4th of July - Not Comics Related, sorry.

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4th of July - Not Comics Related, sorry.

Post by jlshank007 »

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy 4th and see what everyone is up to.

The wife and I just got our OK from the bank so we are house hunting tomorrow! Stressful but fun. Saturday we are doing the fireworks thing and Sunday is relax day.

Monday I start my new job. Same company but new position. Very exciting but whole different group of people and a completely different schedule.

Anyways everyone have a fun and safe 4th of July!
Jason Shank
Mount Joy, PA
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Post by BobBretall »

Good luck on house hunting......

My advice on house hunting (after buying 3 houses and learning a bit each time)

* Describe what you want to the Real Estate agent
* each time they show you a house, tell them what you liked and what you did NOT like
* If after the 2nd trip out to look at properties they are not showing you ALL stuff you like, time to get a new agent.....

That, and never let the agent know if you LOVE a property.

(Maybe I have a skewed view because of greedy/predatory RE agents in California.......)
Posts: 99
Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:15 pm
Location: Mount Joy, PA

Post by jlshank007 »

Thanks for the advice.

I am sure the real estate agents in California are a little different then the Southern PA Amish county that I live in.

Our agent actually sold my in-laws house to them about a year ago and became a family friend so I think we should be ok there.

We have been looking for awhile at homes on the .net just finally decided to make that jump. The new first time home buyers tax credit it to good to pass up. With our son growing fast and now walking we have that need for a nice back yard more then anything and of course MORE SPACE!

We have 3 to look at tomorrow and I will let you know how it all goes.
Jason Shank
Mount Joy, PA
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