Comic Book Page

Podcasting weekly since 2007

The Comic Book Page family of podcasts are hosted by John Mayo, a comic book fan who has been reading far too many comics for far too long.

One Monday a month is the Monthly Comics Spotlight in which John and his co-host discuss the comics they got in the previous month.

Most Mondays, a Back Issue Spotlight will be released covering a comic book story arc.

Sometimes these episodes cover recent story arcs and other times the story arc is from years or decades ago.

Other times these episodes are part of a long running look at a particular series such as the Legion Spotlights,

the Warlord Spotlights or the Astro City Spotlights.

Each month the Previews Spotlight goes over the highlights of the Diamond Previews, Marvel Previews and DC Connect catalogs.

The Friday episodes typically are about movies, television shows, comic book conventions or other comic book related topics..

Round Table Discussions on a comic book related topic or recent convention are done on a sporadic basis.

Previews Spotlight #209: 2025-04 submission deadline: Morning of Saturday, April 12th, 2025: Forum Thread

Submit questions for the Monthly Comics Spotlight/Q&A episodes: Forum Thread

Submissions for the Recommendation Round Tables are still being accepted: Forum Thread

If/when enough clips have been submitted, another Recommendation Round Table episode will be released: Forum Thread

Recent episodes:


Click here to see the full podcast archive.

The podcast archive page is the authoritative list of episodes.

(The above list of recent episodes is maintained manually and can sometimes be slightly out of date.)

If you are having problems downloading episodes through your podcatcher,

try resubscribing to the podcast directly using this RSS feed:

RSS Feed      Subfeeds      iTunes Feed

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Comic Book Page Podcast team:

John Mayo - Host/Executive Producer/Owner/Number Cruncher

Kay Kellam - Co-host/Producer/Photographer/Editor/Content Coordinator/Webmaster

James - Co-host (Weekly Comics Spotlight episodes)

Sam - Co-host (Mayo Report: Comics and television ratings episodes)

Eric - Co-host (Mayo Report: Comics episodes)

TJ - Co-host (Mayo Report: Trades episodes)

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