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There are several DC titles that probably wont/shouldnt make it through rebirth based on sales, I am not including vertigo (almost all of them have poor sales numbers) digital first and the kids line since they seem to be held to a different standard
Catwoman (2011) 50 14,260
Martian Manhunter (2015) 10 13,761
Cyborg (2015) 9 13,578
Black Canary (2015) 9 13,566
Gotham Academy (2014) 16 13,362
Secret Six (2014) 12 12,771
Justice League 3001 (2015) 10 12,454
Midnighter (2015) 10 9,803
Doctor Fate (2015) 10 9,779
Omega Men (2015) 10 8,366 [probably should have stayed a 6 issue mini]
Telos (2015) 6 6,326 [ouch]
I will be very interested to see how long a leash these and the other sub-20k sellers get post-rebirth
and I don't know how this might be related, but Dark Knight III: Master Race #6 has been cancelled and DC says it will be re-solicited at a later date.
Apparently Gotham Academy does well in trade. As told by Cloonan a week ago at (episode #233) swedish site but interview in english.
Shameless plug warning:
swedish comic festival Uppsala Comix, mostly swedish guests but also Tula Lotay and Becky Cloonan (I missed it because of unfortunate circumstances sad to say but very cool guests)