Category Archives: Previews Spotlight

Previews Spotlight #174: 2022-05

John discusses the contents of the May 2022 Previews catalog and plays clips sent in from listeners spotlighting items they picked.

We had 1 other podcasts/blogs represented this month:
Superman Fan Podcast

and 5 listeners:
James Raynor
Nicholas Fenner
Mo Walker
Jason Zeller

Items mentioned:
DC Connect p1: Batman #125 (James Raynor)
DC Connect p4: Detective Comics #1062 (Nicholas Fenner)
DC Connect p6: Flashpoint Beyond #3 (Mo Walker)
DC Connect p16: Young Justice: Targets #1 (Mo Walker)
DC Connect p18: Superman: Space Age #1 (James Raynor)
DC Connect p18: Superman: Space Age #1 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p22: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #5 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p34: Action Comics #1045 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p38: Fables #153 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p39: Justice League vs the Legion of Super-Heroes #5 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p41: Superman: Son of Kal-El #13 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p41: SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL #13 (John Mayo)
DC Connect p46: House of Mystery Bronze Age Omnibus v3 (Jason Zeller)
DC Connect p47: Who’s Who Omnibus v2 HC (Jason Zeller)
DC Connect p47: WHOS WHO OMNIBUS V2 HC (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p1: Avengers 1,000,000 BC #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p2: Avengers/X-Men/Eternals (AXE) Judgement Day #1 & #2 (Mo Walker)
Marvel Previews p38: Captain Carter #5 (Mo Walker)
Marvel Previews p39: Moon Knight #13 (Jason Zeller)
Marvel Previews p45: Fantastic Four #46 (Billy Hogan)
Marvel Previews p45: FANTASTIC FOUR #46 (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p49: Predator #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p72: King Conan Chronicles Epic Collection v1: Phantoms and Phoenixes TP (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p44: Starhenge Book One #1: The Dragon and the Boar #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p44: Starhenge Book One #1: The Dragon and the Boar #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Marvel Previews p49: Predator #1 (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p52: Above Snakes #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p57: Hollows #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p61: Prodigy: The Icarus Society #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p71: Ministry of Space TP (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p75: Savage Tales #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p319: Jodorowsky Library HC / Deluxe Gimenez HC (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p124: Mind MGMT: Bootleg #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p132: Madman Library Edition v3 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p141: Orville Library Edition v1 HC (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p141: Orville Library Edition v1 HC (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p159: Vampirella: Year One #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p218: Promethee 13:13 #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p223: Pulp Power HC (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p226: Fantastic Four: Full Circle Alex Ross Slipcase Edition HC (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p248: Florida Man #1 (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p270: Absolution #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p316: Entropy #1 (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p326: Dark Spaces: Wildfire #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p327: Rocketeer: The Great Race #4 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p329: Usagi Yojimbo #29 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p331: A Girl and Her Dog #1 (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p338: 50 ANIMATED YEARS LUPIN THE 3RD HC (John Mayo)
Diamond Previews p346: Blink #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p370: Little Red Ronin #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p396: Barbaric: Axe to Grind #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p396: Barbaric: Axe to Grind #1 (Bralinator)

Other Links:
Kowabunga Comics:
Previews World (Diamond Comics):
Lunar Distribution:
Penguin/Random House:
Diamond Previews @ Alternate Worlds:
Superman Fan Podcast:

Email us at
Join the discussion on our forum at:
Join the Comic Book Page Slack channel:

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:

Previews Spotlight #173: 2022-04

John discusses the contents of the April 2022 Previews catalog and plays clips sent in from listeners spotlighting items they picked.

We had 1 other podcasts/blogs represented this month:
Superman Fan Podcast

and 5 listeners:
James Raynor
Mo Walker
Nicholas Fenner
Patrick Engroff
Jason Zeller

Items mentioned:
DC Connect p2: Dark Crisis #1 (James Raynor)
DC Connect p2: Dark Crisis #1 (Mo Walker)
DC Connect p6: Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1 (John Mayo)
DC Connect p36: Action Comics #1044 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p38: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #4 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p38: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #4 (Nicholas Fenner)
DC Connect p39: Fables #152 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p40: Justice League vs The Legion Of Super-Heroes #4 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p42: Superman: Son of Kal-El #12 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p43: Jurrasic League #2 (Nicholas Fenner)
DC Connect p46: Brightest Day Omnibus (James Raynor)
DC Connect p48: Animal Man Omnibus (Nicholas Fenner)
DC Connect p64: Phalanx #1 (Mo Walker)
Marvel Previews p1: AXE: Eve of Judgement #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p2: Fortnite x Marvel: Zero War #1 (Patrick Engroff)
Marvel Previews p6: Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p10: Daredevil #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Marvel Previews p12: X-Men: Hellfire Gala #1 (Mo Walker)
Marvel Previews p14: Jane Foster & Mighty Thor #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p23: Hulk #8 (Patrick Engroff)
Marvel Previews p24: Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p31: Variants #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Marvel Previews p31: Variants #1 (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p36: Iron Cat #1 (Patrick Engroff)
Marvel Previews p36: Iron Cat #1 (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p47: Gambit #2 (Patrick Engroff)
Marvel Previews p66: Tomb of Dracula # 1 Facsimile Edition (Jason Zeller)
Marvel Previews p73: Fantastic Four #45 (Billy Hogan)
Marvel Previews p82: Star Wars: The Mandalorian #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p82: Star Wars: The Mandalorian #1 (Patrick Engroff)
Marvel Previews p94: Savage Avengers Omnibus HC (Jason Zeller)
Marvel Previews p98: Avengers by Busiek & Perez Omnibus HC (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p101: Marvel Masterworks: The Tomb of Dracula v2 HC (Jason Zeller)
Marvel Previews p110: Moon Knight v2: Too Tough to Die TP (Jason Zeller)
Diamond Previews p40: Clementine Book One OGN TP (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p40: Clementine Book One OGN TP (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p48: Public Domain #1 (Mo Walker)
Diamond Previews p52: Skybound Presents: Afterschool #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p79: Ice Cream Man #31 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p82: Manifest Destiny #48 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p96: Lonesome Hunters #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p109: Joe Golem: Occult Detective Omnibus HC (Jason Zeller)
Diamond Previews p126: Gantz Omnibus v10 TP (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p204: Heavenly Demon Reborn v1 SC (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p228: Wrong Earth: Confidence Men #1 (Mo Walker)
Diamond Previews p250: New Think #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p290: Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide v52 (John Mayo)
Diamond Previews p312: Rocketeer: The Great Race #3 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p313: TMNT: The Last Ronin HC (Patrick Engroff)
Diamond Previews p315: Usagi Yojimbo: Lone Goat and Kid #6 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p346: Cupid’s Arrow GN (John Mayo)
Diamond Previews p368: Michael Moorcock’s Elric v1-4 Boxed Set (Jason Zeller)
Diamond Previews p380: Mindset #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p403: Marvel Secret Reverse (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p408: Fist of the North Star v5 (James Raynor)

Other Links:
Kowabunga Comics:
Previews World (Diamond Comics):
Lunar Distribution:
Penguin/Random House:
Diamond Previews @ Alternate Worlds:
Superman Fan Podcast:

Email us at
Join the discussion on our forum at:
Join the Comic Book Page Slack channel:

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:

Previews Spotlight #172: 2022-03

John discusses the contents of the March 2022 Previews catalog and plays clips sent in from listeners spotlighting items they picked.

We had 2 other podcasts/blogs represented this month:
Superman Fan Podcast
Comics for Fun and Profit

and 7 listeners:
Nicholas Fenner
James Raynor
Mo Walker
Patrick Engroff
Jason Zeller
Marvin Daniels

Items mentioned:
DC Connect p4: Batman: Fortress #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
DC Connect p7: Flashpoint Beyond #2-4 (Nicholas Fenner)
DC Connect p11: Action Comics 2022 Annual #1 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p16: Jurassic League #1 (Bralinator)
DC Connect p16: Jurrasic League #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
DC Connect p19: DC vs Vampires Hunter #1 (Comics for Fun and Profit)
DC Connect p20: Danger Street #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
DC Connect p22: Duo #1 (James Raynor)
DC Connect p24: Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis #1 (James Raynor)
DC Connect p25: FCBD (Bralinator)
DC Connect p32: Batman ’89 HC (Bralinator)
DC Connect p34: Fables #151 (James Raynor)
DC Connect p34: Fables #151 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p34: Fables #151 (Bralinator)
DC Connect p34: Fables #151 (Mo Walker)
DC Connect p34: FABLES #151 (John Mayo)
DC Connect p36: Action Comics #1043 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p38: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #3 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p39: Justice League vs the Legion of Super-Heroes #3 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p39: Justice League vs the Legion of Super-Heroes #3 (Mo Walker)
DC Connect p41: Superman: Son of Kal-El #11 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p44: World Of Krypton #6 (Billy Hogan)
Marvel Previews p2: CAPTAIN AMERICA: SYMBOL OF TRUTH 1 (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p8: Hulk #7 (Patrick Engroff)
Marvel Previews p10: Savage Avengers # 1 (Jason Zeller)
Marvel Previews p10: Savage Avengers #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p20: Moon Knight # 1 Facsimile Edition (Jason Zeller)
Marvel Previews p20: New Fantastic Four #1 (Bralinator)
Marvel Previews p22: New Fantastic Four #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p28: Gambit #1 (Comics for Fun and Profit)
Marvel Previews p28: Gambit #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Marvel Previews p28: Gambit #1 (Patrick Engroff)
Marvel Previews p34: Immortal X-Men #3 (Mo Walker)
Marvel Previews p40: X-Men Legends #1 (Bralinator)
Marvel Previews p44: X-Men Red #3 (Mo Walker)
Marvel Previews p49: X-Men #11 (Mo Walker)
Marvel Previews p59: Fantastic Four #44 (Billy Hogan)
Marvel Previews p64: Moon Knight: Black, White and Blood # 2 (Jason Zeller)
Marvel Previews p82: Conan the Barbarian: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus v9 (Jason Zeller)
Marvel Previews p85: Spectacular Spiderman Omnibus v1 HC (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p91: Predator: The Original Years Omnibus v1 HC (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p40: Bone Orchard: The Passageway OGN HC (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p44: 8 Billion Genies #1 (Comics for Fun and Profit)
Diamond Previews p44: Eight Billion Genies #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p48: Twig #1 (Marvin Daniels)
Diamond Previews p54: Metal Society #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p56: Unnatural Blue Blood #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p66: King of Spies TP (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p69: Pulp: The Process Edition HC (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p69: PULP: THE PROCESS EDITION HC (John Mayo)
Diamond Previews p74: Swing TP v5 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p118: Black Hammer Reborn #12 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p144: Usagi Yojimbo #28 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p144: Usagi Yojimbo: Lone Goat & Kid #5 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p204: Grim #1 (Marvin Daniels)
Diamond Previews p231: Belit & Valeria: Swords vs Sorcery #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p231: Belit & Valeria: Swords vs Sorcery #1 (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p238: Bunny Mask: The Hollow Inside #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p280: Devils Highway v2 #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p304: Octobriana With Love #1 (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p330: Blood of The Immortals HC (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p340: ARSENE LUPIN GENTLEMAN THIEF HC (John Mayo)
Diamond Previews p354: Death Dealer #1 (Jason Zeller)
Diamond Previews p354: Death Dealer #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p354: Death Dealer #1 (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p354: Death Dealer #1 (Marvin Daniels)
Diamond Previews p391: Back Issue # 137 (Jason Zeller)
Diamond Previews p392: Team-Up Companion SC (Jason Zeller)
Diamond Previews p400: Barbaric #1 (Marvin Daniels)
Diamond Previews p408: Frazetta Book Cover Ert: The Definitive Reference HC (Jason Zeller)

Other Links:
Kowabunga Comics:
Previews World (Diamond Comics):
Lunar Distribution:
Penguin/Random House:
Diamond Previews @ Alternate Worlds:
Superman Fan Podcast:
Comics for Fun and Profit: 

Email us at
Join the discussion on our forum at:
Join the Comic Book Page Slack channel:

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:

Previews Spotlight #171: 2022-02

John discusses the contents of the February 2022 Previews catalog and plays clips sent in from listeners spotlighting items they picked.

We had 2 other podcasts/blogs represented this month:
Superman Fan Podcast
Comics for Fun and Profit

and 6 listeners:
Nicholas Fenner
James Raynor
Patrick Engroff
Chris Myers
Marvin Daniels
Darin Henry

Items mentioned:
DC Connect p4: Batman Beyond: Neo-Year #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
DC Connect p8: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #2 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p11: Flashpoint Beyond #0 (James Raynor)
DC Connect p11: Flashpoint Beyond #0 (Nicholas Fenner)
DC Connect p11: FLASHPOINT BEYOND #0 (John Mayo)
DC Connect p22: Justice League #75 (Comics for Fun and Profit)
DC Connect p38: Action Comics #1042 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p43: Superman: Son of Kal-El #10 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p45: World of Krypton #5 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p47: Justice League: The New 52 Omnibus v2 (Nicholas Fenner)
Marvel Previews p1: Amazing Spider-Man #1 Facsimile (Comics for Fun and Profit)
Marvel Previews p5: Spider-Man #2 (Patrick Engroff)
Marvel Previews p8: Captain America #0 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p10: Hulk vs Thor: Banner War Alpha #1 (Patrick Engroff)
Marvel Previews p19: X-Men Red #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p24: GIANT-SIZE X-MEN: THUNDERBIRD #1 (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p38: Spider-Punk #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Marvel Previews p42: Miles Morales Spider-Man3 #7 (Nicholas Fenner)
Marvel Previews p57: Fantastic Four #43 (Billy Hogan)
Marvel Previews p77: Immortal Iron Fist Omnibus (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p72: Ice Cream Man #29 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p91: Radio Spaceman #2 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p98: BREAK OUT #1 (OF 4) (John Mayo)
Diamond Previews p103: Black Hammer Reborn #11 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p122: Rocketeer: The Great Race #1 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p122: Rocketeer: The Great Race #1 (Chris Myers)
Diamond Previews p136: Usagi Yojimbo: Lone Goat and Kid #4 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p142: Project Superpowers: Fractured States #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p149: Immortal Red Sonja #1 (Chris Myers)
Diamond Previews p232: Dark Ark Complete Series HC (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p260: Joneses #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p260: Joneses #1 (Chris Myers)
Diamond Previews p265: Dark Beach #1 (Marvin Daniels)
Diamond Previews p268: Blue Baron: Enter Blowback #1 (Chris Myers)
Diamond Previews p268: Blue Baron: Enter Blowback #1 (Darin Henry)
Diamond Previews p285: Takedown #1 (Patrick Engroff)
Diamond Previews p304: HISTORY COMICS GN NATIONAL PARKS (John Mayo)
Diamond Previews p308: Starward #1 (Marvin Daniels)
Diamond Previews p311: Retroactive SC (Chris Myers)
Diamond Previews p311: RETROACTIVE SC (John Mayo)
Diamond Previews p314: Thick Skins HC (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p322: Nottingham #6 (Patrick Engroff)
Diamond Previews p322: Nottingham #6 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p337: Hawk the Slayer #1 (Marvin Daniels)
Diamond Previews p400: Record of Ragnarok v2 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p1021: TMNT Gallery: Last Ronon PVC Statue (Patrick Engroff)

Other Links:
Kowabunga Comics:
Previews World (Diamond Comics):
Lunar Distribution:
Penguin/Random House:
Diamond Previews @ Alternate Worlds:
Superman Fan Podcast:
Comics for Fun and Profit: 
Binge Books:

Email us at
Join the discussion on our forum at:
Join the Comic Book Page Slack channel:

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:

Previews Spotlight #170: 2022-01

John discusses the contents of the January 2022 Previews catalog and plays clips sent in from listeners spotlighting items they picked.

We had 2 other podcasts/blogs represented this month:
Superman Fan Podcast
Comics for Fun and Profit

and 6 listeners:
James Raynor
Mo Walker
Michae lHo
Chris Braly
Nicholas Fenner
Patrick Engroff

Items mentioned:
DC Connect p4: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #1 (James Raynor)
DC Connect p4: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #1 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p6: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #1 (Comics for Fun and Profit)
DC Connect p12: Naomi #1 (James Raynor)
DC Connect p22: Catwoman: Lonely City #3 (Mo Walker)
DC Connect p31: DC League of Super-Pets: The Great Mxy-Up SC (Michael Ho)
DC Connect p34: Action Comics #1041 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p38: Justice League Incarnate #5 (Mo Walker)
DC Connect p39: Justice League vs the Legion oOf Super-Heroes #3 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p41: SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL #9 (John Mayo)
DC Connect p41: Superman: Son of Kal-El #9 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p43: World of Krypton #3 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p44: Batman vs Bigby: A Wolf in Gotham v1 TP (Chris Braly)
DC Connect p45: Phantom Stranger Omnibus HC (Nicholas Fenner)
DC Connect p46: Tails of the Super Pets v1 TP (Chris Braly)
DC Connect p47: WHO’S WHO OMNIBUS HC v2 (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p2: Immortal X-Men #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p2: Immortal X-Men #1 (Mo Walker)
Marvel Previews p12: Wolverine: Patch #1 (Comics for Fun and Profit)
Marvel Previews p14: Captain Carter #1 (Mo Walker)
Marvel Previews p14: CAPTAIN CARTER #1 (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p17: Carnage #1 (Patrick Engroff)
Marvel Previews p18: Venom: Lethal Protector #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p22: Punisher #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p24: WHAT IF MILES MORALES #1 (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p51: Fantastic Four #42 (Billy Hogan)
Marvel Previews p52: Hulk: Grand Design #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p87: Avengers vs X-Men Omnibus (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p91: What If?: Into The Multiverse Omnibus v2 HC (Chris Braly)
Diamond Previews p27: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles FCBD Special 2022 (Michael Ho)
Diamond Previews p40: Astro City: That Was Then Special #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p40: Astro City: That Was Then Special #1 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p40: ASTRO CITY: THAT WAS THEN SPECIAL #1 (John Mayo)
Diamond Previews p67: Complete Cyberforce v1 HC (Chris Braly)
Diamond Previews p68: Hellcop: Welcome to Hell v1 TP (Chris Braly)
Diamond Previews p81: Lady Mechanika: The Monster of the Ministy of Hell #4 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p94: We Have Demons #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p103: Radio Spaceman #1 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p103: Radio Spaceman #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p108: Joy Operations #5 (Mo Walker)
Diamond Previews p111: Black Hammer: Reborn #10 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p122: Godzilla vs Power Rangers #1 (Michae lHo)
Diamond Previews p122: GODZILLA VS POWER RANGERS #1 (John Mayo)
Diamond Previews p129: Kill Lock: The Artisan Wraith #1 (Patrick Engroff)
Diamond Previews p135: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Annual 2022 (Michael Ho)
Diamond Previews p139: Usagi Yojimbo #27 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p140: Usagi Yojimbo: Lone Goat and Kid #3 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p192: Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Shapeshifters #1 (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p210: Cimmerian: Hour of the Dragon #1 (Chris Braly)
Diamond Previews p237: Wrong Earth: Trapped on Teen Planet #1 (Mo Walker)
Diamond Previews p258: Hit Me #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p258: Hit Me #1 (Patrick Engroff)
Diamond Previews p291: Mickey Mouse: Zombie Coffee HC (Nicholas Fenner)
Diamond Previews p308: Asphalt Blues HC (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p312: FCBD The Incal Universe SC (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p357: Marvel Comics Library: Spider-Man v1 HC (Nicholas Fenner)

Other Links:
Kowabunga Comics:
Superman Fan Podcast:
Comics for Fun and Profit: 

Email us at
Join the discussion on our forum at:
Join the Comic Book Page Slack channel:

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:

Previews Spotlight #169: 2021-12

John discusses the contents of the December 2021 Previews catalog and plays clips sent in from listeners spotlighting items they picked.

We had 2 other podcasts/blogs represented this month:
Comics for Fun and Profit
Superman Fan Podcast

and 8 listeners:
Michael Ho
Nick Fenner
Mo Walker
Jason Zeller
James Raynor
Patrick Engroff
Darin Henry

Items mentioned:
DC Connect p2: Detective Comics #1051 (Comics for Fun and Profit)
DC Connect p7: NEW CHAMPION OF SHAZAM #1 (John Mayo)
DC Connect p10: Monkey Prince #1 (Michael Ho)
DC Connect p14: Weird Love Tales #1 (Nick Fenner)
DC Connect p21: Milestones in History #1 (Nick Fenner)
DC Connect p25: Action Comics #1040 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p27: Blue and Gold #7 (Mo Walker)
DC Connect p30: Justice League vs the Legion Of Super-Heroes #2 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p31: Nightwing #89 (Mo Walker)
DC Connect p31: NIGHTWING #89 (John Mayo)
DC Connect p33: Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p33: Superman: Son of Kal-El #8 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p36: World of Krypton #3 (Billy Hogan)
DC Connect p38: Legion of Super-Heroes: Five Years Later Omnibus v2 (Jason Zeller)
DC Connect p39: Question by Dennis O’Neil and Denys Cowan HC v1 (Nick Fenner)
Marvel Previews p6: SPIDER-GWEN: GWENVERSE #1 (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p7: Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse #1 (Comics for Fun and Profit)
Marvel Previews p8: Ghost Rider #1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p18: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #88.BEY (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p30: IRON FIST #1 (John Mayo)
Marvel Previews p34: X-Cellent #1 (Mo Walker)
Marvel Previews p51: Fantastic Four #41 (Billy Hogan)
Marvel Previews p73: Conan the King: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus v1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p73: Conan the King: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus v1 (Bralinator)
Marvel Previews p76: Ultimate X-Men Omnibus v1 (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p80: Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions Gallery Edition HC (James Raynor)
Marvel Previews p83: Marvel Multiverse Role Playing Game: Playtest Rulebook TP (Patrick Engroff)
Marvel Previews p94: Carnage Epic Collection v1 Born in Blood TP (Jason Zeller)
Marvel Previews p99: Moon Knight: Legacy The Complete Collection TP (Jason Zeller)
Diamond Previews p22: Lion and the Eagle #1 (Nick Fenner)
Diamond Previews p38: Rogue Sun #1 (Nick Fenner)
Diamond Previews p42: Step By Bloody Step #1 (Nick Fenner)
Diamond Previews p47: Official Image Timeline #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p50: Supermassive #1 (Nick Fenner)
Diamond Previews p55: Astro City Metrobook TP v1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p69: Crossover #12 (Mo Walker)
Diamond Previews p75: Lady Mechanika: Monster Of Ministry #3 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p94: Joy Operations #4 (Mo Walker)
Diamond Previews p102: Black Hammer: Reborn #9 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p106: Tarzan: The New Adventures HC v1 (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p106: Tarzan: The New Adventures HC v1 (Nick Fenner)
Diamond Previews p120: TMNT: The Last Ronin #5 (Patrick Engroff)
Diamond Previews p138: Usagi Yojimbo #26 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p138: Usagi Yojombo: Lone Goat and Kid #2 (Billy Hogan)
Diamond Previews p186: Faithless III #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p212: Life Zero #1 (Patrick Engroff)
Diamond Previews p222: Lion and the Eagle #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p247: Archie 1000 Page Comics Glory (Nick Fenner)
Diamond Previews p263: Fight Girls TP (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p268: Startup: Starting Point #1 (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p268: Startup: Starting Point #1 (Jason Zeller)
Diamond Previews p268: Startup: Starting Point #1 (Darin Henry)
Diamond Previews p308: Jodorowsky Library: Son of the Gun – Pietrolino HC (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p316: Carbon Grey Omnibus (James Raynor)
Diamond Previews p329: George Orwell’s 1984 GN (Bralinator)
Diamond Previews p371: Fox and Hare #1 (Michael Ho)
Thin Blue Line #1 (Bralinator)

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This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:

Previews Spotlight #168: 2021-11

John discusses the contents of the November 2021 Previews catalog and plays clips sent in from listeners spotlighting items they picked.

We had 2 other podcasts/blogs represented this month:
Comics for Fun and Profit
Superman Fan Podcast

and 6 listeners:
James Raynor
Mo Walker
Nicholas Fenner
Jason Zeller
Martin Pierro
Chris Braly

Items mentioned:
p.28 (John Mayo) PREVIEWS #400 JANUARY 2022
p.34 (Comics for Fun and Profit) Arrowsmith #1
p.34 (James Raynor) Arrowsmith
p.42 (Comics for Fun and Profit) Saga #55
p.42 (Mo Walker) Saga #55
p.58 (James Raynor) Arrowsmith HC
p.78 (Comics for Fun and Profit) Lady Meckanica #2
p.78 (Billy Hogan) Lady Mechanika: Monsters Of Ministry #2
p.90 (Nicholas Fenner) Apache Delivery Service #1
p.101 (Billy Hogan) Black Hammer Reborn #8
p.108 (Jason Zeller) Tales from the Crypt v2
p.D2 (James Raynor) Batman the Knight
p.D8 (Nicholas Fenner) Batman/Catwoman Special #1
p.D12 (Mo Walker) Justice League vs the Legion of Super-Heroes #1
p.D12 (Billy Hogan) Justice League vs the Legion of Super-Heroes #1
p.D14 (James Raynor) Peacemaker
p.D14 (Nicholas Fenner) Peacemaker: Disturbing The Peace #1
p.D25 (Billy Hogan) Action Comics #1039
p.D28 (Mo Walker) Justice League Incarnate #3
p.D28 (John Mayo) NIGHTWING #88
p.D30 (Billy Hogan) Superman ’78 #6
p.D30 (Billy Hogan) Superman: Son of Kal-El #7
p.D32 (Billy Hogan) World of Krypton #2
p.D33 (Nicholas Fenner) Catwoman of East End Omnibus
p.D38 (Billy Hogan) Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #7
p.118 (Billy Hogan) Usagi Yojimbo: Lone Goat & Kid #1
p.131 (Martin Pierro) Star Trek Classic: The Mirror Universe Saga
p.134 (Billy Hogan) Usagi Yojimbo #25
p.182 (Nicholas Fenner) Cursed Pirate Girl: The Devil’s Cave #1
p.M14 (James Raynor) Ben Reilly Spider-Man
p.M22 (James Raynor) Maestro World War M
p.M28 (John Mayo) SILK #1
p.M30 (James Raynor) Fantastic Four Reckoning War Alpha
p.M30 (Billy Hogan) Fantastic Four #40
p.M43 (Mo Walker) X-Men #7
p.M46 (Billy Hogan) Fantastic Four Life Story #6
p.M47 (Jason Zeller) Moon Knight 7
p.M53 (Mo Walker) Miles Morales: Spider-Man #34
p.M78 (James Raynor) Luke Cage Omnibus
p.M79 (Chris Braly) Thing Omnibus
p.M104 (Jason Zeller) Savage Avengers v5
p.M112 (Jason Zeller) Moon Knight Epic Collection v3 Final Rest
p.M113 (Jason Zeller) Moon Knight by Lemire and Smallwood Complete Collection
p.M116 (Jason Zeller) Marvel-Verse Moon Knight
p.212 (Chris Braly) Captain Harlock HC
p.214 (Billy Hogan) Serial #10
p.220 (Martin Pierro) Bylines in Blood #1
p.236 (Martin Pierro) Laurel and Hardy: Son of the Desert
p.240 (Chris Braly) Black Hops Hopocalypse
p.252 (James Raynor) The Fourth Man
p.256 (Nicholas Fenner) Cheap Tricks #1
p.281 (Nicholas Fenner) Past the Last Mountain #1
p.282 (Martin Pierro) From Blood #1
p.306 (James Raynor) The Incal
p.352 (Martin Pierro) Cover of Darkness #1
p.363 (Billy Hogan) Back Issue #134

Other Links:
Kowabunga Comics:
Comics for Fun and Profit: 
Superman Fan Podcast:
Cosmic Times:

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This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:

Previews Spotlight #167: 2021-10

John discusses the contents of the October 2021 Previews catalog and plays clips sent in from listeners spotlighting items they picked.

We had 2 other podcasts/blogs represented this month:
Superman Fan Podcast
Comics for Fun and Profit

and 6 listeners:
Chris Myers
James Raynor
Patrick Engroff
Chris Braly
Nicholas Fenner
Jason Zeller

Items mentioned:
p.28 (John Mayo) PREVIEWS #397 OCTOBER 2021
p.34 (Chris Myers) Lady Mechanika: The Monster of the Ministry of Hell #1
p.34 (Billy Hogan) Lady Mechanika: The Monster of the Ministry of Hell #1
p.42 (James Raynor) King of Spies #1
p.46 (Patrick Engroff) Stray Dogs: Dog Days #1
p.66 (Comics for Fun and Profit) Manifest Destiny #48
p.80 (Chris Myers) Icon #1
p.85 (Billy Hogan) Black Hammer Reborn #7
p.97 (Chris Braly) EC Archives: Terror Illustrated HC
p.D12 (James Raynor) Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1
p.D14 (James Raynor) World of Krypton #1
p.D14 (Chris Braly) World of Krypton #1
p.D14 (Billy Hogan) World of Krypton #1
p.D16 (Nicholas Fenner) One-Star Squadron #1
p.D25 (Chris Myers) Batman: The Long Halloween: Catwoman When in Rome TP Deluxe Edition
p.D28 (Chris Myers) Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn TP
p.D32 (Billy Hogan) Action Comics #1038
p.D35 (Nicholas Fenner) DC vs Vampires #3
p.D38 (Billy Hogan) Icon and Rocet: Season One #6
p.D39 (Nicholas Fenner) Nightwing #87
p.D41 (Nicholas Fenner) Robin and Batman #3
p.D42 (Billy Hogan) Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow #6 And #7
p.D42 (Billy Hogan) Superman ’78 #5
p.D43 (Billy Hogan) Superman: Son of Kal-El #6
p.D44 (Nicholas Fenner) Batman and Scooby Doo Mysteries #10
p.D47 (Jason Zeller) Legion of Super-Heroes: Before the Darkness HC v2
p.111 (Chris Myers) Dave Stevens’ The Rocketeer Artist’s Edition HC
p.111 (Chris Braly) Dave Stevens’ The Rocketeer Artist’s Edition HC
p.117 (Chris Braly) Silver Surfer Buscema Artisan Edition HC
p.124 (Jason Zeller) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Best of Shredder #1
p.139 (Chris Braly) Evil Ernie #1
p.M6 (James Raynor) Devil’s Reign #1
p.M20 (James Raynor) Inferno #4
p.M22 (Patrick Engroff) Hulk #2
p.M26 (James Raynor) King Conan #1
p.M26 (Jason Zeller) King Conan #1
p.M26 (Jason Zeller) Conan the Barbarian #1 Facsimile Edition
p.M33 (Patrick Engroff) Venom #3
p.M51 (Nicholas Fenner) Wolverine #19
p.M61 (Billy Hogan) Fantastic Four #39
p.M61 (John Mayo) FANTASTIC FOUR #39
p.M67 (Patrick Engroff) Thor #20
p.M80 (James Raynor) Savage She Hulk Omnibus HC
p.M80 (Chris Braly) Savage She Hulk Omnibus HC
p.M81 (Chris Braly) Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus v7 HC
p.M84 (Nicholas Fenner) Avengers by Jonathan Hickman Omnibus v1 (New Printing)
p.M92 (Jason Zeller) Moon Knight TP v1 Midnight Mission
p.M112 (Jason Zeller) Moon Knight by Bendis and Maleev: The Complete Collection TP
p.M113 (Chris Braly) Claremont Wolverine Deluxe Edition TP
p.M114 (Chris Braly) Marvel-verse: Moon Girl GN TP
p.214 (Billy Hogan) Serial #9
p.219 (Jason Zeller) Cosmos TP
p.231 (Chris Myers) Out of the Blue TP
p.258 (James Raynor) Hotell v2 #1
p.280 (Jason Zeller) Masters of the Universe Book HC
p.298 (Jason Zeller) Keep HC
p.328 (Patrick Engroff) Download #1
p.345 (Jason Zeller) Marvel Age of Comics 1961-1978 HC
p.356 (Jason Zeller) Back Issue #133
p.356 (Jason Zeller) Quality Companion SC
p.373 (Patrick Engroff) Dirty Poetry: From the Mind of Ivan L Moody HC
p.373 (Jason Zeller) Master of Mystery: The Rise of the Shadow
p.375 (James Raynor) Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly Holiday 2021 #1

Other Links:
Kowabunga Comics:
Superman Fan Podcast:
Comics for Fun and Profit: 

Email us at
Join the discussion on our forum at:
Join the Comic Book Page Slack channel:

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:

Previews Spotlight #166: 2021-09

John discusses the contents of the September 2021 Previews catalog and plays clips sent in from listeners spotlighting items they picked.

We had 2 other podcasts/blogs represented this month:
Comics for Fun and Profit
Superman Fan Podcast

and 2 listeners:
James Raynor
Mo Walker

Items mentioned:
p.28 (John Mayo) PREVIEWS #397 OCTOBER 2021
p.34 (James Raynor) Newburn #1
p.34 (Comics for Fun and Profit) Newburn #1
p.46 (James Raynor) What’s the Furthest Place from Here? #1
p.54 (Billy Hogan) Geiger 80-Page Giant
p.84 (Mo Walker) Joy Operations #1
p.92 (Billy Hogan) Black Hammer Reborn #6
p.102 (Mo Walker) Orville: Artifacts #2
p.D11 (John Mayo) ROBINS #1
p.D18 (John Mayo) DARK KNIGHTS OF STEEL #1
p.D31 (Billy Hogan) Superman: Son Of Kal-El Annual #1
p.D31 (Billy Hogan) Superman: Son Of Kal-El #5
p.D36 (Billy Hogan) Action Comics #1037
p.D37 (Billy Hogan) Batman: The Adventure Continues Season Two #6 and #7
p.D40 (Billy Hogan) Icon and Rocket: Season One #5
p.D43 (Billy Hogan) Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow #5
p.D43 (Billy Hogan) Superman ’78 #4
p.128 (Billy Hogan) Usagi Yojimbo #24
p.128 (Billy Hogan) Usagi Yojimbo: Dragon Bellow Conspiracy #6
p.132 (James Raynor) Sheena Queen of the Jungle #1
p.180 (James Raynor) Regarding the Matter of Oswald’s Body #1
p.M4 (James Raynor) Hulk #1
p.M8 (James Raynor) The Thing #1
p.M33 (James Raynor) Black Panther #1
p.M43 (James Raynor) X-Force: Killshot Anniverary Special #1
p.M52 (Billy Hogan) Fantastic Four: Life Story #5
p.M53 (Billy Hogan) Fantastic Four #38
p.M83 (James Raynor) Thor by Jason Aaron Omnibus HC
p.M87 (James Raynor) War of the Realms Omnibus HC
p.204 (James Raynor) Guillem March’s Laura #1
p.210 (Billy Hogan) Serial #8
p.226 (Mo Walker) My Bad #1
p.254 (James Raynor) Knighted #1
p.301 (John Mayo) MARVEL BY DESIGN HC
p.317 (James Raynor) The Wall HC and Shangri-La HC
p.360 (Mo Walker) Robotech Archives: Sentinels TP v2
p. ()

Other Links:
Kowabunga Comics:
Comics for Fun and Profit: 
Superman Fan Podcast:

Email us at
Join the discussion on our forum at:
Join the Comic Book Page Slack channel:

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:

Previews Spotlight #165: 2021-08

John discusses the contents of the August 2021 Previews catalog and plays clips sent in from listeners spotlighting items they picked.

We had 2 other podcasts/blogs represented this month:
Comics for Fun and Profit
Superman Fan Podcast

and 5 listeners:
Nick Fenner
James Raynor
Patrick Engroff
Chris Braly
Michael Ho

Items mentioned:
p.26 (John Mayo) PREVIEWS #397 OCTOBER 2021
p.44 (Nick Fenner) Gunslinger Spawn #1
p.50 (James Raynor) Magic Order v2 #1
p.54 (Comics for Fun and Profit) A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance #1
p.60 (James Raynor) Fine Print #1
p.73 (Patrick Engroff) Invincible v1
p.81 (Billy Hogan) Hey Kids Comics v2: Prophets & Loss #6
p.103 (Billy Hogan) Unbelievable Unteens: World Of Black Hammer #3
p.103 (Billy Hogan) Black Hammer Reborn #5
p.106 (Nick Fenner) Madman Library Edition v2
p.108 (John Mayo) ORVILLE: ARTIFACTS #1
p.112 (Patrick Engroff) Last Flight Out #1
p.144 (Billy Hogan) Usagi Yojimbo #23
p.144 (Billy Hogan) Usagi Yojimbo: Dragon Bellow Conspiracy #5
p.D30 (Billy Hogan) Batman: The Adventure Continues #5
p.D9 (Nick Fenner) Task Force Z #1
p.D13 (Chris Braly) Batman: The Long Halloween Special #1
p.D16 (James Raynor) DC vs Vampires #1
p.D16 (Nick Fenner) DC vs Vampires #1
p.D17 (Nick Fenner) Human Target #1
p.D22 (James Raynor) Wonder Woman: Historia #1
p.D28 (Nick Fenner) Refrigerator Full Of Heads #1
p.D30 (Billy Hogan) Action Comics #1036
p.D35 (Billy Hogan) Superman: Son Of Kal-El #4
p.D33 (Billy Hogan) Icon and Rocket Season One #4
p.D35 (Billy Hogan) Superman ’78 #3
p.D40 (Nick Fenner) Wonder Woman Silver Age v1
p.124 (Nick Fenner) Star Trek: The Mirror War #1
p.124 (John Mayo) STAR TREK: THE MIRROR WAR #1
p.135 (Nick Fenner) Star Wars Adventures: Ghosts of Vader’s Castle #3-5
p.165 (Nick Fenner) James Bond: Himeros #1
p.M4 (James Raynor) Venom #1
p.M6 (James Raynor) Amazing Spiderman #75
p.M6 (Patrick Engroff) Amazing Spider-Man #75
p.M12 (James Raynor) Immortal Hulk #50
p.M59 (Billy Hogan) Fantastic Four #37
p.M81 (Chris Braly) Invaders Omnibus
p.242 (Chris Braly) Buddy McGill #1
p.258 (Chris Braly) Tom Holland’s Fright Night
p.284 (James Raynor) Out #1
p.285 (John Mayo) ET-ER #1
p.288 (Michael Ho) Blue Baron #1
p.291 (Chris Braly) Pop Star Assassin #1
p.334 (James Raynor) Jodorowsky Library Edition
p.385 (Chris Braly) Cult of Dracula TP
p.457 (Chris Braly) Kiruru Kill Me

Other Links:
Kowabunga Comics:
Comics for Fun and Profit: 
Superman Fan Podcast:

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Join the discussion on our forum at:
Join the Comic Book Page Slack channel:

This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website: