Captain America Civil War (Spoilers are tagged)

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Captain America Civil War (Spoilers are tagged)

Post by GABE! »

At the last minute last night I was given a ticket to an advance screening of Captain America Civil War here in Las Vegas, and needless to say I made every arrangement I could to make it to the showing. Below are my feelings and observations about the movie (Spoilers are blacked out.)

The movie itself:
Already before the release of this film there has been a TON of positive reviews and word of mouth. And I
will agree with out much fun and exciting the movie is. I don't think this was the best movie in the MCU but it sure is wonderful and time well spent. Especially after the recent disappointment Batman v Superman was to me. Civil War had everything that Batman v Superman was missing. The story was clear and well flushed out and the reasons behind everyone fighting made perfect sense and not once did I think to myself, "What's everyone's motivation--why does this person have such hatred for this other person?" There were jokes and fun during the movie to help break up some of the doom and gloom and each character was portrayed in a manner that is becoming of the character that was already established in the other movie. everything felt seamless and well mapped out. There are lots of repercussions in this movie that will be felt and touched on in other MCU movies for a long time.
Black Panther:
Black Panther was a very large part of this movie. He is in the movie way more than the trailers made me believe he would be and he had more screen time than most of the Avengers other than Cap and Iron Man. Like I said before--his reasons for being on Tony's team was explained well to you and it fit within the bounds of the story established. This was a back door prequel to the Black Panther film and I can't wait for it to come out. This was a Black Panther origin tale, too.
Just like with Black Panther, Spider-Man had much more screen time than I originally thought based on the trailer. Not much more but what we did see of him as both Peter and Spider-Man was the best Spider-Man movie we've had. Yes, even more than Spider-Man 2. The chemistry between Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr is amazing. They gave us Peter's origin in the movie, but it wasn't yet again retelling of the death of Uncle Ben. There were hints and slight mentions to Uncle Ben dying but it was more like, "Hey we know that you know about Uncle Ben already and we're not going to waste time showing it for the 100th time. But we will put these easter eggs in to make you excited." I can not wait for Spider-Man Homecoming.
Ant-Man: (Big Spoilers here)
He stole his scenes in this movie. I liked him much more here than I did in the actually Ant-Man movie. We also got to see Scott change into Giant Man and fight against Team Ironman. This was a huge moment in the movie.
After credit scenes:
There are two, like usual. One that leads into the Black Panther movie and the second one--I will not spoil.
But wait until the very end of the credit roll.

This movie is hero vs hero, friend vs friend--
friendships are lost and the MCU feels like it will not be the same because of the events in this movie. Yet at the end (especially after the second bumper scene, I walked out with hope and excitement for whats
coming next.

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Re: Captain America Civil War (Spoilers are tagged)

Post by MrAloha »

GABE! wrote:At the last minute last night I was given a ticket to an advance screening of Captain America Civil War here in Las Vegas
Dear Gabe,

That's so cool you saw an advance screen of the movie.

I haven't read your reviews. (I plan to after I see the movie.)

I'm planning to see the movie in the next couple of weeks.

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Re: Captain America Civil War (Spoilers are tagged)

Post by drew »

i liked it, good movie,

best part:
ant man / giant man - that was pretty awesome and i wasnt spoiled ahead of time; vision in action was cool-could see vis/scarlet witch chemistry, new spiderman kid okay, aunt may played by marisa tomei was a surprise
not sure about:
this is more like iron man 4 or avengers 3 than cap movie but that's okay; the premise seemed as weak as b vs s in that i dont think they would fight each other by choosing sides with william hurt over their team; why did zemo kill the other winter soldiers; collateral damage storylines are played out, i don't care anymore who dies when superheores fight...
i actually preferred batman v superman but i still liked it fine-i am ready for
an avengers movie without original cast at all, did not miss thor or hulk and this had too much iron man for me, movie too long, needed an edit
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Re: Captain America Civil War (Spoilers are tagged)

Post by Perseus »

The movie was fantastic, and I can't wait for the Spidey film!

I want to watch this again soon! Best Marvel Studios movie I've seen since Winter Soldier.
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Re: Captain America Civil War (Spoilers are tagged)

Post by marieselden »

I also had saw the Captain America Civil War many time ago.I think it is still in huge scenery and value to see it
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