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Weekly Comics Spotlight #493

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00:00 Intro



19:35 Other: FEW #1 [IMAGE COMICS]

29:09 General discussion

35:11 Next Week Promo

35:21 Wrap up

35:51 End of episode.

Automated Generated Captions (which are far from perfect)

0001 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:11,880 hello welcome to weekly comic spotless

0002 00:00:10,620 --> 00:00:16,109 topic

0003 00:00:11,880 --> 00:00:18,810 my name is Jon and in this episode we'll

0004 00:00:16,109 --> 00:00:22,680 be discussing recently-released top 150

0005 00:00:18,810 --> 00:00:24,390 p14 Marvel and release one up as always

0006 00:00:22,680 --> 00:00:26,220 we'll keep me to spoilers to minimum

0007 00:00:24,390 --> 00:00:34,630 that will start general plot point

0008 00:00:26,220 --> 00:00:39,520 storylines in the comments

0009 00:00:34,630 --> 00:00:41,920 this is weekly comic spotlight 493 for

0010 00:00:39,520 --> 00:00:47,110 comics originally released on january 18

0011 00:00:41,920 --> 00:00:49,630 2017 now starting us off in DC cave

0012 00:00:47,110 --> 00:00:52,870 Carson has a cybernetic eye number for

0013 00:00:49,630 --> 00:00:58,090 this is part of the young animal imprint

0014 00:00:52,870 --> 00:00:59,950 and i'll be honest this imprint this is

0015 00:00:58,090 --> 00:01:01,600 the title in particular both of them are

0016 00:00:59,950 --> 00:01:03,489 struggling with me at the moment

0017 00:01:01,600 --> 00:01:06,100 part of it is i think they're trying to

0018 00:01:03,489 --> 00:01:08,350 go very kind of old-school vertigo

0019 00:01:06,100 --> 00:01:10,000 little wacky for the sake of wackiness

0020 00:01:08,350 --> 00:01:12,340 take which you know some people are

0021 00:01:10,000 --> 00:01:15,340 really into me not so much

0022 00:01:12,340 --> 00:01:17,920 and this this issue just generally did

0023 00:01:15,340 --> 00:01:21,040 you click with me on multiple levels

0024 00:01:17,920 --> 00:01:23,530 it's written by John uh your riviera

0025 00:01:21,040 --> 00:01:25,960 stories by gerard way in general vieira

0026 00:01:23,530 --> 00:01:28,509 we've got cover art by Michael avon

0027 00:01:25,960 --> 00:01:30,910 oeming who was a very talented artist

0028 00:01:28,509 --> 00:01:33,910 he's not want to style particularly

0029 00:01:30,910 --> 00:01:36,520 drives with me arm so I don't think it's

0030 00:01:33,910 --> 00:01:38,860 that this is a bad comic but it's

0031 00:01:36,520 --> 00:01:40,780 naughty uh it's not in my wheelhouse and

0032 00:01:38,860 --> 00:01:42,610 it's just not seeming to be something

0033 00:01:40,780 --> 00:01:44,140 for me and they've been a couple things

0034 00:01:42,610 --> 00:01:46,869 that just been kind of struggling with

0035 00:01:44,140 --> 00:01:49,390 in this this series and the whole

0036 00:01:46,869 --> 00:01:51,940 cybernetic i-44 cave Carson is one of

0037 00:01:49,390 --> 00:01:53,679 them to eat that to me that doesn't make

0038 00:01:51,940 --> 00:01:56,170 him cool it makes them a ripoff of the

0039 00:01:53,679 --> 00:01:58,210 bionic man this is the DC Universe

0040 00:01:56,170 --> 00:02:00,039 you've got a guy who gave Carson eagles

0041 00:01:58,210 --> 00:02:01,179 in the cage he goes underground that's

0042 00:02:00,039 --> 00:02:03,369 his thang

0043 00:02:01,179 --> 00:02:06,459 well golly is there nothing interesting

0044 00:02:03,369 --> 00:02:08,350 underground into DC Universe tech take

0045 00:02:06,459 --> 00:02:10,450 him over to Skartaris or whatever the

0046 00:02:08,350 --> 00:02:12,520 underground world of the warlord haven't

0047 00:02:10,450 --> 00:02:14,560 go adventure there that could be fun but

0048 00:02:12,520 --> 00:02:17,110 no that's that's not the way they wanted

0049 00:02:14,560 --> 00:02:18,670 to go this whole does he see things with

0050 00:02:17,110 --> 00:02:19,540 the cybernetic guide that's where they

0051 00:02:18,670 --> 00:02:22,780 want to go

0052 00:02:19,540 --> 00:02:26,770 well okay and then the the inexplicable

0053 00:02:22,780 --> 00:02:28,870 inclusion of wild dog in this series he

0054 00:02:26,770 --> 00:02:30,760 so doesn't fit here he's an urban

0055 00:02:28,870 --> 00:02:33,130 vigilante must will not much like

0056 00:02:30,760 --> 00:02:33,760 exactly like we've seen the arrow TV

0057 00:02:33,130 --> 00:02:35,709 show

0058 00:02:33,760 --> 00:02:38,709 no no let's have him go to underground

0059 00:02:35,709 --> 00:02:42,550 exploring it's just the the decisions

0060 00:02:38,709 --> 00:02:43,920 they've made don't work for me arm it's

0061 00:02:42,550 --> 00:02:45,510 just do it

0062 00:02:43,920 --> 00:02:47,250 I'm sure there's an audience out there

0063 00:02:45,510 --> 00:02:49,230 i'm sure they're loving it I'm just not

0064 00:02:47,250 --> 00:02:50,940 part of that audience how that's working

0065 00:02:49,230 --> 00:02:52,050 for you tell me I'm all wrong and it's

0066 00:02:50,940 --> 00:02:54,360 wonderful

0067 00:02:52,050 --> 00:02:57,720 yeah you know and i know there are folks

0068 00:02:54,360 --> 00:03:01,170 that are liking that and I'm not

0069 00:02:57,720 --> 00:03:03,239 disliking all of young animal I i do

0070 00:03:01,170 --> 00:03:04,980 enjoy shade the changing girl I've

0071 00:03:03,239 --> 00:03:08,580 enjoying that title and it is a little

0072 00:03:04,980 --> 00:03:11,730 weird it this this weirdness doesn't

0073 00:03:08,580 --> 00:03:14,910 work for me just seen I don't seem to

0074 00:03:11,730 --> 00:03:16,860 get it and I don't think it's I I just

0075 00:03:14,910 --> 00:03:20,370 don't think I'm the right audience for

0076 00:03:16,860 --> 00:03:22,500 this because I I just don't get what

0077 00:03:20,370 --> 00:03:25,350 they're going for they threw a couple

0078 00:03:22,500 --> 00:03:29,400 back up stories but in this thing that I

0079 00:03:25,350 --> 00:03:30,840 i found that you just completely up i

0080 00:03:29,400 --> 00:03:32,640 don't have no idea what the connection

0081 00:03:30,840 --> 00:03:34,620 is and why they're there and and what

0082 00:03:32,640 --> 00:03:37,769 they're about it was just weird just

0083 00:03:34,620 --> 00:03:38,760 weird tack on that the end and that was

0084 00:03:37,769 --> 00:03:41,370 strange

0085 00:03:38,760 --> 00:03:43,769 this is this book is I i like the only

0086 00:03:41,370 --> 00:03:45,900 art kind of like that that stylized look

0087 00:03:43,769 --> 00:03:49,440 sometimes so the art doesn't throw me at

0088 00:03:45,900 --> 00:03:53,340 all but the story just it doesn't compel

0089 00:03:49,440 --> 00:03:55,470 me at all and pull me in and it is

0090 00:03:53,340 --> 00:03:56,970 working for folks it's funny because of

0091 00:03:55,470 --> 00:03:58,680 the two of us i think this would work

0092 00:03:56,970 --> 00:04:01,260 better for you than for me

0093 00:03:58,680 --> 00:04:03,930 you tend to go further afield this

0094 00:04:01,260 --> 00:04:06,630 superhero stuff than I do you tend to be

0095 00:04:03,930 --> 00:04:09,329 more into the image and the more of indy

0096 00:04:06,630 --> 00:04:11,549 type stuff than I do and the fact that

0097 00:04:09,329 --> 00:04:14,010 it we should be having a similar kind of

0098 00:04:11,549 --> 00:04:15,540 reaction to this side someone hand

0099 00:04:14,010 --> 00:04:18,390 please me because it makes me think i'm

0100 00:04:15,540 --> 00:04:20,789 not completely insane but it does

0101 00:04:18,390 --> 00:04:23,400 surprise me a little because I mean man

0102 00:04:20,789 --> 00:04:26,010 those backup features cheese almost the

0103 00:04:23,400 --> 00:04:28,830 less said about them the better the

0104 00:04:26,010 --> 00:04:31,740 problem i have with them is they're

0105 00:04:28,830 --> 00:04:33,810 trying to go old-school by making it

0106 00:04:31,740 --> 00:04:35,760 look as if it's almost like on newsprint

0107 00:04:33,810 --> 00:04:37,680 so it's got this yellowish tint to the

0108 00:04:35,760 --> 00:04:41,910 whole thing you know the colors are

0109 00:04:37,680 --> 00:04:43,770 muted the panels are tiny that the even

0110 00:04:41,910 --> 00:04:46,440 the dialogues I think down the font size

0111 00:04:43,770 --> 00:04:48,960 using so it's it's more physically

0112 00:04:46,440 --> 00:04:52,409 challenging to read than it needs to be

0113 00:04:48,960 --> 00:04:53,640 it's completely out of continuity and I

0114 00:04:52,409 --> 00:04:55,050 don't know where they're going why

0115 00:04:53,640 --> 00:04:57,420 they're going or if there's a point to

0116 00:04:55,050 --> 00:04:59,520 any of these stories and some of the cat

0117 00:04:57,420 --> 00:05:01,770 doctors yeah like the ones i've got a

0118 00:04:59,520 --> 00:05:03,870 particular dislike of those characters

0119 00:05:01,770 --> 00:05:06,630 but that story just did nothing for me

0120 00:05:03,870 --> 00:05:09,390 and then in the target elegies one-story

0121 00:05:06,630 --> 00:05:12,540 multiple stories urge what's going on

0122 00:05:09,390 --> 00:05:14,250 here but the the last page of it or

0123 00:05:12,540 --> 00:05:17,610 whatever with that girl and Wonder Woman

0124 00:05:14,250 --> 00:05:20,760 ya last see the sentence magic lasso

0125 00:05:17,610 --> 00:05:22,800 seriously yeah no idea what's going on

0126 00:05:20,760 --> 00:05:24,150 no idea and then we get some green

0127 00:05:22,800 --> 00:05:27,600 lanterns here at the end I'm like cool

0128 00:05:24,150 --> 00:05:29,550 what what is this I just I literally did

0129 00:05:27,600 --> 00:05:32,490 not understand what they were trying to

0130 00:05:29,550 --> 00:05:35,010 do and I think you were having again you

0131 00:05:32,490 --> 00:05:36,870 phrased it very similarly she destroyed

0132 00:05:35,010 --> 00:05:38,550 and didn't make century after your exact

0133 00:05:36,870 --> 00:05:40,890 phrase or whatever but for me it's just

0134 00:05:38,550 --> 00:05:43,920 what they're trying to tell and what I'm

0135 00:05:40,890 --> 00:05:47,040 trying to redo the disconnect there and

0136 00:05:43,920 --> 00:05:51,510 I I don't think it's necessarily that

0137 00:05:47,040 --> 00:05:53,250 easy bad it's a matter o again what

0138 00:05:51,510 --> 00:05:55,650 you're trying to do isn't what I'm

0139 00:05:53,250 --> 00:05:57,330 expecting or wanting arm

0140 00:05:55,650 --> 00:05:58,980 I've got a few more issues of this on

0141 00:05:57,330 --> 00:06:00,930 pre-order I probably should have read

0142 00:05:58,980 --> 00:06:03,540 this before sending my last order i

0143 00:06:00,930 --> 00:06:04,620 don't think i'll be pre-ordering anymore

0144 00:06:03,540 --> 00:06:06,720 Cape caution

0145 00:06:04,620 --> 00:06:08,580 although the next solicit have Superman

0146 00:06:06,720 --> 00:06:09,690 guest-starring so I don't know maybe

0147 00:06:08,580 --> 00:06:12,330 maybe not

0148 00:06:09,690 --> 00:06:14,460 I just think so seemingly out of

0149 00:06:12,330 --> 00:06:16,890 continuity and whatnot that it it may

0150 00:06:14,460 --> 00:06:20,820 fall into my mindset of young animals

0151 00:06:16,890 --> 00:06:22,500 not core DC and therefore arm but i

0152 00:06:20,820 --> 00:06:23,970 think i need to have been looking at how

0153 00:06:22,500 --> 00:06:25,320 many comments I'm getting these days and

0154 00:06:23,970 --> 00:06:27,210 i think i need to be coming back and

0155 00:06:25,320 --> 00:06:29,370 this is one of those words like you know

0156 00:06:27,210 --> 00:06:31,440 this this would be an easy one to cut

0157 00:06:29,370 --> 00:06:32,880 and therefore it may get cut the

0158 00:06:31,440 --> 00:06:34,950 question is how much of the other young

0159 00:06:32,880 --> 00:06:37,350 animal stuff goes with it and at this

0160 00:06:34,950 --> 00:06:40,590 point doing patrols the most likely

0161 00:06:37,350 --> 00:06:42,330 understand the reading list but o make

0162 00:06:40,590 --> 00:06:46,080 those decisions as i read the next

0163 00:06:42,330 --> 00:06:48,060 issues of those but for me this just

0164 00:06:46,080 --> 00:06:50,040 didn't work for me and has me

0165 00:06:48,060 --> 00:06:51,630 questioning if the direction they're

0166 00:06:50,040 --> 00:06:53,580 heading with young animals is the

0167 00:06:51,630 --> 00:06:56,280 direction like here to go in and at the

0168 00:06:53,580 --> 00:06:58,920 moment the answers kind of know for me

0169 00:06:56,280 --> 00:07:03,090 this is a d-minus I really didn't get

0170 00:06:58,920 --> 00:07:04,830 anything out of this arm and again I

0171 00:07:03,090 --> 00:07:08,850 hope other people do but for me it's

0172 00:07:04,830 --> 00:07:11,160 it's a bit more forgiving d+ um still

0173 00:07:08,850 --> 00:07:14,460 bad comic not that I dress

0174 00:07:11,160 --> 00:07:15,900 come and uh I don't get it not so I'm

0175 00:07:14,460 --> 00:07:19,410 not really feeling what their what their

0176 00:07:15,900 --> 00:07:21,480 button down here and too bad i mean i

0177 00:07:19,410 --> 00:07:24,930 think shade shade changing girls working

0178 00:07:21,480 --> 00:07:28,800 for me it's a good story i understand it

0179 00:07:24,930 --> 00:07:32,460 it has some weirdness but now the

0180 00:07:28,800 --> 00:07:34,830 weirdness is in doses i can swallow and

0181 00:07:32,460 --> 00:07:38,010 this is a different type of weirdness

0182 00:07:34,830 --> 00:07:40,560 and it isn't working for me at all and

0183 00:07:38,010 --> 00:07:43,290 that's because i know this made a couple

0184 00:07:40,560 --> 00:07:48,930 of folks list on our year in spotlight

0185 00:07:43,290 --> 00:07:50,010 and I by the hot sauce that's off to

0186 00:07:48,930 --> 00:07:51,870 them that is not working for me

0187 00:07:50,010 --> 00:07:54,870 different j street from people that's

0188 00:07:51,870 --> 00:07:57,750 cool if i had to stack the young animals

0189 00:07:54,870 --> 00:07:59,010 group in terms of weirdness quotient i'm

0190 00:07:57,750 --> 00:08:00,630 not quite sure where I put mother

0191 00:07:59,010 --> 00:08:03,360 panicoff stop my head that I would go

0192 00:08:00,630 --> 00:08:05,580 doing patrols least weird shade a little

0193 00:08:03,360 --> 00:08:08,580 more weird and Kate Carson most weird

0194 00:08:05,580 --> 00:08:11,190 yeah arm but it's just that weirdness

0195 00:08:08,580 --> 00:08:13,500 caution is not something I look for in a

0196 00:08:11,190 --> 00:08:16,080 comic yeah i think i feel like i've read

0197 00:08:13,500 --> 00:08:18,540 one less mother panic than the other

0198 00:08:16,080 --> 00:08:20,310 titles that sounds about right i think

0199 00:08:18,540 --> 00:08:21,870 it feels like it's shipping a little

0200 00:08:20,310 --> 00:08:25,140 late i think we've read the most of Cape

0201 00:08:21,870 --> 00:08:27,570 Carson followed by shade maybe she maybe

0202 00:08:25,140 --> 00:08:29,400 one more of that actually yeah and

0203 00:08:27,570 --> 00:08:30,510 change a three or four

0204 00:08:29,400 --> 00:08:32,760 I mean I appreciate what you're trying

0205 00:08:30,510 --> 00:08:34,229 to do you're trying to serve a broader

0206 00:08:32,760 --> 00:08:36,000 audience and stuff like that that's

0207 00:08:34,229 --> 00:08:38,580 great and I don't think they expect

0208 00:08:36,000 --> 00:08:40,380 everyone who's reading a mainstream DC

0209 00:08:38,580 --> 00:08:41,729 necessarily to read young animals and

0210 00:08:40,380 --> 00:08:44,190 that's that's fine too

0211 00:08:41,729 --> 00:08:46,740 uh and I maybe one of those that read

0212 00:08:44,190 --> 00:08:47,490 mainstream DC and not young animal and

0213 00:08:46,740 --> 00:08:48,900 I'm sure there are a lot of people

0214 00:08:47,490 --> 00:08:50,430 already in that camp

0215 00:08:48,900 --> 00:08:52,050 yes yeah definitely there's a lot of

0216 00:08:50,430 --> 00:08:55,260 people you know that don't read vertigo

0217 00:08:52,050 --> 00:08:57,420 so kind of like the same deal to the

0218 00:08:55,260 --> 00:08:59,640 niche of a niche well and even classic

0219 00:08:57,420 --> 00:09:01,710 vertigo I never got that deep into it

0220 00:08:59,640 --> 00:09:03,030 you know i would get the stuff that was

0221 00:09:01,710 --> 00:09:05,280 kind of right there on the border

0222 00:09:03,030 --> 00:09:07,680 between it in DC Universe your stuff

0223 00:09:05,280 --> 00:09:10,620 that migrated across but I didn't go

0224 00:09:07,680 --> 00:09:12,600 into the side stables and a few things

0225 00:09:10,620 --> 00:09:15,480 am I mean there are a couple of a man

0226 00:09:12,600 --> 00:09:17,460 preacher not preacher that are not

0227 00:09:15,480 --> 00:09:18,390 preacher not why the last May I'm not a

0228 00:09:17,460 --> 00:09:20,910 lot of stuff

0229 00:09:18,390 --> 00:09:23,310 yeah a couple of standout ya know they

0230 00:09:20,910 --> 00:09:24,390 had a great run Vertigo's was well done

0231 00:09:23,310 --> 00:09:25,890 it's just that

0232 00:09:24,390 --> 00:09:27,360 types of stories they chose to tell

0233 00:09:25,890 --> 00:09:29,130 without the types of stories i tend to

0234 00:09:27,360 --> 00:09:31,830 gravitate towards so it's just a matter

0235 00:09:29,130 --> 00:09:34,650 of my part of battery in genomic well I

0236 00:09:31,830 --> 00:09:36,750 am NOT the audience forgave Carson so I

0237 00:09:34,650 --> 00:09:37,920 bid you a fond adieu

0238 00:09:36,750 --> 00:09:39,510 well like I said I've got a few on

0239 00:09:37,920 --> 00:09:40,320 pre-order but then I'm probably not that

0240 00:09:39,510 --> 00:09:42,510 far behind you

0241 00:09:40,320 --> 00:09:44,580 that having been said shall we move over

0242 00:09:42,510 --> 00:09:47,790 to our Marvel book

0243 00:09:44,580 --> 00:09:49,800 yeah this is the mighty Captain Marvel

0244 00:09:47,790 --> 00:09:51,300 number one if you have a zero issue but

0245 00:09:49,800 --> 00:09:53,250 this should not be confused with the

0246 00:09:51,300 --> 00:09:55,950 unmai t Captain Marvel existence that

0247 00:09:53,250 --> 00:09:59,910 captain model which was the previous

0248 00:09:55,950 --> 00:10:01,650 volume of this and I don't remember who

0249 00:09:59,910 --> 00:10:04,170 is creative team on the previous volume

0250 00:10:01,650 --> 00:10:05,850 it was quite probably the same actually

0251 00:10:04,170 --> 00:10:08,670 i don't think the same writer but

0252 00:10:05,850 --> 00:10:10,830 frankly this series doesn't feel that

0253 00:10:08,670 --> 00:10:12,270 different than the previous one

0254 00:10:10,830 --> 00:10:14,310 there were a couple of things in this

0255 00:10:12,270 --> 00:10:16,260 first off I want to say i like the

0256 00:10:14,310 --> 00:10:18,180 artist I thought the art by and large

0257 00:10:16,260 --> 00:10:20,700 was really good and I want to preface

0258 00:10:18,180 --> 00:10:23,130 that i want to say that up front before

0259 00:10:20,700 --> 00:10:24,930 I then go slam parts of the issue which

0260 00:10:23,130 --> 00:10:26,580 i think the artist was unfortunately

0261 00:10:24,930 --> 00:10:28,800 responsible for there are a couple of

0262 00:10:26,580 --> 00:10:31,590 things like to take out of starting with

0263 00:10:28,800 --> 00:10:33,840 the captain marvel that's cap ' and

0264 00:10:31,590 --> 00:10:37,410 Marvel TV series that there inexplicably

0265 00:10:33,840 --> 00:10:40,620 doing to fund alpha flight now like okay

0266 00:10:37,410 --> 00:10:43,710 she was promised the world of last we

0267 00:10:40,620 --> 00:10:45,450 saw at the end of of a recent issue and

0268 00:10:43,710 --> 00:10:46,830 now suddenly she's essentially going to

0269 00:10:45,450 --> 00:10:49,170 Hollywood begging for money or whatever

0270 00:10:46,830 --> 00:10:51,120 it just doesn't make sense to me but the

0271 00:10:49,170 --> 00:10:53,490 part where the thing really started to

0272 00:10:51,120 --> 00:10:57,510 lose me i think that whole the whole

0273 00:10:53,490 --> 00:11:01,350 sequence was just so they could put the

0274 00:10:57,510 --> 00:11:04,050 iconic name on a director's chair it in

0275 00:11:01,350 --> 00:11:06,300 a panel i think that's the only one

0276 00:11:04,050 --> 00:11:09,810 reason that was contrived was as a

0277 00:11:06,300 --> 00:11:12,240 homage to Kelly Sue's a run on this

0278 00:11:09,810 --> 00:11:13,950 title a couple and that was the best way

0279 00:11:12,240 --> 00:11:16,860 to learn that in there otherwise you're

0280 00:11:13,950 --> 00:11:19,710 right it doesn't make a well II yeah

0281 00:11:16,860 --> 00:11:23,700 well in wacker studios and Steve wacker

0282 00:11:19,710 --> 00:11:25,950 her2 there were some name-dropping there

0283 00:11:23,700 --> 00:11:27,270 look at me when they leave they get into

0284 00:11:25,950 --> 00:11:28,500 a car okay

0285 00:11:27,270 --> 00:11:30,480 the people that get into a car

0286 00:11:28,500 --> 00:11:32,250 sasquatches looking nothing like as

0287 00:11:30,480 --> 00:11:34,890 usual also fly itself

0288 00:11:32,250 --> 00:11:36,930 Captain Marvel who can fly and

0289 00:11:34,890 --> 00:11:38,000 spider-woman granted they're out of

0290 00:11:36,930 --> 00:11:39,440 costume well

0291 00:11:38,000 --> 00:11:41,570 squatches sauce watch but the other two

0292 00:11:39,440 --> 00:11:44,900 out of Compton they get into a car i'm

0293 00:11:41,570 --> 00:11:46,490 like wow all the joys of what presumably

0294 00:11:44,900 --> 00:11:49,430 New York city traffic

0295 00:11:46,490 --> 00:11:53,390 this makes sense it's a burnt sienna

0296 00:11:49,430 --> 00:11:54,740 chevy tahoe that not your typical car

0297 00:11:53,390 --> 00:11:58,340 that you think they would hop into

0298 00:11:54,740 --> 00:12:00,980 alright this is a three-page sequence on

0299 00:11:58,340 --> 00:12:02,780 the third page she leaves the car

0300 00:12:00,980 --> 00:12:05,360 because she gets a call and she bolts

0301 00:12:02,780 --> 00:12:07,100 out of there she flies out the moon roof

0302 00:12:05,360 --> 00:12:08,810 which I thought was actually pretty nice

0303 00:12:07,100 --> 00:12:10,730 person you know working off the door

0304 00:12:08,810 --> 00:12:13,130 slamming through the roof or whatever

0305 00:12:10,730 --> 00:12:16,730 what really impressed me with the in the

0306 00:12:13,130 --> 00:12:18,410 unseen inspiration of said moonroof in

0307 00:12:16,730 --> 00:12:21,380 most three pages since she got in the

0308 00:12:18,410 --> 00:12:24,590 car when it didn't have 1i think this to

0309 00:12:21,380 --> 00:12:27,560 me as an artist it's like wait a sec oh

0310 00:12:24,590 --> 00:12:30,080 they needed here go back a few pages go

0311 00:12:27,560 --> 00:12:32,750 pencil into the the side of one panel or

0312 00:12:30,080 --> 00:12:35,330 whatever would have taken that much and

0313 00:12:32,750 --> 00:12:39,170 we clearly see the roof of the color of

0314 00:12:35,330 --> 00:12:41,810 the car and no numa group and I know

0315 00:12:39,170 --> 00:12:42,560 that that's an editor's job to get that

0316 00:12:41,810 --> 00:12:44,510 right

0317 00:12:42,560 --> 00:12:46,640 i would also think it's measures job to

0318 00:12:44,510 --> 00:12:48,620 make it to the point out the first watch

0319 00:12:46,640 --> 00:12:52,520 doesn't look like the Alpha Flight sauce

0320 00:12:48,620 --> 00:12:56,660 watch he looks like a sauce watch might

0321 00:12:52,520 --> 00:12:58,640 but again this is isn't whether it's the

0322 00:12:56,660 --> 00:13:01,820 artist or the editor in boelter are kind

0323 00:12:58,640 --> 00:13:03,260 of responsible of india the well the

0324 00:13:01,820 --> 00:13:06,770 artist should have done the research

0325 00:13:03,260 --> 00:13:09,020 before they do Sasquatch but if they're

0326 00:13:06,770 --> 00:13:12,080 following along in the script and they

0327 00:13:09,020 --> 00:13:14,660 get to the moon roof seen I can see them

0328 00:13:12,080 --> 00:13:17,120 I I can forgive them not going back to

0329 00:13:14,660 --> 00:13:18,470 the last time they drew that vehicle and

0330 00:13:17,120 --> 00:13:19,700 putting one in there but that's that's

0331 00:13:18,470 --> 00:13:21,350 where i would think the editor would

0332 00:13:19,700 --> 00:13:23,000 stop it i would say the right it should

0333 00:13:21,350 --> 00:13:24,170 be pointed this out to begin with

0334 00:13:23,000 --> 00:13:25,880 by the way the car is going to be the

0335 00:13:24,170 --> 00:13:28,100 moonroof we're going to use it later you

0336 00:13:25,880 --> 00:13:29,720 don't eat that part was in in the script

0337 00:13:28,100 --> 00:13:30,740 that may have been again it might have

0338 00:13:29,720 --> 00:13:32,570 been the hardest rather than on the

0339 00:13:30,740 --> 00:13:34,490 writer don't know don't care

0340 00:13:32,570 --> 00:13:36,020 not a big deal either way but it's one

0341 00:13:34,490 --> 00:13:39,080 of those things that these of things

0342 00:13:36,020 --> 00:13:41,390 that could jump out at me at times arm

0343 00:13:39,080 --> 00:13:43,520 I mean it made for a very good splash

0344 00:13:41,390 --> 00:13:45,260 page of her human out of the top of the

0345 00:13:43,520 --> 00:13:46,760 roof water on the bridge

0346 00:13:45,260 --> 00:13:48,080 good thing we're on a bridge not a

0347 00:13:46,760 --> 00:13:49,520 tunnel that would have been a very

0348 00:13:48,080 --> 00:13:50,240 different sort of the scene she's you

0349 00:13:49,520 --> 00:13:52,100 know crap

0350 00:13:50,240 --> 00:13:53,360 pushing through the the roof of the

0351 00:13:52,100 --> 00:13:55,550 Tamil something might have been very

0352 00:13:53,360 --> 00:13:57,800 dramatic but probably not what they were

0353 00:13:55,550 --> 00:14:00,050 wanting to go for but a lot of this

0354 00:13:57,800 --> 00:14:02,360 issue is centering around how a bunch of

0355 00:14:00,050 --> 00:14:05,000 aliens are coming as refugees to earth

0356 00:14:02,360 --> 00:14:07,580 and some people think that's okay so I'm

0357 00:14:05,000 --> 00:14:09,649 not so much and I like you know this

0358 00:14:07,580 --> 00:14:11,600 kinda reminds me of the time the Galaxy

0359 00:14:09,649 --> 00:14:14,089 was using the the Marvel earth as a

0360 00:14:11,600 --> 00:14:16,880 penal colony think that was the maximum

0361 00:14:14,089 --> 00:14:19,130 security event series a while back but

0362 00:14:16,880 --> 00:14:23,420 you know once we've seen this sort of a

0363 00:14:19,130 --> 00:14:25,339 thing before and it's just overall

0364 00:14:23,420 --> 00:14:26,540 Captain Marvel seems no mightier than

0365 00:14:25,339 --> 00:14:28,670 she was before

0366 00:14:26,540 --> 00:14:31,130 nothing really justified this is a new

0367 00:14:28,670 --> 00:14:33,050 volume and it didn't seem like a number

0368 00:14:31,130 --> 00:14:35,270 one that was really necessarily hook new

0369 00:14:33,050 --> 00:14:37,490 readers but it's not that bad of an

0370 00:14:35,270 --> 00:14:41,420 issue either again it has some really

0371 00:14:37,490 --> 00:14:43,399 solid art of you nitpicks aside it's

0372 00:14:41,420 --> 00:14:46,880 just this wasn't that great of an issue

0373 00:14:43,399 --> 00:14:48,500 and when we get to our and this is

0374 00:14:46,880 --> 00:14:51,080 something that I did you read the print

0375 00:14:48,500 --> 00:14:52,940 copy to get a digital copy digital ok

0376 00:14:51,080 --> 00:14:54,649 this is something that's that you

0377 00:14:52,940 --> 00:14:57,020 probably would not have had the digital

0378 00:14:54,649 --> 00:14:59,839 copies in the print copy second last

0379 00:14:57,020 --> 00:15:00,350 page is on the Left we've got an ad on

0380 00:14:59,839 --> 00:15:01,970 the right

0381 00:15:00,350 --> 00:15:04,339 flip to get to the last page then we get

0382 00:15:01,970 --> 00:15:06,890 the letter page that ad we get right

0383 00:15:04,339 --> 00:15:08,630 there at the end is from number one

0384 00:15:06,890 --> 00:15:11,270 you're trying best-selling author market

0385 00:15:08,630 --> 00:15:13,190 stall for her to Black Widow novels and

0386 00:15:11,270 --> 00:15:15,740 this is a presumably a marble or Disney

0387 00:15:13,190 --> 00:15:17,899 book add so i don't think the author

0388 00:15:15,740 --> 00:15:19,459 place yeah but it's like you've got a

0389 00:15:17,899 --> 00:15:21,680 full-page ad for the books by the author

0390 00:15:19,459 --> 00:15:23,300 it's like I need to get it but if you've

0391 00:15:21,680 --> 00:15:24,709 got to be telling me as i'm finishing up

0392 00:15:23,300 --> 00:15:26,600 the issue that she's in New York Times

0393 00:15:24,709 --> 00:15:28,490 bestselling author i don't know

0394 00:15:26,600 --> 00:15:31,399 something about that didn't quite work

0395 00:15:28,490 --> 00:15:32,870 for me and giving her credit again

0396 00:15:31,399 --> 00:15:34,820 yeah I would have felt better about it

0397 00:15:32,870 --> 00:15:35,899 if I thought this was a really great

0398 00:15:34,820 --> 00:15:36,890 first issue

0399 00:15:35,899 --> 00:15:39,410 whereas i thought it was a little

0400 00:15:36,890 --> 00:15:41,120 pedestrian and one could argue written

0401 00:15:39,410 --> 00:15:43,430 for the trade or written for the novel

0402 00:15:41,120 --> 00:15:45,829 perhaps in this case something that has

0403 00:15:43,430 --> 00:15:47,270 been the first chapter or so of a book

0404 00:15:45,829 --> 00:15:48,380 ok what work well but i would have been

0405 00:15:47,270 --> 00:15:50,270 followed it with the rest of the book

0406 00:15:48,380 --> 00:15:52,160 immediately here I've got to wait

0407 00:15:50,270 --> 00:15:53,510 another well this week or two before the

0408 00:15:52,160 --> 00:15:55,730 next issue i'm not sure when the next

0409 00:15:53,510 --> 00:15:57,649 ones coming out as a self-contained

0410 00:15:55,730 --> 00:15:59,540 installment it was a little

0411 00:15:57,649 --> 00:16:01,970 underwhelming again

0412 00:15:59,540 --> 00:16:03,110 not bad but not you know blow my socks

0413 00:16:01,970 --> 00:16:03,950 off heater

0414 00:16:03,110 --> 00:16:07,700 yeah I don't know

0415 00:16:03,950 --> 00:16:11,150 and feel it was a bad comic uh it it was

0416 00:16:07,700 --> 00:16:14,510 in that that that's not too bad

0417 00:16:11,150 --> 00:16:17,660 yeah but but then but what does it offer

0418 00:16:14,510 --> 00:16:19,880 you what does the hook you and how does

0419 00:16:17,660 --> 00:16:21,140 it look you would and what why does it

0420 00:16:19,880 --> 00:16:24,260 make you want to read that next issue

0421 00:16:21,140 --> 00:16:27,740 that kind of that in that area you know

0422 00:16:24,260 --> 00:16:31,160 kind of interested in what's going on

0423 00:16:27,740 --> 00:16:32,630 with a little creek orphan girl of but

0424 00:16:31,160 --> 00:16:35,150 that's really kind of the only storyline

0425 00:16:32,630 --> 00:16:37,580 I care about uh yeah i still have a bad

0426 00:16:35,150 --> 00:16:40,250 taste in my mouth from Civil War two and

0427 00:16:37,580 --> 00:16:42,920 I'll she just kind of didn't seem to

0428 00:16:40,250 --> 00:16:44,780 take any of the heat for any of the

0429 00:16:42,920 --> 00:16:48,230 problematic decisions that were made

0430 00:16:44,780 --> 00:16:50,120 during any of it you kinda gotta pass it

0431 00:16:48,230 --> 00:16:51,800 seems like another I don't really get

0432 00:16:50,120 --> 00:16:52,880 that but I think she got a little bit

0433 00:16:51,800 --> 00:16:54,590 more than a pass

0434 00:16:52,880 --> 00:16:56,600 I believe the phrase at one point was

0435 00:16:54,590 --> 00:16:58,070 anything you want is yours essentially

0436 00:16:56,600 --> 00:16:59,870 kind of a sentiment

0437 00:16:58,070 --> 00:17:03,140 yeah but if you think about the role of

0438 00:16:59,870 --> 00:17:04,699 the story somehow even even the rest of

0439 00:17:03,140 --> 00:17:06,589 the superhero community I don't seem to

0440 00:17:04,699 --> 00:17:08,540 see any kind of backlash or anything

0441 00:17:06,589 --> 00:17:10,579 you'd expect a little bit maybe they'll

0442 00:17:08,540 --> 00:17:12,170 touch on it later but it is not feeling

0443 00:17:10,579 --> 00:17:15,110 what I think I should be feeling with

0444 00:17:12,170 --> 00:17:17,150 that but so it's really hard to say all

0445 00:17:15,110 --> 00:17:18,560 I can't wait to see this great heroic

0446 00:17:17,150 --> 00:17:21,949 character that whatever you feel is that

0447 00:17:18,560 --> 00:17:23,540 heroic and and and this doesn't seem to

0448 00:17:21,949 --> 00:17:26,420 acknowledge that she needs anything to

0449 00:17:23,540 --> 00:17:30,200 be redeemed from and so they just kind

0450 00:17:26,420 --> 00:17:32,360 of moved on from that and so that's

0451 00:17:30,200 --> 00:17:34,400 tough it's tough to buy into the main

0452 00:17:32,360 --> 00:17:38,060 character and they're not that likable

0453 00:17:34,400 --> 00:17:41,420 and could be a lady like you said this

0454 00:17:38,060 --> 00:17:43,790 isn't a outstanding work either on the

0455 00:17:41,420 --> 00:17:44,480 writers side or the artist side for that

0456 00:17:43,790 --> 00:17:46,910 matter

0457 00:17:44,480 --> 00:17:50,000 um so it's writing that for me it's

0458 00:17:46,910 --> 00:17:52,370 reading that c plus B minus range and i

0459 00:17:50,000 --> 00:17:54,020 think i'm leaning towards the c plus and

0460 00:17:52,370 --> 00:17:56,510 I think people should check it out for

0461 00:17:54,020 --> 00:17:58,520 themselves it's worth checking out

0462 00:17:56,510 --> 00:17:59,930 I just don't know if it's gonna hook yet

0463 00:17:58,520 --> 00:18:01,430 and know that going in

0464 00:17:59,930 --> 00:18:02,510 well I think the way your phrasing it

0465 00:18:01,430 --> 00:18:05,720 there of its

0466 00:18:02,510 --> 00:18:07,460 it's kinda like it is a good comic but

0467 00:18:05,720 --> 00:18:10,400 is it good enough to get you get that

0468 00:18:07,460 --> 00:18:13,220 next issue kind of a thing and it's I

0469 00:18:10,400 --> 00:18:15,530 get that I like the art so that I think

0470 00:18:13,220 --> 00:18:17,840 for me get a little bit of an edge up of

0471 00:18:15,530 --> 00:18:20,030 maybe didn't have with you but I think

0472 00:18:17,840 --> 00:18:22,670 again it's right there in that area

0473 00:18:20,030 --> 00:18:25,610 worth it's good but to justify another

0474 00:18:22,670 --> 00:18:26,960 first issue to the starting storyline to

0475 00:18:25,610 --> 00:18:29,270 do all the little things

0476 00:18:26,960 --> 00:18:30,380 it needed to be better and part of

0477 00:18:29,270 --> 00:18:32,240 that's just it's a competitive

0478 00:18:30,380 --> 00:18:33,500 marketplace part of those i have certain

0479 00:18:32,240 --> 00:18:35,420 expectations

0480 00:18:33,500 --> 00:18:37,220 part of that is she was just the weed

0481 00:18:35,420 --> 00:18:39,740 like you said of the major event story

0482 00:18:37,220 --> 00:18:41,120 for them all the universe and we relate

0483 00:18:39,740 --> 00:18:42,230 to believe coming out of that and what

0484 00:18:41,120 --> 00:18:45,290 we get here

0485 00:18:42,230 --> 00:18:46,940 wait a sec what's going on are so I too

0486 00:18:45,290 --> 00:18:50,150 was right there in that c plus B minus

0487 00:18:46,940 --> 00:18:51,590 area i'm going with the be- perhaps

0488 00:18:50,150 --> 00:18:53,540 being a little charitable again I

0489 00:18:51,590 --> 00:18:55,880 thought it was a nice clean artwork

0490 00:18:53,540 --> 00:18:57,650 um it's funny I actually liked the look

0491 00:18:55,880 --> 00:18:59,570 of Captain Marvel better on the TV show

0492 00:18:57,650 --> 00:19:00,830 than the real one

0493 00:18:59,570 --> 00:19:03,440 I think that's the longer hair whatever

0494 00:19:00,830 --> 00:19:05,600 just work better i just didn't just find

0495 00:19:03,440 --> 00:19:07,820 the first issue again she seemed no

0496 00:19:05,600 --> 00:19:09,560 mightier than she was before but it

0497 00:19:07,820 --> 00:19:11,360 wasn't a bad issue it's one of those if

0498 00:19:09,560 --> 00:19:15,230 you like the character yeah check it out

0499 00:19:11,360 --> 00:19:17,000 our if if you're you've got a list or

0500 00:19:15,230 --> 00:19:19,070 reading list that's pretty full not

0501 00:19:17,000 --> 00:19:21,410 something you have to add not looking

0502 00:19:19,070 --> 00:19:23,960 have to avoid either i would say you're

0503 00:19:21,410 --> 00:19:26,480 more likely to like it then I hate it

0504 00:19:23,960 --> 00:19:29,600 but I don't think there's any particular

0505 00:19:26,480 --> 00:19:31,610 thing that would compel me to tell

0506 00:19:29,600 --> 00:19:34,400 somebody you really gotta check this out

0507 00:19:31,610 --> 00:19:36,470 it's just he was alright but I i needed

0508 00:19:34,400 --> 00:19:38,360 to be better with that show me move over

0509 00:19:36,470 --> 00:19:42,350 to our other book of the week

0510 00:19:38,360 --> 00:19:44,270 yes this is a few this is by image

0511 00:19:42,350 --> 00:19:46,280 comics arm

0512 00:19:44,270 --> 00:19:48,980 this is michon Louis we've got hating

0513 00:19:46,280 --> 00:19:51,650 Sherman on art and cover I did not

0514 00:19:48,980 --> 00:19:54,200 preorder this this is one of actually

0515 00:19:51,650 --> 00:19:55,760 many many books this year you use kind

0516 00:19:54,200 --> 00:19:58,520 of talking in the reading i think

0517 00:19:55,760 --> 00:20:01,820 actually aside from walking dead every

0518 00:19:58,520 --> 00:20:04,220 almost a lot of three of the five things

0519 00:20:01,820 --> 00:20:06,140 we've picked so far for the year in this

0520 00:20:04,220 --> 00:20:07,910 other category are not things like

0521 00:20:06,140 --> 00:20:09,830 pre-order the walking dead what we're

0522 00:20:07,910 --> 00:20:11,390 going to do two week is this is another

0523 00:20:09,830 --> 00:20:13,520 one click ok I'll try it out

0524 00:20:11,390 --> 00:20:15,059 not crazy about the art style this is a

0525 00:20:13,520 --> 00:20:19,379 very kind of a

0526 00:20:15,059 --> 00:20:22,889 a sketchy sort of a style with a little

0527 00:20:19,379 --> 00:20:25,049 bit looser a line worker or whatever a

0528 00:20:22,889 --> 00:20:26,909 certain things a little bit more implied

0529 00:20:25,049 --> 00:20:29,190 there's a lot of kind of the almost as

0530 00:20:26,909 --> 00:20:31,769 if the tone dots or whatever and it's

0531 00:20:29,190 --> 00:20:33,389 it's perfectly justifiable art style is

0532 00:20:31,769 --> 00:20:35,159 nothing inherently wrong with it just

0533 00:20:33,389 --> 00:20:37,649 doesn't tend to click with me

0534 00:20:35,159 --> 00:20:39,059 so overall I'd say the art was fine i

0535 00:20:37,649 --> 00:20:41,159 just didn't care for it

0536 00:20:39,059 --> 00:20:43,409 there were a few places where the store

0537 00:20:41,159 --> 00:20:45,179 was a little unclear because it was a

0538 00:20:43,409 --> 00:20:48,149 little sketched out

0539 00:20:45,179 --> 00:20:50,190 yum and maybe I get used to the art

0540 00:20:48,149 --> 00:20:52,649 style over time maybe even go to really

0541 00:20:50,190 --> 00:20:55,259 think it fits the storyline and such but

0542 00:20:52,649 --> 00:20:57,240 I really didn't understand the woman

0543 00:20:55,259 --> 00:20:58,950 situation or backstory well enough to

0544 00:20:57,240 --> 00:21:00,929 really care about our get now you really

0545 00:20:58,950 --> 00:21:03,869 got nothing in terms of the baby i think

0546 00:21:00,929 --> 00:21:06,809 we see the baby in the gas mask clearly

0547 00:21:03,869 --> 00:21:09,690 a time or shoes of the other guy the the

0548 00:21:06,809 --> 00:21:12,029 two brothers or whatever it's like they

0549 00:21:09,690 --> 00:21:14,009 didn't really do anything for me so I I

0550 00:21:12,029 --> 00:21:16,769 didn't find any characters to be once I

0551 00:21:14,009 --> 00:21:18,659 really needed to know more about but I

0552 00:21:16,769 --> 00:21:22,230 think part of that is also the sort of

0553 00:21:18,659 --> 00:21:23,700 dystopian future survival tale again not

0554 00:21:22,230 --> 00:21:25,649 the sort of story i tend to gravitate

0555 00:21:23,700 --> 00:21:29,009 towards not the kind of thing really

0556 00:21:25,649 --> 00:21:34,619 resonates with me i'd much rather go to

0557 00:21:29,009 --> 00:21:36,720 a star trek even a star wars Babylon 5

0558 00:21:34,619 --> 00:21:38,249 firefly kind of a future that's a little

0559 00:21:36,720 --> 00:21:40,379 bit more upbeat

0560 00:21:38,249 --> 00:21:42,539 sure you may have the evil empire but

0561 00:21:40,379 --> 00:21:44,100 for the average person under the Empire

0562 00:21:42,539 --> 00:21:46,139 life wasn't horrible

0563 00:21:44,100 --> 00:21:48,779 it's not the dystopian post-apocalyptic

0564 00:21:46,139 --> 00:21:51,690 sort of a thing we're getting a lot of a

0565 00:21:48,779 --> 00:21:53,309 story that is the look that I have

0566 00:21:51,690 --> 00:21:54,840 yes I think certain people would would

0567 00:21:53,309 --> 00:21:57,840 have been you know not happy and the

0568 00:21:54,840 --> 00:22:00,360 Empire absolutely not trying to say it

0569 00:21:57,840 --> 00:22:03,059 was all you know love and roses or

0570 00:22:00,360 --> 00:22:06,090 anything but you know when you are going

0571 00:22:03,059 --> 00:22:08,730 around uh some of the cities and stuff

0572 00:22:06,090 --> 00:22:11,190 at the time like you know if you if you

0573 00:22:08,730 --> 00:22:11,820 are beneath the Empire's radar you doing

0574 00:22:11,190 --> 00:22:13,740 okay

0575 00:22:11,820 --> 00:22:16,649 you could be okay other people yet

0576 00:22:13,740 --> 00:22:18,809 sometimes but this this is a story that

0577 00:22:16,649 --> 00:22:21,389 didn't give me enough to really

0578 00:22:18,809 --> 00:22:24,330 understand either the big picture or any

0579 00:22:21,389 --> 00:22:25,799 particular characters light in it so I

0580 00:22:24,330 --> 00:22:26,970 didn't really feel anything that will

0581 00:22:25,799 --> 00:22:29,010 hold me to that next issue

0582 00:22:26,970 --> 00:22:30,510 our this seems like the sort of thing

0583 00:22:29,010 --> 00:22:33,480 that might work better again for you

0584 00:22:30,510 --> 00:22:36,240 could you tend to find a lot more things

0585 00:22:33,480 --> 00:22:38,340 you're liking in image and in this area

0586 00:22:36,240 --> 00:22:41,070 so how how do you like it

0587 00:22:38,340 --> 00:22:43,169 I first I struggled with the the gender

0588 00:22:41,070 --> 00:22:45,690 of the main character because of the art

0589 00:22:43,169 --> 00:22:51,120 was just not helping me out and I was

0590 00:22:45,690 --> 00:22:52,710 that was not sure if it was yeah whoo

0591 00:22:51,120 --> 00:22:54,990 if it was a man or woman or we were

0592 00:22:52,710 --> 00:22:56,820 supposed to be questioning it or if we

0593 00:22:54,990 --> 00:22:58,860 were supposed to not be questioning it

0594 00:22:56,820 --> 00:23:01,770 because we disposed to just not worry

0595 00:22:58,860 --> 00:23:03,690 about that i wasn't sure and so that

0596 00:23:01,770 --> 00:23:05,909 that was always kind of confusing as i

0597 00:23:03,690 --> 00:23:07,919 was reading through this for a good

0598 00:23:05,909 --> 00:23:09,929 couple of pages before we get the Sheep

0599 00:23:07,919 --> 00:23:12,659 pronoun for her

0600 00:23:09,929 --> 00:23:15,299 yeah it out as we read through this I I

0601 00:23:12,659 --> 00:23:18,780 start to think okay this I see this is

0602 00:23:15,299 --> 00:23:21,630 kind of like black road can add this

0603 00:23:18,780 --> 00:23:24,450 ok this also like to spread there's the

0604 00:23:21,630 --> 00:23:26,970 ok protecting the baby-- alright this

0605 00:23:24,450 --> 00:23:29,730 other than something I've seen a couple

0606 00:23:26,970 --> 00:23:32,250 of times I think it's well-executed i

0607 00:23:29,730 --> 00:23:36,210 think it's i like this scratchy art

0608 00:23:32,250 --> 00:23:39,659 style is okay with me and characters are

0609 00:23:36,210 --> 00:23:42,480 interesting if not hopefully embraceable

0610 00:23:39,659 --> 00:23:45,210 but they are interesting and I could see

0611 00:23:42,480 --> 00:23:48,090 who the bad guys are and then I think

0612 00:23:45,210 --> 00:23:50,730 and then who the good guys are I think

0613 00:23:48,090 --> 00:23:53,490 and i'm always down for resistance for

0614 00:23:50,730 --> 00:23:57,179 rebellion so I like rebellion stories

0615 00:23:53,490 --> 00:23:59,400 that's cool and all but I was I just

0616 00:23:57,179 --> 00:24:00,750 felt like I was kind of seeing things up

0617 00:23:59,400 --> 00:24:02,490 I've been reading I've been reading

0618 00:24:00,750 --> 00:24:04,620 warlords of Appalachian that's kind of

0619 00:24:02,490 --> 00:24:07,440 going to as a resistance thing going on

0620 00:24:04,620 --> 00:24:09,750 there so this is very common and then

0621 00:24:07,440 --> 00:24:13,169 and then we get to the reveal at the end

0622 00:24:09,750 --> 00:24:15,360 and that kind of separated for me I felt

0623 00:24:13,169 --> 00:24:17,760 like that was not made it a notch better

0624 00:24:15,360 --> 00:24:21,360 and oh this is what were this is what

0625 00:24:17,760 --> 00:24:23,880 we're doing it's it's not it's just a

0626 00:24:21,360 --> 00:24:27,240 regular tail we've got a twist to it and

0627 00:24:23,880 --> 00:24:31,380 now a little more interested and so so

0628 00:24:27,240 --> 00:24:33,450 for me this this worked and was the best

0629 00:24:31,380 --> 00:24:37,260 of the three that i read today

0630 00:24:33,450 --> 00:24:39,600 and for the show and it does have enough

0631 00:24:37,260 --> 00:24:42,779 for me to keep it going but I could I

0632 00:24:39,600 --> 00:24:45,299 could totally get a someone reading this

0633 00:24:42,779 --> 00:24:48,809 and thinking oh I've read this story a

0634 00:24:45,299 --> 00:24:51,179 million times or this is weird art or

0635 00:24:48,809 --> 00:24:52,529 that who were these people who should I

0636 00:24:51,179 --> 00:24:54,419 like it

0637 00:24:52,529 --> 00:24:57,630 those kids those are all valid arguments

0638 00:24:54,419 --> 00:25:00,360 but for me it all came kinda came

0639 00:24:57,630 --> 00:25:03,330 together finally at the end and put it

0640 00:25:00,360 --> 00:25:05,549 over the line and get made a comic that

0641 00:25:03,330 --> 00:25:08,250 I that I but i enjoyed want to read more

0642 00:25:05,549 --> 00:25:12,269 of a good i'm glad it worked for you for

0643 00:25:08,250 --> 00:25:13,679 me it's like I said he just your point

0644 00:25:12,269 --> 00:25:15,600 that that we've read stories like this

0645 00:25:13,679 --> 00:25:17,100 before I think it's a good one because

0646 00:25:15,600 --> 00:25:19,350 even though i haven't read the number of

0647 00:25:17,100 --> 00:25:21,840 those comics you were mentioning we've

0648 00:25:19,350 --> 00:25:25,110 all seen the dystopian future in movies

0649 00:25:21,840 --> 00:25:28,260 TV shows etc uh you know one point we

0650 00:25:25,110 --> 00:25:30,659 get to what the bizarre almost circular

0651 00:25:28,260 --> 00:25:32,970 caravana whatever of mobile homes and

0652 00:25:30,659 --> 00:25:34,649 stuff like that our r.v then whatever

0653 00:25:32,970 --> 00:25:36,960 you like okay just look interesting but

0654 00:25:34,649 --> 00:25:39,750 then when we first get that establishing

0655 00:25:36,960 --> 00:25:43,590 shot to me it was it was muddied up by

0656 00:25:39,750 --> 00:25:46,200 the inexplicable rectangle of dots on

0657 00:25:43,590 --> 00:25:48,960 the horizon don't like what is that

0658 00:25:46,200 --> 00:25:51,360 supposed to represent you know so there

0659 00:25:48,960 --> 00:25:54,149 are things on the art that just a little

0660 00:25:51,360 --> 00:25:56,789 getting that scene in particular was an

0661 00:25:54,149 --> 00:25:58,769 interesting visual scene that they spent

0662 00:25:56,789 --> 00:26:00,330 no time with you know I thought oh

0663 00:25:58,769 --> 00:26:02,760 that's really cool its kind of it

0664 00:26:00,330 --> 00:26:04,470 through the way it's it kind of emanates

0665 00:26:02,760 --> 00:26:06,210 from the center and it's a circle of

0666 00:26:04,470 --> 00:26:08,820 these I wonder you know how you make

0667 00:26:06,210 --> 00:26:12,120 your way in and they spend a lot of a

0668 00:26:08,820 --> 00:26:15,120 page on it a few panels i see this a

0669 00:26:12,120 --> 00:26:17,010 spiral of things towards that center of

0670 00:26:15,120 --> 00:26:19,769 spiral of vehicles and such and my first

0671 00:26:17,010 --> 00:26:21,389 thought is wait you're all facing out

0672 00:26:19,769 --> 00:26:23,610 how to have to get to this position

0673 00:26:21,389 --> 00:26:25,110 today back into the set doesn't make

0674 00:26:23,610 --> 00:26:27,570 sense that they circle around then pull

0675 00:26:25,110 --> 00:26:29,610 in front or back I mean you know of the

0676 00:26:27,570 --> 00:26:31,529 parallel parking nightmare

0677 00:26:29,610 --> 00:26:34,080 yeah those pics of this makes no sense

0678 00:26:31,529 --> 00:26:36,029 to me but then like you said yeah we're

0679 00:26:34,080 --> 00:26:38,610 there for a page or two what could be a

0680 00:26:36,029 --> 00:26:39,899 very interesting ok tell this just this

0681 00:26:38,610 --> 00:26:42,269 should review something about their

0682 00:26:39,899 --> 00:26:44,370 society and it doesn't look like let's

0683 00:26:42,269 --> 00:26:46,140 just move on you know but this seemed to

0684 00:26:44,370 --> 00:26:48,240 be in a barren wasteland

0685 00:26:46,140 --> 00:26:50,400 would have nothing on the horizons and

0686 00:26:48,240 --> 00:26:52,890 then not long later and not long before

0687 00:26:50,400 --> 00:26:55,170 were in the woods were got all this

0688 00:26:52,890 --> 00:26:57,180 education their mountains it's like the

0689 00:26:55,170 --> 00:26:59,130 the geography of this is a little

0690 00:26:57,180 --> 00:27:00,690 perplexing to me arm

0691 00:26:59,130 --> 00:27:02,910 this seems like it's either something

0692 00:27:00,690 --> 00:27:04,380 that you want your you're open to the

0693 00:27:02,910 --> 00:27:07,620 sort of a story more than i am are you

0694 00:27:04,380 --> 00:27:08,490 not for me it's not bad it is not in my

0695 00:27:07,620 --> 00:27:09,630 wheelhouse

0696 00:27:08,490 --> 00:27:11,460 I don't think a part of the target

0697 00:27:09,630 --> 00:27:13,770 audience in terms of either the art

0698 00:27:11,460 --> 00:27:15,210 necessarily the story of people who are

0699 00:27:13,770 --> 00:27:17,370 into this kind of stuff they really come

0700 00:27:15,210 --> 00:27:21,360 to enjoy it i hope they do but for me

0701 00:27:17,370 --> 00:27:23,520 I'm going with a c-minus you just again

0702 00:27:21,360 --> 00:27:25,440 I got the preview PDF that's sufficient

0703 00:27:23,520 --> 00:27:28,350 for me I don't feel the need to continue

0704 00:27:25,440 --> 00:27:30,390 yeah it's Abby for me and I like a

0705 00:27:28,350 --> 00:27:32,580 little bit better than you did I think

0706 00:27:30,390 --> 00:27:35,490 it's pricey i think it's i don't think

0707 00:27:32,580 --> 00:27:38,250 it's a standard 399 or 29 image book I

0708 00:27:35,490 --> 00:27:40,710 think it's a 499 book i'll have to Chile

0709 00:27:38,250 --> 00:27:43,440 ass it is 49 i'm looking to cover now

0710 00:27:40,710 --> 00:27:46,410 and I didn't feel like we got that much

0711 00:27:43,440 --> 00:27:48,630 extra we do get a preview of the rocket

0712 00:27:46,410 --> 00:27:50,940 the old garden in the back of it which

0713 00:27:48,630 --> 00:27:54,300 which is cool but not much pay for when

0714 00:27:50,940 --> 00:27:56,220 you pick up the comic so it didn't feel

0715 00:27:54,300 --> 00:27:58,230 like you have a significant amount of

0716 00:27:56,220 --> 00:28:02,700 extra pages but obviously we did

0717 00:27:58,230 --> 00:28:03,990 yeah I guess we got around 4045 maybe a

0718 00:28:02,700 --> 00:28:06,780 little more pages and stuff it just

0719 00:28:03,990 --> 00:28:09,990 didn't feel like that he didn't feel

0720 00:28:06,780 --> 00:28:12,810 like we were just getting started then

0721 00:28:09,990 --> 00:28:13,950 so you know that that is cup is a factor

0722 00:28:12,810 --> 00:28:16,260 because it's a five-dollar book

0723 00:28:13,950 --> 00:28:19,140 absolutely i think that was part of why

0724 00:28:16,260 --> 00:28:21,000 I came out of it thinking how come I

0725 00:28:19,140 --> 00:28:23,250 don't really know these characters you

0726 00:28:21,000 --> 00:28:25,200 need they have the page count

0727 00:28:23,250 --> 00:28:28,350 I don't feel that they like squander

0728 00:28:25,200 --> 00:28:30,720 Gator anything well I it it just get it

0729 00:28:28,350 --> 00:28:31,860 didn't click with me but again not the

0730 00:28:30,720 --> 00:28:34,890 sort of story i tend to gravitate

0731 00:28:31,860 --> 00:28:36,990 towards uh that's kind of art style tend

0732 00:28:34,890 --> 00:28:38,730 to gravitate towards so I don't think

0733 00:28:36,990 --> 00:28:40,560 they did anything i mean i've read some

0734 00:28:38,730 --> 00:28:42,570 books work like this just poorly

0735 00:28:40,560 --> 00:28:44,400 executed that was not the case here

0736 00:28:42,570 --> 00:28:45,750 it's just I think there are few places

0737 00:28:44,400 --> 00:28:47,640 where they could have been a little

0738 00:28:45,750 --> 00:28:49,080 clearer on the storytelling and they

0739 00:28:47,640 --> 00:28:51,660 could have given me a little bit more to

0740 00:28:49,080 --> 00:28:53,940 come take my hooks into but now we'll

0741 00:28:51,660 --> 00:28:56,640 see how it does you'll see how it does

0742 00:28:53,940 --> 00:28:58,950 look at the numbers later it's back to

0743 00:28:56,640 --> 00:28:59,840 the drawing board will try again maybe

0744 00:28:58,950 --> 00:29:02,419 go to the future

0745 00:28:59,840 --> 00:29:04,220 hey I'm welcome to the to try these

0746 00:29:02,419 --> 00:29:05,539 things out sometimes they're there hit

0747 00:29:04,220 --> 00:29:07,549 sometimes it's just not what I'm looking

0748 00:29:05,539 --> 00:29:09,890 to read you know there's nothing right

0749 00:29:07,549 --> 00:29:11,240 or wrong about that but it's funny

0750 00:29:09,890 --> 00:29:12,799 because I'm trying to expand my reading

0751 00:29:11,240 --> 00:29:14,450 horizons on the other hand i am trying

0752 00:29:12,799 --> 00:29:16,130 to pull back a little on what i'm

0753 00:29:14,450 --> 00:29:19,130 reading will be built

0754 00:29:16,130 --> 00:29:21,559 well yeah because i am about halfway

0755 00:29:19,130 --> 00:29:24,320 through this week's reading I've got

0756 00:29:21,559 --> 00:29:27,380 about 52 in comics this week and it's

0757 00:29:24,320 --> 00:29:29,059 like that's a fair number are I was

0758 00:29:27,380 --> 00:29:31,279 going through what I'm getting next week

0759 00:29:29,059 --> 00:29:33,080 i think i've got like 67 or something I

0760 00:29:31,279 --> 00:29:35,570 might be getting next week they're just

0761 00:29:33,080 --> 00:29:38,179 a four-week ship month it is before we

0762 00:29:35,570 --> 00:29:40,640 ship months as is standard is the fifth

0763 00:29:38,179 --> 00:29:42,529 is that bonus you know but it's like I

0764 00:29:40,640 --> 00:29:45,230 need to pull back a little bit this is

0765 00:29:42,529 --> 00:29:47,870 just getting a little bit untenable

0766 00:29:45,230 --> 00:29:49,429 it's it be im doing good to stay on the

0767 00:29:47,870 --> 00:29:52,070 current week it's not like I can't even

0768 00:29:49,429 --> 00:29:55,429 finish that by the time record you know

0769 00:29:52,070 --> 00:29:58,429 what's this thing about previews I got a

0770 00:29:55,429 --> 00:30:01,610 weird dcbs email about it and I see

0771 00:29:58,429 --> 00:30:04,070 there's a forum post I'm glad you asked

0772 00:30:01,610 --> 00:30:06,110 material there are previews normally

0773 00:30:04,070 --> 00:30:08,210 comes out on the last wednesday of the

0774 00:30:06,110 --> 00:30:10,220 month now in January that would be the

0775 00:30:08,210 --> 00:30:12,230 25th we're recording this on the evening

0776 00:30:10,220 --> 00:30:14,630 of the 24th we should have come out

0777 00:30:12,230 --> 00:30:16,730 tomorrow as we record this or last

0778 00:30:14,630 --> 00:30:18,169 Wednesday if people listen to it the

0779 00:30:16,730 --> 00:30:19,370 minute we put this up and of course

0780 00:30:18,169 --> 00:30:21,890 people are chomping at the bit for the

0781 00:30:19,370 --> 00:30:23,899 dump getting it came out eight years ago

0782 00:30:21,890 --> 00:30:26,960 as you listen to this if using unarchive

0783 00:30:23,899 --> 00:30:28,640 get out of the another reason the

0784 00:30:26,960 --> 00:30:30,140 internet anyways

0785 00:30:28,640 --> 00:30:32,240 instead of coming out last week of the

0786 00:30:30,140 --> 00:30:35,750 month for whatever reason it's coming

0787 00:30:32,240 --> 00:30:38,210 out on the 1st defendant work so dcbs

0788 00:30:35,750 --> 00:30:40,730 sense some people only get monthly or

0789 00:30:38,210 --> 00:30:43,490 whatever or every other week shipping it

0790 00:30:40,730 --> 00:30:45,020 holding those shipments i believe it's

0791 00:30:43,490 --> 00:30:46,669 just so they can put the previews in

0792 00:30:45,020 --> 00:30:48,710 there otherwise some people wouldn't get

0793 00:30:46,669 --> 00:30:50,779 the previous laughter the orders do are

0794 00:30:48,710 --> 00:30:52,970 so it's a little inconvenient or whatnot

0795 00:30:50,779 --> 00:30:54,830 I don't know what is causing the holdup

0796 00:30:52,970 --> 00:30:56,870 on previews arm

0797 00:30:54,830 --> 00:31:00,320 this isn't like the first time it ever

0798 00:30:56,870 --> 00:31:02,390 happened i think maybe at all shipping a

0799 00:31:00,320 --> 00:31:03,919 week late like this you know they've hit

0800 00:31:02,390 --> 00:31:06,230 sometimes the end of the year or

0801 00:31:03,919 --> 00:31:08,120 whatever kind of a deal and stuff its it

0802 00:31:06,230 --> 00:31:10,190 is a little unusual normally previous

0803 00:31:08,120 --> 00:31:11,950 comes out like clockwork

0804 00:31:10,190 --> 00:31:16,929 now they've only done what

0805 00:31:11,950 --> 00:31:18,970 390 some odd or whatever issues of

0806 00:31:16,929 --> 00:31:21,250 preview so you know getting in a week

0807 00:31:18,970 --> 00:31:23,799 later it's going to happen but because

0808 00:31:21,250 --> 00:31:26,950 of that I am pushing the deadline for

0809 00:31:23,799 --> 00:31:29,620 the preview spotlight back a week to

0810 00:31:26,950 --> 00:31:31,299 februari 11th because otherwise I

0811 00:31:29,620 --> 00:31:33,880 wouldn't have gotten my previews until

0812 00:31:31,299 --> 00:31:35,440 like the day before of the the clips are

0813 00:31:33,880 --> 00:31:37,690 doing that's like that's just crazy

0814 00:31:35,440 --> 00:31:40,419 so everybody's got another week to do

0815 00:31:37,690 --> 00:31:41,740 the two clips and stuff so there's no

0816 00:31:40,419 --> 00:31:44,409 reason not to do it

0817 00:31:41,740 --> 00:31:46,630 our I while the deadline is saturday

0818 00:31:44,409 --> 00:31:48,580 morning februari 11th now I've updated

0819 00:31:46,630 --> 00:31:50,559 the threat of updated the main page

0820 00:31:48,580 --> 00:31:53,139 accordingly if you can get stuff in

0821 00:31:50,559 --> 00:31:55,419 earlier that would be a huge help please

0822 00:31:53,139 --> 00:31:58,570 post on the forum of what you're going

0823 00:31:55,419 --> 00:32:00,549 to do with the full title and issue

0824 00:31:58,570 --> 00:32:02,710 number and such and if you know the

0825 00:32:00,549 --> 00:32:05,860 publisher include that because that way

0826 00:32:02,710 --> 00:32:07,990 I can have my excel file of what clips

0827 00:32:05,860 --> 00:32:09,820 i'm expecting good to go before the

0828 00:32:07,990 --> 00:32:11,980 deadline because that's also the week

0829 00:32:09,820 --> 00:32:13,840 i'm expecting the January numbers to

0830 00:32:11,980 --> 00:32:16,269 come out so it could be a pretty busy

0831 00:32:13,840 --> 00:32:18,399 weekend for me are so little help and

0832 00:32:16,269 --> 00:32:19,779 any clips can come in early then be nice

0833 00:32:18,399 --> 00:32:22,059 but I want to make sure people had the

0834 00:32:19,779 --> 00:32:24,700 time to actually read previews injuries

0835 00:32:22,059 --> 00:32:25,480 get it before the clips were do which

0836 00:32:24,700 --> 00:32:28,120 makes this

0837 00:32:25,480 --> 00:32:30,190 yeah just sporting otherwise but yeah

0838 00:32:28,120 --> 00:32:31,929 you gotta have it no I mean as we're

0839 00:32:30,190 --> 00:32:33,159 recording this today's the first time I

0840 00:32:31,929 --> 00:32:35,590 was even seeing some of the online

0841 00:32:33,159 --> 00:32:37,360 solicits so I think everything just kind

0842 00:32:35,590 --> 00:32:39,309 of got backed up a week for whatever we

0843 00:32:37,360 --> 00:32:39,970 will leave it on the holiday of lemon on

0844 00:32:39,309 --> 00:32:43,990 holidays

0845 00:32:39,970 --> 00:32:47,440 absolutely you know comes a lot of eric

0846 00:32:43,990 --> 00:32:50,409 from Caliban Comics has set up a comic

0847 00:32:47,440 --> 00:32:56,110 book page channel through as it's black

0848 00:32:50,409 --> 00:32:59,950 it's black black and made it easy for us

0849 00:32:56,110 --> 00:33:02,320 to sign up there is a forum post and the

0850 00:32:59,950 --> 00:33:05,590 idea being that this would take the

0851 00:33:02,320 --> 00:33:09,399 place of what he wouldn't take the place

0852 00:33:05,590 --> 00:33:11,019 of anything arm and I want you know i'm

0853 00:33:09,399 --> 00:33:13,450 not that I want to keep as much as that

0854 00:33:11,019 --> 00:33:15,909 the discussion stuff on the farmers make

0855 00:33:13,450 --> 00:33:17,830 sense but there's some things where you

0856 00:33:15,909 --> 00:33:20,080 need a little bit faster turnaround or

0857 00:33:17,830 --> 00:33:21,279 it's something it's easy to use

0858 00:33:20,080 --> 00:33:24,669 something like slack which is a

0859 00:33:21,279 --> 00:33:24,940 persistent channel up on like a phone or

0860 00:33:24,669 --> 00:33:26,620 so

0861 00:33:24,940 --> 00:33:28,000 being like that so it's a little bit

0862 00:33:26,620 --> 00:33:30,280 more interactive

0863 00:33:28,000 --> 00:33:33,280 it's um it's kind of like chatting on

0864 00:33:30,280 --> 00:33:35,260 skype on texture whatever or a job or

0865 00:33:33,280 --> 00:33:37,330 something like that you guys have a

0866 00:33:35,260 --> 00:33:38,890 mighty cute i set up my laptop but I

0867 00:33:37,330 --> 00:33:41,320 actually needed to download the app

0868 00:33:38,890 --> 00:33:42,670 probably i've got it set up on my

0869 00:33:41,320 --> 00:33:45,190 computer through the web

0870 00:33:42,670 --> 00:33:47,920 I've got it on my phone um it's just

0871 00:33:45,190 --> 00:33:50,590 another venue for discussion just like a

0872 00:33:47,920 --> 00:33:52,630 closed Twitter or just us

0873 00:33:50,590 --> 00:33:54,460 yeah except you're not limited to a

0874 00:33:52,630 --> 00:33:57,070 hundred and forty characters and such

0875 00:33:54,460 --> 00:34:00,400 right arm got a lot of tech companies

0876 00:33:57,070 --> 00:34:02,560 use it as a way just for their teams to

0877 00:34:00,400 --> 00:34:06,250 communicate because again you've got a

0878 00:34:02,560 --> 00:34:09,640 history to it but it's more of a

0879 00:34:06,250 --> 00:34:12,850 interactive things at a time shifted

0880 00:34:09,640 --> 00:34:14,740 like a form kind of a deal for you put a

0881 00:34:12,850 --> 00:34:16,330 long post in there and you throw it up

0882 00:34:14,740 --> 00:34:18,190 there and then you know somebody she's a

0883 00:34:16,330 --> 00:34:19,990 couple of days later whatever maybe wear

0884 00:34:18,190 --> 00:34:21,850 something like slack you can put a

0885 00:34:19,990 --> 00:34:23,800 shorter comments or if you want to do a

0886 00:34:21,850 --> 00:34:25,360 whole diatribe but the longer it is the

0887 00:34:23,800 --> 00:34:28,090 more likely the form would be the better

0888 00:34:25,360 --> 00:34:29,620 approach but somebody you put it up and

0889 00:34:28,090 --> 00:34:31,330 then boom like my phone's going to tell

0890 00:34:29,620 --> 00:34:32,980 me hey somebody just just put this out

0891 00:34:31,330 --> 00:34:36,970 there so again more of an interactive

0892 00:34:32,980 --> 00:34:38,830 kind of a of venue for discussion

0893 00:34:36,970 --> 00:34:40,600 cool now we're going to experiment with

0894 00:34:38,830 --> 00:34:42,640 it if it if it catches on we'll keep it

0895 00:34:40,600 --> 00:34:44,800 if it doesn't we might not armed

0896 00:34:42,640 --> 00:34:46,630 but anything that furthers kind of the

0897 00:34:44,800 --> 00:34:49,870 discussion and whatnot is I think a good

0898 00:34:46,630 --> 00:34:52,870 thing so yeah you could find details on

0899 00:34:49,870 --> 00:34:54,670 on the forum on ya how to do that I want

0900 00:34:52,870 --> 00:34:56,950 to thank Eric for setting it up you toss

0901 00:34:54,670 --> 00:34:59,350 the idea out like yeah well no fish

0902 00:34:56,950 --> 00:35:01,570 there's a point to any good rationale

0903 00:34:59,350 --> 00:35:03,100 whatever on the thread said about this

0904 00:35:01,570 --> 00:35:04,660 weekend will try to see how it works

0905 00:35:03,100 --> 00:35:07,570 anyhow there's not pretty much do it

0906 00:35:04,660 --> 00:35:13,060 they had together cool

0907 00:35:07,570 --> 00:35:15,160 join us next time as we discussed

0908 00:35:13,060 --> 00:35:17,980 commander challenge number one from DC

0909 00:35:15,160 --> 00:35:21,100 Hulk number two from Marvel and Lady

0910 00:35:17,980 --> 00:35:23,140 castle number one from boom studios the

0911 00:35:21,100 --> 00:35:26,560 show notes form for this podcast can be

0912 00:35:23,140 --> 00:35:28,480 found at anticipates dot-com and

0913 00:35:26,560 --> 00:35:29,210 the podcast and foreign section of the

0914 00:35:28,480 --> 00:35:31,609 website

0915 00:35:29,210 --> 00:35:33,710 completely no attach the guys that

0916 00:35:31,609 --> 00:35:38,280 comment a shot calm and let us know what

0917 00:35:33,710 --> 00:35:53,019 you think we just separate thanks

0918 00:35:38,280 --> 00:35:53,019 [Music]

Comic Book Page Podcast team:

John Mayo - Host/Executive Producer/Owner/Number Cruncher

Kay Kellam - Co-host/Producer/Photographer/Editor/Content Coordinator/Webmaster

James - Co-host (Weekly Comics Spotlight episodes)

Sam - Co-host (Mayo Report: Comics and television ratings episodes)

Eric - Co-host (Mayo Report: Comics episodes)

TJ - Co-host (Mayo Report: Trades episodes)

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