Local Comic Shops

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Local Comic Shops

Post by spectre71 »

So, where are the best LCS' in your town and why are they that good? Got a few in my town of San Diego but only one is worth the trip. The others suck as far as customr service and selection of books. We have Southern California Comics in Kearny Mesa which is the all time favorite. Another large one is Comics-n-Stuff but they bite (bleep) as far as customer service goes. :?
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Post by Trev »

There are 1/2 a dozen or more shops in my town (Austin). 2 are within a mile or so of my house, so that's where I spend most of my time.

Dragon's Lair is a RPG + Comics + Games + Manga shop and caters probably first to Gamers. They have all of the new stuff from the major and mid-major publishers along with the stray indie book. They don't stock back issues, but they provide a pull service.

Austin Books is the 800 lb Gorilla in town. They have a huge back issue selection, get pretty much everything from previews, maintain a huge stock of trades and do toys and shirts as well. It's a great store. Still probably the best store I've been in. I think with the new expansion it is like 5000 square feet or so. They have a pretty friendly staff and attract a pretty diverse clientele. They do a lot of special events as well. If you're in Austin, you should check them out.
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