Comic Book Page

Converting a new batch of comics from "On Order" to "In Collection" in Comic Collector 5.0 Pro

(Posted 2011-04-11)

Here is a two part tutorial/review on how to convert a new batch of comics from "On Order" to "In Collection" in Comic Collector 5.0 Pro.

This batch of comics is what I got the week of April 6th, 2011. I started by scanning the barcodes of the comics using the Opticon 2001 barcode scanner and then loading that data into Comic Collector 5.0 Pro.

If there is a more efficient way to do this, I'd love to know. Please post over on the forum any thoughts you have on this video tutorial/review.

Part 1: Scanning the barcode of the new purchases

Part 2: Processing the data in Comic Collector 5.0 Pro

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