Category Archives: Warlord Spotlight

Warlord Spotlight #002

John and James discuss the original Warlord series covering Warlord #4-7.

Time Codes:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:36 Opening comments
0:04:43 Warlord #4-7
0:53:59 Previews Spotlight deadlines
0:54:27 Previews Spotlight #190: 2023-09 deadline: 9am Saturday September 9th, 2023
0:54:53 Previews Spotlight #191: Onramps deadline: 9am Saturday September 2nd, 2023 (Recommend Issues or trades that you feel could get someone hooked on a property they haven’t read. What is a good starting point on the titles/properties that you enjoy? One clip per person but you can have as many picks as you’d like.)
0:55:49 Previews Spotlight #192: Collections deadline: 9am Saturday September 2nd, 2023 (Recommend the trades, hardcovers or back issue story arcs you think other listeners should read. What are your hidden gems and favorite stories? One clip per person but you can have as many picks as you’d like.)
0:58:03 Previews Spotlight #193: 2023-12 deadline: 9am Saturday December 9th, 2023
0:58:29 Wrap up
0:58:59 End of episode.

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This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website:

Warlord Spotlight #001

John and James discuss the original Warlord series cover First Issue Special #8 and Warlord #1-3.

Time Codes:
0:00:00 0:00:00
0:00:36 Opening comments
0:01:45 First Issue Special #8, Warlord#1-3
0:56:18 Previews Spotlight reminder
0:56:46 Wrap up
0:57:16 End of episode.

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This podcast episode originated on the Comic Book Page website: