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Weekly Comics Spotlight #492

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0:00:00 Intro




0:41:00 General discussion

1:00:55 Next Week Promo

1:01:06 Wrap up

1:01:36 End of episode.

Automated Generated Captions (which are far from perfect)

0001 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:16,560 hello welcome to weekly comic my name is

0002 00:00:13,769 --> 00:00:20,789 John this episode we'll be discussing

0003 00:00:16,560 --> 00:00:23,189 recently-released top 150 p14 Marvel and

0004 00:00:20,789 --> 00:00:24,810 release one up as always we'll keep me

0005 00:00:23,189 --> 00:00:26,970 to spoilers for a minimum but we'll

0006 00:00:24,810 --> 00:00:30,470 start general plot point storylines in

0007 00:00:26,970 --> 00:00:39,290 the college

0008 00:00:30,470 --> 00:00:41,540 50 is weekly comic spotlight 492 for

0009 00:00:39,290 --> 00:00:46,040 comics originally released in january 11

0010 00:00:41,540 --> 00:00:47,000 2017 now starting a small Cindy see is

0011 00:00:46,040 --> 00:00:49,190 just asleep

0012 00:00:47,000 --> 00:00:50,750 Power Rangers number one just like

0013 00:00:49,190 --> 00:00:52,339 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers number one

0014 00:00:50,750 --> 00:00:54,589 who can actually check the fine print

0015 00:00:52,339 --> 00:00:55,879 see which it is but who cares you get

0016 00:00:54,589 --> 00:00:58,790 the idea which teams are involved

0017 00:00:55,879 --> 00:01:00,800 regular listeners of the podcast has

0018 00:00:58,790 --> 00:01:03,439 probably figured out by now you can

0019 00:01:00,800 --> 00:01:05,449 always kept a bit of a secret that I'm a

0020 00:01:03,439 --> 00:01:07,100 fan both of the Justice League and of

0021 00:01:05,449 --> 00:01:08,479 the power range and actually anyone who

0022 00:01:07,100 --> 00:01:10,400 wasn't for any length of time is this

0023 00:01:08,479 --> 00:01:12,590 God was to get that part out and the

0024 00:01:10,400 --> 00:01:14,570 world's worst keeping i know i'm

0025 00:01:12,590 --> 00:01:15,860 horrible with that kind of stuff so I've

0026 00:01:14,570 --> 00:01:18,200 been looking forward to this and i'll be

0027 00:01:15,860 --> 00:01:21,770 honest i was uncertain how well is the

0028 00:01:18,200 --> 00:01:24,500 the two would mix this is in comic book

0029 00:01:21,770 --> 00:01:27,409 form i believe the first-ever a

0030 00:01:24,500 --> 00:01:29,780 crossover between the power rangers and

0031 00:01:27,409 --> 00:01:31,460 any other superhero teen although i

0032 00:01:29,780 --> 00:01:33,470 could be wrong on that collided and

0033 00:01:31,460 --> 00:01:35,300 really follow everything but most of

0034 00:01:33,470 --> 00:01:37,970 their stuff over again from Marvel

0035 00:01:35,300 --> 00:01:40,010 adding just powering your stuff and

0036 00:01:37,970 --> 00:01:42,350 really there have been many comics in

0037 00:01:40,010 --> 00:01:44,300 the past to be honest with the power of

0038 00:01:42,350 --> 00:01:46,070 your stuff but it is not the first

0039 00:01:44,300 --> 00:01:48,620 however crossover between the power

0040 00:01:46,070 --> 00:01:51,890 rangers and another comic book superhero

0041 00:01:48,620 --> 00:01:54,080 team they crossed over with the TV junit

0042 00:01:51,890 --> 00:01:57,950 mutant ninja turtles on television

0043 00:01:54,080 --> 00:01:59,900 during the in-space era that season is

0044 00:01:57,950 --> 00:02:00,409 that would be six seasons in give or

0045 00:01:59,900 --> 00:02:03,140 take

0046 00:02:00,409 --> 00:02:07,040 um anyways I've been looking forward to

0047 00:02:03,140 --> 00:02:09,140 this and overall I I really really liked

0048 00:02:07,040 --> 00:02:11,810 it there are one or two things that I

0049 00:02:09,140 --> 00:02:14,750 think are valid complaints people may

0050 00:02:11,810 --> 00:02:17,659 have about this comic personally i am

0051 00:02:14,750 --> 00:02:19,909 not a fan of the story that opens with a

0052 00:02:17,659 --> 00:02:23,150 dramatic opening for a little bit and

0053 00:02:19,909 --> 00:02:25,519 then cuts to a you know 36 hours ago

0054 00:02:23,150 --> 00:02:27,890 which is exactly what this does after

0055 00:02:25,519 --> 00:02:29,420 three pages that to me is a bit of a

0056 00:02:27,890 --> 00:02:31,549 writing crutch that I just don't like

0057 00:02:29,420 --> 00:02:33,680 but it's also fairly common one so i'm

0058 00:02:31,549 --> 00:02:35,870 not gonna kinda knocked the comic for it

0059 00:02:33,680 --> 00:02:38,120 but i will point that out the one thing

0060 00:02:35,870 --> 00:02:41,150 though that I think may frustrate some

0061 00:02:38,120 --> 00:02:44,300 people is if they come into this hoping

0062 00:02:41,150 --> 00:02:45,860 that this issue has an even handling

0063 00:02:44,300 --> 00:02:48,320 of the Justice League and the power

0064 00:02:45,860 --> 00:02:51,380 rangers it's predominantly power rangers

0065 00:02:48,320 --> 00:02:53,660 and I'm fantl team so I was ok with that

0066 00:02:51,380 --> 00:02:55,640 but I itself a little off balance in

0067 00:02:53,660 --> 00:02:58,610 that respect but I thought it did a good

0068 00:02:55,640 --> 00:03:00,350 job kind of establishing a kind of sort

0069 00:02:58,610 --> 00:03:02,180 of who the power rangers are its

0070 00:03:00,350 --> 00:03:04,490 assuming some familiarity with the TV

0071 00:03:02,180 --> 00:03:06,440 show so they don't explain the Zords or

0072 00:03:04,490 --> 00:03:08,900 the more finger any of that but they do

0073 00:03:06,440 --> 00:03:10,520 show it so again i think most people in

0074 00:03:08,900 --> 00:03:12,080 our culture have a passing familiarity

0075 00:03:10,520 --> 00:03:13,550 with the power rangers in the justice

0076 00:03:12,080 --> 00:03:15,290 league so I don't think they've got to

0077 00:03:13,550 --> 00:03:18,200 do a whole lot of setup there

0078 00:03:15,290 --> 00:03:20,690 this had some some fun moments you know

0079 00:03:18,200 --> 00:03:21,950 I liked the scene a little ways in and

0080 00:03:20,690 --> 00:03:23,090 this is when we actually finally get

0081 00:03:21,950 --> 00:03:25,670 some of the Justice League in there

0082 00:03:23,090 --> 00:03:27,560 where they're sitting there that you get

0083 00:03:25,670 --> 00:03:30,620 the the Rangers with their individual

0084 00:03:27,560 --> 00:03:31,640 weapons and stuff / zips by then you've

0085 00:03:30,620 --> 00:03:33,110 got the Ranger sitting there without

0086 00:03:31,640 --> 00:03:35,420 their individual weapons and stuff kind

0087 00:03:33,110 --> 00:03:37,190 of go on what just happened here me to

0088 00:03:35,420 --> 00:03:39,080 me that was a fun moment and evocative

0089 00:03:37,190 --> 00:03:41,510 of the sort of thing that would have

0090 00:03:39,080 --> 00:03:44,450 happened in show if you had kind of a

0091 00:03:41,510 --> 00:03:47,510 crossover between say the the TV flash

0092 00:03:44,450 --> 00:03:49,370 in the TV power rangers really though

0093 00:03:47,510 --> 00:03:51,980 from the Justice League point of view

0094 00:03:49,370 --> 00:03:53,600 Batman is the main character flash like

0095 00:03:51,980 --> 00:03:56,060 i mentioned shows up

0096 00:03:53,600 --> 00:03:57,950 cyborg four-panel Superman in that

0097 00:03:56,060 --> 00:04:02,330 opening scene that they flash away from

0098 00:03:57,950 --> 00:04:04,640 pretty quickly but it's it's heavy on on

0099 00:04:02,330 --> 00:04:07,400 the power ranger side it felt more like

0100 00:04:04,640 --> 00:04:08,630 this team was savoring the creative team

0101 00:04:07,400 --> 00:04:10,520 favoring the power rangers which

0102 00:04:08,630 --> 00:04:12,380 surprises me because it's tom tailor on

0103 00:04:10,520 --> 00:04:15,110 writing and he's done a really good job

0104 00:04:12,380 --> 00:04:17,270 on the injustice comics for a couple

0105 00:04:15,110 --> 00:04:19,370 years as well as some other stuff so

0106 00:04:17,270 --> 00:04:20,870 it's not a lack of fumaric familiarity

0107 00:04:19,370 --> 00:04:22,970 with the Justice League I think it's

0108 00:04:20,870 --> 00:04:24,710 just a matter of the pacing of the story

0109 00:04:22,970 --> 00:04:27,560 and the angle they wanted to come at it

0110 00:04:24,710 --> 00:04:29,150 from kind of gave the power rangers the

0111 00:04:27,560 --> 00:04:31,400 the better end of the script on the

0112 00:04:29,150 --> 00:04:33,380 first issue now you're obviously less

0113 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:34,790 familiar with our range than I am you're

0114 00:04:33,380 --> 00:04:36,530 obviously fairly familiar with the

0115 00:04:34,790 --> 00:04:38,630 Justice League see how did this work for

0116 00:04:36,530 --> 00:04:42,470 you now you know it kind of has my

0117 00:04:38,630 --> 00:04:45,410 expectations getting in currency because

0118 00:04:42,470 --> 00:04:48,230 Tom Taylor and on little bit join me all

0119 00:04:45,410 --> 00:04:51,590 all-star Wolverine all me Wolverine is

0120 00:04:48,230 --> 00:04:54,080 doing and I've been enjoying court

0121 00:04:51,590 --> 00:04:56,080 justices first two three four years

0122 00:04:54,080 --> 00:04:58,330 whatever is ron was there

0123 00:04:56,080 --> 00:05:01,840 so this is stuff that he does does that

0124 00:04:58,330 --> 00:05:05,650 I really liked and didn't like this huh

0125 00:05:01,840 --> 00:05:09,699 it didn't quite translate 141 like I was

0126 00:05:05,650 --> 00:05:12,219 hoping I think the more familiar you are

0127 00:05:09,699 --> 00:05:16,090 and more body and you are in that our

0128 00:05:12,219 --> 00:05:18,430 Rangers world the more you like this mom

0129 00:05:16,090 --> 00:05:21,610 otherwise it's just kind of them just an

0130 00:05:18,430 --> 00:05:24,520 okay story I didn't think it was

0131 00:05:21,610 --> 00:05:28,360 anything wrong with it but it really

0132 00:05:24,520 --> 00:05:30,250 wasn't a grabber and something that you

0133 00:05:28,360 --> 00:05:32,770 would say man this is great can't wait

0134 00:05:30,250 --> 00:05:34,090 to get that second issue I don't have I

0135 00:05:32,770 --> 00:05:35,650 don't think there's anything here that

0136 00:05:34,090 --> 00:05:40,690 even propelled me into that next issue

0137 00:05:35,650 --> 00:05:45,610 and really no hook no the creamy as a

0138 00:05:40,690 --> 00:05:48,909 reader i don't know i don't know a non

0139 00:05:45,610 --> 00:05:51,250 power rangers fan will get that sense of

0140 00:05:48,909 --> 00:05:54,039 enjoyment out of it that would want make

0141 00:05:51,250 --> 00:05:57,699 them want to read more and that's I

0142 00:05:54,039 --> 00:06:00,490 think I think most of it is based on

0143 00:05:57,699 --> 00:06:02,650 having already a bit being a big can of

0144 00:06:00,490 --> 00:06:05,139 the properties and want more stories by

0145 00:06:02,650 --> 00:06:07,300 them with them i can understand that

0146 00:06:05,139 --> 00:06:10,029 because if you don't know who Lords it

0147 00:06:07,300 --> 00:06:11,830 is some of the the plot of the story

0148 00:06:10,029 --> 00:06:13,569 doesn't quite make sense you get the

0149 00:06:11,830 --> 00:06:16,479 idea he's a villain of the power rangers

0150 00:06:13,569 --> 00:06:18,279 but like when Zach kind of the heat the

0151 00:06:16,479 --> 00:06:20,469 black Ranger it when he mistakes Batman

0152 00:06:18,279 --> 00:06:22,599 for one of the Lord's monsters you know

0153 00:06:20,469 --> 00:06:24,219 if you're rooting for Batman it's like

0154 00:06:22,599 --> 00:06:26,289 you know what's going on here kind of

0155 00:06:24,219 --> 00:06:28,539 thing and I don't think that should have

0156 00:06:26,289 --> 00:06:30,759 confused a Batman for one of the

0157 00:06:28,539 --> 00:06:32,979 monsters monsters really look like a

0158 00:06:30,759 --> 00:06:34,659 normal guy in a costume but like every

0159 00:06:32,979 --> 00:06:36,639 concussion will go with him up thinking

0160 00:06:34,659 --> 00:06:39,460 clearly and not using a different

0161 00:06:36,639 --> 00:06:41,740 reality but I can definitely see how if

0162 00:06:39,460 --> 00:06:43,870 you were coming in more from the Justice

0163 00:06:41,740 --> 00:06:44,710 League perspective this issue may not

0164 00:06:43,870 --> 00:06:46,779 have delivered

0165 00:06:44,710 --> 00:06:48,129 enough of what you wanted because they

0166 00:06:46,779 --> 00:06:51,069 were really the guest stars in this

0167 00:06:48,129 --> 00:06:53,259 issue to kind of hook you in and I don't

0168 00:06:51,069 --> 00:06:57,159 think it was geared towards being a

0169 00:06:53,259 --> 00:06:59,289 zero-point entry 2 to the power rangers

0170 00:06:57,159 --> 00:07:01,330 where if you've got like zero background

0171 00:06:59,289 --> 00:07:04,419 it's a good entry point but neither did

0172 00:07:01,330 --> 00:07:07,360 it didn't think that load either to grab

0173 00:07:04,419 --> 00:07:09,810 ahold of us reader I mean that was that

0174 00:07:07,360 --> 00:07:12,240 was a funny scene with whiplash this

0175 00:07:09,810 --> 00:07:13,830 farming everybody there was a little bit

0176 00:07:12,240 --> 00:07:16,169 of humor sprinkled throughout but

0177 00:07:13,830 --> 00:07:18,690 besides that it you think there was

0178 00:07:16,169 --> 00:07:21,240 anything to really grab onto and say

0179 00:07:18,690 --> 00:07:22,889 what it's going to be a great series i

0180 00:07:21,240 --> 00:07:26,100 can't wait to see what happens next

0181 00:07:22,889 --> 00:07:27,810 isn't it was just just an ok story and

0182 00:07:26,100 --> 00:07:29,580 it could have been one shot that's fair

0183 00:07:27,810 --> 00:07:30,240 that i can again I can see where you're

0184 00:07:29,580 --> 00:07:33,000 coming from

0185 00:07:30,240 --> 00:07:34,919 I mean for me he illustrated literally

0186 00:07:33,000 --> 00:07:38,910 how well the Power Rangers can fit into

0187 00:07:34,919 --> 00:07:41,400 a comic book world and how you know they

0188 00:07:38,910 --> 00:07:43,020 fit alongside the Justice League but to

0189 00:07:41,400 --> 00:07:45,450 me that you're almost as much more

0190 00:07:43,020 --> 00:07:46,919 visual than the the story because I

0191 00:07:45,450 --> 00:07:49,560 again we didn't really see the two teams

0192 00:07:46,919 --> 00:07:51,240 side by side at all armed and I think

0193 00:07:49,560 --> 00:07:53,550 that was one of the weaknesses in this

0194 00:07:51,240 --> 00:07:56,040 issue i think they should have started a

0195 00:07:53,550 --> 00:07:58,830 bit stronger made a clear sense of

0196 00:07:56,040 --> 00:08:00,360 what's at stake here because really does

0197 00:07:58,830 --> 00:08:01,889 the power rangers seem to be sticking

0198 00:08:00,360 --> 00:08:04,260 around on the Justice League World

0199 00:08:01,889 --> 00:08:05,430 solely because lord that is still there

0200 00:08:04,260 --> 00:08:08,400 and they feel a sense of responsibility

0201 00:08:05,430 --> 00:08:11,160 for that as a kind of should we know it

0202 00:08:08,400 --> 00:08:13,740 was it was kind of similar to the the

0203 00:08:11,160 --> 00:08:16,350 Justice League Suicide Squad crossover

0204 00:08:13,740 --> 00:08:19,050 and so if you're enjoying that you know

0205 00:08:16,350 --> 00:08:21,570 I think it's that it's about that level

0206 00:08:19,050 --> 00:08:24,360 so that would like to download me either

0207 00:08:21,570 --> 00:08:26,070 so take that with a ground grain of salt

0208 00:08:24,360 --> 00:08:29,190 your liking that morning

0209 00:08:26,070 --> 00:08:30,660 they're coming out in time so the you

0210 00:08:29,190 --> 00:08:31,890 know if you're join now and might it

0211 00:08:30,660 --> 00:08:34,020 might be a good fit for you

0212 00:08:31,890 --> 00:08:36,000 yeah it's this is not something that is

0213 00:08:34,020 --> 00:08:39,210 for everybody has some people don't like

0214 00:08:36,000 --> 00:08:40,440 you know cross-company team-ups some are

0215 00:08:39,210 --> 00:08:41,490 going to be fans of the power English

0216 00:08:40,440 --> 00:08:43,260 some may be friends with power

0217 00:08:41,490 --> 00:08:46,740 interesting not the Justice League also

0218 00:08:43,260 --> 00:08:50,550 i get that to me it had some good stuff

0219 00:08:46,740 --> 00:08:55,740 it was fun um I think that they did a

0220 00:08:50,550 --> 00:08:58,709 good job here arm and again I really to

0221 00:08:55,740 --> 00:09:01,410 me the the star of this as much as I

0222 00:08:58,709 --> 00:09:05,610 enjoyed cocktails writing i think the

0223 00:09:01,410 --> 00:09:08,580 art and the colors by uh uh Steven burn

0224 00:09:05,610 --> 00:09:11,279 there was what really sold show for me

0225 00:09:08,580 --> 00:09:13,860 get a really solid clean rendition of

0226 00:09:11,279 --> 00:09:18,000 the Power Rangers to Zord that kind of

0227 00:09:13,860 --> 00:09:20,790 stuff and it was in my mind a comic book

0228 00:09:18,000 --> 00:09:22,980 that has had the potential for being

0229 00:09:20,790 --> 00:09:24,180 done for 20-some odd years in this

0230 00:09:22,980 --> 00:09:27,029 the first time we're getting it from

0231 00:09:24,180 --> 00:09:29,310 enjoying that but it was the start of

0232 00:09:27,029 --> 00:09:30,899 the story they choose a little about

0233 00:09:29,310 --> 00:09:32,760 what the ending will be which I didn't

0234 00:09:30,899 --> 00:09:34,019 appreciate every sport the middle would

0235 00:09:32,760 --> 00:09:36,510 be I think that's leading into the big

0236 00:09:34,019 --> 00:09:38,040 climax not the end anyways but we didn't

0237 00:09:36,510 --> 00:09:39,420 get most of the Justice League and I

0238 00:09:38,040 --> 00:09:41,490 kind of want to see like what happens

0239 00:09:39,420 --> 00:09:44,070 when slide work meet up with alpha 5 the

0240 00:09:41,490 --> 00:09:46,350 the power rangers robot things like that

0241 00:09:44,070 --> 00:09:48,570 we haven't had those opportunities yet

0242 00:09:46,350 --> 00:09:50,220 so i think this can only get better but

0243 00:09:48,570 --> 00:09:52,500 I enjoyed it a lot

0244 00:09:50,220 --> 00:09:54,959 I thought it was a fun team up the

0245 00:09:52,500 --> 00:09:57,029 characters all felt in character for the

0246 00:09:54,959 --> 00:09:58,980 most part again Batman being mistaken

0247 00:09:57,029 --> 00:10:00,750 for a monster we can excuse because in

0248 00:09:58,980 --> 00:10:01,529 the context of the story it does make

0249 00:10:00,750 --> 00:10:02,610 sense

0250 00:10:01,529 --> 00:10:04,769 maybe i'm going to be a little bit

0251 00:10:02,610 --> 00:10:08,399 generous here because i'm a big fan of

0252 00:10:04,769 --> 00:10:10,050 the creative team the r2 d2 superhero

0253 00:10:08,399 --> 00:10:12,540 team and stuff i'm gonna go with an

0254 00:10:10,050 --> 00:10:15,209 a-minus i really enjoyed this but i can

0255 00:10:12,540 --> 00:10:18,269 also totally understand how other people

0256 00:10:15,209 --> 00:10:20,639 who are not as entrenched in the power

0257 00:10:18,269 --> 00:10:23,399 ranger side of things may come out of

0258 00:10:20,639 --> 00:10:27,180 this not liking it much frankly you get

0259 00:10:23,399 --> 00:10:28,949 it it just be plus for me um is it like

0260 00:10:27,180 --> 00:10:30,240 i said it's right around let's talk

0261 00:10:28,949 --> 00:10:33,899 about the same as they felt about the

0262 00:10:30,240 --> 00:10:35,430 Justice League suicide crossover so when

0263 00:10:33,899 --> 00:10:37,410 books get a little crowded i tend to

0264 00:10:35,430 --> 00:10:40,470 check out a little bit so might be some

0265 00:10:37,410 --> 00:10:43,139 my baggage and a little bit goes a

0266 00:10:40,470 --> 00:10:46,230 little crowded did you were you tempted

0267 00:10:43,139 --> 00:10:48,240 to get a sum of those cool covers of

0268 00:10:46,230 --> 00:10:51,630 like he landed in the yellow rain your

0269 00:10:48,240 --> 00:10:53,970 system in green just know because I

0270 00:10:51,630 --> 00:10:56,819 thought that the the team of the parents

0271 00:10:53,970 --> 00:10:58,709 there were just nonsensical okay i mean

0272 00:10:56,819 --> 00:11:00,959 if I'm going to Team Green Lantern up

0273 00:10:58,709 --> 00:11:03,839 with somebody now granted this is the

0274 00:11:00,959 --> 00:11:06,269 jon stewart Green Lantern I tank

0275 00:11:03,839 --> 00:11:08,399 yeah I've seen him up probably with Zach

0276 00:11:06,269 --> 00:11:11,339 the black Ranger maybe thats racist of

0277 00:11:08,399 --> 00:11:13,440 me but he is that or Tommy the green

0278 00:11:11,339 --> 00:11:15,930 ranger and maybe that's colorist of me I

0279 00:11:13,440 --> 00:11:17,370 would have paired up one woman and the

0280 00:11:15,930 --> 00:11:19,139 pink ranger and I don't think that's

0281 00:11:17,370 --> 00:11:20,850 what they did with the red

0282 00:11:19,139 --> 00:11:22,350 yeah I would have put Superman number it

0283 00:11:20,850 --> 00:11:24,540 kinda like how they have it on the the

0284 00:11:22,350 --> 00:11:25,410 normal cover here Superman red makes

0285 00:11:24,540 --> 00:11:28,380 sense to me

0286 00:11:25,410 --> 00:11:30,569 Batman and blue to the smart guys that

0287 00:11:28,380 --> 00:11:32,399 makes sense to me taking wonder woman ok

0288 00:11:30,569 --> 00:11:34,220 that's cool actually where they've got

0289 00:11:32,399 --> 00:11:35,930 the yellow ranger in cyborg

0290 00:11:34,220 --> 00:11:37,940 that kind of makes sense to me because

0291 00:11:35,930 --> 00:11:38,600 training was one of the techies of the

0292 00:11:37,940 --> 00:11:40,250 group

0293 00:11:38,600 --> 00:11:42,620 I don't know that I necessarily would go

0294 00:11:40,250 --> 00:11:43,610 Tommy and flash though I mean they're a

0295 00:11:42,620 --> 00:11:45,200 couple of them that are just a little

0296 00:11:43,610 --> 00:11:47,630 hard to kind of pair up and stuff like

0297 00:11:45,200 --> 00:11:49,970 that but no i wasn't really tempted I

0298 00:11:47,630 --> 00:11:52,850 tend not to go for their the variant

0299 00:11:49,970 --> 00:11:53,630 covers and such it's just more trouble

0300 00:11:52,850 --> 00:11:54,890 than it's worth

0301 00:11:53,630 --> 00:11:56,660 yeah i thought that this would be an

0302 00:11:54,890 --> 00:11:59,930 exception because of the subject matter

0303 00:11:56,660 --> 00:12:01,400 that i'm not really the kind of turned

0304 00:11:59,930 --> 00:12:03,860 me off on the variance when they did the

0305 00:12:01,400 --> 00:12:05,030 sketch because the zero sure whatever

0306 00:12:03,860 --> 00:12:07,730 when they had all the different cut of

0307 00:12:05,030 --> 00:12:09,770 helmets and stuff on the covers and this

0308 00:12:07,730 --> 00:12:12,350 devices they were charging place died

0309 00:12:09,770 --> 00:12:15,230 i'm there from the story but again to me

0310 00:12:12,350 --> 00:12:16,370 the art of any game the art I think it a

0311 00:12:15,230 --> 00:12:18,290 little bit better with the power rangers

0312 00:12:16,370 --> 00:12:20,420 than it did say for Batman just do

0313 00:12:18,290 --> 00:12:22,760 something off a little off on him in

0314 00:12:20,420 --> 00:12:23,990 terms of you felt a little wider than I

0315 00:12:22,760 --> 00:12:27,050 think you should have been but overall

0316 00:12:23,990 --> 00:12:29,420 the art just nice clean crisp style i

0317 00:12:27,050 --> 00:12:32,210 loved it was she was fantastic but again

0318 00:12:29,420 --> 00:12:35,240 like I said this is something that has a

0319 00:12:32,210 --> 00:12:37,490 definite target audience i am looking

0320 00:12:35,240 --> 00:12:38,990 forward to checking out say Ranger board

0321 00:12:37,490 --> 00:12:41,210 and some of the power in your sights to

0322 00:12:38,990 --> 00:12:43,400 see how well it's been accepted by that

0323 00:12:41,210 --> 00:12:45,410 community ya notice they're definitely

0324 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:48,620 coming at it from the power interested

0325 00:12:45,410 --> 00:12:50,510 shall we move on to our Marvel book

0326 00:12:48,620 --> 00:12:54,140 yeah that's good this is the unbeatable

0327 00:12:50,510 --> 00:12:56,660 squirrel girl number 16 this is the 25th

0328 00:12:54,140 --> 00:12:58,430 anniversary celebration of the character

0329 00:12:56,660 --> 00:13:01,970 the character has actually been around

0330 00:12:58,430 --> 00:13:03,740 25 years and yes that is making me feel

0331 00:13:01,970 --> 00:13:07,340 old as I can remember when she was

0332 00:13:03,740 --> 00:13:09,950 introduced this to use a regular

0333 00:13:07,340 --> 00:13:12,680 scientists issue and such it's got

0334 00:13:09,950 --> 00:13:14,480 really some interest now it's got some

0335 00:13:12,680 --> 00:13:15,860 backstory on sclerosis and really

0336 00:13:14,480 --> 00:13:17,570 interesting backstory on school road

0337 00:13:15,860 --> 00:13:20,480 it's it's okay you know how her parents

0338 00:13:17,570 --> 00:13:22,340 me they have her she grows up she is

0339 00:13:20,480 --> 00:13:23,960 born with the tail and stuff like okay

0340 00:13:22,340 --> 00:13:26,120 so i don't know if i'm just showing you

0341 00:13:23,960 --> 00:13:27,680 that part about her but we keep jumping

0342 00:13:26,120 --> 00:13:30,650 kind of five years later five years

0343 00:13:27,680 --> 00:13:33,050 later periodically I really think the

0344 00:13:30,650 --> 00:13:36,020 introduction of monkey Joe her first

0345 00:13:33,050 --> 00:13:36,530 squirrel sidekick he was really well

0346 00:13:36,020 --> 00:13:38,930 done

0347 00:13:36,530 --> 00:13:41,390 I really like the way he was used his

0348 00:13:38,930 --> 00:13:44,120 attitude and such just what a great

0349 00:13:41,390 --> 00:13:45,860 character it can be a key being job of

0350 00:13:44,120 --> 00:13:47,750 convincing her that she could be

0351 00:13:45,860 --> 00:13:49,340 superheroes I mean I thought that was

0352 00:13:47,750 --> 00:13:52,580 it's a really wonderful plotting really

0353 00:13:49,340 --> 00:13:55,640 heartfelt rang true in itself you know

0354 00:13:52,580 --> 00:13:58,010 for talking 40 people that felt real

0355 00:13:55,640 --> 00:13:59,780 good night there was a Jiminy Cricket

0356 00:13:58,010 --> 00:14:02,330 aspects to him

0357 00:13:59,780 --> 00:14:04,520 yeah yeah definitely right I like that

0358 00:14:02,330 --> 00:14:08,150 be why are you already deciding their

0359 00:14:04,520 --> 00:14:11,750 things you can't do attitude arm really

0360 00:14:08,150 --> 00:14:15,380 in yeah but it really shows what an

0361 00:14:11,750 --> 00:14:17,270 influence a monkey Joe had on her arm

0362 00:14:15,380 --> 00:14:19,580 based on how this character has been

0363 00:14:17,270 --> 00:14:21,980 shown throughout this volume and such as

0364 00:14:19,580 --> 00:14:24,800 earlier we don't get a whole lot of huge

0365 00:14:21,980 --> 00:14:26,570 action or whatever but we get some fun

0366 00:14:24,800 --> 00:14:29,720 moments we get some good you know

0367 00:14:26,570 --> 00:14:33,170 backstory uh if if you're into school

0368 00:14:29,720 --> 00:14:36,020 girl i think this is a good celebration

0369 00:14:33,170 --> 00:14:38,240 of the history of the character as they

0370 00:14:36,020 --> 00:14:40,640 do it under the guise of you know

0371 00:14:38,240 --> 00:14:43,190 birthday celebration for her which kind

0372 00:14:40,640 --> 00:14:46,160 of you know sets up the the nostalgia

0373 00:14:43,190 --> 00:14:47,960 and the way back when sort of aspect of

0374 00:14:46,160 --> 00:14:49,610 it make it fit into the story the

0375 00:14:47,960 --> 00:14:51,560 present a part of the story which is you

0376 00:14:49,610 --> 00:14:53,720 know like two pages you know it's it's

0377 00:14:51,560 --> 00:14:55,310 not an earth-shattering story but like i

0378 00:14:53,720 --> 00:14:58,250 said it's a fun way to celebrate the

0379 00:14:55,310 --> 00:15:01,160 character that for most of the 25 years

0380 00:14:58,250 --> 00:15:02,900 existed but wasn't really used and in

0381 00:15:01,160 --> 00:15:04,880 the last couple of years has really kind

0382 00:15:02,900 --> 00:15:06,770 of come into her own but i think people

0383 00:15:04,880 --> 00:15:07,850 are either reading the title or not and

0384 00:15:06,770 --> 00:15:09,530 I don't know that this is going to

0385 00:15:07,850 --> 00:15:10,220 necessarily sway somebody one way or the

0386 00:15:09,530 --> 00:15:13,280 other

0387 00:15:10,220 --> 00:15:17,450 it was a lot of fun um i liked it i

0388 00:15:13,280 --> 00:15:19,610 thought ryan or did a good job of hope

0389 00:15:17,450 --> 00:15:23,210 and Erica as well as the artist did a

0390 00:15:19,610 --> 00:15:26,480 good job of those some paying homage to

0391 00:15:23,210 --> 00:15:29,420 the original creator wilmarie the

0392 00:15:26,480 --> 00:15:32,089 co-creator wilmarie as well as he did

0393 00:15:29,420 --> 00:15:34,010 coast contribution and so they kind of

0394 00:15:32,089 --> 00:15:38,660 reinterpreted is her first appearance

0395 00:15:34,010 --> 00:15:41,450 that wilmarie did as well as heat goes

0396 00:15:38,660 --> 00:15:42,740 very first Kurt you know of

0397 00:15:41,450 --> 00:15:45,620 look up look at hers in one of the

0398 00:15:42,740 --> 00:15:47,630 panels I'm gonna hurt it has heard his

0399 00:15:45,620 --> 00:15:50,089 character design was included in there i

0400 00:15:47,630 --> 00:15:52,280 think like a direct lift up in on that

0401 00:15:50,089 --> 00:15:54,620 panel where she did the book report

0402 00:15:52,280 --> 00:15:56,240 heavily cell and I thought that was

0403 00:15:54,620 --> 00:15:58,190 really a nice touch

0404 00:15:56,240 --> 00:16:00,920 now and and the fact that they kind of

0405 00:15:58,190 --> 00:16:03,709 retold that story

0406 00:16:00,920 --> 00:16:04,940 it with their style their art style and

0407 00:16:03,709 --> 00:16:06,500 I thought that was that was nice i

0408 00:16:04,940 --> 00:16:10,519 didn't have never read that story before

0409 00:16:06,500 --> 00:16:13,610 so it was kind of goals and finally to

0410 00:16:10,519 --> 00:16:16,370 kind of see that and you need to see

0411 00:16:13,610 --> 00:16:18,949 where where this key problem in you know

0412 00:16:16,370 --> 00:16:20,870 she's 20 years old and she's been around

0413 00:16:18,949 --> 00:16:22,279 25 years old in the comics and i thought

0414 00:16:20,870 --> 00:16:24,620 they're leaving a good job of breaking

0415 00:16:22,279 --> 00:16:26,810 it up into five your chunk sand and

0416 00:16:24,620 --> 00:16:29,510 touching on little milestone in your

0417 00:16:26,810 --> 00:16:31,730 life and I really thought that was

0418 00:16:29,510 --> 00:16:34,310 really well well bombs

0419 00:16:31,730 --> 00:16:37,100 this book is something that is a big

0420 00:16:34,310 --> 00:16:40,519 surprise and still on my polish and the

0421 00:16:37,100 --> 00:16:42,529 the first issue that we review a camera

0422 00:16:40,519 --> 00:16:45,410 which number that was it was a long time

0423 00:16:42,529 --> 00:16:47,630 ago that we reviewed this and it's just

0424 00:16:45,410 --> 00:16:49,940 stuck around a really like Ryan North

0425 00:16:47,630 --> 00:16:52,730 writing styles and stability i think the

0426 00:16:49,940 --> 00:16:54,680 arts find its into the all-ages book I

0427 00:16:52,730 --> 00:16:57,529 don't have too many of those Mike

0428 00:16:54,680 --> 00:17:00,260 Michael list but this is one that i know

0429 00:16:57,529 --> 00:17:02,209 i think is a really strong and uh I

0430 00:17:00,260 --> 00:17:05,689 really think they did a good job

0431 00:17:02,209 --> 00:17:07,880 honoring her years and you know giving

0432 00:17:05,689 --> 00:17:09,829 her a nice one shot

0433 00:17:07,880 --> 00:17:12,230 I don't think it would work too bad as

0434 00:17:09,829 --> 00:17:13,939 you don't get to come in cold said you

0435 00:17:12,230 --> 00:17:15,530 know don't know anything about school

0436 00:17:13,939 --> 00:17:17,179 girl when you read this this anniversary

0437 00:17:15,530 --> 00:17:19,699 issue and I think could be a pretty good

0438 00:17:17,179 --> 00:17:21,350 primer for you to see it's a good

0439 00:17:19,699 --> 00:17:24,559 something you want my want you don't get

0440 00:17:21,350 --> 00:17:26,600 a lot of supporting cast but i still

0441 00:17:24,559 --> 00:17:28,640 think it is a really strong issue and

0442 00:17:26,600 --> 00:17:29,929 then I thought it was a great job

0443 00:17:28,640 --> 00:17:32,450 yeah I could definitely see this being a

0444 00:17:29,929 --> 00:17:34,910 good jumping on point or entry ramp into

0445 00:17:32,450 --> 00:17:37,040 the character because again it recaps

0446 00:17:34,910 --> 00:17:40,040 from her birth and jumping five years to

0447 00:17:37,040 --> 00:17:42,080 her evolution into who she becomes um

0448 00:17:40,040 --> 00:17:43,130 yeah you don't get the the supporting

0449 00:17:42,080 --> 00:17:45,230 cast you don't get necessarily

0450 00:17:43,130 --> 00:17:47,240 everything going on these days but you

0451 00:17:45,230 --> 00:17:47,840 get the right tone and the style of the

0452 00:17:47,240 --> 00:17:49,970 book

0453 00:17:47,840 --> 00:17:52,250 yeah and I think that's one of the great

0454 00:17:49,970 --> 00:17:54,200 strengths of this issue or this the

0455 00:17:52,250 --> 00:17:57,559 series really that this issue uh

0456 00:17:54,200 --> 00:17:59,900 exemplifies is they've got a very clear

0457 00:17:57,559 --> 00:18:01,400 kind of northstar for where what

0458 00:17:59,900 --> 00:18:04,309 direction this book is heading and what

0459 00:18:01,400 --> 00:18:05,990 kind of title this is and they don't

0460 00:18:04,309 --> 00:18:08,600 hear from that they know what they're

0461 00:18:05,990 --> 00:18:10,880 doing they've got a very solid creative

0462 00:18:08,600 --> 00:18:12,830 vision and yeah may not be for everybody

0463 00:18:10,880 --> 00:18:14,659 i think this title makes you a little

0464 00:18:12,830 --> 00:18:16,879 younger again it is true

0465 00:18:14,659 --> 00:18:19,909 really an all-ages book but i do think

0466 00:18:16,879 --> 00:18:21,559 that's one of its strength is they're

0467 00:18:19,909 --> 00:18:24,049 not trying to be all things to all

0468 00:18:21,559 --> 00:18:26,419 people and they're trying to provide a

0469 00:18:24,049 --> 00:18:27,830 good role model for your kids or whatnot

0470 00:18:26,419 --> 00:18:30,769 and a character that you can really

0471 00:18:27,830 --> 00:18:33,229 respect you know I I don't expect to

0472 00:18:30,769 --> 00:18:35,419 ever see I hope never to see a Marvel

0473 00:18:33,229 --> 00:18:38,119 event along the lines of the Civil War

0474 00:18:35,419 --> 00:18:40,429 14 or you know whatever we're one of the

0475 00:18:38,119 --> 00:18:42,499 sides is exemplified by squirrel girl

0476 00:18:40,429 --> 00:18:45,679 and the issue and the wrong kind of

0477 00:18:42,499 --> 00:18:48,200 thing but no you know but now she should

0478 00:18:45,679 --> 00:18:50,659 be go and edit its they always do a good

0479 00:18:48,200 --> 00:18:53,539 job of setting up the story with the

0480 00:18:50,659 --> 00:18:55,309 social media exchange between her

0481 00:18:53,539 --> 00:18:59,359 another character sometimes it's just

0482 00:18:55,309 --> 00:19:01,820 her friends and sometimes it's a tony

0483 00:18:59,359 --> 00:19:03,499 start it makes a lot of appearances in

0484 00:19:01,820 --> 00:19:05,629 the in the social media exchange on the

0485 00:19:03,499 --> 00:19:08,749 title page and it's always a salon

0486 00:19:05,629 --> 00:19:11,359 back-and-forth friendly banter that goes

0487 00:19:08,749 --> 00:19:13,849 on there which always kind of prime the

0488 00:19:11,359 --> 00:19:15,259 pump and itchy in the right frame of

0489 00:19:13,849 --> 00:19:18,139 mind for the story that you're about to

0490 00:19:15,259 --> 00:19:20,389 read like i did i just i think it's

0491 00:19:18,139 --> 00:19:22,340 really a good use of social media and

0492 00:19:20,389 --> 00:19:24,559 comic sometimes it's really jarring and

0493 00:19:22,340 --> 00:19:26,450 it doesn't feel authentic fighting it

0494 00:19:24,559 --> 00:19:29,539 always feels authentic and in those

0495 00:19:26,450 --> 00:19:33,169 books as the intro page and it's always

0496 00:19:29,539 --> 00:19:34,489 a really nice kind of exit onto the into

0497 00:19:33,169 --> 00:19:37,759 the book what you're gonna read about

0498 00:19:34,489 --> 00:19:40,639 yeah and it again it helps set that tone

0499 00:19:37,759 --> 00:19:42,409 and style arm that makes the title I

0500 00:19:40,639 --> 00:19:43,279 think somewhat unique on the tracks

0501 00:19:42,409 --> 00:19:45,799 these days

0502 00:19:43,279 --> 00:19:48,259 did you have a problem with the final

0503 00:19:45,799 --> 00:19:50,059 page with a glimpse of the five years

0504 00:19:48,259 --> 00:19:50,840 ahead into the future and what what she

0505 00:19:50,059 --> 00:19:53,899 come

0506 00:19:50,840 --> 00:19:55,879 no not really yeah because i think the

0507 00:19:53,899 --> 00:19:58,789 character needs to to grow a little bit

0508 00:19:55,879 --> 00:20:00,950 more into that kind of a role but the

0509 00:19:58,789 --> 00:20:02,869 way they had set her up

0510 00:20:00,950 --> 00:20:05,659 it seems like a natural fit it's just a

0511 00:20:02,869 --> 00:20:08,570 matter of time any because if you look

0512 00:20:05,659 --> 00:20:10,279 at the backstory not in this issue but

0513 00:20:08,570 --> 00:20:12,859 of this character has seen in other

0514 00:20:10,279 --> 00:20:15,200 comics she's well-known the superhero

0515 00:20:12,859 --> 00:20:19,999 realm and in the Marvel Universe

0516 00:20:15,200 --> 00:20:23,239 well-liked and she's got again that

0517 00:20:19,999 --> 00:20:25,549 almost nobility or whatever that few of

0518 00:20:23,239 --> 00:20:27,679 the heroes these days seem to have and

0519 00:20:25,549 --> 00:20:28,190 as this volume example she's always

0520 00:20:27,679 --> 00:20:30,230 trying to go

0521 00:20:28,190 --> 00:20:31,730 for the win not just lets beat somebody

0522 00:20:30,230 --> 00:20:34,159 up and thrown in jail but let's get help

0523 00:20:31,730 --> 00:20:36,350 them out to now i'm not sure how much

0524 00:20:34,159 --> 00:20:39,110 screentime sheikh adil years and

0525 00:20:36,350 --> 00:20:41,690 apparently books and things but has she

0526 00:20:39,110 --> 00:20:44,600 was she introduced more of a funny

0527 00:20:41,690 --> 00:20:46,879 character like this is a silly character

0528 00:20:44,600 --> 00:20:49,100 was she always treated seriously and you

0529 00:20:46,879 --> 00:20:51,230 recall the whole concept of somebody

0530 00:20:49,100 --> 00:20:53,690 with squirrel powers is inherently a

0531 00:20:51,230 --> 00:20:55,460 little bit more ridiculous say with a

0532 00:20:53,690 --> 00:20:56,870 book for a bushy tail or whatever then

0533 00:20:55,460 --> 00:21:00,019 say you know somebody with spider-powers

0534 00:20:56,870 --> 00:21:02,690 ya up so when she treated as straitlaced

0535 00:21:00,019 --> 00:21:05,450 in uber heroic it's a spider-man know

0536 00:21:02,690 --> 00:21:08,360 what she treated as kind of a comedic

0537 00:21:05,450 --> 00:21:11,450 almost cartoony character know and there

0538 00:21:08,360 --> 00:21:13,789 have been other times where she was

0539 00:21:11,450 --> 00:21:17,059 pulled into I mean at one point she was

0540 00:21:13,789 --> 00:21:19,730 the babysitter or nanny for luke cage

0541 00:21:17,059 --> 00:21:22,820 and jessica jones uh kid

0542 00:21:19,730 --> 00:21:24,320 okay so she was showing up routinely and

0543 00:21:22,820 --> 00:21:26,809 I forget if it was new avengers Mighty

0544 00:21:24,320 --> 00:21:28,549 Avengers or that other Avengers title

0545 00:21:26,809 --> 00:21:32,389 um you know whatever adventure book it

0546 00:21:28,549 --> 00:21:34,100 was at that point so again not not the

0547 00:21:32,389 --> 00:21:35,720 most curious of characters but certainly

0548 00:21:34,100 --> 00:21:37,309 not a laughingstock either

0549 00:21:35,720 --> 00:21:40,309 yeah do you think he could go in that

0550 00:21:37,309 --> 00:21:42,799 direction you wanted you because you

0551 00:21:40,309 --> 00:21:44,419 know the power setting the look at me p

0552 00:21:42,799 --> 00:21:47,240 it could have been a very one notebook

0553 00:21:44,419 --> 00:21:50,090 but they don't treat her that way and

0554 00:21:47,240 --> 00:21:51,230 then therefore as a reader you don't

0555 00:21:50,090 --> 00:21:54,950 think of her that way

0556 00:21:51,230 --> 00:21:57,710 ok and so you know it's easy to stay on

0557 00:21:54,950 --> 00:22:01,610 the outside of this book and ignore it

0558 00:21:57,710 --> 00:22:04,700 as a you know dumb or whatever because

0559 00:22:01,610 --> 00:22:06,110 it's squirrel they're also squirrel and

0560 00:22:04,700 --> 00:22:08,929 a girl that doesn't make any sense that

0561 00:22:06,110 --> 00:22:11,509 the look silly and it looks childish but

0562 00:22:08,929 --> 00:22:14,299 once you're inside its treated in such a

0563 00:22:11,509 --> 00:22:17,179 fashion that you give you just a fun

0564 00:22:14,299 --> 00:22:21,500 character that it out just the right

0565 00:22:17,179 --> 00:22:25,429 thing and was always learning and then

0566 00:22:21,500 --> 00:22:27,950 improving from issue to issue and you

0567 00:22:25,429 --> 00:22:31,370 know it's been mostly a really solid

0568 00:22:27,950 --> 00:22:32,990 series the whole pond through and i

0569 00:22:31,370 --> 00:22:35,750 think almost all the story arcs have

0570 00:22:32,990 --> 00:22:38,450 been really really positive and good

0571 00:22:35,750 --> 00:22:41,269 ones i didn't care much for the little

0572 00:22:38,450 --> 00:22:41,480 multiple minute I'm story arc about that

0573 00:22:41,269 --> 00:22:44,450 one

0574 00:22:41,480 --> 00:22:46,940 a little long and Kyle Austin a little

0575 00:22:44,450 --> 00:22:50,090 bit but decides that can give all being

0576 00:22:46,940 --> 00:22:52,370 really strong really really good little

0577 00:22:50,090 --> 00:22:55,220 teary I think there are two ways you

0578 00:22:52,370 --> 00:22:57,410 could read most of her stories one is

0579 00:22:55,220 --> 00:22:59,630 just straight-up superhero you know have

0580 00:22:57,410 --> 00:23:02,059 some fun but it's it's all ages but it's

0581 00:22:59,630 --> 00:23:03,650 it's it's a regular story using the

0582 00:23:02,059 --> 00:23:06,830 other way I think you could take a

0583 00:23:03,650 --> 00:23:10,250 reading of it is the campy aspects a of

0584 00:23:06,830 --> 00:23:11,840 the Batman 66 TV show he where there are

0585 00:23:10,250 --> 00:23:13,190 times she may come across

0586 00:23:11,840 --> 00:23:16,340 I don't say little looper shirts but you

0587 00:23:13,190 --> 00:23:17,570 could you could read it as in that vein

0588 00:23:16,340 --> 00:23:21,530 if you wanted to

0589 00:23:17,570 --> 00:23:24,169 yeah but what I like is both readings i

0590 00:23:21,530 --> 00:23:26,210 think are equally valid but the way

0591 00:23:24,169 --> 00:23:26,750 they're doing it it's not forcing either

0592 00:23:26,210 --> 00:23:28,790 one

0593 00:23:26,750 --> 00:23:31,309 yeah there's there's a story to be read

0594 00:23:28,790 --> 00:23:34,220 here and then there's an underlying

0595 00:23:31,309 --> 00:23:37,429 lying story you know literally a little

0596 00:23:34,220 --> 00:23:41,000 tiny line understand most of the pages

0597 00:23:37,429 --> 00:23:44,450 with with a commentary track by the

0598 00:23:41,000 --> 00:23:49,370 creator and that's usually relegated to

0599 00:23:44,450 --> 00:23:51,410 jokes and a funny funny asides and

0600 00:23:49,370 --> 00:23:54,410 observation on what is going on the

0601 00:23:51,410 --> 00:23:57,950 storyline so that's kind of something

0602 00:23:54,410 --> 00:23:59,780 you don't have to read and some of us as

0603 00:23:57,950 --> 00:24:02,150 we get older can't read it

0604 00:23:59,780 --> 00:24:05,059 yeah I was gonna say the color choice on

0605 00:24:02,150 --> 00:24:08,240 a few of the pages uh-oh like picking on

0606 00:24:05,059 --> 00:24:10,309 white now come on guys that you can read

0607 00:24:08,240 --> 00:24:14,809 it in it something that can add to the

0608 00:24:10,309 --> 00:24:17,330 story another layer and it needs so

0609 00:24:14,809 --> 00:24:18,710 that's something intense is its own

0610 00:24:17,330 --> 00:24:21,169 place in the marketplace is really

0611 00:24:18,710 --> 00:24:23,270 nothing like that that you're seeing big

0612 00:24:21,169 --> 00:24:25,910 too so i really i really enjoy that

0613 00:24:23,270 --> 00:24:27,440 extra work that he's putting in there

0614 00:24:25,910 --> 00:24:28,370 you know giving us this little

0615 00:24:27,440 --> 00:24:30,290 commentary track

0616 00:24:28,370 --> 00:24:32,840 I appreciate that and it's what's kept

0617 00:24:30,290 --> 00:24:34,790 me on the book it in a marketplace

0618 00:24:32,840 --> 00:24:37,640 that's very crowded marketplace

0619 00:24:34,790 --> 00:24:39,440 I am a sickle reader you know I drop

0620 00:24:37,640 --> 00:24:41,690 things and then come back to them later

0621 00:24:39,440 --> 00:24:45,679 i don't i'm not all then I move around

0622 00:24:41,690 --> 00:24:48,950 especially in a big deal and this is

0623 00:24:45,679 --> 00:24:51,500 this is stuck with me so I'm glad this

0624 00:24:48,950 --> 00:24:53,900 anniversary issue was a good one because

0625 00:24:51,500 --> 00:24:55,160 it will be kind of reinforced you know

0626 00:24:53,900 --> 00:24:59,960 why i like this

0627 00:24:55,160 --> 00:25:03,080 on it get the positive book and it's

0628 00:24:59,960 --> 00:25:05,270 it's really something you could handle

0629 00:25:03,080 --> 00:25:07,460 anybody and say check this out

0630 00:25:05,270 --> 00:25:08,780 different-different check it out you

0631 00:25:07,460 --> 00:25:11,150 mentioned a few times that it's a

0632 00:25:08,780 --> 00:25:13,520 positive book and I really want to echo

0633 00:25:11,150 --> 00:25:16,670 that and stress that because there are a

0634 00:25:13,520 --> 00:25:19,010 lot of of critical superhero uncle

0635 00:25:16,670 --> 00:25:22,340 characters out there but few that are

0636 00:25:19,010 --> 00:25:25,460 are as inherently heroic in so many ways

0637 00:25:22,340 --> 00:25:28,430 is this character is in its something

0638 00:25:25,460 --> 00:25:30,980 that at times I think a lot of the

0639 00:25:28,430 --> 00:25:32,270 writers of the titles almost lose sight

0640 00:25:30,980 --> 00:25:33,890 of the fact that they're supposed to be

0641 00:25:32,270 --> 00:25:37,700 fighting the good fight for the right

0642 00:25:33,890 --> 00:25:40,340 reasons just cause and it again that

0643 00:25:37,700 --> 00:25:43,550 aspect of of the title is something that

0644 00:25:40,340 --> 00:25:45,800 I at times definitely is what attracts

0645 00:25:43,550 --> 00:25:49,250 me to the book you know III he doesn't

0646 00:25:45,800 --> 00:25:51,410 devolves into just mindless slugfests or

0647 00:25:49,250 --> 00:25:53,030 all plot or whatever it's about the

0648 00:25:51,410 --> 00:25:54,740 characters about her journey is about

0649 00:25:53,030 --> 00:25:57,440 you're trying to do the right thing

0650 00:25:54,740 --> 00:25:59,330 again again the way they kind of retro

0651 00:25:57,440 --> 00:26:01,130 actively set some of that up in this

0652 00:25:59,330 --> 00:26:02,540 issue i thought was just beautiful and

0653 00:26:01,130 --> 00:26:03,770 if there's a segment of the marvel

0654 00:26:02,540 --> 00:26:06,740 universe where I think they're doing

0655 00:26:03,770 --> 00:26:10,520 things off right on all cylinders i

0656 00:26:06,740 --> 00:26:12,740 think between this and double dinosaur

0657 00:26:10,520 --> 00:26:16,130 and ms marvel that when you read the

0658 00:26:12,740 --> 00:26:18,230 letters pages and you see this the age

0659 00:26:16,130 --> 00:26:21,350 of the fans the type of fans that

0660 00:26:18,230 --> 00:26:24,320 they're getting to read these comics up

0661 00:26:21,350 --> 00:26:27,590 its really refreshing and exciting to

0662 00:26:24,320 --> 00:26:30,440 see young kids embracing these

0663 00:26:27,590 --> 00:26:33,080 characters and embracing comics and then

0664 00:26:30,440 --> 00:26:34,910 like makes you feel hopeful that there

0665 00:26:33,080 --> 00:26:36,410 will be a comic industry later on

0666 00:26:34,910 --> 00:26:38,450 because they're there's another

0667 00:26:36,410 --> 00:26:40,370 generation and and I you know I get all

0668 00:26:38,450 --> 00:26:43,370 Marvel for a lot of the stuff they do

0669 00:26:40,370 --> 00:26:45,830 but i think this segment of the universe

0670 00:26:43,370 --> 00:26:49,700 they're doing really well and I I

0671 00:26:45,830 --> 00:26:51,530 appreciate it as an older dude even

0672 00:26:49,700 --> 00:26:53,600 though maybe I'm not the target market i

0673 00:26:51,530 --> 00:26:54,530 can enjoy this book and I really

0674 00:26:53,600 --> 00:26:57,080 appreciate that

0675 00:26:54,530 --> 00:26:58,880 yeah I I think they're speaking to a

0676 00:26:57,080 --> 00:27:00,380 segment of the audience that just wasn't

0677 00:26:58,880 --> 00:27:02,300 being spoken to before and I think

0678 00:27:00,380 --> 00:27:03,650 there's a lot of power and map and this

0679 00:27:02,300 --> 00:27:05,990 is something that could definitely get I

0680 00:27:03,650 --> 00:27:08,390 think again younger readers into comics

0681 00:27:05,990 --> 00:27:10,220 which is just good for all of us

0682 00:27:08,390 --> 00:27:14,060 now i'm going to give it the neigh- I

0683 00:27:10,220 --> 00:27:16,040 think it's really good and a really good

0684 00:27:14,060 --> 00:27:17,690 issue that you know people should check

0685 00:27:16,040 --> 00:27:20,480 out if they have been curious about the

0686 00:27:17,690 --> 00:27:21,860 book i'm gonna go with a I was going to

0687 00:27:20,480 --> 00:27:23,720 go with a b-plus but i think i'm going

0688 00:27:21,860 --> 00:27:26,660 to go to the a- to uh the only

0689 00:27:23,720 --> 00:27:30,590 reservation i would have had their is

0690 00:27:26,660 --> 00:27:33,200 the art style is is it not the type i

0691 00:27:30,590 --> 00:27:35,270 tend to gravitate towards it is a bit

0692 00:27:33,200 --> 00:27:37,130 cooking it's a big cartoony but it fits

0693 00:27:35,270 --> 00:27:39,530 the character if it's catone and the

0694 00:27:37,130 --> 00:27:42,560 style of the book and it's it's just so

0695 00:27:39,530 --> 00:27:45,320 I propose for what they're doing here

0696 00:27:42,560 --> 00:27:47,210 um I don't think that the art style i

0697 00:27:45,320 --> 00:27:48,650 tend to gravitate to witnesses would

0698 00:27:47,210 --> 00:27:51,140 benefit the book matter of fact it may

0699 00:27:48,650 --> 00:27:53,810 very much to track from it so this is a

0700 00:27:51,140 --> 00:27:55,460 creative team that it's really working

0701 00:27:53,810 --> 00:27:57,920 well together i want to see them keep

0702 00:27:55,460 --> 00:28:00,020 going with this and I want to see them

0703 00:27:57,920 --> 00:28:01,610 really kind of integrate Squirrel Girl a

0704 00:28:00,020 --> 00:28:03,680 little bit better into the rest of the

0705 00:28:01,610 --> 00:28:06,470 marvel universe because I think there's

0706 00:28:03,680 --> 00:28:09,050 a lot that this character can can offer

0707 00:28:06,470 --> 00:28:10,850 to other titles but I don't know that us

0708 00:28:09,050 --> 00:28:12,890 Avengers is necessarily the right place

0709 00:28:10,850 --> 00:28:15,950 for that as we talked about last week

0710 00:28:12,890 --> 00:28:17,630 yeah it could be that champions may or

0711 00:28:15,950 --> 00:28:21,170 may not be the right place but somewhere

0712 00:28:17,630 --> 00:28:22,880 that gets ms marvel moon girl squirrel

0713 00:28:21,170 --> 00:28:25,640 girl a couple of these types of

0714 00:28:22,880 --> 00:28:28,220 characters together to form kind of a

0715 00:28:25,640 --> 00:28:30,050 true kind of critical unity squad could

0716 00:28:28,220 --> 00:28:31,670 be a lot of fun so we'll see where they

0717 00:28:30,050 --> 00:28:33,590 go with the character but definitely

0718 00:28:31,670 --> 00:28:35,000 this is a good place if you're curious

0719 00:28:33,590 --> 00:28:37,310 about the character and haven't checked

0720 00:28:35,000 --> 00:28:39,950 it out definitely an issue worth the

0721 00:28:37,310 --> 00:28:43,550 worth checking out on that sampling on

0722 00:28:39,950 --> 00:28:46,010 shall we move on to our other book

0723 00:28:43,550 --> 00:28:48,950 let's do that this is a red sonja number

0724 00:28:46,010 --> 00:28:51,740 one from dynamite entertainment of which

0725 00:28:48,950 --> 00:28:53,720 they've had a few number ones this is uh

0726 00:28:51,740 --> 00:28:55,910 the burning red sonja into the modern

0727 00:28:53,720 --> 00:28:59,270 day and I really don't know if this is a

0728 00:28:55,910 --> 00:29:02,270 good idea or not they had a 25-cent 0

0729 00:28:59,270 --> 00:29:04,340 issue that i read i bought our annual

0730 00:29:02,270 --> 00:29:06,590 soup is good but it really failed the

0731 00:29:04,340 --> 00:29:10,430 kind of hook me so I did not preorder

0732 00:29:06,590 --> 00:29:12,860 this I want up reading a PDF press pdf

0733 00:29:10,430 --> 00:29:14,660 version of it and I'm glad I did I

0734 00:29:12,860 --> 00:29:16,940 wanted to give it another shot and stuff

0735 00:29:14,660 --> 00:29:20,270 honestly it was more or less what I had

0736 00:29:16,940 --> 00:29:21,690 expected you get kind of the be standard

0737 00:29:20,270 --> 00:29:23,370 a person from another

0738 00:29:21,690 --> 00:29:25,590 time to find themselves in the present

0739 00:29:23,370 --> 00:29:28,590 day gets mistaken for a crazy person

0740 00:29:25,590 --> 00:29:30,090 fights the cops escapes and lo and

0741 00:29:28,590 --> 00:29:32,129 behold there's that one person that can

0742 00:29:30,090 --> 00:29:33,960 somehow form a connection with them in

0743 00:29:32,129 --> 00:29:35,549 this case it's the cop that just somehow

0744 00:29:33,960 --> 00:29:37,679 manages to speak

0745 00:29:35,549 --> 00:29:39,389 Coulson off language to what she's

0746 00:29:37,679 --> 00:29:42,090 speaking that they can kind of sort of

0747 00:29:39,389 --> 00:29:44,879 communicate it poorly and I mean the

0748 00:29:42,090 --> 00:29:47,370 issue is good to the story in our solid

0749 00:29:44,879 --> 00:29:49,620 but for me what was lacking in this

0750 00:29:47,370 --> 00:29:51,570 issue in 20 issue and maybe I just need

0751 00:29:49,620 --> 00:29:53,039 to read them closer together with the

0752 00:29:51,570 --> 00:29:55,470 reason for us to really care about red

0753 00:29:53,039 --> 00:29:57,870 sonja why she's here and what her plight

0754 00:29:55,470 --> 00:30:00,929 is yeah she's kind of just a fish out of

0755 00:29:57,870 --> 00:30:03,330 water and yeah you're right you don't

0756 00:30:00,929 --> 00:30:05,490 really get anything that quarter as you

0757 00:30:03,330 --> 00:30:07,320 accept that she got lost the transporter

0758 00:30:05,490 --> 00:30:09,720 here and you didn't really get anything

0759 00:30:07,320 --> 00:30:11,159 in this issue that makes you really like

0760 00:30:09,720 --> 00:30:13,409 her a report

0761 00:30:11,159 --> 00:30:15,419 you're right i mean i've got a passing

0762 00:30:13,409 --> 00:30:18,240 familiarity with the character

0763 00:30:15,419 --> 00:30:21,000 yeah having seen her in get some cone

0764 00:30:18,240 --> 00:30:23,490 and stuff i've read and maybe everyone

0765 00:30:21,000 --> 00:30:26,610 to other issues and stuff but I don't

0766 00:30:23,490 --> 00:30:28,710 have enough intrinsic knowledge of the

0767 00:30:26,610 --> 00:30:30,029 character to be rooting for her in and

0768 00:30:28,710 --> 00:30:32,250 of itself

0769 00:30:30,029 --> 00:30:34,769 yeah i've read a ton of it it seems like

0770 00:30:32,250 --> 00:30:36,570 the comparison I've read a lot of the

0771 00:30:34,769 --> 00:30:39,600 ammonia and so i can already have that

0772 00:30:36,570 --> 00:30:42,000 built-in I guess God you know why we

0773 00:30:39,600 --> 00:30:43,710 like her but you don't lead in the first

0774 00:30:42,000 --> 00:30:45,960 two issues that I've read in this

0775 00:30:43,710 --> 00:30:48,870 logging they sure to go out of their way

0776 00:30:45,960 --> 00:30:52,470 ki will endear you to her anything she

0777 00:30:48,870 --> 00:30:55,529 just kind of laws i think i had a

0778 00:30:52,470 --> 00:30:57,570 similar problem with this title that you

0779 00:30:55,529 --> 00:30:59,850 may have at justice league power rangers

0780 00:30:57,570 --> 00:31:01,649 of if you're not company and already

0781 00:30:59,850 --> 00:31:04,019 kind of sold on the property

0782 00:31:01,649 --> 00:31:07,320 yeah we're not doing the sales job no

0783 00:31:04,019 --> 00:31:08,789 and I liked what i read but not enough i

0784 00:31:07,320 --> 00:31:11,129 I can't find any reason to justify

0785 00:31:08,789 --> 00:31:14,100 continuing with the series and i hate to

0786 00:31:11,129 --> 00:31:15,779 say that because I think dynamite really

0787 00:31:14,100 --> 00:31:19,169 put their money where their mouth is on

0788 00:31:15,779 --> 00:31:21,570 that 25 70 issue and then for me to have

0789 00:31:19,169 --> 00:31:23,730 given them another chance on the first

0790 00:31:21,570 --> 00:31:26,669 issue I mean they've faced they have the

0791 00:31:23,730 --> 00:31:29,129 page count to hook me yeah and it's

0792 00:31:26,669 --> 00:31:30,690 again not particularly anything bad i

0793 00:31:29,129 --> 00:31:34,570 think again like I said the story in the

0794 00:31:30,690 --> 00:31:36,340 art is is solid it's just the motivation

0795 00:31:34,570 --> 00:31:38,139 behind it doesn't really make a whole

0796 00:31:36,340 --> 00:31:40,539 lot of sense to me yeah I get that

0797 00:31:38,139 --> 00:31:43,330 completely I don't um I don't think I

0798 00:31:40,539 --> 00:31:46,360 fell off that conan book so you know

0799 00:31:43,330 --> 00:31:47,769 that this kind of fills that void don't

0800 00:31:46,360 --> 00:31:50,830 want to stick with a little bit but

0801 00:31:47,769 --> 00:31:52,509 there really isn't a lot here to say wow

0802 00:31:50,830 --> 00:31:54,279 I like I can't wait to find out what

0803 00:31:52,509 --> 00:31:56,019 happened to our man I hope she's ok I

0804 00:31:54,279 --> 00:31:59,080 really want to follow this through

0805 00:31:56,019 --> 00:32:02,409 you can pick this up and put it down and

0806 00:31:59,080 --> 00:32:04,240 really not sweat it and smell it also to

0807 00:32:02,409 --> 00:32:05,889 get that from the first issue you know

0808 00:32:04,240 --> 00:32:07,720 you just going to be some kind of sense

0809 00:32:05,889 --> 00:32:11,110 of urgency going to read the next issue

0810 00:32:07,720 --> 00:32:13,360 and it's not be an art form to do that

0811 00:32:11,110 --> 00:32:16,029 because so few comics do that nowadays

0812 00:32:13,360 --> 00:32:18,370 really grab you and compel you

0813 00:32:16,029 --> 00:32:20,200 it's definitely an art form and I agree

0814 00:32:18,370 --> 00:32:21,610 that you do it but we've read enough

0815 00:32:20,200 --> 00:32:24,250 that have done it

0816 00:32:21,610 --> 00:32:27,639 we have and in a couple of cases uh

0817 00:32:24,250 --> 00:32:30,909 using another a dynamite title as an

0818 00:32:27,639 --> 00:32:33,309 example about red team double tax center

0819 00:32:30,909 --> 00:32:36,100 mass first issue we were gonna hook

0820 00:32:33,309 --> 00:32:37,659 yeah so it can be done it's not easy

0821 00:32:36,100 --> 00:32:39,399 it's not trivial

0822 00:32:37,659 --> 00:32:42,879 it's not something i think most creative

0823 00:32:39,399 --> 00:32:45,789 teams can do at least have shown of that

0824 00:32:42,879 --> 00:32:47,769 I think Amy to overall story is not bad

0825 00:32:45,789 --> 00:32:50,320 it again i think what we're saying is

0826 00:32:47,769 --> 00:32:51,759 the fundamental flaw is that it's either

0827 00:32:50,320 --> 00:32:54,129 not fast enough or they haven't given us

0828 00:32:51,759 --> 00:32:57,879 the few pieces we need to hang onto but

0829 00:32:54,129 --> 00:32:59,590 it's not a poorly told story or clunky

0830 00:32:57,879 --> 00:33:02,259 dialogue or anything of the sort like

0831 00:32:59,590 --> 00:33:05,919 that it's just not enough yet and yet

0832 00:33:02,259 --> 00:33:08,169 not it's good but not a good sales job

0833 00:33:05,919 --> 00:33:10,299 uses what I want to differentiate their

0834 00:33:08,169 --> 00:33:11,679 you know how max is able to speak

0835 00:33:10,299 --> 00:33:13,690 something close enough that she's

0836 00:33:11,679 --> 00:33:15,970 speaking I had no idea but we'll get to

0837 00:33:13,690 --> 00:33:18,039 that in the course of the story so we

0838 00:33:15,970 --> 00:33:20,529 can t even when they asked the question

0839 00:33:18,039 --> 00:33:21,909 we will ask the question well my mom

0840 00:33:20,529 --> 00:33:23,889 helped me a lot of languages

0841 00:33:21,909 --> 00:33:26,409 this is just one of them clucks what

0842 00:33:23,889 --> 00:33:28,570 that's really weird answer

0843 00:33:26,409 --> 00:33:29,740 yeah it's just kind of a vague yeah I

0844 00:33:28,570 --> 00:33:31,360 learned a bunch of languages I don't

0845 00:33:29,740 --> 00:33:33,970 even know what language this is what I

0846 00:33:31,360 --> 00:33:37,179 don't speak it but i think it is this

0847 00:33:33,970 --> 00:33:38,139 awkward you know it just doesn't make

0848 00:33:37,179 --> 00:33:41,169 sense

0849 00:33:38,139 --> 00:33:44,169 it's not a big deal but it's how he

0850 00:33:41,169 --> 00:33:46,240 implies this this guy max is this police

0851 00:33:44,169 --> 00:33:47,410 officer is going to be intrinsically

0852 00:33:46,240 --> 00:33:49,480 important too

0853 00:33:47,410 --> 00:33:51,670 story more so than anybody other than

0854 00:33:49,480 --> 00:33:54,400 red sonja two-degree yeah because he

0855 00:33:51,670 --> 00:33:56,740 used for her venue her vehicle into the

0856 00:33:54,400 --> 00:33:59,230 world i guess for me the frustration

0857 00:33:56,740 --> 00:34:02,170 came down to I didn't think that the

0858 00:33:59,230 --> 00:34:04,540 story has progressed beyond the pilot

0859 00:34:02,170 --> 00:34:07,030 episode or even to the point of a full

0860 00:34:04,540 --> 00:34:08,830 pilot episode of a television show you

0861 00:34:07,030 --> 00:34:11,169 know how some some chose would start

0862 00:34:08,830 --> 00:34:12,880 with like about the two-hour pilot they

0863 00:34:11,169 --> 00:34:14,560 got a bunch to set up that got to do a

0864 00:34:12,880 --> 00:34:16,750 bunch of things and then BAM the story

0865 00:34:14,560 --> 00:34:18,220 you know it's uh huh you know the crux

0866 00:34:16,750 --> 00:34:21,490 of it you know the direction they just

0867 00:34:18,220 --> 00:34:22,240 go with the next of episode they're not

0868 00:34:21,490 --> 00:34:24,010 there yet

0869 00:34:22,240 --> 00:34:28,419 now and then introducing this conspiracy

0870 00:34:24,010 --> 00:34:32,290 aspect at the end list the you know into

0871 00:34:28,419 --> 00:34:34,390 Todd call back to the other cults type

0872 00:34:32,290 --> 00:34:36,220 of situation that she's familiar with

0873 00:34:34,390 --> 00:34:39,100 back in her land and have that

0874 00:34:36,220 --> 00:34:40,510 connection year that's probably the

0875 00:34:39,100 --> 00:34:43,660 driving force of the story but

0876 00:34:40,510 --> 00:34:46,810 absolutely it's not that interesting to

0877 00:34:43,660 --> 00:34:49,240 me you don't know also go know going

0878 00:34:46,810 --> 00:34:50,440 into this that there's an element of

0879 00:34:49,240 --> 00:34:54,669 cheesecake

0880 00:34:50,440 --> 00:34:56,260 she wears a chainmail bikini the you say

0881 00:34:54,669 --> 00:34:57,730 there aren't a bad technology I

0882 00:34:56,260 --> 00:35:00,430 definitely cheesecake

0883 00:34:57,730 --> 00:35:02,080 I there's a little bit of it there's

0884 00:35:00,430 --> 00:35:06,220 some provocative poses you know that

0885 00:35:02,080 --> 00:35:08,170 going in but nothing leaking or anything

0886 00:35:06,220 --> 00:35:10,420 like that but that she is a chainmail

0887 00:35:08,170 --> 00:35:12,370 bikini so not real functional that's

0888 00:35:10,420 --> 00:35:15,370 your look it's there but I didn't think

0889 00:35:12,370 --> 00:35:17,050 they were overly car to us about it now

0890 00:35:15,370 --> 00:35:18,850 there was there were a couple panels was

0891 00:35:17,050 --> 00:35:21,100 like oh that's interesting pose that you

0892 00:35:18,850 --> 00:35:21,760 put her in its wonder why you did the

0893 00:35:21,100 --> 00:35:24,250 Hat

0894 00:35:21,760 --> 00:35:26,260 yeah and the fact that it's smelling

0895 00:35:24,250 --> 00:35:27,040 during all of this and think that that

0896 00:35:26,260 --> 00:35:28,660 can't be good

0897 00:35:27,040 --> 00:35:31,810 yeah the whole bit with the guy at the

0898 00:35:28,660 --> 00:35:34,270 bank presumably that is the sorcerer she

0899 00:35:31,810 --> 00:35:36,190 was referring to earlier ya the minute

0900 00:35:34,270 --> 00:35:37,990 we heard the second ad for the bank i'm

0901 00:35:36,190 --> 00:35:41,140 like jeez I wonder where this is going

0902 00:35:37,990 --> 00:35:43,540 yeah yeah multiple time he felt a little

0903 00:35:41,140 --> 00:35:46,030 Telegraph's but it's either that or not

0904 00:35:43,540 --> 00:35:46,750 play fair so damned if you do damned if

0905 00:35:46,030 --> 00:35:49,150 you don't

0906 00:35:46,750 --> 00:35:51,070 right we always talk about it the that

0907 00:35:49,150 --> 00:35:52,900 adam booked with the kind of the subtle

0908 00:35:51,070 --> 00:35:55,420 placement of the newspaper maybe

0909 00:35:52,900 --> 00:35:57,250 suddenly got this little book you lose

0910 00:35:55,420 --> 00:35:59,470 right there you have the kind of human

0911 00:35:57,250 --> 00:36:01,060 love to see it so you know you could

0912 00:35:59,470 --> 00:36:03,040 just kind of it

0913 00:36:01,060 --> 00:36:05,200 get up unless you really tried to pick

0914 00:36:03,040 --> 00:36:07,000 it up so that they didn't want you to

0915 00:36:05,200 --> 00:36:09,700 miss ya

0916 00:36:07,000 --> 00:36:12,940 and again that's a really fine balancing

0917 00:36:09,700 --> 00:36:15,250 act to play fair put the story elements

0918 00:36:12,940 --> 00:36:17,110 out there in a way that when they come

0919 00:36:15,250 --> 00:36:17,800 to fruition to calm and I should have

0920 00:36:17,110 --> 00:36:19,660 caught that

0921 00:36:17,800 --> 00:36:21,040 yeah now that well yeah you hit me over

0922 00:36:19,660 --> 00:36:22,450 the head with a two-by-four of course I

0923 00:36:21,040 --> 00:36:24,130 caught that how stupid do you think I

0924 00:36:22,450 --> 00:36:24,820 have in our where the hell did that come

0925 00:36:24,130 --> 00:36:27,550 from

0926 00:36:24,820 --> 00:36:29,440 now what now we're not reviewing the 25

0927 00:36:27,550 --> 00:36:32,860 synergy we're very reviewing the first

0928 00:36:29,440 --> 00:36:36,640 issue which was full prized um but I do

0929 00:36:32,860 --> 00:36:39,850 give a couple extra credit points for

0930 00:36:36,640 --> 00:36:42,820 the 25-cent issues I i like that i think

0931 00:36:39,850 --> 00:36:46,420 that's a great way he get folks to

0932 00:36:42,820 --> 00:36:47,710 sample your book and now I while applaud

0933 00:36:46,420 --> 00:36:50,920 their efforts for that because that

0934 00:36:47,710 --> 00:36:55,960 that's cool I like that better than 50

0935 00:36:50,920 --> 00:36:58,840 covers and you know 599 crossover event

0936 00:36:55,960 --> 00:37:01,060 you know I want you to make me will make

0937 00:36:58,840 --> 00:37:03,460 me buy that issue in the lobby with your

0938 00:37:01,060 --> 00:37:04,990 story unfortunately just quite didn't

0939 00:37:03,460 --> 00:37:05,530 wildly with the story but it was still

0940 00:37:04,990 --> 00:37:07,000 good

0941 00:37:05,530 --> 00:37:08,980 I don't think there's anything I don't

0942 00:37:07,000 --> 00:37:10,930 think it's a problem there's any problem

0943 00:37:08,980 --> 00:37:13,570 with the story's really or the art and I

0944 00:37:10,930 --> 00:37:15,880 think it's really pretty good as well in

0945 00:37:13,570 --> 00:37:17,320 um there's a lot of pretty good comics

0946 00:37:15,880 --> 00:37:21,010 out there that i'm not reading that's

0947 00:37:17,320 --> 00:37:22,930 the problem i can't read them all

0948 00:37:21,010 --> 00:37:24,640 so this might be one of the night

0949 00:37:22,930 --> 00:37:27,310 eventually stopped reading i'm going to

0950 00:37:24,640 --> 00:37:29,380 stick with it but what how long is that

0951 00:37:27,310 --> 00:37:32,800 least I don't know let me know how the

0952 00:37:29,380 --> 00:37:34,570 second issue goes because I do respect

0953 00:37:32,800 --> 00:37:37,030 them putting their money where their

0954 00:37:34,570 --> 00:37:39,940 mouth is on that zero issue 25-cent

0955 00:37:37,030 --> 00:37:41,890 cover price that they were they were

0956 00:37:39,940 --> 00:37:42,970 losing money on that I am certain of

0957 00:37:41,890 --> 00:37:44,800 that because i'm pretty sure they

0958 00:37:42,970 --> 00:37:46,480 mentioned that in an interview but they

0959 00:37:44,800 --> 00:37:48,340 were also very confident that if people

0960 00:37:46,480 --> 00:37:50,230 read zero issue they would be hooked and

0961 00:37:48,340 --> 00:37:53,440 come back for the first issue and it was

0962 00:37:50,230 --> 00:37:55,540 a good story I like i had read a

0963 00:37:53,440 --> 00:37:56,920 redstone you a story like that where

0964 00:37:55,540 --> 00:38:00,520 they brought her in the modern time

0965 00:37:56,920 --> 00:38:02,680 ensuring this but i had read it and so

0966 00:38:00,520 --> 00:38:04,360 it was really good hook for me that

0967 00:38:02,680 --> 00:38:05,770 maybe want to read this first issue i'm

0968 00:38:04,360 --> 00:38:07,630 not sure that they have told the sort of

0969 00:38:05,770 --> 00:38:09,550 story before with this character right

0970 00:38:07,630 --> 00:38:13,410 so maybe new ground they're going with

0971 00:38:09,550 --> 00:38:15,750 but as you mentioned it ate it happened

0972 00:38:13,410 --> 00:38:18,780 in other with other here exactly yet but

0973 00:38:15,750 --> 00:38:20,430 also the zero issue ended on the reveal

0974 00:38:18,780 --> 00:38:22,350 of up she's in the present day

0975 00:38:20,430 --> 00:38:24,540 yeah this issue root ends on the reveal

0976 00:38:22,350 --> 00:38:25,890 up her antagonist is in the present day

0977 00:38:24,540 --> 00:38:27,900 none of that

0978 00:38:25,890 --> 00:38:29,670 me neither issue is really sold assisted

0979 00:38:27,900 --> 00:38:32,340 why does this story need to be in the

0980 00:38:29,670 --> 00:38:34,110 present day you know it's true and it's

0981 00:38:32,340 --> 00:38:36,000 again they're not doing anything bad but

0982 00:38:34,110 --> 00:38:38,400 it's a competitive market out there and

0983 00:38:36,000 --> 00:38:39,870 I do think that there is an audience

0984 00:38:38,400 --> 00:38:41,010 with something there's an audience is

0985 00:38:39,870 --> 00:38:44,190 going to love it and I can totally

0986 00:38:41,010 --> 00:38:48,180 understand why it's well done but I've

0987 00:38:44,190 --> 00:38:50,400 got full reading list as it use and not

0988 00:38:48,180 --> 00:38:51,660 enough of an attachment to redstone you

0989 00:38:50,400 --> 00:38:54,750 to say you know what I'm going to check

0990 00:38:51,660 --> 00:38:56,250 the story out keep going and so I i like

0991 00:38:54,750 --> 00:38:57,000 it i just don't feel compelled to keep

0992 00:38:56,250 --> 00:39:00,360 reading

0993 00:38:57,000 --> 00:39:02,430 so if that second issue changes the game

0994 00:39:00,360 --> 00:39:02,910 for you in a positive way please let me

0995 00:39:02,430 --> 00:39:05,160 know

0996 00:39:02,910 --> 00:39:06,360 yeah and cities i'm going to go with a

0997 00:39:05,160 --> 00:39:09,360 b-minus

0998 00:39:06,360 --> 00:39:12,810 I think it's good but they've had that

0999 00:39:09,360 --> 00:39:15,600 page count to win me over and I am

1000 00:39:12,810 --> 00:39:17,520 curious mildly curious but not

1001 00:39:15,600 --> 00:39:18,240 sufficiently so like I said to keep

1002 00:39:17,520 --> 00:39:20,820 going with it

1003 00:39:18,240 --> 00:39:23,460 yeah i'm gonna be mine as well so I'm

1004 00:39:20,820 --> 00:39:27,360 right there with you and good not great

1005 00:39:23,460 --> 00:39:29,220 and i love you give you enough i was

1006 00:39:27,360 --> 00:39:30,570 enough experience with the character to

1007 00:39:29,220 --> 00:39:32,790 wanna hang out a little bit more

1008 00:39:30,570 --> 00:39:34,380 interesting story and you see where it

1009 00:39:32,790 --> 00:39:35,820 goes but yeah i didn't i didn't last

1010 00:39:34,380 --> 00:39:38,310 long with the last volume with the

1011 00:39:35,820 --> 00:39:39,630 wrinkles Margaret Bennett man care much

1012 00:39:38,310 --> 00:39:41,880 for I didn't care much for that version

1013 00:39:39,630 --> 00:39:45,330 there have been other versions and

1014 00:39:41,880 --> 00:39:46,710 passed like more than other so there's a

1015 00:39:45,330 --> 00:39:51,270 crossover with counter that was pretty

1016 00:39:46,710 --> 00:39:54,720 ok so you know it's been up and down it

1017 00:39:51,270 --> 00:39:57,960 seems like it seems like the two things

1018 00:39:54,720 --> 00:39:59,610 that are determining that are the

1019 00:39:57,960 --> 00:40:01,800 determining factors i think between you

1020 00:39:59,610 --> 00:40:03,360 continuing with it and me not because I

1021 00:40:01,800 --> 00:40:05,880 think we both came out of it is about

1022 00:40:03,360 --> 00:40:07,560 the same enjoying a little and such you

1023 00:40:05,880 --> 00:40:09,600 know you've got more of a back history

1024 00:40:07,560 --> 00:40:11,040 with the character than i do and i think

1025 00:40:09,600 --> 00:40:11,430 i've got a fuller reading list than you

1026 00:40:11,040 --> 00:40:13,830 do

1027 00:40:11,430 --> 00:40:15,330 yep 10 i think you're a little bit more

1028 00:40:13,830 --> 00:40:17,820 open to the character into adding

1029 00:40:15,330 --> 00:40:19,620 something is that I am on both counts i

1030 00:40:17,820 --> 00:40:22,410 think that's that's the difference

1031 00:40:19,620 --> 00:40:26,119 iím previous games for adding back half

1032 00:40:22,410 --> 00:40:29,210 books along coolest more so the big tube

1033 00:40:26,119 --> 00:40:32,329 yeah that I have that bias when I

1034 00:40:29,210 --> 00:40:35,450 recognize that x is going in that the

1035 00:40:32,329 --> 00:40:38,329 i-10 key give them a little more rope

1036 00:40:35,450 --> 00:40:40,849 when I do big too but that's also why we

1037 00:40:38,329 --> 00:40:42,349 reviewed this issue is i had already

1038 00:40:40,849 --> 00:40:43,880 kind of you know it didn't make the cut

1039 00:40:42,349 --> 00:40:45,319 for me that you said hey let's try it

1040 00:40:43,880 --> 00:40:48,619 and I was windows again give another

1041 00:40:45,319 --> 00:40:50,599 another shot and stuff so again i do

1042 00:40:48,619 --> 00:40:52,609 that's where reading habits differ you

1043 00:40:50,599 --> 00:40:55,430 tend to venture more out of Marvel and

1044 00:40:52,609 --> 00:40:56,749 DC I tend to be busy enough with Marvel

1045 00:40:55,430 --> 00:40:57,680 and DC it's a little harder for me to

1046 00:40:56,749 --> 00:41:00,740 venture out

1047 00:40:57,680 --> 00:41:02,299 oh my god now more than ever yeah on a

1048 00:41:00,740 --> 00:41:05,599 on that note

1049 00:41:02,299 --> 00:41:07,789 uh-huh i have barely put a dent into my

1050 00:41:05,599 --> 00:41:09,140 reading this week our i was doing good

1051 00:41:07,789 --> 00:41:11,180 to finish the last week's reading I was

1052 00:41:09,140 --> 00:41:15,859 still doing that yesterday as we record

1053 00:41:11,180 --> 00:41:17,839 this on on Tuesday uh I've read six

1054 00:41:15,859 --> 00:41:19,849 seven eight other books this week maybe

1055 00:41:17,839 --> 00:41:21,289 beyond the three we just did not and i'm

1056 00:41:19,849 --> 00:41:23,390 not counting red Sonia is one of

1057 00:41:21,289 --> 00:41:26,059 cortical my books because i read the PDF

1058 00:41:23,390 --> 00:41:29,749 I me and I really appreciate them and

1059 00:41:26,059 --> 00:41:31,369 providing the press PDF it again in a

1060 00:41:29,749 --> 00:41:33,829 few cases has gotten a couple of books

1061 00:41:31,369 --> 00:41:35,869 on a Michael list is kind of forget that

1062 00:41:33,829 --> 00:41:39,559 reminds me because you know i have

1063 00:41:35,869 --> 00:41:41,839 posted on the forum you know we love to

1064 00:41:39,559 --> 00:41:43,910 hear suggestions maybe titles that we

1065 00:41:41,839 --> 00:41:46,309 think we do a pretty good job of put a

1066 00:41:43,910 --> 00:41:48,499 variety of titles on this list and not

1067 00:41:46,309 --> 00:41:50,599 repeating ourselves too often and and

1068 00:41:48,499 --> 00:41:53,299 now but i always like to open up the

1069 00:41:50,599 --> 00:41:55,430 listeners to put their suggestion but

1070 00:41:53,299 --> 00:41:58,039 when you get to the back ass some of

1071 00:41:55,430 --> 00:42:00,619 those are difficult to find it there if

1072 00:41:58,039 --> 00:42:02,210 we can't get press copies of those it's

1073 00:42:00,619 --> 00:42:04,819 going to be tough for us to review them

1074 00:42:02,210 --> 00:42:06,470 but feel free to put them on there just

1075 00:42:04,819 --> 00:42:07,549 know that we're not ignoring you see

1076 00:42:06,470 --> 00:42:08,839 some of them

1077 00:42:07,549 --> 00:42:12,380 we're not going to be able to get your

1078 00:42:08,839 --> 00:42:15,440 copies of now and for anybody working at

1079 00:42:12,380 --> 00:42:18,140 a comic book publisher again we pick our

1080 00:42:15,440 --> 00:42:20,749 books a few weeks ahead of time I don't

1081 00:42:18,140 --> 00:42:22,519 know about other podcasts but if you

1082 00:42:20,749 --> 00:42:24,619 wait until hey it's getting released to

1083 00:42:22,519 --> 00:42:25,970 this week you want to review to do an

1084 00:42:24,619 --> 00:42:26,960 interview it's like cheese too little

1085 00:42:25,970 --> 00:42:28,309 too late guys

1086 00:42:26,960 --> 00:42:30,619 you know but even if you're just like

1087 00:42:28,309 --> 00:42:32,509 two weeks earlier than that of its

1088 00:42:30,619 --> 00:42:34,309 coming out i mean we just before

1089 00:42:32,509 --> 00:42:37,829 recording this picture we're going to be

1090 00:42:34,309 --> 00:42:42,660 doing for weekly comic spotlight I guess

1091 00:42:37,829 --> 00:42:44,609 494 which is the release of January 25th

1092 00:42:42,660 --> 00:42:47,009 we're recording this on the 17

1093 00:42:44,609 --> 00:42:48,900 yeah so you've at least got a plan a few

1094 00:42:47,009 --> 00:42:51,119 weeks ahead but if you can get press

1095 00:42:48,900 --> 00:42:53,400 copies out there to not just us but

1096 00:42:51,119 --> 00:42:56,190 other reviewers it up the odds

1097 00:42:53,400 --> 00:42:57,900 particularly for non Marvel DC books

1098 00:42:56,190 --> 00:42:59,369 cool marble and if you don't do cross

1099 00:42:57,900 --> 00:43:01,410 copies for the most part but then he was

1100 00:42:59,369 --> 00:43:02,999 for the smaller pressbooks this is a

1101 00:43:01,410 --> 00:43:04,920 great way to get the word out

1102 00:43:02,999 --> 00:43:07,229 obviously your main push should be well

1103 00:43:04,920 --> 00:43:09,749 as in previews during the solicitation

1104 00:43:07,229 --> 00:43:11,729 cycle but to then follow up with getting

1105 00:43:09,749 --> 00:43:14,430 reviews and stuff I can't review stuff i

1106 00:43:11,729 --> 00:43:16,589 can get a copy of yeah you know Andrew

1107 00:43:14,430 --> 00:43:17,819 you do a great job helping me get some

1108 00:43:16,589 --> 00:43:18,930 of these things and stuff so I

1109 00:43:17,819 --> 00:43:22,529 appreciate that

1110 00:43:18,930 --> 00:43:25,469 yeah i mean i think i think i like the

1111 00:43:22,529 --> 00:43:27,630 idea of you know cuz it we just the the

1112 00:43:25,469 --> 00:43:30,690 cross-section of what we both read

1113 00:43:27,630 --> 00:43:34,229 anything both purchase this would get

1114 00:43:30,690 --> 00:43:36,539 pretty boring you know are the things

1115 00:43:34,229 --> 00:43:39,450 that are on both of our polis are much

1116 00:43:36,539 --> 00:43:41,759 smaller subset and if we only did that I

1117 00:43:39,450 --> 00:43:44,039 think listeners would get pretty pretty

1118 00:43:41,759 --> 00:43:45,809 bored with that pretty quickly so I mean

1119 00:43:44,039 --> 00:43:47,130 I think we have to kind of get side that

1120 00:43:45,809 --> 00:43:49,709 gets out of her get out of our comfort

1121 00:43:47,130 --> 00:43:52,079 zones on x and if we can find them if we

1122 00:43:49,709 --> 00:43:53,910 can get press copy try to try some of

1123 00:43:52,079 --> 00:43:56,130 the things he to keep it up otherwise

1124 00:43:53,910 --> 00:43:57,749 it's Batman spider-man every other week

1125 00:43:56,130 --> 00:43:59,279 well I do appreciate you getting out of

1126 00:43:57,749 --> 00:44:01,319 your comfort zone and stuff you tend to

1127 00:43:59,279 --> 00:44:03,930 do that a lot more than I do on this

1128 00:44:01,319 --> 00:44:06,269 podcast and I appreciate that but in my

1129 00:44:03,930 --> 00:44:08,219 defense I got like 63 comics this week

1130 00:44:06,269 --> 00:44:10,199 your comfort zone is all of marble

1131 00:44:08,219 --> 00:44:10,619 defeated there's really no problem with

1132 00:44:10,199 --> 00:44:12,420 them

1133 00:44:10,619 --> 00:44:14,729 two-thirds of the pic and we have no

1134 00:44:12,420 --> 00:44:16,019 problem finding that family like half on

1135 00:44:14,729 --> 00:44:19,079 the others definitely does get

1136 00:44:16,019 --> 00:44:21,930 challenging sometimes but i mean if if

1137 00:44:19,079 --> 00:44:25,019 you look at a over four weeks we've

1138 00:44:21,930 --> 00:44:27,119 picture for this year already out three

1139 00:44:25,019 --> 00:44:30,119 before in the other category one sided

1140 00:44:27,119 --> 00:44:32,009 didn't pre-order yeah so again this is

1141 00:44:30,119 --> 00:44:34,380 where having the the press PS really

1142 00:44:32,009 --> 00:44:36,809 helps them what not and again listeners

1143 00:44:34,380 --> 00:44:39,269 suggesting stuff that might be something

1144 00:44:36,809 --> 00:44:41,849 I'd like because while I've got a fairly

1145 00:44:39,269 --> 00:44:44,219 full list when we hit something like

1146 00:44:41,849 --> 00:44:45,329 that red team book no question i like it

1147 00:44:44,219 --> 00:44:46,769 it's on the list

1148 00:44:45,329 --> 00:44:48,779 yeah you know I will make room for a

1149 00:44:46,769 --> 00:44:50,309 really good book you know i'll try out

1150 00:44:48,779 --> 00:44:51,749 some of these things but there comes a

1151 00:44:50,309 --> 00:44:53,160 point where it's like you know I do have

1152 00:44:51,749 --> 00:44:55,349 a lot on my list so it's not like i'm

1153 00:44:53,160 --> 00:44:58,680 actively seeking a bunch more to add

1154 00:44:55,349 --> 00:45:01,289 now but there was a time when I was like

1155 00:44:58,680 --> 00:45:04,289 tried them all and try to get fucked to

1156 00:45:01,289 --> 00:45:07,709 find out that right now it's just it's

1157 00:45:04,289 --> 00:45:10,949 just purge perfect series of the

1158 00:45:07,709 --> 00:45:13,079 purchase we are at the the 10-year

1159 00:45:10,949 --> 00:45:15,690 anniversary for the comic book page

1160 00:45:13,079 --> 00:45:20,969 podcast i started out at the anniversary

1161 00:45:15,690 --> 00:45:23,549 early uh january 2007 did a few sporadic

1162 00:45:20,969 --> 00:45:25,319 episodes kind of faded forbid came back

1163 00:45:23,549 --> 00:45:26,969 faded tribute that sort of thing look

1164 00:45:25,319 --> 00:45:29,400 until august that it really got into the

1165 00:45:26,969 --> 00:45:32,160 the weekly groove and now you know

1166 00:45:29,400 --> 00:45:34,680 thrice weekly group it SAT but at that

1167 00:45:32,160 --> 00:45:36,869 point you know ten years ago and stuff i

1168 00:45:34,680 --> 00:45:38,819 was literally reading a half for about a

1169 00:45:36,869 --> 00:45:42,089 third as much as i'm reading now I was

1170 00:45:38,819 --> 00:45:44,699 averaging around 26 books a week their

1171 00:45:42,089 --> 00:45:46,589 valence yeah and now I've got weeks and

1172 00:45:44,699 --> 00:45:49,049 it's 60 it's not that unusual

1173 00:45:46,589 --> 00:45:51,479 yeah so just ton of stuff coming out but

1174 00:45:49,049 --> 00:45:53,190 again trying to find new and different

1175 00:45:51,479 --> 00:45:54,719 titles and stuff and I just going back

1176 00:45:53,190 --> 00:45:56,880 to the same old same old

1177 00:45:54,719 --> 00:45:59,009 it takes some work to do that some

1178 00:45:56,880 --> 00:46:00,449 logistics and just keeping track of what

1179 00:45:59,009 --> 00:46:02,789 we're doing and then pay attention to

1180 00:46:00,449 --> 00:46:04,140 that when we pick the stuff out so and

1181 00:46:02,789 --> 00:46:06,150 sometimes it's worth going back to a

1182 00:46:04,140 --> 00:46:07,709 book in short order just because they

1183 00:46:06,150 --> 00:46:09,779 had a creative team change or whatever

1184 00:46:07,709 --> 00:46:12,239 but certainly we've had some really good

1185 00:46:09,779 --> 00:46:13,769 suggestions on the form of late as to

1186 00:46:12,239 --> 00:46:15,660 what might be fun books to do when they

1187 00:46:13,769 --> 00:46:17,309 come out so we're definitely a paying

1188 00:46:15,660 --> 00:46:20,190 attention to that and appreciate that

1189 00:46:17,309 --> 00:46:20,940 yeah you can see if you can shoot him in

1190 00:46:20,190 --> 00:46:22,499 advance

1191 00:46:20,940 --> 00:46:24,479 you just never notice that they're going

1192 00:46:22,499 --> 00:46:25,979 to move around but if you put them on

1193 00:46:24,479 --> 00:46:28,619 our radar will know they're on our radar

1194 00:46:25,979 --> 00:46:31,410 with me when they do come out well but

1195 00:46:28,619 --> 00:46:34,140 sometimes those early states are fluid

1196 00:46:31,410 --> 00:46:35,819 well malleable malleable malleable the

1197 00:46:34,140 --> 00:46:39,930 good work

1198 00:46:35,819 --> 00:46:41,640 speaking of upcoming dates are the

1199 00:46:39,930 --> 00:46:45,209 previous spotlight deadline is the

1200 00:46:41,640 --> 00:46:47,369 morning of februari for saturday morning

1201 00:46:45,209 --> 00:46:49,199 as soon as i can not pull myself out of

1202 00:46:47,369 --> 00:46:51,660 bed and get to the computer i'll start

1203 00:46:49,199 --> 00:46:54,329 editing that episode that because the

1204 00:46:51,660 --> 00:46:57,180 previews is coming out on january twenty

1205 00:46:54,329 --> 00:46:58,930 fifth of this month of course that means

1206 00:46:57,180 --> 00:47:00,520 our orders for january

1207 00:46:58,930 --> 00:47:03,280 the not-too-distant future so i need to

1208 00:47:00,520 --> 00:47:04,329 actually get mind sent in Lord and then

1209 00:47:03,280 --> 00:47:06,369 this month the comic book page

1210 00:47:04,329 --> 00:47:08,950 teleconference is not going to be one

1211 00:47:06,369 --> 00:47:10,599 week but two weeks after the preview

1212 00:47:08,950 --> 00:47:14,770 spotlight deadline is going to be

1213 00:47:10,599 --> 00:47:17,140 saturday februari 18 at 7pm central and

1214 00:47:14,770 --> 00:47:19,270 basically it's just hop on skype and we

1215 00:47:17,140 --> 00:47:22,059 talked how makes your books or movies or

1216 00:47:19,270 --> 00:47:23,349 whatever people want to talk about it so

1217 00:47:22,059 --> 00:47:25,270 I kind of think of it like my quote

1218 00:47:23,349 --> 00:47:25,839 unquote office hours for the podcast if

1219 00:47:25,270 --> 00:47:27,520 you will

1220 00:47:25,839 --> 00:47:29,710 I had some some really great discussion

1221 00:47:27,520 --> 00:47:32,020 this time around a lot of fun and stuff

1222 00:47:29,710 --> 00:47:33,190 so you know you don't have to stay for

1223 00:47:32,020 --> 00:47:35,109 the whole time you don't want to show up

1224 00:47:33,190 --> 00:47:37,809 right at seven it's just a matter of

1225 00:47:35,109 --> 00:47:39,730 first person who says hey I'm a monster

1226 00:47:37,809 --> 00:47:41,500 calls started also know all started to

1227 00:47:39,730 --> 00:47:43,180 call with you we chat and people come on

1228 00:47:41,500 --> 00:47:45,849 and stuff and then if the conversation

1229 00:47:43,180 --> 00:47:47,410 wines down if it's over it's over

1230 00:47:45,849 --> 00:47:49,240 you know what i mean but in other words

1231 00:47:47,410 --> 00:47:51,819 if you try to come in at eight pretty

1232 00:47:49,240 --> 00:47:54,490 good odds nine pretty good odds 10

1233 00:47:51,819 --> 00:47:56,109 not-so-good 11 not good

1234 00:47:54,490 --> 00:47:58,569 no midnight if it by that point I'm off

1235 00:47:56,109 --> 00:48:00,250 on my sleep or whatever but ya soon get

1236 00:47:58,569 --> 00:48:01,599 in the better but you know do what works

1237 00:48:00,250 --> 00:48:02,950 for you and stuff and certainly if

1238 00:48:01,599 --> 00:48:05,079 you're going to have plan on joining the

1239 00:48:02,950 --> 00:48:07,180 teleconference a post on the forum just

1240 00:48:05,079 --> 00:48:08,140 one now you know because there are other

1241 00:48:07,180 --> 00:48:10,000 things I could be doing with those

1242 00:48:08,140 --> 00:48:11,619 evenings so watching a movie recording

1243 00:48:10,000 --> 00:48:13,420 on that and other things like that but

1244 00:48:11,619 --> 00:48:15,880 there that I i enjoyed the conversation

1245 00:48:13,420 --> 00:48:19,150 so the other students need conversation

1246 00:48:15,880 --> 00:48:22,450 on the forms as well um there's top

1247 00:48:19,150 --> 00:48:24,730 Marvel has decided to lose you by Marvel

1248 00:48:22,450 --> 00:48:28,450 copy englishy you know those little peel

1249 00:48:24,730 --> 00:48:31,240 stick where you get the code you do Cody

1250 00:48:28,450 --> 00:48:34,240 type it in and you have a digital copy

1251 00:48:31,240 --> 00:48:36,220 that was away Marvel always justify the

1252 00:48:34,240 --> 00:48:38,859 extra dollar there always a dollars

1253 00:48:36,220 --> 00:48:41,740 difference between the pc and you know

1254 00:48:38,859 --> 00:48:44,859 he had when you see a 39 book it was

1255 00:48:41,740 --> 00:48:46,690 extra pages Marvel has 39 book it was

1256 00:48:44,859 --> 00:48:48,190 because of this digital they had a view

1257 00:48:46,690 --> 00:48:50,230 digital copy country

1258 00:48:48,190 --> 00:48:52,630 well now they're facing this out and

1259 00:48:50,230 --> 00:48:54,190 replacing it with me see if I can

1260 00:48:52,630 --> 00:48:56,980 remember exactly what they're doing

1261 00:48:54,190 --> 00:48:59,109 we're doing like a like favorites

1262 00:48:56,980 --> 00:49:01,480 against or working he may have missed

1263 00:48:59,109 --> 00:49:03,940 then and that's going to take two or

1264 00:49:01,480 --> 00:49:06,520 three books here okay you get your

1265 00:49:03,940 --> 00:49:08,319 sleeves I may have missed ya

1266 00:49:06,520 --> 00:49:10,240 you're in trouble Alex I'll take that

1267 00:49:08,319 --> 00:49:13,660 category for 2,000

1268 00:49:10,240 --> 00:49:15,369 yeah yeah you're you're you're never

1269 00:49:13,660 --> 00:49:17,740 going to get a google code of anything

1270 00:49:15,369 --> 00:49:19,900 you have a red but you know I guess

1271 00:49:17,740 --> 00:49:21,580 they're thinking is not everybody reads

1272 00:49:19,900 --> 00:49:24,010 all the Marvel books and this would be a

1273 00:49:21,580 --> 00:49:26,530 way for them to kind of promote some

1274 00:49:24,010 --> 00:49:27,820 things that they could be getting trade

1275 00:49:26,530 --> 00:49:29,980 it's like you know like an entry point

1276 00:49:27,820 --> 00:49:32,410 for them to go to the trade i think one

1277 00:49:29,980 --> 00:49:34,780 of the examples that uses Civil War um

1278 00:49:32,410 --> 00:49:37,000 number one which was in like every

1279 00:49:34,780 --> 00:49:38,890 single description box

1280 00:49:37,000 --> 00:49:41,619 I don't just say that that's a lot of

1281 00:49:38,890 --> 00:49:42,790 girls and hockey in under read comics

1282 00:49:41,619 --> 00:49:44,619 I've ever heard of one

1283 00:49:42,790 --> 00:49:47,890 yeah i'm gonna touch the right the right

1284 00:49:44,619 --> 00:49:49,450 example people of you but it also

1285 00:49:47,890 --> 00:49:50,770 underscores the fact that you're not

1286 00:49:49,450 --> 00:49:53,619 really getting any value

1287 00:49:50,770 --> 00:49:55,330 who was that extra dollar you getting

1288 00:49:53,619 --> 00:49:57,580 less pages now and you don't get that

1289 00:49:55,330 --> 00:49:59,770 free code anymore so it's kind of a I

1290 00:49:57,580 --> 00:50:03,100 don't really see what unless they look

1291 00:49:59,770 --> 00:50:04,869 at corresponding drop the price 299 on

1292 00:50:03,100 --> 00:50:08,500 some of those books which are not going

1293 00:50:04,869 --> 00:50:11,590 to which they're not going to then I

1294 00:50:08,500 --> 00:50:13,360 think we just need out as we're just

1295 00:50:11,590 --> 00:50:15,340 going to leave out of consumers of that

1296 00:50:13,360 --> 00:50:17,230 product so a couple things on the

1297 00:50:15,340 --> 00:50:19,900 digital codes when I started getting

1298 00:50:17,230 --> 00:50:22,330 behind in my reading back in july i

1299 00:50:19,900 --> 00:50:24,369 stopped having the time to go through

1300 00:50:22,330 --> 00:50:25,869 each comment grab the code put it into

1301 00:50:24,369 --> 00:50:27,400 the website because that actually takes

1302 00:50:25,869 --> 00:50:31,030 a bit is not

1303 00:50:27,400 --> 00:50:33,100 yeah so I've got 17 short boxes here

1304 00:50:31,030 --> 00:50:34,570 that are helpful that have some marvel

1305 00:50:33,100 --> 00:50:36,730 comics in them that I could go harvest

1306 00:50:34,570 --> 00:50:38,500 because from get them whatever it's just

1307 00:50:36,730 --> 00:50:40,810 even more the time the trouble to do

1308 00:50:38,500 --> 00:50:43,300 that but apparently there have been

1309 00:50:40,810 --> 00:50:47,890 people that would buy the prints comic

1310 00:50:43,300 --> 00:50:50,680 again then share or resell the code

1311 00:50:47,890 --> 00:50:52,630 yeah and in my mind that's murky

1312 00:50:50,680 --> 00:50:55,990 legality at best

1313 00:50:52,630 --> 00:50:57,609 yeah but it also could be the rationale

1314 00:50:55,990 --> 00:51:00,460 for the reason that Marvel is stopping

1315 00:50:57,609 --> 00:51:02,500 doing what they're doing really could

1316 00:51:00,460 --> 00:51:05,560 very well be the case of a few people

1317 00:51:02,500 --> 00:51:07,660 having really kind of spoil things for

1318 00:51:05,560 --> 00:51:11,650 the rest of us because I'm sorry about

1319 00:51:07,660 --> 00:51:14,320 that but I was hitting with with my dcs

1320 00:51:11,650 --> 00:51:17,350 discount you know I could get a dollar

1321 00:51:14,320 --> 00:51:18,880 49 it's your girl writing this book in

1322 00:51:17,350 --> 00:51:20,830 the digital it was cheaper to buy the

1323 00:51:18,880 --> 00:51:23,440 physical book that i could sell that

1324 00:51:20,830 --> 00:51:25,630 video coat on ebay for a buck or so

1325 00:51:23,440 --> 00:51:28,990 and then pretty much read that conflict

1326 00:51:25,630 --> 00:51:31,360 free but now it it felt it felt legal to

1327 00:51:28,990 --> 00:51:34,450 meet its little bit so that's how I

1328 00:51:31,360 --> 00:51:36,160 justify it and again i'm not saying

1329 00:51:34,450 --> 00:51:38,770 whether it's legal illegal or anything

1330 00:51:36,160 --> 00:51:41,080 of the sort i am it doesn't matter what

1331 00:51:38,770 --> 00:51:43,270 I think it just comes down to this is so

1332 00:51:41,080 --> 00:51:45,610 murky area with digital rights and such

1333 00:51:43,270 --> 00:51:47,440 because if i resell the comic I no

1334 00:51:45,610 --> 00:51:50,320 longer have the comic if somebody were

1335 00:51:47,440 --> 00:51:52,360 to resell the digital code sure they

1336 00:51:50,320 --> 00:51:53,560 can't add it to their their comiXology

1337 00:51:52,360 --> 00:51:54,340 count but they still have the physical

1338 00:51:53,560 --> 00:51:55,540 book

1339 00:51:54,340 --> 00:51:58,480 yeah and that's where it gets kind of

1340 00:51:55,540 --> 00:52:01,780 confusing or whatever but it means if we

1341 00:51:58,480 --> 00:52:04,690 were to assume say a dollar value on

1342 00:52:01,780 --> 00:52:06,850 that code that help them justify the 399

1343 00:52:04,690 --> 00:52:08,350 price and i'm not saying if that's what

1344 00:52:06,850 --> 00:52:10,930 their mindset was or whatever it may be

1345 00:52:08,350 --> 00:52:12,940 that they were charging few 99 and he

1346 00:52:10,930 --> 00:52:16,780 just so happened to have a digital code

1347 00:52:12,940 --> 00:52:18,520 as a bonus to help you no uppies us but

1348 00:52:16,780 --> 00:52:20,470 we're now in theory losing whatever

1349 00:52:18,520 --> 00:52:23,830 financial value with the tribute to that

1350 00:52:20,470 --> 00:52:26,110 code from Marvel Comics moving forward

1351 00:52:23,830 --> 00:52:29,980 yeah slightly more yeah it does seem the

1352 00:52:26,110 --> 00:52:32,020 like of the value of my future Marvel

1353 00:52:29,980 --> 00:52:35,020 Comics has been diminished because of

1354 00:52:32,020 --> 00:52:38,110 other people doing things that whether

1355 00:52:35,020 --> 00:52:40,060 it's legal illegal or or whatever it's a

1356 00:52:38,110 --> 00:52:41,680 very least it did not seem to amuse

1357 00:52:40,060 --> 00:52:43,540 marvel in the long term

1358 00:52:41,680 --> 00:52:45,130 hence to change in policy which is I

1359 00:52:43,540 --> 00:52:46,540 didn't perfectly their value

1360 00:52:45,130 --> 00:52:47,950 I didn't think that called out of the

1361 00:52:46,540 --> 00:52:49,480 reasoning well that's certainly not

1362 00:52:47,950 --> 00:52:50,320 going to call that out but I'm just

1363 00:52:49,480 --> 00:52:51,370 saying it may have been a contributing

1364 00:52:50,320 --> 00:52:53,950 factor

1365 00:52:51,370 --> 00:52:55,390 well yeah sure choke you know maybe was

1366 00:52:53,950 --> 00:52:57,460 the price of adhesive for the little

1367 00:52:55,390 --> 00:52:59,500 stickers you know it may have been a lot

1368 00:52:57,460 --> 00:53:01,330 of them i doubt it was the price of its

1369 00:52:59,500 --> 00:53:03,820 uses I wish they had instead of doing

1370 00:53:01,330 --> 00:53:06,250 the type in this this obscure Cody's at

1371 00:53:03,820 --> 00:53:08,980 least got a taurus cannibal yeah and in

1372 00:53:06,250 --> 00:53:11,410 you if you ever had waited a little bit

1373 00:53:08,980 --> 00:53:13,600 long on those to peel them you know you

1374 00:53:11,410 --> 00:53:16,060 love stack up sometimes when you pull up

1375 00:53:13,600 --> 00:53:18,640 you lose some of the seraphs off the

1376 00:53:16,060 --> 00:53:20,260 block of the numbers that was not even

1377 00:53:18,640 --> 00:53:21,880 if you waited too long i had that

1378 00:53:20,260 --> 00:53:24,010 problem within the same week

1379 00:53:21,880 --> 00:53:26,410 ok and release and then you've got to

1380 00:53:24,010 --> 00:53:28,570 call their customer support to get that

1381 00:53:26,410 --> 00:53:30,730 was that was a hassle it isn't

1382 00:53:28,570 --> 00:53:33,550 interesting idea i think the execution

1383 00:53:30,730 --> 00:53:35,530 was a little wanting i would have

1384 00:53:33,550 --> 00:53:37,029 preferred if particularly since I get my

1385 00:53:35,530 --> 00:53:38,650 comics to GBS

1386 00:53:37,029 --> 00:53:41,529 if I had partnered with the retailer's

1387 00:53:38,650 --> 00:53:43,269 better and when the retailer sold me the

1388 00:53:41,529 --> 00:53:46,329 comic and in this case we're shipping it

1389 00:53:43,269 --> 00:53:49,089 to me the code was automatically added

1390 00:53:46,329 --> 00:53:51,159 to my account that you gather that also

1391 00:53:49,089 --> 00:53:53,169 would have prevented the possibility of

1392 00:53:51,159 --> 00:53:55,509 other people getting it if that was not

1393 00:53:53,169 --> 00:53:57,789 what Marvel had intended right and again

1394 00:53:55,509 --> 00:53:59,979 maybe various get serious with what

1395 00:53:57,789 --> 00:54:02,079 they're called vol.2 customer support

1396 00:53:59,979 --> 00:54:04,239 was because you're saying you've had

1397 00:54:02,079 --> 00:54:07,269 those issues i knew i had multiple

1398 00:54:04,239 --> 00:54:10,299 sheets with peeling code it's like he's

1399 00:54:07,269 --> 00:54:13,299 not a 17 I can read that ok no wonder

1400 00:54:10,299 --> 00:54:15,009 and I and / 08 I had some comics that

1401 00:54:13,299 --> 00:54:17,140 didn't have the sticker at all i have

1402 00:54:15,009 --> 00:54:19,569 one or two where it had the code for a

1403 00:54:17,140 --> 00:54:21,099 different book so again mistakes get

1404 00:54:19,569 --> 00:54:21,969 made with any system like that it just

1405 00:54:21,099 --> 00:54:24,789 happens

1406 00:54:21,969 --> 00:54:28,449 but then how much was the cost of that

1407 00:54:24,789 --> 00:54:30,219 process to insert that different things

1408 00:54:28,449 --> 00:54:32,319 in those books that live with that

1409 00:54:30,219 --> 00:54:34,329 printing process but my understanding is

1410 00:54:32,319 --> 00:54:36,880 that cost doesn't go away in order the

1411 00:54:34,329 --> 00:54:38,679 codes they just don't redeem that book

1412 00:54:36,880 --> 00:54:40,269 in our team something else they're not

1413 00:54:38,679 --> 00:54:42,159 checking the process is something I

1414 00:54:40,269 --> 00:54:44,559 don't do not believe so but I could be

1415 00:54:42,159 --> 00:54:45,939 wrong i don't know stickability way that

1416 00:54:44,559 --> 00:54:48,519 I was under the impression there was

1417 00:54:45,939 --> 00:54:50,859 like a total of two or three books per

1418 00:54:48,519 --> 00:54:54,309 month so we're going to be in this part

1419 00:54:50,859 --> 00:54:56,319 in this promotion so they'd be in all

1420 00:54:54,309 --> 00:54:58,239 the books maybe in all the books but i

1421 00:54:56,319 --> 00:55:00,279 don't know that it's like a single code

1422 00:54:58,239 --> 00:55:02,559 for all of them may still be individual

1423 00:55:00,279 --> 00:55:04,479 code so they can limit any other words i

1424 00:55:02,559 --> 00:55:05,739 don't know might still peel it i was

1425 00:55:04,479 --> 00:55:06,969 expecting that but that was an

1426 00:55:05,739 --> 00:55:08,979 assumption on my part

1427 00:55:06,969 --> 00:55:10,419 yeah you if you think about it if it's

1428 00:55:08,979 --> 00:55:12,759 the way you're suggesting when there's

1429 00:55:10,419 --> 00:55:14,259 rationale for doing it that way but it

1430 00:55:12,759 --> 00:55:15,819 open it up and take a picture

1431 00:55:14,259 --> 00:55:17,469 good well it just means they're

1432 00:55:15,819 --> 00:55:19,119 essentially now digitally giving away

1433 00:55:17,469 --> 00:55:20,619 Civil War number one to everybody

1434 00:55:19,119 --> 00:55:22,449 yeah so want to just make it a free book

1435 00:55:20,619 --> 00:55:22,839 and and skip the whole redemption code

1436 00:55:22,449 --> 00:55:25,449 day

1437 00:55:22,839 --> 00:55:27,909 yeah they should get you got it all the

1438 00:55:25,449 --> 00:55:30,339 way they need to make money on us know

1439 00:55:27,909 --> 00:55:33,369 probably there's there's a significant

1440 00:55:30,339 --> 00:55:35,380 portion of the publishing industry out

1441 00:55:33,369 --> 00:55:39,429 there that does give away number-one

1442 00:55:35,380 --> 00:55:41,409 issues betrayed you know in to promote

1443 00:55:39,429 --> 00:55:44,559 those trades you know there's tons of

1444 00:55:41,409 --> 00:55:46,839 them the go on comixology there's tons

1445 00:55:44,559 --> 00:55:48,309 of free number one I don't know if you

1446 00:55:46,839 --> 00:55:49,900 were reading loving case when it was

1447 00:55:48,309 --> 00:55:52,690 coming out in print

1448 00:55:49,900 --> 00:55:54,760 no no Tommy always drug it excellent

1449 00:55:52,690 --> 00:55:56,230 excellent title highly recommend

1450 00:55:54,760 --> 00:55:59,440 anything by x all about that particular

1451 00:55:56,230 --> 00:56:01,720 quarterly book and it was it was

1452 00:55:59,440 --> 00:56:03,190 basically something I think he did maybe

1453 00:56:01,720 --> 00:56:06,309 even on the web beforehand but like the

1454 00:56:03,190 --> 00:56:08,470 top half was you know once it was done

1455 00:56:06,309 --> 00:56:09,549 is basically a digital first book let me

1456 00:56:08,470 --> 00:56:11,200 phrase it that way

1457 00:56:09,549 --> 00:56:13,450 top half bottom half boom that's your

1458 00:56:11,200 --> 00:56:15,849 page but each was kind of stand alone so

1459 00:56:13,450 --> 00:56:18,160 you got two story beats per page

1460 00:56:15,849 --> 00:56:20,980 guaranteed and then you get you know 20

1461 00:56:18,160 --> 00:56:23,049 of those pages so pretty pretty solid

1462 00:56:20,980 --> 00:56:25,779 beefy book comes out four times a year

1463 00:56:23,049 --> 00:56:27,789 one of them he would always time out of

1464 00:56:25,779 --> 00:56:29,619 the the eight or ten issues did over the

1465 00:56:27,789 --> 00:56:31,150 year and a half two years it was out

1466 00:56:29,619 --> 00:56:32,980 three years without whatever would come

1467 00:56:31,150 --> 00:56:35,170 out on free comic book day so out of

1468 00:56:32,980 --> 00:56:37,000 four issues he was giving one of them

1469 00:56:35,170 --> 00:56:38,829 away now it was later available for

1470 00:56:37,000 --> 00:56:40,690 resellers yet surprised if you somehow

1471 00:56:38,829 --> 00:56:43,240 missed it or whatever but I mean talk

1472 00:56:40,690 --> 00:56:46,150 about giving away the good and whatnot I

1473 00:56:43,240 --> 00:56:48,369 mean his is what he self-published with

1474 00:56:46,150 --> 00:56:49,059 you want i do people use self-publishing

1475 00:56:48,369 --> 00:56:51,369 time

1476 00:56:49,059 --> 00:56:55,390 how can you afford to do that I have no

1477 00:56:51,369 --> 00:56:57,369 earthly idea let yeah but I mean this

1478 00:56:55,390 --> 00:56:58,599 guy every time I see him at the

1479 00:56:57,369 --> 00:57:01,150 convention i talked with him because

1480 00:56:58,599 --> 00:57:03,700 he's just a very interesting guy very

1481 00:57:01,150 --> 00:57:07,450 cool guy great guy i love Tom dollar of

1482 00:57:03,700 --> 00:57:09,099 his thoughts on publishing on the

1483 00:57:07,450 --> 00:57:12,279 direction they taken some some major

1484 00:57:09,099 --> 00:57:14,200 corporate own characters on story and

1485 00:57:12,279 --> 00:57:18,069 stuff like that he's just a really smart

1486 00:57:14,200 --> 00:57:21,640 guy very low-key and stuff arm and again

1487 00:57:18,069 --> 00:57:23,109 the the confidence one must have to be

1488 00:57:21,640 --> 00:57:24,730 giving away you know

1489 00:57:23,109 --> 00:57:26,200 one out of four books the year on a

1490 00:57:24,730 --> 00:57:29,440 quarterly book

1491 00:57:26,200 --> 00:57:31,420 yeah that that impressive to me that

1492 00:57:29,440 --> 00:57:33,609 that's not something for the faint of

1493 00:57:31,420 --> 00:57:35,260 heart or whatnot and I don't know maybe

1494 00:57:33,609 --> 00:57:37,059 another day job keeping things afloat

1495 00:57:35,260 --> 00:57:39,670 whatever you just passion project the

1496 00:57:37,059 --> 00:57:42,160 either way the guy was rocking it both

1497 00:57:39,670 --> 00:57:44,619 from a Content one of you and in terms

1498 00:57:42,160 --> 00:57:46,180 of a there's minimal additional barrier

1499 00:57:44,619 --> 00:57:47,680 to entry at that point the way to the

1500 00:57:46,180 --> 00:57:49,599 next three comic day you get the free

1501 00:57:47,680 --> 00:57:51,730 show i like it keep going you need so

1502 00:57:49,599 --> 00:57:54,279 hopefully work out form and stuff is of

1503 00:57:51,730 --> 00:57:56,020 course goin on jus long distance and a

1504 00:57:54,279 --> 00:57:58,270 few other things since then and we heard

1505 00:57:56,020 --> 00:58:00,160 anything new on the horizon for him i

1506 00:57:58,270 --> 00:58:01,400 have not got to imagine there's

1507 00:58:00,160 --> 00:58:03,290 something coming up soon

1508 00:58:01,400 --> 00:58:06,140 certainly hope so yeah it feels a little

1509 00:58:03,290 --> 00:58:07,280 overdue already are certainly overdue

1510 00:58:06,140 --> 00:58:10,160 I don't care if the last book just

1511 00:58:07,280 --> 00:58:12,410 finished this week it's over to ya

1512 00:58:10,160 --> 00:58:15,440 oh he is one that i want to get more out

1513 00:58:12,410 --> 00:58:17,120 of just because he's success rate with

1514 00:58:15,440 --> 00:58:19,880 me is just phenomenal

1515 00:58:17,120 --> 00:58:22,880 it's easy to get into his stories they

1516 00:58:19,880 --> 00:58:23,900 they have a natural feel to them on this

1517 00:58:22,880 --> 00:58:25,820 feels like you're following the

1518 00:58:23,900 --> 00:58:27,380 invention the adventures of real people

1519 00:58:25,820 --> 00:58:29,540 not you're reading a story

1520 00:58:27,380 --> 00:58:31,790 yeah so interesting stuff coming with

1521 00:58:29,540 --> 00:58:33,860 the digital comics with how people are

1522 00:58:31,790 --> 00:58:35,930 marketing stuff yeah lots of lots of fun

1523 00:58:33,860 --> 00:58:38,870 stuff on that yet waiting on the forum

1524 00:58:35,930 --> 00:58:41,990 um you know feel free QB rating and he

1525 00:58:38,870 --> 00:58:44,720 blamed me for this from my profiting

1526 00:58:41,990 --> 00:58:46,430 from a couple of digital codes will slow

1527 00:58:44,720 --> 00:58:49,760 down the back i'm not going to say that

1528 00:58:46,430 --> 00:58:54,050 I blame you people of people of my ilk

1529 00:58:49,760 --> 00:58:56,000 the baby right now it's one of those

1530 00:58:54,050 --> 00:58:58,940 things though it does make me wonder if

1531 00:58:56,000 --> 00:59:01,220 it Marvel just felt the system and was

1532 00:58:58,940 --> 00:59:04,010 being abused and i'm not saying that it

1533 00:59:01,220 --> 00:59:05,030 was being abused it was a murky area and

1534 00:59:04,010 --> 00:59:06,710 if they didn't want that they should

1535 00:59:05,030 --> 00:59:07,880 have been clearer but i do think this is

1536 00:59:06,710 --> 00:59:10,430 something that's going to have and

1537 00:59:07,880 --> 00:59:12,110 should have a negative backlash PR wise

1538 00:59:10,430 --> 00:59:13,760 for Marvel because I feel they are

1539 00:59:12,110 --> 00:59:14,660 diminishing the value i'm getting out of

1540 00:59:13,760 --> 00:59:17,720 their books

1541 00:59:14,660 --> 00:59:18,980 yeah now I'm regularly and lot used to

1542 00:59:17,720 --> 00:59:22,340 give away

1543 00:59:18,980 --> 00:59:24,530 who did you code on twitter and you can

1544 00:59:22,340 --> 00:59:27,110 create your prerogative it out so he

1545 00:59:24,530 --> 00:59:29,330 would he would just peel it you get it

1546 00:59:27,110 --> 00:59:30,980 getting little cops back and you feel it

1547 00:59:29,330 --> 00:59:32,360 and give it away to somebody I mean to

1548 00:59:30,980 --> 00:59:35,120 me that's just promotion

1549 00:59:32,360 --> 00:59:37,040 yeah because it's under his control at

1550 00:59:35,120 --> 00:59:39,680 that point to me it's it's a murkier

1551 00:59:37,040 --> 00:59:41,810 area if it's just some some other person

1552 00:59:39,680 --> 00:59:44,420 not connect to the book some d

1553 00:59:41,810 --> 00:59:47,690 yeah but some lowly podcaster like out

1554 00:59:44,420 --> 00:59:49,220 not to set exactly but it's also one of

1555 00:59:47,690 --> 00:59:52,220 the things i was reading an article i

1556 00:59:49,220 --> 00:59:55,040 think it was on the beat that Dominator

1557 00:59:52,220 --> 00:59:57,320 it posted on the forum so he posted like

1558 00:59:55,040 --> 00:59:59,090 any way of suggesting that some people

1559 00:59:57,320 --> 01:00:02,090 using it to subsidize the comic book

1560 00:59:59,090 --> 01:00:03,830 reading that could reduce their comic

1561 01:00:02,090 --> 01:00:04,370 book reading because subsidies no longer

1562 01:00:03,830 --> 01:00:06,230 there

1563 01:00:04,370 --> 01:00:08,330 yeah and if there's already concerns

1564 01:00:06,230 --> 01:00:10,730 about how stores are doing right now

1565 01:00:08,330 --> 01:00:11,600 just could not be a good thing to be

1566 01:00:10,730 --> 01:00:13,700 very bad thing

1567 01:00:11,600 --> 01:00:15,079 yeah yeah because yeah like I said you

1568 01:00:13,700 --> 01:00:17,900 could you could pre-order

1569 01:00:15,079 --> 01:00:19,279 print copy and then sell digital codes

1570 01:00:17,900 --> 01:00:22,999 sometimes you could be the break even

1571 01:00:19,279 --> 01:00:24,799 and read because Comic surgery and so if

1572 01:00:22,999 --> 01:00:26,239 thats go on enough if you are relying on

1573 01:00:24,799 --> 01:00:28,369 that to pay for your habit

1574 01:00:26,239 --> 01:00:31,940 yeah and then yeah you're right you

1575 01:00:28,369 --> 01:00:33,769 might have to reduce that list and not

1576 01:00:31,940 --> 01:00:36,469 like the forest was that big

1577 01:00:33,769 --> 01:00:38,479 yeah but it's one of those things if if

1578 01:00:36,469 --> 01:00:40,369 the system was being gamed that as much

1579 01:00:38,479 --> 01:00:41,569 on the people who created the system in

1580 01:00:40,369 --> 01:00:45,319 a game mobile manner

1581 01:00:41,569 --> 01:00:47,329 yes so you know Marvel setup system

1582 01:00:45,319 --> 01:00:51,920 well so anything else is that pretty

1583 01:00:47,329 --> 01:00:57,229 much do it because it's cool

1584 01:00:51,920 --> 01:00:59,450 join us next week as we discuss cave

1585 01:00:57,229 --> 01:01:02,089 Carson has a cybernetic eye number four

1586 01:00:59,450 --> 01:01:04,519 from DC mighty Captain Marvel number one

1587 01:01:02,089 --> 01:01:07,309 from Marvel and the few number one from

1588 01:01:04,519 --> 01:01:09,890 image comics the show notes form for

1589 01:01:07,309 --> 01:01:12,589 this podcast can be found at

1590 01:01:09,890 --> 01:01:14,809 anticipates dot-com the podcast and

1591 01:01:12,589 --> 01:01:17,690 foreign section of our website complete

1592 01:01:14,809 --> 01:01:19,400 email match the guy that comment a shot

1593 01:01:17,690 --> 01:01:26,529 calm and let us know what you think

1594 01:01:19,400 --> 01:01:26,529 just separate thanks

Comic Book Page Podcast team:

John Mayo - Host/Executive Producer/Owner/Number Cruncher

Kay Kellam - Co-host/Producer/Photographer/Editor/Content Coordinator/Webmaster

James - Co-host (Weekly Comics Spotlight episodes)

Sam - Co-host (Mayo Report: Comics and television ratings episodes)

Eric - Co-host (Mayo Report: Comics episodes)

TJ - Co-host (Mayo Report: Trades episodes)

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