Legion Spotlight #021

John continues his journey through the Legion of Super-Heroes comics.

Time Codes:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:36 Opening Comments
0:00:43 Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane (1958) #50 – Lois Lanes Luckiest Day!
0:04:46 Adventure Comics (1938) #322 – Part I – The Super-Tests of the Super-Pets!
0:12:54 Adventure Comics (1938) #322 – Part II – The Pet of a Thousand Faces
0:20:19 Adventure Comics (1938) #323 – Part I – The Eight Impossible Missions!
0:28:19 Adventure Comics (1938) #323 – Part II – The Amazing Winner of the Great Proty Puzzle!
0:34:02 Adventure Comics (1938) #323 – Origin of the Legion of Substitute-Heroes
0:34:44 Wrap up
0:35:14 End of episode.

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