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Cheap, good back issues

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:37 pm
by Garrett!
Hi, all. Graham Crackers Comics, a chain of stores, is having their 50% off back issues sale this week-end. I was hoping to find some new stuff to read. I was hoping to find some cheap (only a few dollars) and readily available comics to read that would not be available in trades. I need 1 issue of James Robinson's Starman. I have also been working of the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans. I started reading in the nineties so anything before that would probably be new. If the run is quite large, like Starman, that would be good. It gives me something to look for at cons too. I think the thrill of the hunt is half the fun. I've included a link to my collection at ComicbookDB.



Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:13 pm
by Fevernova
I would suggest looking into some Crossgen series you might have missed like Ruse and Meridian. Most of their titles ran to the mid forties and can often be found on the cheap. I see you didn't have Marvels Infinity Gauntlet, that would be another title worth looking into. Very fun crossover bringing in most of the marvel universe. Lastly I would check out Mike Grell's Green Arrow from the 80's, starting with the superb three issue Longbow Hunters. His run went for 80 issues so it will definitely keep you busy for awhile.

Happy Hunting :)