Comic Book Page

These are various things I use to keep my collection organized.



I store my comics in DrawerBoxes™ and I highly recommend them.

The DrawerBoxes™ are about 9 inches wide, 26 inches deep and about 13 1/4 inches tall.

The DrawerBoxes™ can hold about 235 bagged and boarded comics but I only tend to put about an average of 200 or so in them. I use the cardboard dividers that come with the boxes (4 per box) as space holders for future comics in on ongoing run. Hopefully this will cut back on the need to move comics from box to box in the future.

These are the 108 DrawerBoxes™ along the left wall of my comic book room and another 66 along the right wall.

(The first two pictures overlap a little.)

What I really like about these boxes is that my entire collection is accessible without having to unstack any of the boxes.

Comic Dividers

Comic Dividers

I use the Comic Dividers from BCWSupplies to organize my collection by title.

They come 25 per package and these are the least expensive dividers that I've been able to find.

Comic Bags

Comic Bags

BCWSupplies also carries Comic Bags in all of the usual sizes.

Comic Boards

Comic Boards

BCWSupplies also carries Comic Boards in all of the usual sizes.

Discount Comic Book Service

Discount Comic Book Service

I have been getting all my comics from Discount Comic Book Service since November 2003.

Most comics are 35% off with some discounted as much as 75% off. Even after paying $0.10 per comic to get them bagged and boards and an extra $8 a month for weekly shipping plus the normal shipping charges, I'm still averaging about 37.5% discount off what I would have been spending at the local comic book store for the same items.

Everything comes very well packages with virtually no risk of things getting damaged in transit.

They use tons of those styrofoam packing peanuts.

DCBS ships the comics to me using DHL and it takes about 3 or 4 business days for the package to get from Fort Wayne, Indiana to Texas. Obviously the transit time will vary depending on what part of the country (or world) you live in.

Each week I get an email with the tracking number for the package so I can monitor the progress of the package if I want to. I can also get the packing list for the shipment off the website so I know what will be in the package before it arrives.

The accuracy of the service is amazing. I placed my first order with DCBS on November 30, 2003 containing items out of the September 2003, October 2003 and November 2003 Diamond Previews. My first shipment went out the very next day.

There were a two errors in the first shipment in which the wrong issue of the right title was sent. These mistakes were fixed by the third shipment. Since then a few items shipped a week or two later than expected but aside from that there was been virtually no mistakes. By even the harshest of standards and considering a late title an "error", as of early December 2005, DCBS has made only 14 "errors" out of 106 shipments and most of those were outside of the control of DCBS. More importantly, in each of those rare cases, the problem was quickly resolved by DCBS once it was brought to their attention.

Placing an order with DCBS is as easy as downloading an Excel file and marking which items I want and then emailing the file to them. They have an online web store which can be used to place and track orders but I prefer to use the Excel file to place my orders.

I have been a very happy customer of DCBS since November 2003 and highly recommend them.

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