DC's Strategy for Random Free Digital Comics

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DC's Strategy for Random Free Digital Comics

Post by CoolBreeze »

Hi John & Sam... I've been seeing the price increase for seemingly random titles by a dollar from their $2.99 list price to $3.99. There doesn't seem to be more pages but offer a digital code for the comixology version of the comic. Are they 'training' us for a price increase? Are they starting the shift to digital? What's the strategy here?

I'm sure you've probably already addressed this in the monthly sales podcast, but I have not had a chance to listen in since last February. (Sad..I know). Now that I have a bit more opportunities to catch up, which one has your discussion about this topic?

Always enjoy listening to the 'what's possibly going on' part more than the numbers during the podcast. Thanks.. I'll keep listening.
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Re: DC's Strategy for Random Free Digital Comics

Post by erickowabunga »

Hey CoolBreeze - the reason for the $2.99 jump to $3.99 is for the monthly titles. The twice-monthly titles are staying at $2.99, but the once per month titles have transitioned to $3.99. It seems that this is to cover the costs associated with producing the books. As a way to soften the blow they are giving the free digital code.

There are some price bumps on anniversary issues, but that is industry standard at this point.
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Re: DC's Strategy for Random Free Digital Comics

Post by CoolBreeze »

Thanks for the reply. I guess all good things must come to an end eventually. DC has the right and responsibility to cover costs and make money. They have been doing better job at keeping the monthly books lower than Marvel has I feel, so I have to give them some grace. However, the books I'm buying at the margins may start being dropped as the pricing escalates. (Mini rant over). Thanks for 'pulling back the curtain' on this pricing change.
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