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Phoenix ComicCon 2009 - Con Report...

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:12 pm
by BobBretall
I'm about to go over for preview night (6-9pm Thurs)......

I'll post nifty news back to this thread.....

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:16 pm
by Frank Castle
Can't wait to see your haul this year Bob!!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:00 pm
by BobBretall
Frank Castle wrote:Can't wait to see your haul this year Bob!!
I think I'm going to go easy this year......

That being said, I may go berserk once the "call of the hall" hits me.

PS: Frank, they have a PhoenixCon edition of Punisher #1 for $10 (I think the regular cover with a Phoenix Comic Con logo on it or something.
send me an e-mail ( if you want me to try to get you one....

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:50 am
by BobBretall
Good Previews night.

Bought several pieces of art from Dave Beaty who was having a "Preview Night half-off sale".

Got on the commission list for Dave Beaty (Red Sonja), Lin Workman (J. Jonah Jameson in my Spider-Man book), and Tess Fowler (Red Sonja).
A lot of artists were not at Previews night, so I didn't get on that many lists.

Ben Gelndenning gave me a nifty Wolverine sketch card that he had made up just for me, as he remembered that I bought a Wolverine piece of his at the art auction last year.

Picked up the "100 Hulk Covers" HC from the Hero Initiative. The sale went to a good cause.

Talked to Terry Moore for a while (praise for Echo & SiP). We'll have him on an interview episode at some point down the line, nice guy.

Sat in on the trivia contest. My team did not win, but the points roll over onto the other days. They asked WAAAAY too many X-Men questions.

Though, I won the trivia contest at the "Quick Draw" panel and got to pick a really nice Mister Miracle sketch that Ben Glendenning did. They basically took all the sketches, turned them face down, and the top 4 at the trivia that went on during the panel got to pick one of the face down sketches, to add that element of randomness.....

Then off to the bar across the street where I failed to win anything in the MacFarlane give-away, but had a nice time with Dave, Lin, Micah, & Johnnie (Stykman) Allan. Johnnie did spend an inordinate amount of time, as the evening wore on, trying to convince me of the virtues of Christianity, but I provoked this particular conversation by voicing my opposition opinion when he was talking in support of California's Prop 8, which I voted against and have some strong feelings about.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:45 am
by Frank Castle
Sounds like a fun night, can't wait to see the art.

Email is forthcoming about the Punisher issue.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:21 pm
by Trev
This sounds like a pretty cool con. I didn't realize it had so much content. Maybe I'll check it out sometime. Phoenix is pretty easy to get to from here on southwest.

This is amping me up for con season. I only wish it weren't six months until San Diego now.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:12 pm
by BobBretall
Trev wrote:This sounds like a pretty cool con. I didn't realize it had so much content. Maybe I'll check it out sometime. Phoenix is pretty easy to get to from here on southwest.

This is amping me up for con season. I only wish it weren't six months until San Diego now.
Next year it is moving out of Mesa to downtown Phoenix (a larger venue). It is also moving to May 29-30 for 2010, so I won't be going next year, as that is my wedding anniversary weekend, and it will be my 25th anniversary.....

PS: The is not a TREMENDOUS amount of comics programming, but I enjoy what of it there is. The creators are also REALLY REALLY accessible, since this is a relatively small show.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:36 am
by BobBretall
Day 2:

* Started out with the Ethan VanSciver panel. This was EXCELLENT! He talked about some really bad stuff that happened to him while he was at Marvel doing New X-Men with Grant Morrison that give him reason to not be too enthusiastic about ever working over there again (though he could be tempted for a single special or something if it was the right thing). He mentioned that even he as an artist would frequently be scratching his head over a Morrison script wondering what the heck was going on (so it's not just readers who are sometimes in the dark).
- He revealed the identities of the first FIVE Black Lanterns.
<< We don't really have spoiler tags enabled on the forum (that I'm aware of), and I could read the white text & grey text I tried. If you want to know who they are, PM me and I'll send you the list. >>
This was one of the most kick-(bleep) panels I have ever gone to at a con VanSciver is a very funny guy. You should read his weekly column over on Newsarama:

* Talked to Ben Templesmith for a while (a REALLY nice guy).....and he did a nice Wormwood sketch for me.

* Attended the Indy comics panel with Dave Beaty, Lin Workman, Andy Kuhn, Ryan Cody, & Terry Moore

* Got several more autographs in my Hulk 100 covers HC, and had a nice conversation with Jim Valentino while he was autographing the book.

* Sketches:
- Tony Parker did a really nice Lizard in my Spider-Man sketchbook, also picked up Tony's sketchbook with about 40 examples of his art.
- Tess Fowler did a great watercolor Red Sonja
- Al Sparrow did a nice Red Sonja (and I picked up a Thugs book from him & donated to the Hero Initiative!)
- Signed up on several more artists lists, I'll talk about those tomorrow.

* Picked up a sketch cover of Punisher #1 for FrankCastle & got Rick Remender to autograph it to him. Upon reflection, I should not have mentioned to Rick that it was my opinion that the Punisher is not a good fit for interacting with mainstream Marvel heroes.....he was unamused. **oops**

* The Quick Draw panel had an AWESOME line-up of talent:
Ethan VanSciver / Ben Templesmith / Jo Chen / eBas / Karl Kesel / Talent Caldwell / Kaare Andrews / Jim Valentino / Whilce Portacio
- I won the trivia contest that went on during the sketch-off and won a really really sweet Wolvering by Kaare Andrews.

* Round 2 of the trivia contest. I'm 13 points behind the leader going into tomorrow.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:24 am
by HassanT
BobBretall wrote:Day 2:
* Picked up a sketch cover of Punisher #1 for FrankCastle & got Rick Remender to autograph it to him. Upon reflection, I should not have mentioned to Rick that it was my opinion that the Punisher is not a good fit for interacting with mainstream Marvel heroes.....he was unamused. **oops**
Ha! Insert foot into mouth.


Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:59 am
by torchsong
Bob, just FYI,

Your nemesis, Mike, did not win the trivia contest. He came in second, having blown the "Final Jeopardy" question...

What kind of bullet did Batman use to kill Darkseid with in FC 6?

The guy sitting next to me took home the Aparo Batman Black & White statue. I snagged another Simpsons toy for the family.

Anyone interested should definitely make plans to come down next year. With Ed at the helm of the comics end of theings, I think we're in good hands as far as getting some quality creators in.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:27 am
by BobBretall
torchsong wrote:Bob, just FYI,

Your nemesis, Mike, did not win the trivia contest. He came in second, having blown the "Final Jeopardy" question...

What kind of bullet did Batman use to kill Darkseid with in FC 6?

The guy sitting next to me took home the Aparo Batman Black & White statue. I snagged another Simpsons toy for the family.
How many points did Mike wager (and lose)? Maybe enough to knock him down past me so that I technically grabbed 2nd :lol:

(Though, had I been in that round, I would have gotten it wrong too, unless "A magic bullet dreamed up out of Morrison's fevered brain" would have been an acceptable answer........)
torchsong wrote: Anyone interested should definitely make plans to come down next year. With Ed at the helm of the comics end of theings, I think we're in good hands as far as getting some quality creators in.
Anyone in the West should give Phoenix a try. It's a great con with great guests.

Next year (2010) they are moving to Memorial Day weekend, so I won't be able to go (it's on my 25th wedding anniversary), but folks without a similar conflict should check it out if possible.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:32 am
by JohnMayo
torchsong wrote:Bob, just FYI,

Your nemesis, Mike, did not win the trivia contest. He came in second, having blown the "Final Jeopardy" question...

What kind of bullet did Batman use to kill Darkseid with in FC 6?
Pulling a trivia question from that recent of a comic book seems kind of odd. Even moreso since Final Crisis has been at the top of the DC sales. Isn't t trivia defined as obscure and unimportant pieces of data? Interesting that a major plot point from the current major event at DC fits into that definition... :roll:

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:17 pm
by Skyhawke
So how did your willpower hold up during "Last Call" Bob?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:25 pm
by BobBretall
JohnMayo wrote: Pulling a trivia question from that recent of a comic book seems kind of odd. Even moreso since Final Crisis has been at the top of the DC sales. Isn't t trivia defined as obscure and unimportant pieces of data? Interesting that a major plot point from the current major event at DC fits into that definition... :roll:
Yeah, it was not a "final" question, but he pulled out a question from the current week's copy of ASM also that I had not even seen yet.

I am in process of volunteering to help develop the questions for next year's trivia at the Phoenix con, so hopefully there will not be a repeat of this..... Something should be at least 6 months old to be "trivia"

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:22 pm
by Koete
BobBretall wrote: (Though, had I been in that round, I would have gotten it wrong too, unless "A magic bullet dreamed up out of Morrison's fevered brain" would have been an acceptable answer........)
Or Radion. :)