearly complete collection of Power Rangers morphers and Battlizers.


The only morpher/battlizer that I'm missing is the Astro Battlizer from Power Rangers in Space. Please email me if you know where I can get one mint-in-box.

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No action figures were harmed in the making of this webpage.

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