John and Drew discuss KAMANDI CHALLENGE #1 by DC, HULK #2 by Marvel and LADY CASTLE #1 by BOOM! STUDIOS.
Time Codes:
00:00 Intro
18:13 Marvel: HULK #2
36:59 General discussion
56:52 Next Week Promo
57:02 Wrap up
57:32 End of episode.
Automated Generated Captions (which are far from perfect)
0001 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:12,240 hello welcome to weekly comic spot
0002 00:00:10,560 --> 00:00:16,230 [Music]
0003 00:00:12,240 --> 00:00:18,840 my name is John man episode will be
0004 00:00:16,230 --> 00:00:22,289 discussing recently released one from
0005 00:00:18,840 --> 00:00:23,939 dp1 from Marvel and least one up as
0006 00:00:22,289 --> 00:00:25,769 always we'll keep me to spoilers to a
0007 00:00:23,939 --> 00:00:34,660 minimum but we'll start general plot
0008 00:00:25,769 --> 00:00:39,190 point storylines in the comics
0009 00:00:34,660 --> 00:00:41,620 this is weekly comic spotlight 494
0010 00:00:39,190 --> 00:00:46,900 comics Regina released in january twenty
0011 00:00:41,620 --> 00:00:49,660 fit 2017 now starting asphalt in DC is
0012 00:00:46,900 --> 00:00:52,629 commanding challenge number one now this
0013 00:00:49,660 --> 00:00:54,610 is a 499 comic this was oversized I
0014 00:00:52,629 --> 00:00:57,070 don't work call up the other ones i
0015 00:00:54,610 --> 00:00:59,019 don't think so but they needed a little
0016 00:00:57,070 --> 00:01:00,730 extra space to have kind of a zero
0017 00:00:59,019 --> 00:01:03,160 chapter to get things going before they
0018 00:01:00,730 --> 00:01:06,160 really kicked off the challenge couple
0019 00:01:03,160 --> 00:01:08,800 of things here one command he is a jack
0020 00:01:06,160 --> 00:01:10,660 kirby creation and I have tons of
0021 00:01:08,800 --> 00:01:12,070 respect for Jack Kirby his career
0022 00:01:10,660 --> 00:01:14,860 everything he's done for the comic
0023 00:01:12,070 --> 00:01:16,630 industry was a pivotal of figuring the
0024 00:01:14,860 --> 00:01:18,550 industry that's something that said I
0025 00:01:16,630 --> 00:01:20,979 can't say I'm exactly a huge fantasy is
0026 00:01:18,550 --> 00:01:23,050 working necessarily i have any dislike
0027 00:01:20,979 --> 00:01:25,390 for it but I think it's a reflection of
0028 00:01:23,050 --> 00:01:27,759 kind of when I got into comics it was
0029 00:01:25,390 --> 00:01:31,330 kind of a little after most of his work
0030 00:01:27,759 --> 00:01:32,800 / DC in the early 70s going back to
0031 00:01:31,330 --> 00:01:34,479 marvel but I didn't really get in the
0032 00:01:32,800 --> 00:01:36,490 Marvel couple to a couple years later
0033 00:01:34,479 --> 00:01:39,069 and stuff so it was just not something
0034 00:01:36,490 --> 00:01:41,590 that I was exposed to when it was
0035 00:01:39,069 --> 00:01:43,810 originally coming out and we'll have got
0036 00:01:41,590 --> 00:01:45,729 an appreciation really deep love of some
0037 00:01:43,810 --> 00:01:48,280 of his stuff with the original Fantastic
0038 00:01:45,729 --> 00:01:51,280 Four on and stuff like that some of his
0039 00:01:48,280 --> 00:01:53,349 other stuff just the property in the
0040 00:01:51,280 --> 00:01:54,970 hands of others certainly have never
0041 00:01:53,349 --> 00:01:58,390 really clicked with me like the 4th
0042 00:01:54,970 --> 00:02:00,640 world stuff and stuff like that and he
0043 00:01:58,390 --> 00:02:03,130 got a definite art style which I think
0044 00:02:00,640 --> 00:02:05,050 works great on some characters versus
0045 00:02:03,130 --> 00:02:07,179 others and that was really kind of
0046 00:02:05,050 --> 00:02:08,500 hammered home for me last week when i
0047 00:02:07,179 --> 00:02:11,200 was reading the Community Challenge
0048 00:02:08,500 --> 00:02:12,730 special with a reprinted some of the old
0049 00:02:11,200 --> 00:02:15,220 command stuff including a few things
0050 00:02:12,730 --> 00:02:17,440 that I guess it never seen print other
0051 00:02:15,220 --> 00:02:19,630 than like the cancelled comics cavalcade
0052 00:02:17,440 --> 00:02:22,330 or whatever up so i guess it was around
0053 00:02:19,630 --> 00:02:24,700 the time the DC implosion so I'm
0054 00:02:22,330 --> 00:02:26,590 familiar with Kamandi I've read a couple
0055 00:02:24,700 --> 00:02:28,930 of stories here and there but i'm not a
0056 00:02:26,590 --> 00:02:32,709 big Kamandi fan are you
0057 00:02:28,930 --> 00:02:35,860 I'm not very similar i came in after his
0058 00:02:32,709 --> 00:02:38,770 era kind of his golden age but I knew
0059 00:02:35,860 --> 00:02:41,410 the name appreciated the the legendary
0060 00:02:38,770 --> 00:02:43,240 status and everything arm but I never
0061 00:02:41,410 --> 00:02:46,120 really sought out his stuff you know the
0062 00:02:43,240 --> 00:02:47,980 things that you know his is our workers
0063 00:02:46,120 --> 00:02:49,900 on seminole key issues and
0064 00:02:47,980 --> 00:02:51,760 the comic collector you kind of look at
0065 00:02:49,900 --> 00:02:53,319 you know those early fantastic floors
0066 00:02:51,760 --> 00:02:57,099 and things and want them but they were
0067 00:02:53,319 --> 00:02:58,959 you pretty pretty pricey and annoyed and
0068 00:02:57,099 --> 00:03:01,750 really read that stuff i just kind of
0069 00:02:58,959 --> 00:03:03,640 lusted after it and I never really got
0070 00:03:01,750 --> 00:03:06,430 into command at all
0071 00:03:03,640 --> 00:03:08,620 it didn't it had a kind of a cone and
0072 00:03:06,430 --> 00:03:11,019 look to it then I wasn't in the cone at
0073 00:03:08,620 --> 00:03:12,760 the time and kind of I just dismissed it
0074 00:03:11,019 --> 00:03:14,560 did you read the Community Challenge
0075 00:03:12,760 --> 00:03:18,159 special that came out last week there's
0076 00:03:14,560 --> 00:03:21,160 no oh ok I didn't uh it gave pretty good
0077 00:03:18,159 --> 00:03:23,319 recap for you know I don't you kept a
0078 00:03:21,160 --> 00:03:25,030 good reference point for the character
0079 00:03:23,319 --> 00:03:27,069 and where your kind of coming at it from
0080 00:03:25,030 --> 00:03:28,810 i'll be honest in the special offers a
0081 00:03:27,069 --> 00:03:30,940 little surprised by a smart Frances to
0082 00:03:28,810 --> 00:03:32,799 karate kid and reaching superheroes and
0083 00:03:30,940 --> 00:03:34,629 stuff which I guess I just haven't
0084 00:03:32,799 --> 00:03:38,620 realized that Karate Kid with you back
0085 00:03:34,629 --> 00:03:40,239 in time because he had a 15 issue series
0086 00:03:38,620 --> 00:03:41,829 actually probably have that sitting
0087 00:03:40,239 --> 00:03:45,099 downstairs in the back issues i have
0088 00:03:41,829 --> 00:03:47,109 never had time degrees of but anyways we
0089 00:03:45,099 --> 00:03:49,150 superheroes 30th century character comes
0090 00:03:47,109 --> 00:03:50,470 back to the 20th century spend some time
0091 00:03:49,150 --> 00:03:52,599 apparently he crossed paths with
0092 00:03:50,470 --> 00:03:53,230 commander at some point which I hadn't
0093 00:03:52,599 --> 00:03:55,930 realized
0094 00:03:53,230 --> 00:03:57,459 so again I've got something dirty but
0095 00:03:55,930 --> 00:03:59,410 i'm not going to say I've got a deep
0096 00:03:57,459 --> 00:04:01,840 black history with this character did
0097 00:03:59,410 --> 00:04:03,970 you read our are you familiar with the
0098 00:04:01,840 --> 00:04:06,190 DC challenge series that came out around
0099 00:04:03,970 --> 00:04:08,680 nineteen eighties 5-inch six
0100 00:04:06,190 --> 00:04:11,500 no I never the ok i read that off the
0101 00:04:08,680 --> 00:04:14,410 rack and that's the basis for the format
0102 00:04:11,500 --> 00:04:17,380 of the series so the DC challenge the
0103 00:04:14,410 --> 00:04:19,269 basic premise of it was one creative
0104 00:04:17,380 --> 00:04:20,440 team started the story got some
0105 00:04:19,269 --> 00:04:23,020 characters in the kind of situation
0106 00:04:20,440 --> 00:04:24,550 ended on a cliffhanger and then had to
0107 00:04:23,020 --> 00:04:25,960 get me going over to complete different
0108 00:04:24,550 --> 00:04:27,039 creative King another writer another
0109 00:04:25,960 --> 00:04:28,780 artist etc
0110 00:04:27,039 --> 00:04:31,210 cool have to then pick the thing up and
0111 00:04:28,780 --> 00:04:32,950 realize it's like well they left things
0112 00:04:31,210 --> 00:04:35,650 i'm done i've got to go resolve this
0113 00:04:32,950 --> 00:04:37,210 move the story forward and they too
0114 00:04:35,650 --> 00:04:39,460 would end on a cliffhanger and hand it
0115 00:04:37,210 --> 00:04:42,039 off to somebody else for 12 issues and
0116 00:04:39,460 --> 00:04:44,260 then at the end before guys do one
0117 00:04:42,039 --> 00:04:46,330 number 12 had to wrap everything up into
0118 00:04:44,260 --> 00:04:47,620 a coherent story and make it all kind of
0119 00:04:46,330 --> 00:04:49,660 time together nicely
0120 00:04:47,620 --> 00:04:51,699 so with that it was pretty much fair
0121 00:04:49,660 --> 00:04:53,740 game that can go anywhere including any
0122 00:04:51,699 --> 00:04:55,960 character the DC Universe at the time
0123 00:04:53,740 --> 00:04:58,780 here they're limiting it to the command
0124 00:04:55,960 --> 00:05:01,030 e-world characters etc
0125 00:04:58,780 --> 00:05:03,970 um but that's also why
0126 00:05:01,030 --> 00:05:05,500 we get to the beginning part here the
0127 00:05:03,970 --> 00:05:08,320 the part that was called against the
0128 00:05:05,500 --> 00:05:10,030 rule but damn video and keith giffen a
0129 00:05:08,320 --> 00:05:12,250 set it up they get it so far and then
0130 00:05:10,030 --> 00:05:14,560 they hand it over to Dan Abnett and Dale
0131 00:05:12,250 --> 00:05:16,570 eagle sham who do their kind of full
0132 00:05:14,560 --> 00:05:18,250 chapter or whatever and then they drop
0133 00:05:16,570 --> 00:05:19,180 it on a cliffhanger and another team is
0134 00:05:18,250 --> 00:05:20,620 going to pick it up
0135 00:05:19,180 --> 00:05:23,410 yeah i thought that was really cool
0136 00:05:20,620 --> 00:05:25,780 because I I hadn't seen the DC challenge
0137 00:05:23,410 --> 00:05:27,850 before and I really didn't pay that much
0138 00:05:25,780 --> 00:05:29,560 attention to how this is gonna play out
0139 00:05:27,850 --> 00:05:31,240 and it was a big team they were going to
0140 00:05:29,560 --> 00:05:32,800 handing it off to each other but I
0141 00:05:31,240 --> 00:05:34,930 wasn't kinda sure I wasn't really sure
0142 00:05:32,800 --> 00:05:37,810 about the outlook it was going to be
0143 00:05:34,930 --> 00:05:40,240 pulled off and the idea i like that i
0144 00:05:37,810 --> 00:05:43,090 like the idea of the matting doing to
0145 00:05:40,240 --> 00:05:46,090 issue in this one to kind of show you
0146 00:05:43,090 --> 00:05:48,880 ok it's going in and a predicament mhm
0147 00:05:46,090 --> 00:05:50,920 the next team comes in figures out how
0148 00:05:48,880 --> 00:05:53,920 to get out of that predicament and then
0149 00:05:50,920 --> 00:05:56,470 in addition to that little challenge
0150 00:05:53,920 --> 00:05:58,840 there there's going to be the letters
0151 00:05:56,470 --> 00:06:01,120 column they're going to have the
0152 00:05:58,840 --> 00:06:02,950 original creative team say how they
0153 00:06:01,120 --> 00:06:04,510 would have got them out of that
0154 00:06:02,950 --> 00:06:06,160 predicament and then you can kind of
0155 00:06:04,510 --> 00:06:08,350 compare and contrast and see which one
0156 00:06:06,160 --> 00:06:10,930 you prefer and everything and I'm really
0157 00:06:08,350 --> 00:06:13,420 like that idea that was a great of
0158 00:06:10,930 --> 00:06:15,910 punctuation point to what was a
0159 00:06:13,420 --> 00:06:19,540 surprisingly good comic i didn't expect
0160 00:06:15,910 --> 00:06:23,530 a lot coming into this but that felt
0161 00:06:19,540 --> 00:06:25,660 like a it's just some novelty and didn't
0162 00:06:23,530 --> 00:06:29,080 think it would it would really work but
0163 00:06:25,660 --> 00:06:30,610 so far two chapters in are some really
0164 00:06:29,080 --> 00:06:32,350 cool stuff going on here
0165 00:06:30,610 --> 00:06:33,970 I think this is the kind of serious that
0166 00:06:32,350 --> 00:06:36,520 is about as close to like an
0167 00:06:33,970 --> 00:06:38,530 improvisational sort of thing as comical
0168 00:06:36,520 --> 00:06:40,210 creative team in really get because
0169 00:06:38,530 --> 00:06:42,160 there's your dumped into the deep end
0170 00:06:40,210 --> 00:06:43,930 with whatever situation the previous
0171 00:06:42,160 --> 00:06:45,610 team on the last issue left
0172 00:06:43,930 --> 00:06:47,680 they've got to make sense of it resulted
0173 00:06:45,610 --> 00:06:50,560 move the ball forward and then end on a
0174 00:06:47,680 --> 00:06:52,660 similar note and I think the reason they
0175 00:06:50,560 --> 00:06:54,040 have that here's how that created team
0176 00:06:52,660 --> 00:06:57,220 to get out of the cliffhanger they set
0177 00:06:54,040 --> 00:06:59,860 up used to prevent a team from either
0178 00:06:57,220 --> 00:07:01,480 inadvertently or purposefully writing
0179 00:06:59,860 --> 00:07:03,310 another team in your corner that's just
0180 00:07:01,480 --> 00:07:06,850 hard to get are impossible to extract
0181 00:07:03,310 --> 00:07:08,680 from so having to have the the escape
0182 00:07:06,850 --> 00:07:09,910 patch built-in now granted the other
0183 00:07:08,680 --> 00:07:13,360 team to go in a completely different
0184 00:07:09,910 --> 00:07:14,370 direction as we saw here from what daddy
0185 00:07:13,360 --> 00:07:17,070 do setup and
0186 00:07:14,370 --> 00:07:19,410 out an admin resulted yeah and I'm
0187 00:07:17,070 --> 00:07:22,290 curious you think they kind of i'm
0188 00:07:19,410 --> 00:07:23,610 imagining all got together to be email
0189 00:07:22,290 --> 00:07:25,320 or some kind of conference or something
0190 00:07:23,610 --> 00:07:27,479 where we okay here
0191 00:07:25,320 --> 00:07:29,340 let's get all the same page this is this
0192 00:07:27,479 --> 00:07:31,680 is who the character is these are the
0193 00:07:29,340 --> 00:07:33,540 ground rules of the character we all
0194 00:07:31,680 --> 00:07:36,240 have to play within these parameters
0195 00:07:33,540 --> 00:07:38,490 kind of loose outline of of what the
0196 00:07:36,240 --> 00:07:40,560 world is going to be and then you can
0197 00:07:38,490 --> 00:07:43,320 color it kind of got a tall collar with
0198 00:07:40,560 --> 00:07:45,540 those lines because otherwise the
0199 00:07:43,320 --> 00:07:47,970 different interpretations to take the
0200 00:07:45,540 --> 00:07:49,830 character in different way so i think
0201 00:07:47,970 --> 00:07:51,660 that would have been a fun conference
0202 00:07:49,830 --> 00:07:53,760 call to be on i think part of the way
0203 00:07:51,660 --> 00:07:56,460 they handled that was by basically
0204 00:07:53,760 --> 00:07:58,710 saying they are holding true to kind of
0205 00:07:56,460 --> 00:08:00,539 the world that curvy setup originally
0206 00:07:58,710 --> 00:08:01,740 for Kamandi and that you've got a color
0207 00:08:00,539 --> 00:08:04,680 within those lines
0208 00:08:01,740 --> 00:08:06,960 yeah yeah you know no massive complete
0209 00:08:04,680 --> 00:08:08,669 overhaul the world you know midway
0210 00:08:06,960 --> 00:08:10,889 through or something like that
0211 00:08:08,669 --> 00:08:14,280 um but I think part of it also comes
0212 00:08:10,889 --> 00:08:15,570 down to having solid editors on the book
0213 00:08:14,280 --> 00:08:19,080 and we'll see if that holds true or not
0214 00:08:15,570 --> 00:08:20,580 but daddy do is one of the people
0215 00:08:19,080 --> 00:08:22,080 editing the book and I think part of
0216 00:08:20,580 --> 00:08:23,400 that is going to help it kind of keep
0217 00:08:22,080 --> 00:08:26,099 the creative team on the straight and
0218 00:08:23,400 --> 00:08:28,740 narrow because yet this is the kind of
0219 00:08:26,099 --> 00:08:31,500 thing that could go completely awry if
0220 00:08:28,740 --> 00:08:33,930 it's not done well armed patrols will be
0221 00:08:31,500 --> 00:08:35,729 just a ton of fun to see writers really
0222 00:08:33,930 --> 00:08:38,310 have to stretch their creative muscles
0223 00:08:35,729 --> 00:08:40,409 not rely on stuff they'd been setting up
0224 00:08:38,310 --> 00:08:43,320 for you know XD shoes or whatever but
0225 00:08:40,409 --> 00:08:45,839 come in tell an entertaining story and
0226 00:08:43,320 --> 00:08:47,760 then get out arm and hopefully on a
0227 00:08:45,839 --> 00:08:49,020 clean note because I mean I would
0228 00:08:47,760 --> 00:08:51,690 imagine some of the bragging rights
0229 00:08:49,020 --> 00:08:53,760 doing a chapter of this is to have the
0230 00:08:51,690 --> 00:08:55,230 one that sensitive that was the best one
0231 00:08:53,760 --> 00:08:57,630 or something of the sort
0232 00:08:55,230 --> 00:09:00,600 I'll admit I was surprised the story
0233 00:08:57,630 --> 00:09:03,480 started in kind of small town USA are
0234 00:09:00,600 --> 00:09:05,580 but when they then did the reveal kick
0235 00:09:03,480 --> 00:09:06,990 the story into high gear and it kind of
0236 00:09:05,580 --> 00:09:08,880 got things going on but ok that was
0237 00:09:06,990 --> 00:09:11,220 actually a very interesting clever way
0238 00:09:08,880 --> 00:09:13,680 to start the story and if you're not
0239 00:09:11,220 --> 00:09:17,130 familiar with command he gives you a
0240 00:09:13,680 --> 00:09:21,029 basic sense of kind of what's going on
0241 00:09:17,130 --> 00:09:24,360 arm between these two chapters though we
0242 00:09:21,029 --> 00:09:26,970 had a very drastic art shift between a
0243 00:09:24,360 --> 00:09:28,200 key Griffin who got a jheri curl bsk
0244 00:09:26,970 --> 00:09:30,180 style which I think
0245 00:09:28,200 --> 00:09:31,830 the perfect fit for this story even
0246 00:09:30,180 --> 00:09:34,980 though I'm not necessarily in love with
0247 00:09:31,830 --> 00:09:36,870 that style of given up but then we can
0248 00:09:34,980 --> 00:09:40,650 go over to a legal shams got a much more
0249 00:09:36,870 --> 00:09:42,300 realistic and polished tile are not say
0250 00:09:40,650 --> 00:09:44,310 he's any better or worse of an artist
0251 00:09:42,300 --> 00:09:46,470 and getting both are very talented
0252 00:09:44,310 --> 00:09:48,300 artist but you know you hit that one
0253 00:09:46,470 --> 00:09:50,340 page with the story break here chapter
0254 00:09:48,300 --> 00:09:52,890 break happens and i thought a very
0255 00:09:50,340 --> 00:09:55,800 noticeable difference arm but both of
0256 00:09:52,890 --> 00:09:58,470 these parts particularly the case to
0257 00:09:55,800 --> 00:10:00,300 kill by admin eagle sham really brought
0258 00:09:58,470 --> 00:10:02,550 forth many of the similarities between
0259 00:10:00,300 --> 00:10:04,920 Kamandi property in the planet of the bh
0260 00:10:02,550 --> 00:10:06,810 problems lone human survivor
0261 00:10:04,920 --> 00:10:08,850 post-apocalyptic world inhabited by
0262 00:10:06,810 --> 00:10:11,610 humanoid animal to struggle to survive
0263 00:10:08,850 --> 00:10:14,970 that sort of a form arm
0264 00:10:11,610 --> 00:10:17,850 overall this was a surprisingly good
0265 00:10:14,970 --> 00:10:20,070 issue like you pointed out arm the
0266 00:10:17,850 --> 00:10:21,630 cliffhanger at the end of this also she
0267 00:10:20,070 --> 00:10:23,520 usually harken back to the planet of the
0268 00:10:21,630 --> 00:10:25,890 apes stuff but like yeah fine whatever
0269 00:10:23,520 --> 00:10:27,900 arm i'm looking forward to this
0270 00:10:25,890 --> 00:10:30,030 it's a lot of fun i think this sort of a
0271 00:10:27,900 --> 00:10:32,070 series you've got a judge a little bit
0272 00:10:30,030 --> 00:10:34,440 differently than a regular comic book
0273 00:10:32,070 --> 00:10:36,540 because of the rotating creative teams
0274 00:10:34,440 --> 00:10:38,760 because of the political challenge
0275 00:10:36,540 --> 00:10:40,830 nature of the series not so you've got
0276 00:10:38,760 --> 00:10:42,780 to judge it any easier or harder but
0277 00:10:40,830 --> 00:10:45,030 just along a little different criterias
0278 00:10:42,780 --> 00:10:46,650 it's really does the issue hold together
0279 00:10:45,030 --> 00:10:48,630 on its own does it result of a
0280 00:10:46,650 --> 00:10:49,740 cliffhanger doesn't set one up is it
0281 00:10:48,630 --> 00:10:51,360 entertaining
0282 00:10:49,740 --> 00:10:54,570 whereas I think there are a lot of
0283 00:10:51,360 --> 00:10:56,880 middle chapters of other title where
0284 00:10:54,570 --> 00:10:58,680 there's no your clips on your news they
0285 00:10:56,880 --> 00:10:59,490 move the ball a little bit but not that
0286 00:10:58,680 --> 00:11:01,020 much
0287 00:10:59,490 --> 00:11:02,850 any one of these issues if it's
0288 00:11:01,020 --> 00:11:04,380 forgettable or one you could skip and
0289 00:11:02,850 --> 00:11:06,240 that team has done a bad job
0290 00:11:04,380 --> 00:11:08,250 yeah and you really i think it's setup
0291 00:11:06,240 --> 00:11:11,970 where you can't because you have to
0292 00:11:08,250 --> 00:11:14,790 extract Kamandi from the previous
0293 00:11:11,970 --> 00:11:17,070 problem and put in a new predicament for
0294 00:11:14,790 --> 00:11:20,520 the next team so it's although it almost
0295 00:11:17,070 --> 00:11:22,500 forces and nice solid story each issue
0296 00:11:20,520 --> 00:11:24,360 unless of course you don't
0297 00:11:22,500 --> 00:11:25,860 unless of course you drop the ball I do
0298 00:11:24,360 --> 00:11:28,110 not have any problems with the art
0299 00:11:25,860 --> 00:11:30,270 transition although i did yet did seem a
0300 00:11:28,110 --> 00:11:31,920 little polish that with the next teen
0301 00:11:30,270 --> 00:11:35,130 i'll tell ya
0302 00:11:31,920 --> 00:11:39,180 uh I really preferred a Abbott Abbott
0303 00:11:35,130 --> 00:11:41,790 extraction from the predicament over
0304 00:11:39,180 --> 00:11:44,580 oh what a damn video had laid
0305 00:11:41,790 --> 00:11:47,490 out as his does his preferred method to
0306 00:11:44,580 --> 00:11:50,220 get out i actually like what the new guy
0307 00:11:47,490 --> 00:11:52,560 did with the just taking over the baton
0308 00:11:50,220 --> 00:11:54,870 and and getting him out of there
0309 00:11:52,560 --> 00:11:56,850 I like that idea better I i agree i
0310 00:11:54,870 --> 00:12:00,360 thought it was a queen or extraction it
0311 00:11:56,850 --> 00:12:02,460 played better and it's setup Kamandi in
0312 00:12:00,360 --> 00:12:05,340 a much better way than I think videos
0313 00:12:02,460 --> 00:12:07,170 resolution to his own cliffhanger which
0314 00:12:05,340 --> 00:12:09,690 was fun because you know it could have
0315 00:12:07,170 --> 00:12:11,970 been teaching each it might it might
0316 00:12:09,690 --> 00:12:14,520 happen further along the way but you
0317 00:12:11,970 --> 00:12:16,290 know you could be each chapter of course
0318 00:12:14,520 --> 00:12:17,910 the original creator who could have had
0319 00:12:16,290 --> 00:12:19,890 had the best idea to get him back out
0320 00:12:17,910 --> 00:12:23,280 because he created it but not in this
0321 00:12:19,890 --> 00:12:25,770 first case at least it for me and you
0322 00:12:23,280 --> 00:12:28,980 know having not read Kamandi having not
0323 00:12:25,770 --> 00:12:32,400 read the previous setup issue they did a
0324 00:12:28,980 --> 00:12:34,200 great job here of onboarding new reader
0325 00:12:32,400 --> 00:12:36,210 so if you skip the last week
0326 00:12:34,200 --> 00:12:38,760 you don't need to read it i don't think
0327 00:12:36,210 --> 00:12:41,190 i just picked this up got everything I
0328 00:12:38,760 --> 00:12:44,640 need to do a quick little kind of origin
0329 00:12:41,190 --> 00:12:45,300 a couple of pages got us right into the
0330 00:12:44,640 --> 00:12:48,480 character
0331 00:12:45,300 --> 00:12:51,120 p I like to see a lot of room for
0332 00:12:48,480 --> 00:12:53,040 everyone like to see what what he's
0333 00:12:51,120 --> 00:12:54,960 going through and how you going to get
0334 00:12:53,040 --> 00:12:56,700 out of it and i really love the conceit
0335 00:12:54,960 --> 00:12:59,880 of this whole project that like the idea
0336 00:12:56,700 --> 00:13:01,920 and I'm is new to me and I really think
0337 00:12:59,880 --> 00:13:03,030 they executed well so far I'm really
0338 00:13:01,920 --> 00:13:04,500 good job
0339 00:13:03,030 --> 00:13:06,630 well I think one of the benefits this
0340 00:13:04,500 --> 00:13:09,660 has over the DC challenge originally
0341 00:13:06,630 --> 00:13:12,000 with GT challenge was to open-ended to
0342 00:13:09,660 --> 00:13:14,370 broaden the scope anything can and was
0343 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:16,470 pulled in here limiting it to the world
0344 00:13:14,370 --> 00:13:18,870 of command even though it's a little bit
0345 00:13:16,470 --> 00:13:22,230 of a revamp the world i think is it a
0346 00:13:18,870 --> 00:13:25,470 focus that it needs and benefits from
0347 00:13:22,230 --> 00:13:29,190 and i am going to be curious to see how
0348 00:13:25,470 --> 00:13:30,870 many times i prefer the actual story we
0349 00:13:29,190 --> 00:13:33,240 get for the resolution of the the
0350 00:13:30,870 --> 00:13:35,010 cliffhanger versus the paragraph here's
0351 00:13:33,240 --> 00:13:36,420 what I would have done by the creative
0352 00:13:35,010 --> 00:13:40,050 team set up with him
0353 00:13:36,420 --> 00:13:42,630 yeah and that's just an added bonus you
0354 00:13:40,050 --> 00:13:44,730 know that you didn't expect that but i
0355 00:13:42,630 --> 00:13:47,700 think that that's part of the fun of
0356 00:13:44,730 --> 00:13:50,370 reading this I was really surprised how
0357 00:13:47,700 --> 00:13:53,070 much I enjoyed this how accessible was
0358 00:13:50,370 --> 00:13:55,290 didn't feel dated to me even though it's
0359 00:13:53,070 --> 00:13:58,560 it's drawn in a style that the
0360 00:13:55,290 --> 00:14:00,720 that is an older style I i really felt
0361 00:13:58,560 --> 00:14:05,670 like it was just a fun story being told
0362 00:14:00,720 --> 00:14:07,949 and plenty of pages here lots of meat in
0363 00:14:05,670 --> 00:14:11,310 this in this first issue very accessible
0364 00:14:07,949 --> 00:14:13,199 so i think i'm gonna get an a-plus I
0365 00:14:11,310 --> 00:14:16,230 really really thought it was amazing
0366 00:14:13,199 --> 00:14:19,199 interesting i was very pleased with it I
0367 00:14:16,230 --> 00:14:21,329 thought it was very solid again a lot of
0368 00:14:19,199 --> 00:14:23,639 meat they're like you said you
0369 00:14:21,329 --> 00:14:25,050 definitely substance to this one having
0370 00:14:23,639 --> 00:14:27,449 the two chapters i think really helped
0371 00:14:25,050 --> 00:14:29,430 out both to illustrate the the nature of
0372 00:14:27,449 --> 00:14:30,360 the challenge and just to really get the
0373 00:14:29,430 --> 00:14:33,480 ball rolling
0374 00:14:30,360 --> 00:14:36,810 um for me again the the art style by
0375 00:14:33,480 --> 00:14:38,339 giffin are again he is style he's been
0376 00:14:36,810 --> 00:14:40,259 using for a few decades now I should've
0377 00:14:38,339 --> 00:14:43,709 warmed up to it by now but I haven't
0378 00:14:40,259 --> 00:14:46,319 also that was a little bit of attractor
0379 00:14:43,709 --> 00:14:47,940 I thought arm and it's writing was much
0380 00:14:46,319 --> 00:14:49,709 better than videos but I thought video
0381 00:14:47,940 --> 00:14:50,339 and given gate the story really solid
0382 00:14:49,709 --> 00:14:52,889 start
0383 00:14:50,339 --> 00:14:54,089 I'm gonna go with an a-minus arm this is
0384 00:14:52,889 --> 00:14:57,389 something that I do think it's a lot of
0385 00:14:54,089 --> 00:14:59,310 fun for uh a conceptually and I'm
0386 00:14:57,389 --> 00:15:02,399 looking forward to seeing how the Furies
0387 00:14:59,310 --> 00:15:04,889 does both from a creative standpoint but
0388 00:15:02,399 --> 00:15:07,709 also from a sales standpoint because if
0389 00:15:04,889 --> 00:15:09,540 this does well I was like to see not
0390 00:15:07,709 --> 00:15:10,829 necessarily on a yearly basis because it
0391 00:15:09,540 --> 00:15:13,139 takes a little bit to set something like
0392 00:15:10,829 --> 00:15:15,750 this up but for them to do at some point
0393 00:15:13,139 --> 00:15:18,000 another sort of challenge students in
0394 00:15:15,750 --> 00:15:20,339 the idea i had to that policy a
0395 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:22,889 challenge of the Superfriends use and
0396 00:15:20,339 --> 00:15:25,199 the babies on twist is the creators have
0397 00:15:22,889 --> 00:15:27,510 to successfully integrate the characters
0398 00:15:25,199 --> 00:15:30,660 that originated in cartoon into the
0399 00:15:27,510 --> 00:15:33,300 current DC Universe samurai Apache black
0400 00:15:30,660 --> 00:15:35,220 hole in El Dorado remo the jungle girl
0401 00:15:33,300 --> 00:15:37,079 the Wonder Twins all of those characters
0402 00:15:35,220 --> 00:15:39,720 i just think it could be fun to get
0403 00:15:37,079 --> 00:15:41,670 something that harkens back to the
0404 00:15:39,720 --> 00:15:44,069 nostalgic memories of of saturday
0405 00:15:41,670 --> 00:15:45,990 morning cartoon yet plays well as a
0406 00:15:44,069 --> 00:15:46,439 modern day comic so i'll be down for
0407 00:15:45,990 --> 00:15:48,180 that
0408 00:15:46,439 --> 00:15:50,339 that's what I would pitch for the for
0409 00:15:48,180 --> 00:15:52,110 the next challenge but they got to get
0410 00:15:50,339 --> 00:15:55,230 to this one first
0411 00:15:52,110 --> 00:15:55,769 yeah you said it's only 12 issues 12
0412 00:15:55,230 --> 00:15:57,480 issues
0413 00:15:55,769 --> 00:15:59,100 Wow and they've already got the creative
0414 00:15:57,480 --> 00:16:00,449 team blind up they've been working on
0415 00:15:59,100 --> 00:16:02,670 this according to the letter pages for
0416 00:16:00,449 --> 00:16:04,139 about two years of the moving because
0417 00:16:02,670 --> 00:16:05,850 just going to trigger on something like
0418 00:16:04,139 --> 00:16:08,320 this it takes a while to set up the
0419 00:16:05,850 --> 00:16:10,480 creative team give them a little time to
0420 00:16:08,320 --> 00:16:12,940 can't you say okay here's the previous
0421 00:16:10,480 --> 00:16:14,710 issue script give me your script to you
0422 00:16:12,940 --> 00:16:16,270 next week or something you know they
0423 00:16:14,710 --> 00:16:18,580 need a little bit i'm curious how much
0424 00:16:16,270 --> 00:16:21,820 time each created King had to kind of
0425 00:16:18,580 --> 00:16:23,710 figure out their solution to the the
0426 00:16:21,820 --> 00:16:25,870 cliffhanger they were handed in know
0427 00:16:23,710 --> 00:16:30,400 that's true i was fine i didn't even
0428 00:16:25,870 --> 00:16:32,770 think about that but yeah do the team
0429 00:16:30,400 --> 00:16:35,590 one hand their script off between two
0430 00:16:32,770 --> 00:16:37,510 and then a right there and then taking
0431 00:16:35,590 --> 00:16:40,330 that off the team is that without how it
0432 00:16:37,510 --> 00:16:43,060 works i don't know but i really hope
0433 00:16:40,330 --> 00:16:46,210 that day at San Diego some of these
0434 00:16:43,060 --> 00:16:49,390 other conventions that DC does a panel
0435 00:16:46,210 --> 00:16:51,070 about the DC challenge going into some
0436 00:16:49,390 --> 00:16:52,960 of the logistics behind this
0437 00:16:51,070 --> 00:16:55,240 yeah because it would be fascinating
0438 00:16:52,960 --> 00:16:57,400 like okay you know here's the here's the
0439 00:16:55,240 --> 00:16:59,050 the cliffhanger up we had to discover
0440 00:16:57,400 --> 00:17:00,820 how long does he have
0441 00:16:59,050 --> 00:17:03,310 can I ask questions back and forth to
0442 00:17:00,820 --> 00:17:05,530 the nod is not yet i mean i'm curious
0443 00:17:03,310 --> 00:17:07,270 and part of what i said you've gotta
0444 00:17:05,530 --> 00:17:09,760 gotta judgments a little differently
0445 00:17:07,270 --> 00:17:12,670 than other titles is most of the titles
0446 00:17:09,760 --> 00:17:15,160 the creative team has had a while to
0447 00:17:12,670 --> 00:17:17,110 kind of plan to feed they want to see
0448 00:17:15,160 --> 00:17:18,040 where it's going to go do the slow burn
0449 00:17:17,110 --> 00:17:20,290 or whatever
0450 00:17:18,040 --> 00:17:22,180 Manny miss you got your 20 pages or
0451 00:17:20,290 --> 00:17:24,370 whatever you getting you deal with
0452 00:17:22,180 --> 00:17:28,270 whatever you were handed move forward
0453 00:17:24,370 --> 00:17:31,120 and end on a strong note you know it's a
0454 00:17:28,270 --> 00:17:33,130 different style of writing arm and again
0455 00:17:31,120 --> 00:17:36,430 one that I think can really show with a
0456 00:17:33,130 --> 00:17:38,080 creative team capable oh uh in a very
0457 00:17:36,430 --> 00:17:39,190 different way than the normal tasked
0458 00:17:38,080 --> 00:17:41,680 with having to work
0459 00:17:39,190 --> 00:17:44,080 oh yeah yeah that would be a cool panel
0460 00:17:41,680 --> 00:17:44,740 i think i think folks should check this
0461 00:17:44,080 --> 00:17:47,200 out
0462 00:17:44,740 --> 00:17:49,930 I don't think you need to have any kind
0463 00:17:47,200 --> 00:17:53,980 of commanding knowledge to enjoy this
0464 00:17:49,930 --> 00:17:56,530 that's a fun experiment so far so good
0465 00:17:53,980 --> 00:17:58,600 it's a it's a really cool of you to
0466 00:17:56,530 --> 00:18:00,010 check out and you see if it's for you i
0467 00:17:58,600 --> 00:18:01,420 think i think you'll like it
0468 00:18:00,010 --> 00:18:03,550 yeah and that was one of the strengths
0469 00:18:01,420 --> 00:18:06,040 of that opening chapter was the
0470 00:18:03,550 --> 00:18:08,170 accessibility of it the fact that you
0471 00:18:06,040 --> 00:18:10,870 don't have to know anything about this
0472 00:18:08,170 --> 00:18:12,610 character going in on CL i hope people
0473 00:18:10,870 --> 00:18:14,800 check it out i hope you enjoy it you
0474 00:18:12,610 --> 00:18:17,560 think that having been said show move on
0475 00:18:14,800 --> 00:18:20,860 to our Marvel book sure this is Hulk
0476 00:18:17,560 --> 00:18:21,760 number two armed kisses bye
0477 00:18:20,860 --> 00:18:26,260 see who
0478 00:18:21,760 --> 00:18:30,610 in a market good luck Marco to uh the
0479 00:18:26,260 --> 00:18:33,790 Maquis and Nico leon and Kelly bore
0480 00:18:30,610 --> 00:18:36,730 collegiate man i really apologize
0481 00:18:33,790 --> 00:18:40,780 industry team i am not good with names
0482 00:18:36,730 --> 00:18:43,060 of my own community in in locale no jobs
0483 00:18:40,780 --> 00:18:46,330 and John Smith of the creative team done
0484 00:18:43,060 --> 00:18:48,070 sometimes I struggle with that and I
0485 00:18:46,330 --> 00:18:49,480 really don't want to be disrespectful to
0486 00:18:48,070 --> 00:18:50,890 any creative team these people are
0487 00:18:49,480 --> 00:18:53,230 putting in a lot of time and trouble and
0488 00:18:50,890 --> 00:18:57,070 it would just help with some of these
0489 00:18:53,230 --> 00:18:58,900 more rum uh challenging aims to
0490 00:18:57,070 --> 00:19:00,520 pronounce if they would keep your
0491 00:18:58,900 --> 00:19:02,860 pronunciation guide but I'd probably
0492 00:19:00,520 --> 00:19:03,490 still picture and then tune eating more
0493 00:19:02,860 --> 00:19:07,060 embarrassed
0494 00:19:03,490 --> 00:19:09,820 um this series features uh Jen Walters
0495 00:19:07,060 --> 00:19:12,070 formerly known as she hulk now she's
0496 00:19:09,820 --> 00:19:14,650 just she holler just hope I don't know
0497 00:19:12,070 --> 00:19:17,350 if that's a promotion the degradation or
0498 00:19:14,650 --> 00:19:19,180 or what I mean she's not totally welcome
0499 00:19:17,350 --> 00:19:21,400 all that some other guy a couple of
0500 00:19:19,180 --> 00:19:25,180 things kind of kind of popped in my mind
0501 00:19:21,400 --> 00:19:26,950 as i was reading this page to panel one
0502 00:19:25,180 --> 00:19:28,960 the answer is none for anyone he doesn't
0503 00:19:26,950 --> 00:19:31,750 have the comic right in front of them
0504 00:19:28,960 --> 00:19:33,280 Jen's over at a like a coffee place or
0505 00:19:31,750 --> 00:19:34,600 whatever looking at the pastries and
0506 00:19:33,280 --> 00:19:37,840 somebody in the background is asking
0507 00:19:34,600 --> 00:19:39,400 which is this gluten-free thing and i
0508 00:19:37,840 --> 00:19:42,340 can tell you just looking at it none of
0509 00:19:39,400 --> 00:19:43,960 them are the first the way they put them
0510 00:19:42,340 --> 00:19:48,790 there they cross contamination is just
0511 00:19:43,960 --> 00:19:51,850 it's just I really do despise how
0512 00:19:48,790 --> 00:19:54,820 talking about a comment involving gluten
0513 00:19:51,850 --> 00:19:58,660 priness is just a if you're writing
0514 00:19:54,820 --> 00:20:01,330 crush decays yeah it's topical is it's
0515 00:19:58,660 --> 00:20:04,330 hip and it in it an accident it acts
0516 00:20:01,330 --> 00:20:06,550 like it's a fad it is unintentionally
0517 00:20:04,330 --> 00:20:10,720 insulting to the point that when i was
0518 00:20:06,550 --> 00:20:12,970 on youtube of 23 weeks ago up there was
0519 00:20:10,720 --> 00:20:14,830 an answer something that came up and he
0520 00:20:12,970 --> 00:20:16,660 was true for chicken and we're going to
0521 00:20:14,830 --> 00:20:19,150 go on a digression here bear with me but
0522 00:20:16,660 --> 00:20:22,750 the point of the the little commercial
0523 00:20:19,150 --> 00:20:25,600 things basically how he food industry
0524 00:20:22,750 --> 00:20:27,580 has as always antibiotic-free oh that's
0525 00:20:25,600 --> 00:20:28,930 meaningless marketing height all chicken
0526 00:20:27,580 --> 00:20:30,760 got to be that way by the time you get
0527 00:20:28,930 --> 00:20:32,710 to the grocery store oh it's gluten-free
0528 00:20:30,760 --> 00:20:34,240 all that mean look like all chickens
0529 00:20:32,710 --> 00:20:35,200 naturally gluten-free and basically
0530 00:20:34,240 --> 00:20:38,380 lumping business
0531 00:20:35,200 --> 00:20:40,510 we end with meaningless stuff and again
0532 00:20:38,380 --> 00:20:42,730 as somebody who have to deal with this
0533 00:20:40,510 --> 00:20:43,090 on a daily basis her to the hell out of
0534 00:20:42,730 --> 00:20:44,590 me
0535 00:20:43,090 --> 00:20:47,019 one could say it might even make me
0536 00:20:44,590 --> 00:20:50,380 angry bring me back to the whole kind of
0537 00:20:47,019 --> 00:20:51,760 this excellent thanks like 60 clearly
0538 00:20:50,380 --> 00:20:53,769 she's not gluten-free cause she's having
0539 00:20:51,760 --> 00:20:57,490 the pastry and seemingly enjoy when we
0540 00:20:53,769 --> 00:20:58,750 get to a little ways into the story of
0541 00:20:57,490 --> 00:21:01,149 Central Park and she should there
0542 00:20:58,750 --> 00:21:02,649 watching the kids play this was a really
0543 00:21:01,149 --> 00:21:05,260 interesting scene because what they're
0544 00:21:02,649 --> 00:21:09,309 choosing to do is to reenact the murder
0545 00:21:05,260 --> 00:21:11,889 of her cousin Bruce Banner yeah I don't
0546 00:21:09,309 --> 00:21:14,289 like wow if anything could make her Hulk
0547 00:21:11,889 --> 00:21:16,630 out this could do it and it was a really
0548 00:21:14,289 --> 00:21:18,070 good scene just wire interactive very
0549 00:21:16,630 --> 00:21:20,830 effective Dean I thought that was really
0550 00:21:18,070 --> 00:21:22,419 well done it was but its IRA the writer
0551 00:21:20,830 --> 00:21:24,220 I've been tempted to tweak it just a
0552 00:21:22,419 --> 00:21:25,570 little bit i would have had instead of
0553 00:21:24,220 --> 00:21:26,409 her being on one of these wooden park
0554 00:21:25,570 --> 00:21:27,970 benches
0555 00:21:26,409 --> 00:21:30,549 however beyond like a metal one or
0556 00:21:27,970 --> 00:21:33,519 concrete one or whatever and kind of had
0557 00:21:30,549 --> 00:21:36,639 her hand up on the top of the bench or
0558 00:21:33,519 --> 00:21:38,350 whatever and after she leaves reveal a
0559 00:21:36,639 --> 00:21:40,389 handprint like she had gripped it kind
0560 00:21:38,350 --> 00:21:42,850 of started crushing it and just didn't
0561 00:21:40,389 --> 00:21:44,470 realize that because it would show that
0562 00:21:42,850 --> 00:21:46,419 she can kind of handle this kind of
0563 00:21:44,470 --> 00:21:49,090 stuff but maybe she's not as in control
0564 00:21:46,419 --> 00:21:50,260 as she thinks she you know not something
0565 00:21:49,090 --> 00:21:53,200 that somebody would look and say oh my
0566 00:21:50,260 --> 00:21:55,870 god it's human or whatever but something
0567 00:21:53,200 --> 00:21:57,639 to to kind of sore shadow what we get
0568 00:21:55,870 --> 00:22:00,159 by the time you get back to the office
0569 00:21:57,639 --> 00:22:01,630 but with that seems that it has been an
0570 00:22:00,159 --> 00:22:03,789 effective as she's holding it together
0571 00:22:01,630 --> 00:22:05,649 all the way back to the office and move
0572 00:22:03,789 --> 00:22:07,690 that there would be able to do that if
0573 00:22:05,649 --> 00:22:09,279 she had kind of lost a little bit in the
0574 00:22:07,690 --> 00:22:11,500 park that's the thing is I don't think
0575 00:22:09,279 --> 00:22:13,179 she would have visually lost it and i
0576 00:22:11,500 --> 00:22:14,740 think it would have really shown that
0577 00:22:13,179 --> 00:22:17,559 while she thinks she's holding it
0578 00:22:14,740 --> 00:22:19,899 together and pretty much is she's not
0579 00:22:17,559 --> 00:22:21,580 doing a total it would advise thanks
0580 00:22:19,899 --> 00:22:23,500 given the precursor to what happens in
0581 00:22:21,580 --> 00:22:26,740 the office when she kinda loses it now
0582 00:22:23,500 --> 00:22:29,320 what i found interesting is we go
0583 00:22:26,740 --> 00:22:31,539 aside from maybe the silhouette panel in
0584 00:22:29,320 --> 00:22:33,940 the office the entire issue without ever
0585 00:22:31,539 --> 00:22:36,970 seeing she halk whatever you want to
0586 00:22:33,940 --> 00:22:39,460 call her in her power to perform um this
0587 00:22:36,970 --> 00:22:42,070 is I think one of the longest times
0588 00:22:39,460 --> 00:22:44,470 we've seen Jen Walters as Jen walking
0589 00:22:42,070 --> 00:22:47,710 and that's fine that's good this is a
0590 00:22:44,470 --> 00:22:48,970 very good character issue but with no
0591 00:22:47,710 --> 00:22:51,159 appearance of the hole
0592 00:22:48,970 --> 00:22:52,600 it's a little bit of a slow burn and
0593 00:22:51,159 --> 00:22:54,820 that makes sense from an arrow pointing
0594 00:22:52,600 --> 00:22:57,549 to you feel otherwise i'm not so sure
0595 00:22:54,820 --> 00:22:59,470 it's a tough market out there and I'm
0596 00:22:57,549 --> 00:23:01,000 not saying that making having the Hulk
0597 00:22:59,470 --> 00:23:03,010 it would have made it better
0598 00:23:01,000 --> 00:23:04,960 I think this is a really good character
0599 00:23:03,010 --> 00:23:05,830 piece I just don't know people are
0600 00:23:04,960 --> 00:23:08,830 looking for that
0601 00:23:05,830 --> 00:23:11,169 yes I said the charles soule volume of
0602 00:23:08,830 --> 00:23:13,720 she-hulk she was Green the entire time
0603 00:23:11,169 --> 00:23:16,360 and uh I don't even know that made it to
0604 00:23:13,720 --> 00:23:19,360 a tissues didn't I don't recall and yeah
0605 00:23:16,360 --> 00:23:21,100 it didn't sell well yeah so i'm i'm
0606 00:23:19,360 --> 00:23:23,980 willing to up i'm actually enjoying it a
0607 00:23:21,100 --> 00:23:28,120 lot more then my last volume but only
0608 00:23:23,980 --> 00:23:30,610 two issues then really curious about her
0609 00:23:28,120 --> 00:23:33,850 case with the eviction the wrongful
0610 00:23:30,610 --> 00:23:36,220 eviction of that tenant curious about
0611 00:23:33,850 --> 00:23:39,549 her and just who the heck is in that
0612 00:23:36,220 --> 00:23:42,130 your pet is in that building and i'm
0613 00:23:39,549 --> 00:23:44,710 really curious about that there's a lot
0614 00:23:42,130 --> 00:23:46,240 of hooks in here that keeps me coming
0615 00:23:44,710 --> 00:23:48,580 back I want to know how she's going to
0616 00:23:46,240 --> 00:23:50,830 deal with her whether cousin's death and
0617 00:23:48,580 --> 00:23:53,140 that he keeps popping up throughout this
0618 00:23:50,830 --> 00:23:56,860 as it would I think they've done a
0619 00:23:53,140 --> 00:23:59,710 really good job to UM to move us from 11
0620 00:23:56,860 --> 00:24:02,049 issue to the next and uh it'sit's pretty
0621 00:23:59,710 --> 00:24:04,000 well Donna kind of like this style of
0622 00:24:02,049 --> 00:24:04,630 comics though I think a little more than
0623 00:24:04,000 --> 00:24:08,049 you
0624 00:24:04,630 --> 00:24:12,070 this more of less superheroing more
0625 00:24:08,049 --> 00:24:14,320 examination sophomore smaller stories so
0626 00:24:12,070 --> 00:24:15,610 it's kind of my wheelhouse
0627 00:24:14,320 --> 00:24:17,380 I thought it was a good issue that the
0628 00:24:15,610 --> 00:24:19,870 question I have for you we can consider
0629 00:24:17,380 --> 00:24:23,020 this kind of like a must-read comment
0630 00:24:19,870 --> 00:24:27,130 sure I mean what must read like walking
0631 00:24:23,020 --> 00:24:30,070 dead mustari know but of up in Marvel I
0632 00:24:27,130 --> 00:24:33,250 mean it makes the top 10 15 that i would
0633 00:24:30,070 --> 00:24:35,350 recommend i guess my point is I think a
0634 00:24:33,250 --> 00:24:38,080 lot of people could read this and if you
0635 00:24:35,350 --> 00:24:40,330 ask them what happened in it there is no
0636 00:24:38,080 --> 00:24:44,200 will show and so beat up so-and-so or
0637 00:24:40,330 --> 00:24:46,240 this is change so-and-so forever or that
0638 00:24:44,200 --> 00:24:50,440 kind of ill they discovered this you
0639 00:24:46,240 --> 00:24:52,299 know there's no major plot point of epic
0640 00:24:50,440 --> 00:24:54,460 proportion and i'm not saying you should
0641 00:24:52,299 --> 00:24:56,590 be I think this is the kind of a story
0642 00:24:54,460 --> 00:24:57,730 that we were seeing again a character
0643 00:24:56,590 --> 00:25:00,070 piece kind of story
0644 00:24:57,730 --> 00:25:01,040 it's more kindle Russia envision that we
0645 00:25:00,070 --> 00:25:02,930 see in most of
0646 00:25:01,040 --> 00:25:04,820 rest of the Marvel Universe yeah but I
0647 00:25:02,930 --> 00:25:05,900 mean what are the must read Marvel
0648 00:25:04,820 --> 00:25:07,040 titles for you
0649 00:25:05,900 --> 00:25:09,110 honestly I have to give that a little
0650 00:25:07,040 --> 00:25:11,840 thought I would start with the count how
0651 00:25:09,110 --> 00:25:13,520 many artists Rogers not as many as there
0652 00:25:11,840 --> 00:25:15,680 should be having are you getting into
0653 00:25:13,520 --> 00:25:17,000 double digits i'll be honest i read
0654 00:25:15,680 --> 00:25:18,800 enough stuff that i would have to get a
0655 00:25:17,000 --> 00:25:22,040 list of Marvel puddles in front of me to
0656 00:25:18,800 --> 00:25:23,540 do with data value your data to tell me
0657 00:25:22,040 --> 00:25:26,420 a little memory job
0658 00:25:23,540 --> 00:25:28,250 yeah and I i probably don't have I
0659 00:25:26,420 --> 00:25:30,290 probably go i could probably do that
0660 00:25:28,250 --> 00:25:31,700 over in double digits
0661 00:25:30,290 --> 00:25:33,530 I'm probably probably there i don't know
0662 00:25:31,700 --> 00:25:35,030 if i could do 10 DC though I think for
0663 00:25:33,530 --> 00:25:36,140 both Marvel and DC would be a challenge
0664 00:25:35,030 --> 00:25:37,700 for me i'm not saying it would be
0665 00:25:36,140 --> 00:25:40,160 impossible i think it'd be a little
0666 00:25:37,700 --> 00:25:42,080 easier for me on DC the model this is
0667 00:25:40,160 --> 00:25:44,420 just the kind of thing that I question
0668 00:25:42,080 --> 00:25:46,940 if the majority of readers out there
0669 00:25:44,420 --> 00:25:48,920 going to say yes good but she'll like
0670 00:25:46,940 --> 00:25:51,230 nothing major happened even though you
0671 00:25:48,920 --> 00:25:53,270 correctly lifted out a few minutes ago a
0672 00:25:51,230 --> 00:25:55,010 number of things that did happening know
0673 00:25:53,270 --> 00:25:56,600 what's going on with this decayed what's
0674 00:25:55,010 --> 00:25:58,880 going on with the you know the the
0675 00:25:56,600 --> 00:26:02,090 pattern all the coming there are there
0676 00:25:58,880 --> 00:26:04,940 is meat to this book but it's a little
0677 00:26:02,090 --> 00:26:06,980 bit different type of content and then I
0678 00:26:04,940 --> 00:26:10,190 think the average superhero fan
0679 00:26:06,980 --> 00:26:12,230 gravitates towards yeah and I questioned
0680 00:26:10,190 --> 00:26:13,790 again to your point where the last
0681 00:26:12,230 --> 00:26:16,340 series didn't last that long
0682 00:26:13,790 --> 00:26:19,100 what is that those two this in all and
0683 00:26:16,340 --> 00:26:20,450 yet that you're probably right of the
0684 00:26:19,100 --> 00:26:23,630 Marvel going to put out 80 books and
0685 00:26:20,450 --> 00:26:25,610 marks and at least and we're gonna rue
0686 00:26:23,630 --> 00:26:30,740 try to review as many as we can
0687 00:26:25,610 --> 00:26:34,520 this is one of those titles and I as far
0688 00:26:30,740 --> 00:26:36,650 as spear comics k like i prefer this i
0689 00:26:34,520 --> 00:26:40,850 prefer this though the sort of style
0690 00:26:36,650 --> 00:26:43,250 um over like a crowded of adventures 4x4
0691 00:26:40,850 --> 00:26:45,410 inhuman book until I would agree with
0692 00:26:43,250 --> 00:26:47,390 that this is also a book that i think
0693 00:26:45,410 --> 00:26:49,340 would benefit for more frequent shipping
0694 00:26:47,390 --> 00:26:51,440 schedule because you a little bit more
0695 00:26:49,340 --> 00:26:56,090 quiet slice-of-life sort of a thing
0696 00:26:51,440 --> 00:26:57,410 having a short momentum beat up by eat
0697 00:26:56,090 --> 00:26:58,070 coming out more frequently would be
0698 00:26:57,410 --> 00:27:00,920 beneficial
0699 00:26:58,070 --> 00:27:02,570 yeah you're probably right you get that
0700 00:27:00,920 --> 00:27:05,030 I do you do kind of have to remind
0701 00:27:02,570 --> 00:27:05,270 yourself what was what happened who is
0702 00:27:05,030 --> 00:27:07,640 this
0703 00:27:05,270 --> 00:27:09,620 oh that's the tenant yes yes yes it was
0704 00:27:07,640 --> 00:27:12,980 just a month ago and that used to be the
0705 00:27:09,620 --> 00:27:14,600 normal shipping package that and I
0706 00:27:12,980 --> 00:27:16,730 should be used to it but
0707 00:27:14,600 --> 00:27:18,110 a with some of these other title i have
0708 00:27:16,730 --> 00:27:19,970 no problem bringing because i just
0709 00:27:18,110 --> 00:27:22,730 finished the last issue
0710 00:27:19,970 --> 00:27:24,260 well and I think some titles because of
0711 00:27:22,730 --> 00:27:25,880 the story they're telling again I you
0712 00:27:24,260 --> 00:27:28,130 captain america congratulations an
0713 00:27:25,880 --> 00:27:30,320 example things are happening major
0714 00:27:28,130 --> 00:27:33,020 things are happening it's not just the
0715 00:27:30,320 --> 00:27:34,820 story it's one that arguably the major
0716 00:27:33,020 --> 00:27:36,590 milestone in various characters lives
0717 00:27:34,820 --> 00:27:38,390 and you could only do those so often
0718 00:27:36,590 --> 00:27:40,309 because if every story's major milestone
0719 00:27:38,390 --> 00:27:41,870 in somebody's life it's like dude did
0720 00:27:40,309 --> 00:27:45,080 they all kind of blur together at that
0721 00:27:41,870 --> 00:27:47,539 point so I'm i'm curious how well this
0722 00:27:45,080 --> 00:27:49,820 one does i'm curious how will it store
0723 00:27:47,539 --> 00:27:52,190 momentum goes for me I enjoyed this
0724 00:27:49,820 --> 00:27:54,380 I thought it was really good but I was
0725 00:27:52,190 --> 00:27:59,480 also very surprised that it's focusing
0726 00:27:54,380 --> 00:28:01,700 so much on Jen Walters human then you
0727 00:27:59,480 --> 00:28:03,740 know her even necessarily as a lawyer or
0728 00:28:01,700 --> 00:28:06,320 even as the hole and that's not a bad
0729 00:28:03,740 --> 00:28:08,419 thing just surprising to me i was
0730 00:28:06,320 --> 00:28:11,270 expecting a bit more savage whole kind
0731 00:28:08,419 --> 00:28:13,820 of a thing then we got here and almost
0732 00:28:11,270 --> 00:28:15,530 her tearing up part of town and then
0733 00:28:13,820 --> 00:28:17,150 being a lawyer who's got to go deal with
0734 00:28:15,530 --> 00:28:17,809 the aftermath of that or something like
0735 00:28:17,150 --> 00:28:19,640 that
0736 00:28:17,809 --> 00:28:21,590 not really he was heard from Karen it up
0737 00:28:19,640 --> 00:28:23,870 or something but where they're going to
0738 00:28:21,590 --> 00:28:27,049 be funny interesting i'm going with a
0739 00:28:23,870 --> 00:28:29,720 b-plus on this i thought it was good arm
0740 00:28:27,049 --> 00:28:31,580 I just don't think you do marketplace is
0741 00:28:29,720 --> 00:28:33,710 going to necessarily give it the time it
0742 00:28:31,580 --> 00:28:37,190 needs yeah i'm going to be plus as well
0743 00:28:33,710 --> 00:28:39,380 and doing this I I feel like it's a good
0744 00:28:37,190 --> 00:28:41,600 companion piece to that new Hawkeye book
0745 00:28:39,380 --> 00:28:44,510 and it feels like it's kind of in that
0746 00:28:41,600 --> 00:28:47,480 vein and there's plenty of room for
0747 00:28:44,510 --> 00:28:49,130 those but I don't know there's the sales
0748 00:28:47,480 --> 00:28:50,960 are going to be as are going to be there
0749 00:28:49,130 --> 00:28:52,880 you will see what we have
0750 00:28:50,960 --> 00:28:54,559 we haven't seen a Hawkeye numbers even
0751 00:28:52,880 --> 00:28:55,130 so I don't know how well that'll do
0752 00:28:54,559 --> 00:28:56,510 either
0753 00:28:55,130 --> 00:28:58,100 it's funny because you mentioned Hawkeye
0754 00:28:56,510 --> 00:29:01,010 and the first thing I thought of was
0755 00:28:58,100 --> 00:29:03,440 actually the Occupy Avengers title which
0756 00:29:01,010 --> 00:29:04,370 stars oughta which is not the book
0757 00:29:03,440 --> 00:29:05,690 you're talking about you're talking
0758 00:29:04,370 --> 00:29:09,740 about the actual Hawkeye was a female
0759 00:29:05,690 --> 00:29:12,380 yes yes all so confusing not reading the
0760 00:29:09,740 --> 00:29:15,950 other one is that with the Clint Hawkeye
0761 00:29:12,380 --> 00:29:18,110 yeah and rebel scum and she makes for
0762 00:29:15,950 --> 00:29:20,480 interesting pair will have to put that
0763 00:29:18,110 --> 00:29:21,110 on the docket for future review works
0764 00:29:20,480 --> 00:29:23,630 for me
0765 00:29:21,110 --> 00:29:26,240 shall we move on to our other book yeah
0766 00:29:23,630 --> 00:29:26,950 now this is the lady castle number one
0767 00:29:26,240 --> 00:29:29,350 from boom
0768 00:29:26,950 --> 00:29:31,059 Studios this is not something i
0769 00:29:29,350 --> 00:29:32,440 pre-ordered this is something that you
0770 00:29:31,059 --> 00:29:32,830 said hey let's give this a shot and then
0771 00:29:32,440 --> 00:29:35,860 what
0772 00:29:32,830 --> 00:29:38,289 okay we got the crest PDF armed and well
0773 00:29:35,860 --> 00:29:42,970 first we were going to do Rick and Morty
0774 00:29:38,289 --> 00:29:46,330 22 thats sure start uh Oni Press did not
0775 00:29:42,970 --> 00:29:49,510 cooperate so we moved on and we went to
0776 00:29:46,330 --> 00:29:52,059 boom and boom didn't cooperate so they
0777 00:29:49,510 --> 00:29:54,909 were kind enough to share a press review
0778 00:29:52,059 --> 00:29:57,010 copy for John and myself to review and
0779 00:29:54,909 --> 00:29:59,769 therefore they're getting the love Tony
0780 00:29:57,010 --> 00:30:01,029 passed on and I get that you know
0781 00:29:59,769 --> 00:30:02,769 there's only so much that some of these
0782 00:30:01,029 --> 00:30:04,510 smaller companies can do and stuff but I
0783 00:30:02,769 --> 00:30:09,010 do appreciate how there are a couple
0784 00:30:04,510 --> 00:30:11,500 boom dynamite value and a few others are
0785 00:30:09,010 --> 00:30:13,720 dark horse that are really easier did to
0786 00:30:11,500 --> 00:30:15,010 get PDF copies of than others and I
0787 00:30:13,720 --> 00:30:17,590 can't review something I can't read
0788 00:30:15,010 --> 00:30:18,820 anything and had I not gotten the PDF i
0789 00:30:17,590 --> 00:30:19,809 would not have been able to review this
0790 00:30:18,820 --> 00:30:21,669 because I would not have been able to
0791 00:30:19,809 --> 00:30:25,240 read this because i like I said not
0792 00:30:21,669 --> 00:30:26,200 preorder this and i read this uh like
0793 00:30:25,240 --> 00:30:30,010 the art style
0794 00:30:26,200 --> 00:30:33,490 overall I liked the story our little
0795 00:30:30,010 --> 00:30:38,049 heavy-handed in places maybe not exactly
0796 00:30:33,490 --> 00:30:40,210 a subtle in a few places when we first
0797 00:30:38,049 --> 00:30:44,559 get introduced to the basic premise here
0798 00:30:40,210 --> 00:30:47,080 is its medieval times and at King man
0799 00:30:44,559 --> 00:30:49,480 castle rattling they're all the guys
0800 00:30:47,080 --> 00:30:53,019 have left not like just tonight I'm like
0801 00:30:49,480 --> 00:30:55,840 all the guys have left to go off
0802 00:30:53,019 --> 00:30:57,460 adventuring go find a prince for the the
0803 00:30:55,840 --> 00:31:00,940 princess who's locked in the tower and
0804 00:30:57,460 --> 00:31:02,559 suffering such after a while back comes
0805 00:31:00,940 --> 00:31:05,350 knight Sir ridic
0806 00:31:02,559 --> 00:31:08,169 and he's like Oh horrible everybody was
0807 00:31:05,350 --> 00:31:10,779 loose was taken out by I guess what the
0808 00:31:08,169 --> 00:31:14,080 dragon or whatever there's a wizard of
0809 00:31:10,779 --> 00:31:17,409 vile wizard who has is cursed of the
0810 00:31:14,080 --> 00:31:20,320 castle you know everyone else is dead i
0811 00:31:17,409 --> 00:31:22,539 am the lone survivor I I shall be your
0812 00:31:20,320 --> 00:31:23,889 king and I'm like a person i don't
0813 00:31:22,539 --> 00:31:25,659 really trust this guy
0814 00:31:23,889 --> 00:31:27,399 maybe only other guys sound just a nice
0815 00:31:25,659 --> 00:31:29,049 place to retire to away from these pesky
0816 00:31:27,399 --> 00:31:31,120 women folk and just stayed there and
0817 00:31:29,049 --> 00:31:33,820 told Redick ok you go back you have the
0818 00:31:31,120 --> 00:31:35,379 castle of it's just till we die because
0819 00:31:33,820 --> 00:31:37,059 there was a little bit of fishiness
0820 00:31:35,379 --> 00:31:38,320 there and we also read it could have
0821 00:31:37,059 --> 00:31:40,419 been the wizard that's another take with
0822 00:31:38,320 --> 00:31:42,249 something up you guys were
0823 00:31:40,419 --> 00:31:44,649 always leaving the castle to be
0824 00:31:42,249 --> 00:31:47,830 elsewhere not home of them all over the
0825 00:31:44,649 --> 00:31:49,869 blacksmith the the baker the the tailor
0826 00:31:47,830 --> 00:31:51,609 everybody put something seems a little
0827 00:31:49,869 --> 00:31:54,999 fishy with that to me
0828 00:31:51,609 --> 00:31:57,340 yeah and I i got the same vibe from some
0829 00:31:54,999 --> 00:31:59,440 radically came back and it seems
0830 00:31:57,340 --> 00:32:01,989 convenient that he he doesn't look that
0831 00:31:59,440 --> 00:32:04,419 worse for wear really and everybody else
0832 00:32:01,989 --> 00:32:06,519 is just completely dead shouldn't be she
0833 00:32:04,419 --> 00:32:08,619 beat up a little more than he is
0834 00:32:06,519 --> 00:32:09,460 slightly scorched maybe his armor dented
0835 00:32:08,619 --> 00:32:11,409 or something
0836 00:32:09,460 --> 00:32:14,049 who yeah yeah kinda felt the same way
0837 00:32:11,409 --> 00:32:16,239 there so there was that but then I flip
0838 00:32:14,049 --> 00:32:18,549 the page and the lady of the lake speaks
0839 00:32:16,239 --> 00:32:20,350 up at first I'm thinking this is an
0840 00:32:18,549 --> 00:32:22,029 itty-bitty tiny tiny little late because
0841 00:32:20,350 --> 00:32:23,529 it seemed to be just like the top of a
0842 00:32:22,029 --> 00:32:26,169 mountain or whatever was not really well
0843 00:32:23,529 --> 00:32:28,090 shot so I couldn't tell she's holding up
0844 00:32:26,169 --> 00:32:29,529 with first looks like this ed dagger but
0845 00:32:28,090 --> 00:32:31,659 apparently goes into a full-blown sort
0846 00:32:29,529 --> 00:32:33,279 of saying you know you know he forgot to
0847 00:32:31,659 --> 00:32:34,960 mention the whole curse thing by the way
0848 00:32:33,279 --> 00:32:36,639 that all the evil monsters you're going
0849 00:32:34,960 --> 00:32:38,590 to be attacking the castle the curse is
0850 00:32:36,639 --> 00:32:41,350 lifted is that so he's not being upfront
0851 00:32:38,590 --> 00:32:43,749 and it pulls out essentially the whole
0852 00:32:41,350 --> 00:32:45,700 you know Excalibur thing you ever can
0853 00:32:43,749 --> 00:32:47,679 list the sword will be king and of
0854 00:32:45,700 --> 00:32:49,809 course ready kids i'll accept the honor
0855 00:32:47,679 --> 00:32:52,359 thank you very much and whatever and
0856 00:32:49,809 --> 00:32:53,230 then i guess it was the blacksmith's
0857 00:32:52,359 --> 00:32:55,749 wife
0858 00:32:53,230 --> 00:32:57,009 yeah suddenly has a sword yeah I didn't
0859 00:32:55,749 --> 00:33:00,100 expect her to get it
0860 00:32:57,009 --> 00:33:03,220 actually I was really hoping to the page
0861 00:33:00,100 --> 00:33:05,230 flip it gets handed the sword drops its
0862 00:33:03,220 --> 00:33:08,049 slippery when wet they assume he can't
0863 00:33:05,230 --> 00:33:09,460 lift it she picks it up she the king
0864 00:33:08,049 --> 00:33:11,559 I mean did they could have sold the
0865 00:33:09,460 --> 00:33:13,960 moment a little bit back yeah yeah they
0866 00:33:11,559 --> 00:33:16,059 kind of missed out on that and it did it
0867 00:33:13,960 --> 00:33:18,039 felt really awkward the way the way that
0868 00:33:16,059 --> 00:33:20,470 was tabled so there are a couple of
0869 00:33:18,039 --> 00:33:24,700 things along those lines he's gotta roll
0870 00:33:20,470 --> 00:33:26,980 with on this but overall this is a
0871 00:33:24,700 --> 00:33:28,929 surprisingly good read like I said not
0872 00:33:26,980 --> 00:33:30,580 exactly subtle at times in terms of
0873 00:33:28,929 --> 00:33:33,460 level women can do everything better
0874 00:33:30,580 --> 00:33:35,919 okay fine whatever I like yard I like
0875 00:33:33,460 --> 00:33:37,720 the story he was entertaining were
0876 00:33:35,919 --> 00:33:39,970 looking for things to add to my reading
0877 00:33:37,720 --> 00:33:42,580 list this probably would have made it
0878 00:33:39,970 --> 00:33:45,190 for issue miniseries I believe but I'm
0879 00:33:42,580 --> 00:33:47,320 not really looking for adding the my
0880 00:33:45,190 --> 00:33:50,019 list at the moment it's twofold
0881 00:33:47,320 --> 00:33:53,649 yeah I'm i thought it was I thought this
0882 00:33:50,019 --> 00:33:54,040 was pretty good I is written by feel the
0883 00:33:53,649 --> 00:33:57,850 light
0884 00:33:54,040 --> 00:34:01,030 lived often then art by Ashley would but
0885 00:33:57,850 --> 00:34:02,620 i don't think i've read or seen any of
0886 00:34:01,030 --> 00:34:04,180 the stuff that they've done before they
0887 00:34:02,620 --> 00:34:07,600 might this might be something they might
0888 00:34:04,180 --> 00:34:09,940 be new creator of the the writer is a
0889 00:34:07,600 --> 00:34:12,610 novelist and some software stuff and one
0890 00:34:09,940 --> 00:34:15,580 of the things after first regime jury
0891 00:34:12,610 --> 00:34:19,630 comics very cool and you don't think
0892 00:34:15,580 --> 00:34:24,160 some the boom has kind of segments of
0893 00:34:19,630 --> 00:34:28,600 their the library where it hit these
0894 00:34:24,160 --> 00:34:32,590 sorts of books and they have this style
0895 00:34:28,600 --> 00:34:34,450 and these kind of fairytale 'ish stories
0896 00:34:32,590 --> 00:34:37,419 that they tell and then they seem to put
0897 00:34:34,450 --> 00:34:39,580 one of these out every every year couple
0898 00:34:37,419 --> 00:34:42,580 times a year you know in this style and
0899 00:34:39,580 --> 00:34:44,950 and I usually check them out and they
0900 00:34:42,580 --> 00:34:47,110 don't last too long like each other
0901 00:34:44,950 --> 00:34:49,840 you say this was a four-issue yeah we're
0902 00:34:47,110 --> 00:34:50,679 shooting for you so I'll probably ride
0903 00:34:49,840 --> 00:34:53,500 this one through
0904 00:34:50,679 --> 00:34:56,110 I liked it enough and the others there
0905 00:34:53,500 --> 00:34:58,900 was some fun fun things in here and i'm
0906 00:34:56,110 --> 00:35:00,820 curious as to what really happened to
0907 00:34:58,900 --> 00:35:04,390 all the men and when they make their
0908 00:35:00,820 --> 00:35:06,580 triumphant return and issue 36 to imply
0909 00:35:04,390 --> 00:35:08,560 that the women are doing just as well or
0910 00:35:06,580 --> 00:35:10,330 better than when they left
0911 00:35:08,560 --> 00:35:12,820 not sure that will happen or not i think
0912 00:35:10,330 --> 00:35:15,250 it very well could be there's not a lot
0913 00:35:12,820 --> 00:35:17,560 of time you got three more issues you
0914 00:35:15,250 --> 00:35:19,630 can didn't do that much just kind of set
0915 00:35:17,560 --> 00:35:23,710 everything up so we really only got
0916 00:35:19,630 --> 00:35:26,590 three issues to each I guess we beat one
0917 00:35:23,710 --> 00:35:30,610 little problem that was invading the
0918 00:35:26,590 --> 00:35:33,340 castle which was fun a fun way to to
0919 00:35:30,610 --> 00:35:35,410 overcome that challenge and not the way
0920 00:35:33,340 --> 00:35:37,630 the that ridic would have solved the
0921 00:35:35,410 --> 00:35:41,410 problem so that was kind of cool
0922 00:35:37,630 --> 00:35:43,780 overall I would say this is abby and uh
0923 00:35:41,410 --> 00:35:46,390 i'll probably finish up the run i
0924 00:35:43,780 --> 00:35:50,260 actually went with a a minus i think
0925 00:35:46,390 --> 00:35:52,810 what i liked about this was it had a
0926 00:35:50,260 --> 00:35:54,370 distinctive voice to it it's not
0927 00:35:52,810 --> 00:35:56,410 something you're going to confuse with
0928 00:35:54,370 --> 00:35:58,030 most of the other stuff on the rack that
0929 00:35:56,410 --> 00:36:00,790 having been said i do agree with you the
0930 00:35:58,030 --> 00:36:04,570 boom puts out a miniseries or whatever
0931 00:36:00,790 --> 00:36:06,220 like it periodically so it's kind of if
0932 00:36:04,570 --> 00:36:07,450 you like this give it sometimes will be
0933 00:36:06,220 --> 00:36:09,550 something of a similar sense
0934 00:36:07,450 --> 00:36:12,130 ability you know within the year there
0935 00:36:09,550 --> 00:36:14,650 was again some lack of subtlety here but
0936 00:36:12,130 --> 00:36:17,620 that at times working the title favor
0937 00:36:14,650 --> 00:36:19,060 because it has an opinion you know what
0938 00:36:17,620 --> 00:36:19,540 men want it on this we're going to do
0939 00:36:19,060 --> 00:36:21,190 this
0940 00:36:19,540 --> 00:36:23,710 ok maybe a little sections or whatever
0941 00:36:21,190 --> 00:36:26,350 but they roll with it they make it work
0942 00:36:23,710 --> 00:36:29,260 they sell it you know where I not a
0943 00:36:26,350 --> 00:36:32,680 little overwhelmed on my reading arm I
0944 00:36:29,260 --> 00:36:34,300 we again probably written without key or
0945 00:36:32,680 --> 00:36:36,520 got added to my school list and
0946 00:36:34,300 --> 00:36:38,350 continued with it so I think boom should
0947 00:36:36,520 --> 00:36:41,080 be happy with the quality of this
0948 00:36:38,350 --> 00:36:43,780 certainly with this creative team does
0949 00:36:41,080 --> 00:36:46,240 in the future i will check out at least
0950 00:36:43,780 --> 00:36:47,260 resistance on the see it it's to my
0951 00:36:46,240 --> 00:36:48,940 liking it off
0952 00:36:47,260 --> 00:36:51,670 well I thought this is a surprisingly
0953 00:36:48,940 --> 00:36:53,080 degree it had a little bit more
0954 00:36:51,670 --> 00:36:53,500 substance to it that I was afraid of
0955 00:36:53,080 --> 00:36:56,110 mine
0956 00:36:53,500 --> 00:36:56,980 thank you being making it easy to review
0957 00:36:56,110 --> 00:37:00,010 your comments
0958 00:36:56,980 --> 00:37:03,310 yes always appreciated so as i have
0959 00:37:00,010 --> 00:37:05,470 mentioned before I have a lot of comics
0960 00:37:03,310 --> 00:37:08,440 coming in i did finish all of last week
0961 00:37:05,470 --> 00:37:10,660 i feel like i have barely made a dent in
0962 00:37:08,440 --> 00:37:13,270 this week's comics but in my defense
0963 00:37:10,660 --> 00:37:17,530 there was like 68 or so of them are so
0964 00:37:13,270 --> 00:37:20,740 I've dying the dozen or more comics or
0965 00:37:17,530 --> 00:37:24,220 whatever but reading 2024 these or
0966 00:37:20,740 --> 00:37:26,410 whatever your still like 48 left to read
0967 00:37:24,220 --> 00:37:28,660 so it's it's one of those I've got to
0968 00:37:26,410 --> 00:37:30,430 figure out a game plan on this side I i
0969 00:37:28,660 --> 00:37:32,140 need to scale things down I've got to
0970 00:37:30,430 --> 00:37:34,750 think about 250 or some odd comics
0971 00:37:32,140 --> 00:37:38,800 coming next week it's not a sustainable
0972 00:37:34,750 --> 00:37:41,560 pace it's just a question of what tactic
0973 00:37:38,800 --> 00:37:43,450 i use to two little things down there
0974 00:37:41,560 --> 00:37:45,130 are few things that are already kind of
0975 00:37:43,450 --> 00:37:47,470 bubbling to the surface of my brain and
0976 00:37:45,130 --> 00:37:49,390 she just make it cut but I don't want to
0977 00:37:47,470 --> 00:37:52,180 just you know acting's off you know
0978 00:37:49,390 --> 00:37:54,100 randomly or or to rapidly I want to
0979 00:37:52,180 --> 00:37:56,020 actually you know a have some
0980 00:37:54,100 --> 00:37:57,610 sensibility to another slowly with a
0981 00:37:56,020 --> 00:37:59,920 gold is down over the course of the year
0982 00:37:57,610 --> 00:38:01,870 than just you know packet to pieces and
0983 00:37:59,920 --> 00:38:05,950 build it back up but that's just me
0984 00:38:01,870 --> 00:38:08,200 so I definitely some interesting stuff
0985 00:38:05,950 --> 00:38:10,090 that came out this week still enjoying
0986 00:38:08,200 --> 00:38:12,970 what you doing over in Superman titles
0987 00:38:10,090 --> 00:38:15,400 are finished off the Justice League
0988 00:38:12,970 --> 00:38:18,520 Suicide Squad stuff enjoyed that quite a
0989 00:38:15,400 --> 00:38:20,420 bit of thought it set up for the Justice
0990 00:38:18,520 --> 00:38:22,730 League of America fairly well
0991 00:38:20,420 --> 00:38:24,200 i'm looking forward to that one starts
0992 00:38:22,730 --> 00:38:27,170 about you would you read this weekend
0993 00:38:24,200 --> 00:38:30,230 good i'm trying to sync wanted to touch
0994 00:38:27,170 --> 00:38:33,020 base real quick your mind with a little
0995 00:38:30,230 --> 00:38:36,170 feedback we got can previous episode of
0996 00:38:33,020 --> 00:38:38,030 that's ok sure doctor mode that this a
0997 00:38:36,170 --> 00:38:40,250 little note saying a red issue number
0998 00:38:38,030 --> 00:38:41,780 one of my captain marvel and walked away
0999 00:38:40,250 --> 00:38:43,430 with a similar feeling
1000 00:38:41,780 --> 00:38:45,170 Carol strategy status quo did not
1001 00:38:43,430 --> 00:38:47,240 dramatically change so why the number
1002 00:38:45,170 --> 00:38:49,340 one the advertising for this title felt
1003 00:38:47,240 --> 00:38:51,950 similar to what was used for Brian Reed
1004 00:38:49,340 --> 00:38:55,370 ms marvel carol danvers Syrian closed
1005 00:38:51,950 --> 00:38:57,770 post house of them read news Marvel is
1006 00:38:55,370 --> 00:38:58,760 the first solo ongoing title for Carol
1007 00:38:57,770 --> 00:39:00,650 in years
1008 00:38:58,760 --> 00:39:02,360 mighty Captain Marvel felt like a Xerox
1009 00:39:00,650 --> 00:39:04,580 of Xerox because of the constant
1010 00:39:02,360 --> 00:39:07,850 remembering you know it's funny because
1011 00:39:04,580 --> 00:39:10,340 I think there's been a treatment of the
1012 00:39:07,850 --> 00:39:12,890 the carol danvers character she should
1013 00:39:10,340 --> 00:39:14,690 be in a list but she's not and almost is
1014 00:39:12,890 --> 00:39:18,020 this her gender is part of the problem
1015 00:39:14,690 --> 00:39:20,570 whereas again with Lady castle and they
1016 00:39:18,020 --> 00:39:22,190 had a very clear notes that sure as hell
1017 00:39:20,570 --> 00:39:24,680 wouldn't be the problem kind of attitude
1018 00:39:22,190 --> 00:39:26,240 I'm almost wondering is they just don't
1019 00:39:24,680 --> 00:39:27,950 have the right creative team on the
1020 00:39:26,240 --> 00:39:29,390 character for the direction you want to
1021 00:39:27,950 --> 00:39:32,180 go with it or if they want to keep her
1022 00:39:29,390 --> 00:39:34,820 as the underdog for some reason home
1023 00:39:32,180 --> 00:39:36,740 well yeah duh I appreciate it when
1024 00:39:34,820 --> 00:39:38,660 listeners kind of time in either in
1025 00:39:36,740 --> 00:39:39,740 agreement like in this case or just hey
1026 00:39:38,660 --> 00:39:41,150 there's something you didn't think about
1027 00:39:39,740 --> 00:39:43,190 here's another angle
1028 00:39:41,150 --> 00:39:45,800 he also went on to say that he looks
1029 00:39:43,190 --> 00:39:48,380 forward to hearing about your comic list
1030 00:39:45,800 --> 00:39:51,710 purge and we'll just be similar to the
1031 00:39:48,380 --> 00:39:54,230 DC implosion the late seventies which I
1032 00:39:51,710 --> 00:39:55,520 don't think that's my goal is not to
1033 00:39:54,230 --> 00:39:59,120 kick off such an event
1034 00:39:55,520 --> 00:40:01,550 oh and I'll be honest right now
1035 00:39:59,120 --> 00:40:03,950 DC is on a little bit firmer footing me
1036 00:40:01,550 --> 00:40:07,250 than the marvelous some other publishers
1037 00:40:03,950 --> 00:40:10,310 at this point the titles most likely to
1038 00:40:07,250 --> 00:40:14,180 eggs soon are the hasbro stuff over and
1039 00:40:10,310 --> 00:40:15,800 idw good body expendable for me
1040 00:40:14,180 --> 00:40:17,390 are there trying a little too tightly
1041 00:40:15,800 --> 00:40:19,220 together I don't need another shared
1042 00:40:17,390 --> 00:40:21,260 universe i think if action man and just
1043 00:40:19,220 --> 00:40:22,910 done something I'm not stuck with it but
1044 00:40:21,260 --> 00:40:24,650 i'm not saying i'm going to cut those
1045 00:40:22,910 --> 00:40:26,270 I'm just saying those are the ones under
1046 00:40:24,650 --> 00:40:27,950 consideration at the moment
1047 00:40:26,270 --> 00:40:30,260 really what I need to do is just go
1048 00:40:27,950 --> 00:40:33,200 through my what I've got an order with
1049 00:40:30,260 --> 00:40:35,810 BCBS figure out what titles
1050 00:40:33,200 --> 00:40:38,360 r and not just how many titles but how
1051 00:40:35,810 --> 00:40:40,490 many issues i have for each title and
1052 00:40:38,360 --> 00:40:42,890 kind of give it a weight on now is
1053 00:40:40,490 --> 00:40:46,460 really though the budgetary concerns
1054 00:40:42,890 --> 00:40:48,170 here is less money a little bit of space
1055 00:40:46,460 --> 00:40:51,290 but predominantly time
1056 00:40:48,170 --> 00:40:53,810 yeah so certain titles like the recently
1057 00:40:51,290 --> 00:40:56,180 ended Suicide Squad most wanted to
1058 00:40:53,810 --> 00:40:58,610 whatever miniseries that was the double
1059 00:40:56,180 --> 00:41:00,170 ply thing looks like reading to comics
1060 00:40:58,610 --> 00:41:02,270 you know so that's hitting me on the
1061 00:41:00,170 --> 00:41:05,990 time side whereas it's actually a decent
1062 00:41:02,270 --> 00:41:07,790 value for the month but I getting 68 or
1063 00:41:05,990 --> 00:41:10,700 whatever in a week followed by 50 or
1064 00:41:07,790 --> 00:41:13,460 whatever you two coming too fast home in
1065 00:41:10,700 --> 00:41:15,650 I i think other people maybe in a
1066 00:41:13,460 --> 00:41:17,090 similar boat even at a lower scale it's
1067 00:41:15,650 --> 00:41:18,560 just how much time you have to read the
1068 00:41:17,090 --> 00:41:18,920 stuff and how quickly they come out with
1069 00:41:18,560 --> 00:41:21,020 it
1070 00:41:18,920 --> 00:41:24,890 oh yeah i'm still working through on
1071 00:41:21,020 --> 00:41:28,910 some of the the late January stuff and
1072 00:41:24,890 --> 00:41:30,860 uh couple um couple weeks behind so it
1073 00:41:28,910 --> 00:41:32,960 like I'd been jumping around from week
1074 00:41:30,860 --> 00:41:34,430 to week trying to get some of the
1075 00:41:32,960 --> 00:41:37,280 highlights but i still haven't made
1076 00:41:34,430 --> 00:41:41,330 while when my way through all of the
1077 00:41:37,280 --> 00:41:44,180 25th or all of the teeth and yet so so
1078 00:41:41,330 --> 00:41:46,520 just a segue a little bit on weeks late
1079 00:41:44,180 --> 00:41:49,880 end of january and the most kind of
1080 00:41:46,520 --> 00:41:53,690 notes each made we are recording this on
1081 00:41:49,880 --> 00:41:56,750 january 31st the end of january and a
1082 00:41:53,690 --> 00:41:58,550 student workers may have noticed i have
1083 00:41:56,750 --> 00:42:03,230 not done the the number-crunching
1084 00:41:58,550 --> 00:42:05,480 episode for the 2015 year end sale
1085 00:42:03,230 --> 00:42:07,040 yeah I thought it was new like you got a
1086 00:42:05,480 --> 00:42:08,090 new number crunching system and it will
1087 00:42:07,040 --> 00:42:11,450 take a little longer
1088 00:42:08,090 --> 00:42:12,860 hey I hadn't come out oh so this is the
1089 00:42:11,450 --> 00:42:14,900 first time I think they've gone into
1090 00:42:12,860 --> 00:42:17,000 februari without having released
1091 00:42:14,900 --> 00:42:18,470 year-end data and I can't really say
1092 00:42:17,000 --> 00:42:21,110 what's what's holding it up or whatever
1093 00:42:18,470 --> 00:42:22,430 but as soon as i get a la a crunch it
1094 00:42:21,110 --> 00:42:24,140 i've already done some of the number
1095 00:42:22,430 --> 00:42:27,050 crunching which I can do based on having
1096 00:42:24,140 --> 00:42:29,720 the top 300 for the 12 months etc but I
1097 00:42:27,050 --> 00:42:31,430 can't do the whole thing until then but
1098 00:42:29,720 --> 00:42:34,490 as soon as I get the stuff of crunch it
1099 00:42:31,430 --> 00:42:36,860 I'll coordinate with the fam and TJ and
1100 00:42:34,490 --> 00:42:38,090 and get those episodes you know up as
1101 00:42:36,860 --> 00:42:39,200 quickly as we can
1102 00:42:38,090 --> 00:42:40,580 I'll be honest at this point I'm not
1103 00:42:39,200 --> 00:42:43,100 sure if it's going to happen before or
1104 00:42:40,580 --> 00:42:45,050 after we go over January numbers you
1105 00:42:43,100 --> 00:42:46,170 really come depend on what the what did
1106 00:42:45,050 --> 00:42:48,210 it comes out when
1107 00:42:46,170 --> 00:42:51,450 so I I think there are a lot of people
1108 00:42:48,210 --> 00:42:53,160 are potentially getting overwhelmed by
1109 00:42:51,450 --> 00:42:55,980 the number of comics coming out and push
1110 00:42:53,160 --> 00:42:59,400 like well I've been listening to the the
1111 00:42:55,980 --> 00:43:02,430 mail reports got to trade in part 1 of
1112 00:42:59,400 --> 00:43:04,560 comics and I haven't finished those the
1113 00:43:02,430 --> 00:43:06,600 next one this product and the last one
1114 00:43:04,560 --> 00:43:07,920 yet that you and Sam did but I think
1115 00:43:06,600 --> 00:43:10,920 it's really cool that you have
1116 00:43:07,920 --> 00:43:13,680 discovered this new way of looking at
1117 00:43:10,920 --> 00:43:16,980 the data with the the bands and kind of
1118 00:43:13,680 --> 00:43:19,380 seeing that from month to month and i am
1119 00:43:16,980 --> 00:43:21,720 in my car so I really want to pull over
1120 00:43:19,380 --> 00:43:23,190 and go to the CVR article and pull up
1121 00:43:21,720 --> 00:43:26,010 the spreadsheet so i can follow along
1122 00:43:23,190 --> 00:43:28,440 and I don't want to cause any accidents
1123 00:43:26,010 --> 00:43:30,810 haha yeah it's incredibly tempting
1124 00:43:28,440 --> 00:43:33,450 because I'm like oh this is cool i mean
1125 00:43:30,810 --> 00:43:35,940 Johnson's for 10 years and it's what it
1126 00:43:33,450 --> 00:43:37,740 sounds like a little kid because he's
1127 00:43:35,940 --> 00:43:41,610 discovering all these new ways two
1128 00:43:37,740 --> 00:43:43,470 slices data up and kind of it you're
1129 00:43:41,610 --> 00:43:46,170 really making some really cool and keen
1130 00:43:43,470 --> 00:43:48,480 observations and i love it it's really
1131 00:43:46,170 --> 00:43:49,680 cool that you know you kind of you can
1132 00:43:48,480 --> 00:43:51,600 only say so many things about
1133 00:43:49,680 --> 00:43:53,880 single-issue sales that you found new
1134 00:43:51,600 --> 00:43:56,370 way to look at it in it it really is
1135 00:43:53,880 --> 00:43:58,650 interesting and I can't wait to see what
1136 00:43:56,370 --> 00:44:00,930 you can do with the year stuff and kind
1137 00:43:58,650 --> 00:44:04,260 of look at those month-to-month and and
1138 00:44:00,930 --> 00:44:06,870 see that even flow and and why the
1139 00:44:04,260 --> 00:44:08,400 industry's up and down from from month
1140 00:44:06,870 --> 00:44:10,080 to month it's really cool it's really
1141 00:44:08,400 --> 00:44:12,450 cool to the categories have really kind
1142 00:44:10,080 --> 00:44:14,700 of changed the way that those numbers
1143 00:44:12,450 --> 00:44:16,740 come alive he's completely changed the
1144 00:44:14,700 --> 00:44:18,120 way I go about writing my article and
1145 00:44:16,740 --> 00:44:20,130 hopefully for the better but i'll let
1146 00:44:18,120 --> 00:44:22,110 other people do the judge of that
1147 00:44:20,130 --> 00:44:24,540 I'm still not sure if I've gotten the
1148 00:44:22,110 --> 00:44:26,490 categories locked down the way they
1149 00:44:24,540 --> 00:44:28,350 really ought to be because i feel there
1150 00:44:26,490 --> 00:44:29,940 may be a little go up there may be some
1151 00:44:28,350 --> 00:44:32,070 better ways to do it should I break out
1152 00:44:29,940 --> 00:44:34,500 second issue drops or whatever I I'd
1153 00:44:32,070 --> 00:44:36,630 love for people to weigh in on on what
1154 00:44:34,500 --> 00:44:38,610 they think kind of the Venn diagram or
1155 00:44:36,630 --> 00:44:40,290 what would be the subcategories of boom
1156 00:44:38,610 --> 00:44:42,300 here's everything that came out in a
1157 00:44:40,290 --> 00:44:43,710 month compared to last month
1158 00:44:42,300 --> 00:44:45,450 what's up left down what's one of the
1159 00:44:43,710 --> 00:44:47,970 driving portion because what is really
1160 00:44:45,450 --> 00:44:50,850 clarified for me as I've always been
1161 00:44:47,970 --> 00:44:52,620 under the belief that it's the new
1162 00:44:50,850 --> 00:44:55,260 comics that are propping everything up
1163 00:44:52,620 --> 00:44:57,570 but being able to actually depict that
1164 00:44:55,260 --> 00:44:59,850 on a bar chart for months a month to mom
1165 00:44:57,570 --> 00:45:01,920 and see well this one up a lot
1166 00:44:59,850 --> 00:45:03,540 there's a lot of new titles this month
1167 00:45:01,920 --> 00:45:05,790 not so much and you can actually no
1168 00:45:03,540 --> 00:45:08,910 major new titles coming out he really
1169 00:45:05,790 --> 00:45:10,740 had given some visibility some things
1170 00:45:08,910 --> 00:45:12,240 that I've been strongly suspecting but
1171 00:45:10,740 --> 00:45:15,090 haven't really been able to totally
1172 00:45:12,240 --> 00:45:16,110 quantify oh god it's fun to listen to
1173 00:45:15,090 --> 00:45:17,640 like it
1174 00:45:16,110 --> 00:45:19,260 I'm glad people are enjoying glad you
1175 00:45:17,640 --> 00:45:20,790 liked it and stuff to other things
1176 00:45:19,260 --> 00:45:22,920 running a little late this month is
1177 00:45:20,790 --> 00:45:23,610 normally by now previous would have come
1178 00:45:22,920 --> 00:45:25,770 out
1179 00:45:23,610 --> 00:45:27,870 it is not easy coming out as we record
1180 00:45:25,770 --> 00:45:30,630 this tomorrow as you listen to this last
1181 00:45:27,870 --> 00:45:32,670 Wednesday on februari first week I was
1182 00:45:30,630 --> 00:45:35,370 expecting it on january twenty fifth but
1183 00:45:32,670 --> 00:45:37,680 hey didn't happen so because of that i
1184 00:45:35,370 --> 00:45:41,400 am pushing the deadline for the previous
1185 00:45:37,680 --> 00:45:45,270 spotlight to february's 11 arms that
1186 00:45:41,400 --> 00:45:46,830 gives people an extra week to figure out
1187 00:45:45,270 --> 00:45:48,960 what they want to pick and in sending
1188 00:45:46,830 --> 00:45:49,980 clips hopefully that benefits everybody
1189 00:45:48,960 --> 00:45:52,260 arm
1190 00:45:49,980 --> 00:45:55,980 we're going to do the teleconference the
1191 00:45:52,260 --> 00:45:58,890 following saturday of the 18 7pm central
1192 00:45:55,980 --> 00:46:01,110 arm the weekend of the 11 though that
1193 00:45:58,890 --> 00:46:04,380 Saturday you gonna be pretty busy for me
1194 00:46:01,110 --> 00:46:06,240 because I am anticipating the January
1195 00:46:04,380 --> 00:46:08,970 numbers being out by then who knows
1196 00:46:06,240 --> 00:46:10,860 maybe even the year-end 2016 numbers
1197 00:46:08,970 --> 00:46:12,180 will be out by then hopefully not at the
1198 00:46:10,860 --> 00:46:14,400 same time because it's so that's going
1199 00:46:12,180 --> 00:46:15,600 to be a really crazy begin for me
1200 00:46:14,400 --> 00:46:18,120 in addition to having to put together
1201 00:46:15,600 --> 00:46:19,920 the previous spotlight so people can
1202 00:46:18,120 --> 00:46:22,530 send include surely not wait to the last
1203 00:46:19,920 --> 00:46:27,540 minute i would appreciate that if you
1204 00:46:22,530 --> 00:46:29,760 can have arm pretty a clear title issue
1205 00:46:27,540 --> 00:46:31,920 number type stuff on the forearm what I
1206 00:46:29,760 --> 00:46:33,690 usually do is go through the form copy
1207 00:46:31,920 --> 00:46:35,010 those things in Excel spreadsheet I've
1208 00:46:33,690 --> 00:46:37,020 got to check off list to make sure I
1209 00:46:35,010 --> 00:46:38,310 don't miss anyone is closed and every 12
1210 00:46:37,020 --> 00:46:40,800 times I would have missed some of these
1211 00:46:38,310 --> 00:46:42,600 clips if I haven't done that arm so
1212 00:46:40,800 --> 00:46:44,520 again if you guys could help out i would
1213 00:46:42,600 --> 00:46:47,010 appreciate that but hopefully people are
1214 00:46:44,520 --> 00:46:49,740 finding some cool stuff in the previews
1215 00:46:47,010 --> 00:46:51,390 that that's februari I going to the
1216 00:46:49,740 --> 00:46:52,290 solicitor sounds and stuff look pretty
1217 00:46:51,390 --> 00:46:55,050 exhausting
1218 00:46:52,290 --> 00:46:56,520 yeah so it sounds like diamond shut down
1219 00:46:55,050 --> 00:46:58,710 over the holiday there's something had
1220 00:46:56,520 --> 00:47:00,780 trouble starting back up cause a delay
1221 00:46:58,710 --> 00:47:03,360 preview the the numbers aren't coming
1222 00:47:00,780 --> 00:47:04,590 out where they're supposed to feel like
1223 00:47:03,360 --> 00:47:07,530 something's going on there that they
1224 00:47:04,590 --> 00:47:10,140 took some time off or or just down and
1225 00:47:07,530 --> 00:47:11,910 sat down SAP or something i don't know i
1226 00:47:10,140 --> 00:47:12,990 could just be maybe somebody got sick at
1227 00:47:11,910 --> 00:47:15,180 the wrong time
1228 00:47:12,990 --> 00:47:17,280 war was on vacation or again the
1229 00:47:15,180 --> 00:47:20,280 holidays I I really can't say what
1230 00:47:17,280 --> 00:47:22,890 what's going on with that you unusual
1231 00:47:20,280 --> 00:47:24,060 for the idea of the urine numbers can be
1232 00:47:22,890 --> 00:47:25,830 delayed this long
1233 00:47:24,060 --> 00:47:27,960 at one point the monthly numbers came
1234 00:47:25,830 --> 00:47:29,369 out at the end of the month so haven't
1235 00:47:27,960 --> 00:47:32,100 gotten into words near the beginning of
1236 00:47:29,369 --> 00:47:34,110 the month that's new as a few years ago
1237 00:47:32,100 --> 00:47:35,520 but again the the year end stuff coming
1238 00:47:34,110 --> 00:47:37,500 at me different times the urine number
1239 00:47:35,520 --> 00:47:39,420 came out before december that always
1240 00:47:37,500 --> 00:47:41,310 drove I mean before the December numbers
1241 00:47:39,420 --> 00:47:43,260 came out i should say that always drove
1242 00:47:41,310 --> 00:47:45,119 me not like I couldn't compare them to
1243 00:47:43,260 --> 00:47:46,470 the 12-month of the calendar year
1244 00:47:45,119 --> 00:47:48,960 because i don't have them
1245 00:47:46,470 --> 00:47:50,670 I'm so 42 to be this delayed and runnin
1246 00:47:48,960 --> 00:47:52,890 runnin up until then the January numbers
1247 00:47:50,670 --> 00:47:55,619 are coming out as unusual as for
1248 00:47:52,890 --> 00:47:57,750 previews there have been maybe one or
1249 00:47:55,619 --> 00:48:00,090 two times in the past maybe where it
1250 00:47:57,750 --> 00:48:01,619 fell into the next uh you know the first
1251 00:48:00,090 --> 00:48:03,390 of the next month or something like it's
1252 00:48:01,619 --> 00:48:05,220 happening here but that's pretty rare
1253 00:48:03,390 --> 00:48:07,590 and i'm going to give them a little bit
1254 00:48:05,220 --> 00:48:09,960 of slack there in so much as that
1255 00:48:07,590 --> 00:48:13,200 catalog like five six seven hundred
1256 00:48:09,960 --> 00:48:14,280 pages every month and it comes out like
1257 00:48:13,200 --> 00:48:16,890 clockwork
1258 00:48:14,280 --> 00:48:19,440 looking good and professionally done
1259 00:48:16,890 --> 00:48:21,300 every time it's once in awhile they
1260 00:48:19,440 --> 00:48:23,400 missed those the gate in the media that
1261 00:48:21,300 --> 00:48:25,200 they had the the previous ready to go
1262 00:48:23,400 --> 00:48:26,520 maybe didn't need the printer on time to
1263 00:48:25,200 --> 00:48:28,290 get to the current I mean there's a
1264 00:48:26,520 --> 00:48:30,420 number of things that could happen there
1265 00:48:28,290 --> 00:48:32,730 we're being literally a few minutes Lee
1266 00:48:30,420 --> 00:48:34,650 could have caused the week delay again
1267 00:48:32,730 --> 00:48:37,050 have no idea what's happening in either
1268 00:48:34,650 --> 00:48:39,869 case so i can't really say what's going
1269 00:48:37,050 --> 00:48:41,460 on there but not we will deal with it
1270 00:48:39,869 --> 00:48:44,520 it's not that big a deal it might be
1271 00:48:41,460 --> 00:48:46,560 that new matte cover that is slow and
1272 00:48:44,520 --> 00:48:48,390 slow the printing Dale that could be it
1273 00:48:46,560 --> 00:48:49,200 could be the the fancy-dress they put on
1274 00:48:48,390 --> 00:48:52,680 the cover
1275 00:48:49,200 --> 00:48:55,140 yeah that could be donor could be it's
1276 00:48:52,680 --> 00:48:56,460 like a thousand-page catalog has even
1277 00:48:55,140 --> 00:48:58,619 more things are coming out from Marvel
1278 00:48:56,460 --> 00:49:00,810 and DC that's quite possible you know
1279 00:48:58,619 --> 00:49:02,760 there's a forklift broke when they tried
1280 00:49:00,810 --> 00:49:04,650 to to get this thing on the truck the
1281 00:49:02,760 --> 00:49:06,810 truck collapse under the weight of the
1282 00:49:04,650 --> 00:49:11,609 insolence you think you have won
1283 00:49:06,810 --> 00:49:13,500 forklift diamond no I but i think that
1284 00:49:11,609 --> 00:49:15,570 the previews because of so many things
1285 00:49:13,500 --> 00:49:18,420 shipping could be so happy to break all
1286 00:49:15,570 --> 00:49:20,730 of the above yeah yeah it is crazy how
1287 00:49:18,420 --> 00:49:22,740 much stuff coming off these days and I
1288 00:49:20,730 --> 00:49:24,630 mean some of its great some of it yeah
1289 00:49:22,740 --> 00:49:26,340 it's all right there are few things like
1290 00:49:24,630 --> 00:49:26,950 really they're publishing this and like
1291 00:49:26,340 --> 00:49:28,390 I said that
1292 00:49:26,950 --> 00:49:30,040 something I've just got to kind of go
1293 00:49:28,390 --> 00:49:31,810 through for myself to kind of figure out
1294 00:49:30,040 --> 00:49:34,240 what do I keep we're not
1295 00:49:31,810 --> 00:49:35,890 yeah yeah it's it's a it's a good
1296 00:49:34,240 --> 00:49:37,570 problem to have but I I think we're all
1297 00:49:35,890 --> 00:49:39,940 kind of feeling it whether the
1298 00:49:37,570 --> 00:49:42,940 constraints of money or the constraint
1299 00:49:39,940 --> 00:49:45,400 the time or little bit of both and can't
1300 00:49:42,940 --> 00:49:46,119 read all the stuff you want to and it's
1301 00:49:45,400 --> 00:49:49,210 tough
1302 00:49:46,119 --> 00:49:50,290 yeah but it'd be looking through the the
1303 00:49:49,210 --> 00:49:51,820 previous catalog and not finding
1304 00:49:50,290 --> 00:49:54,099 anything you want to read
1305 00:49:51,820 --> 00:49:56,349 boy I'd like to look at meet that guy or
1306 00:49:54,099 --> 00:49:57,099 girl that can find stuff they're even in
1307 00:49:56,349 --> 00:49:58,480 previews
1308 00:49:57,099 --> 00:50:02,470 I don't know that I want to meet them to
1309 00:49:58,480 --> 00:50:04,960 be honest I mean you're such a person
1310 00:50:02,470 --> 00:50:06,130 coming out each and every month your
1311 00:50:04,960 --> 00:50:07,690 inner whore there's plenty of stuff
1312 00:50:06,130 --> 00:50:08,950 there you're in a comedy shut their you
1313 00:50:07,690 --> 00:50:11,530 want to slice a life you want a
1314 00:50:08,950 --> 00:50:15,490 educational or viagra for biography
1315 00:50:11,530 --> 00:50:17,680 biographical that's what I'm doing that
1316 00:50:15,490 --> 00:50:20,349 somebody does the unpronounceable that's
1317 00:50:17,680 --> 00:50:21,790 there to you know arm so people can't
1318 00:50:20,349 --> 00:50:24,490 find something it's like wow maybe
1319 00:50:21,790 --> 00:50:26,170 they're just not look that maybe i don't
1320 00:50:24,490 --> 00:50:28,210 i don't know what the case would be and
1321 00:50:26,170 --> 00:50:30,310 I am happy with them having their own
1322 00:50:28,210 --> 00:50:33,190 problem on that we want to help out if
1323 00:50:30,310 --> 00:50:34,569 they need some ideas but if they look at
1324 00:50:33,190 --> 00:50:36,190 it and are adamant that they can't find
1325 00:50:34,569 --> 00:50:38,349 anything them you know what you're right
1326 00:50:36,190 --> 00:50:40,240 i was always a tough question for you
1327 00:50:38,349 --> 00:50:41,980 and you have the job of the comic shop a
1328 00:50:40,240 --> 00:50:45,040 little somebody came in wanted
1329 00:50:41,980 --> 00:50:47,200 recommendations to this day I'm not a
1330 00:50:45,040 --> 00:50:50,650 fan of giving our combinations because I
1331 00:50:47,200 --> 00:50:52,420 feel to do a good job on that I need to
1332 00:50:50,650 --> 00:50:54,250 know not only what I like but I need to
1333 00:50:52,420 --> 00:50:55,450 know what the other person likes and
1334 00:50:54,250 --> 00:50:57,880 wants to read
1335 00:50:55,450 --> 00:50:59,619 yeah you know it's one thing to say oh I
1336 00:50:57,880 --> 00:51:00,910 like this TV show would you like it
1337 00:50:59,619 --> 00:51:02,859 because of the actor because of the
1338 00:51:00,910 --> 00:51:05,589 concept because of the execution the
1339 00:51:02,859 --> 00:51:07,780 cinematography the witty dialogue with a
1340 00:51:05,589 --> 00:51:09,310 lack of witty dialogue of me there's so
1341 00:51:07,780 --> 00:51:12,460 many reasons to like or not like
1342 00:51:09,310 --> 00:51:13,960 something and I want to do a good job i
1343 00:51:12,460 --> 00:51:15,790 want to i want to do the matchmaking
1344 00:51:13,960 --> 00:51:17,589 best i can to get the right book for the
1345 00:51:15,790 --> 00:51:19,089 right person and that's tough because
1346 00:51:17,589 --> 00:51:23,680 other people I just want you know
1347 00:51:19,089 --> 00:51:26,560 spiking our mystery industry is huge you
1348 00:51:23,680 --> 00:51:28,150 know arm but that's the complete wrong
1349 00:51:26,560 --> 00:51:30,579 wrong and there could be stuff that
1350 00:51:28,150 --> 00:51:31,900 would work perfectly for somebody and in
1351 00:51:30,579 --> 00:51:33,520 other stuff in that same genre that
1352 00:51:31,900 --> 00:51:34,900 falls into the same scriptures mystery
1353 00:51:33,520 --> 00:51:37,930 that would completely not work
1354 00:51:34,900 --> 00:51:40,390 yeah it is all about the execution and
1355 00:51:37,930 --> 00:51:43,569 what you like what you can accept the
1356 00:51:40,390 --> 00:51:46,240 sometimes in comics can you just go with
1357 00:51:43,569 --> 00:51:48,760 it that that's some people can do that
1358 00:51:46,240 --> 00:51:50,440 better than others and you know you
1359 00:51:48,760 --> 00:51:52,599 don't like recommend resident alien for
1360 00:51:50,440 --> 00:51:54,760 someone who likes mysteries but they may
1361 00:51:52,599 --> 00:51:57,309 be like why it's like it's very clean
1362 00:51:54,760 --> 00:51:59,079 alien as it makes no sense invented it
1363 00:51:57,309 --> 00:52:02,079 wouldn't work and but so maybe like
1364 00:51:59,079 --> 00:52:04,150 Brubaker industry including the one the
1365 00:52:02,079 --> 00:52:06,550 water would work with them so yeah I get
1366 00:52:04,150 --> 00:52:09,309 it soft kind of I kind of always have
1367 00:52:06,550 --> 00:52:11,619 like a test of the year list you know
1368 00:52:09,309 --> 00:52:14,589 somewhere that i can see recommendations
1369 00:52:11,619 --> 00:52:19,089 from and so it's kind of a crowdsource
1370 00:52:14,589 --> 00:52:22,210 yeah best best comics so like them
1371 00:52:19,089 --> 00:52:23,349 everybody seems to like these 10 so you
1372 00:52:22,210 --> 00:52:25,150 should pick from here
1373 00:52:23,349 --> 00:52:27,280 one of my favorite periods and shopping
1374 00:52:25,150 --> 00:52:29,710 at a local comic book store with when i
1375 00:52:27,280 --> 00:52:32,290 was in san diego living in the mirror
1376 00:52:29,710 --> 00:52:35,710 maze that area and one of the guys
1377 00:52:32,290 --> 00:52:38,020 working at the store was surely
1378 00:52:35,710 --> 00:52:39,700 voracious reader is best i can tell if
1379 00:52:38,020 --> 00:52:42,190 not every week at least every other week
1380 00:52:39,700 --> 00:52:43,990 when I would come in our he was aware of
1381 00:52:42,190 --> 00:52:45,400 what i was getting in confusion point
1382 00:52:43,990 --> 00:52:48,130 out something else I should check out
1383 00:52:45,400 --> 00:52:49,780 and sometimes it with something out i
1384 00:52:48,130 --> 00:52:52,390 just had the most that i was unaware of
1385 00:52:49,780 --> 00:52:54,160 that but it was obviously my world there
1386 00:52:52,390 --> 00:52:57,220 were other times i would look at it and
1387 00:52:54,160 --> 00:53:01,420 say you know this seems like a an odd
1388 00:52:57,220 --> 00:53:03,010 unusual unexpected choice but trusted
1389 00:53:01,420 --> 00:53:05,200 his judgement i take it home and read it
1390 00:53:03,010 --> 00:53:06,520 I love it I put it on my bullet that was
1391 00:53:05,200 --> 00:53:07,900 one of the many things that eventually
1392 00:53:06,520 --> 00:53:10,660 led to me getting as much as I get now
1393 00:53:07,900 --> 00:53:14,410 you are but it's one of those things
1394 00:53:10,660 --> 00:53:16,930 that you know again we discovered a red
1395 00:53:14,410 --> 00:53:18,549 team DoubleTap center mass and something
1396 00:53:16,930 --> 00:53:20,200 like boom that goes straight on the list
1397 00:53:18,549 --> 00:53:20,920 there's no question about that there's
1398 00:53:20,200 --> 00:53:22,869 other things
1399 00:53:20,920 --> 00:53:25,000 Ladykiller castle it's a really good
1400 00:53:22,869 --> 00:53:26,230 comic but you know I got to be a little
1401 00:53:25,000 --> 00:53:28,329 more selective because I've got nothing
1402 00:53:26,230 --> 00:53:30,910 on the little now did you go back and
1403 00:53:28,329 --> 00:53:33,280 read the the first volume of of routine
1404 00:53:30,910 --> 00:53:35,440 i actually have it sitting here within
1405 00:53:33,280 --> 00:53:37,900 arm's reach i have not done that yet and
1406 00:53:35,440 --> 00:53:39,880 I'm thinking it may be good fodder for a
1407 00:53:37,900 --> 00:53:41,440 back issue spotlighted someone and
1408 00:53:39,880 --> 00:53:43,119 wouldn't win this
1409 00:53:41,440 --> 00:53:45,400 this runs finished and you get a chance
1410 00:53:43,119 --> 00:53:47,079 to read that give me your little capital
1411 00:53:45,400 --> 00:53:48,040 review at some point most people want to
1412 00:53:47,079 --> 00:53:50,710 pick that up huh
1413 00:53:48,040 --> 00:53:51,460 ok sounds good i'd like to check that
1414 00:53:50,710 --> 00:53:54,700 out
1415 00:53:51,460 --> 00:53:57,190 also on on the weekly comic spot like
1416 00:53:54,700 --> 00:53:59,830 forum thread we're getting a lot of a
1417 00:53:57,190 --> 00:54:03,730 good suggestion one that keeps coming up
1418 00:53:59,830 --> 00:54:07,330 is a wild storm by warren ellis of
1419 00:54:03,730 --> 00:54:09,850 that's a DC books and eBooks yeah so it
1420 00:54:07,330 --> 00:54:12,160 it's an image imprinted became a DC and
1421 00:54:09,850 --> 00:54:14,590 print it's becoming a title coming back
1422 00:54:12,160 --> 00:54:16,480 yea though so a lot of that's been
1423 00:54:14,590 --> 00:54:18,280 suggested multiple ponds by a lot of
1424 00:54:16,480 --> 00:54:22,360 people so we're definitely gonna try to
1425 00:54:18,280 --> 00:54:25,420 schedule that 187 like 15 or something
1426 00:54:22,360 --> 00:54:27,880 like that coming up and in February keep
1427 00:54:25,420 --> 00:54:31,870 the suggestions coming try to be two to
1428 00:54:27,880 --> 00:54:35,410 three weeks at least out ahead of us so
1429 00:54:31,870 --> 00:54:37,540 that makes our scheduling and artwork
1430 00:54:35,410 --> 00:54:39,760 and everything kind of fall in line in
1431 00:54:37,540 --> 00:54:42,190 the process but we love to hear your
1432 00:54:39,760 --> 00:54:44,650 suggestions and we will try to fit in as
1433 00:54:42,190 --> 00:54:46,240 many as we can automatically of course
1434 00:54:44,650 --> 00:54:47,800 any other comments when we can comment
1435 00:54:46,240 --> 00:54:52,000 spotlight thread are always appreciated
1436 00:54:47,800 --> 00:54:55,240 pro or con our review and choose point
1437 00:54:52,000 --> 00:54:56,830 we went right before we recorded this on
1438 00:54:55,240 --> 00:54:58,240 the thirty-first we were picking we're
1439 00:54:56,830 --> 00:55:01,570 going to review from the shipping week
1440 00:54:58,240 --> 00:55:03,250 of the 8th of February's for about 9 10
1441 00:55:01,570 --> 00:55:05,530 days out or whatever so if you can get
1442 00:55:03,250 --> 00:55:08,350 us stuff two weeks in advance which is a
1443 00:55:05,530 --> 00:55:10,120 little tough but is you go to comics
1444 00:55:08,350 --> 00:55:13,150 list and a few other places it's doable
1445 00:55:10,120 --> 00:55:14,860 arm or just hey it's coming out in in
1446 00:55:13,150 --> 00:55:17,080 February and cover hasn't started yet
1447 00:55:14,860 --> 00:55:18,970 that looks 20 definitely love the
1448 00:55:17,080 --> 00:55:21,400 suggestions there are again some
1449 00:55:18,970 --> 00:55:23,230 publishers that are easier for us to get
1450 00:55:21,400 --> 00:55:24,640 crushed copies of so even if we haven't
1451 00:55:23,230 --> 00:55:27,100 pre-ordered it we can check this stuff
1452 00:55:24,640 --> 00:55:28,990 out a little harder or impossible with
1453 00:55:27,100 --> 00:55:32,080 some publishers are really feel like
1454 00:55:28,990 --> 00:55:34,000 Marvel and DC far as i know they're not
1455 00:55:32,080 --> 00:55:35,080 doing press copies at all but you know
1456 00:55:34,000 --> 00:55:37,600 how they're big enough they can afford
1457 00:55:35,080 --> 00:55:39,730 that I guess yeah i think it's blue we
1458 00:55:37,600 --> 00:55:44,320 the list is very there's a lot more
1459 00:55:39,730 --> 00:55:48,520 selective upon to get so it seems is
1460 00:55:44,320 --> 00:55:49,510 m.i.a on that one but me neither but you
1461 00:55:48,520 --> 00:55:51,820 know I've only been doing the podcast
1462 00:55:49,510 --> 00:55:55,030 about a decade now if you're taking time
1463 00:55:51,820 --> 00:55:56,920 to work up to it maybe someday you will
1464 00:55:55,030 --> 00:55:58,720 pay your dude and you don't that's fine
1465 00:55:56,920 --> 00:56:00,280 because on the one hand I can see where
1466 00:55:58,720 --> 00:56:04,030 the publishers have concerns about
1467 00:56:00,280 --> 00:56:05,080 people stealing be teaching but again we
1468 00:56:04,030 --> 00:56:07,600 do our reviews we
1469 00:56:05,080 --> 00:56:09,160 and a half after in fact so that doesn't
1470 00:56:07,600 --> 00:56:11,140 happen i don't think we talked out of
1471 00:56:09,160 --> 00:56:12,850 turn so I think we're good on that but
1472 00:56:11,140 --> 00:56:14,170 you know hey they want to market this
1473 00:56:12,850 --> 00:56:16,570 stuff the work they want to market
1474 00:56:14,170 --> 00:56:18,760 that's that's their prerogative i I've
1475 00:56:16,570 --> 00:56:21,190 got no problem that can did you get
1476 00:56:18,760 --> 00:56:22,180 everything from them anyway it's really
1477 00:56:21,190 --> 00:56:24,340 not a problem
1478 00:56:22,180 --> 00:56:26,470 yeah but we know you're going to have
1479 00:56:24,340 --> 00:56:29,170 read it well instead of you feel if it's
1480 00:56:26,470 --> 00:56:30,730 bc main or marble me entitled and it's
1481 00:56:29,170 --> 00:56:32,920 in your in your reading list
1482 00:56:30,730 --> 00:56:34,690 yeah I didn't get into this to get free
1483 00:56:32,920 --> 00:56:35,530 copies i got anything to share my love
1484 00:56:34,690 --> 00:56:37,000 of comics
1485 00:56:35,530 --> 00:56:39,070 yeah exactly you know if I get a few
1486 00:56:37,000 --> 00:56:42,220 free copies that's icing on the cake but
1487 00:56:39,070 --> 00:56:44,230 not again not that moment for that
1488 00:56:42,220 --> 00:56:46,480 happens to get you anything else she's
1489 00:56:44,230 --> 00:56:47,350 pretty much do it that'll do it
1490 00:56:46,480 --> 00:56:50,470 cool
1491 00:56:47,350 --> 00:56:53,860 [Music]
1492 00:56:50,470 --> 00:56:56,710 join us next week as we discussed Green
1493 00:56:53,860 --> 00:56:58,840 Lantern's number 16 from DC bullseye
1494 00:56:56,710 --> 00:57:00,910 number one from Marvel and Planet of the
1495 00:56:58,840 --> 00:57:03,580 Apes Green Lantern number one from boom
1496 00:57:00,910 --> 00:57:06,730 studios the show notes and formed this
1497 00:57:03,580 --> 00:57:09,790 podcast can be found at
1498 00:57:06,730 --> 00:57:12,250 and the podcast and flaunt affection for
1499 00:57:09,790 --> 00:57:14,980 website and complete email match the
1500 00:57:12,250 --> 00:57:17,770 guy's a common shot cops let us know
1501 00:57:14,980 --> 00:57:19,640 what you think was just accepted thanks
1502 00:57:17,770 --> 00:57:34,390 Alysa
1503 00:57:19,640 --> 00:57:34,390 [Music]