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Mid-Ohio 2008 Review and Commissions

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:13 pm
by TravAzz
Mid-Ohio 2008 has come and gone once again this year. I really liked the new hall it was in this year in the convention center. It had the Wizard World Chicago feel to me, all of the dealers in the front half, guests/artists & publishers in the middle/back half. There were also food vendors, tables, and the Batmobile on the left side of the hall. This years con, imho, felt like it was more about the guests than the actual dealers/vendors. There were a few good comic vendors, but I noticed a lot of past vendors did not show up. (Motor City Comics was notably not there) So it was harder to wheel and deal with some of the older silver age books that I needed. Very little comparison shopping.

Now when I go to conventions I tend to stay in the Artist Alley/Indy section of the floor and see what cool things I can get there. I have a long time to finish my Amazing run, and those comics will always be around. I never know what I'll miss by not picking up some indy stuff. This year was no different. I meet Comfort Love and Adam Withers, of Uniques fame, and got a Power Girl sketch from both of them. I also picked up all 4 issues of the Uniques and the TPB. They are both a class act, extremely nice and just plain awesome. If they're at a con your at, definitely go see them. They're work is AMAZING and they are just fun to talk too.

I went to see Ethan Van Sciver very early to get another sketch in my bound Green Lantern Rebirth book. I was his first commission of the day on Sunday. It was very nice to talk to him. There was no one behind me in line, so he wasn't rushed and we talked about a lot of random things. I got to see the first 10 pages of the 1st issue of the upcoming Flash series. I'm definitely not a Flash fan, but just seeing these pages made me want to pick it up. After the Flash he's going to be doing Plastic Man. He told me Johns will not be writing it, but one of his friends would be. He didn't say his name, so I'm not sure on who it will be. He got a kick out of me bringing up Deadpool Heroes Reborn: The Return. The scourge of his art existence.

Next was Art Baltazar. This guy is a champ and hilarious. How fast he can do his commissions amazes me. Granted they are done with a sharpie and crayons, but they are just cool. I picked up a second run of Tiny Titans for my brothers elementary class from him. He thought it was pretty awesome that I was taking the books to the kids and thanked me for spreading the word. After Art I went and got a commissioned Mini-Spidey from Chris Giarrusso. He's also really cool and really down to earth. I asked him if Marvel was ever going to produce any of his strips in normal trade format. He wasn't sure and said don't count on it. The digest's do amazing numbers for kids, so that's what they are going to keep it at.

While wandering artist alley I went up to Thom Zahler's booth and talked to him for a minute. I never read Love and Capes, but have heard rave reviews about it so I finally took the plunge. I picked up all 8 issues from him and also a Power Girl commission. And to my surprise it actually made his webpage here

I also picked up a couple Power Girl pieces from Jay Fife. After the first of the year he is going to do another, more detailed, Power Girl commission. I'll definitely post it once it's completed. I also meet Nik Havert and Beau Smith. I picked up a few things from each that they have written. With every purchase from Nik, you get a complimentary haiku. Here is mine:

Swinging across town,
late for a date with Mary Jane
thanks to Morbius

And that was just the artists. I did get a chance to meet some of the other guests. It was near the end of the day and I got to meet Joe Kubert and Chris Claremont. Like Jamie D has said in the past, I politely waited my turn, then shook their hand and thanked them for their work. I told Claremont, that it was the X-Men classic reprints that got me to love the X-Men, and it was his work that made me realize there was more to the Marvel Universe than Spider-Man. It was also really nice to talk to Roger Stern. Being a Spider-Man fan, I just loved being able to talk to him about what it was like writing for Amazing Spider-Man, and also his great Hobgoblin stories. I didn't get to meet Alan Davis, but that's only because his line was huge. That man is a trooper. I was there all day Sunday, and he didn't leave his booth. He was there all day signing and talking to fans.

That's really it for Mid-Ohio, if you've made it this far thanks for reading my ramblings. This is definitely a great show and if you are close to Columbus I definitely recommend coming. The new owner has definitely taken a huge step in the right direction.

My Purchases
Amazing Spider-Man 17
Amazing Spider-Man 33
Love and Capes 1-8
Tiny Titans 1-8
The Uniques 1-4 & TPB
Superman vs Shazam C-58
The Art of Dave Nestler Wicked Intentions
Ethan Van Sciver 2008 Sketchbook Manifesto
Uncanny X-Men 239-240
Web of Spider-Man 48
Rocket Girl 1-2 from Pickle Press plus a Spider-Man haiku by Nik Havert
Scared Ya! by Nik Havert
Dare by Nik Havert
Parts Unknown 1 TPB and Parts Unknown 2 (Issues) by Beau Smith

Ethan Van Sciver

Adam Withers

Comfort Love

Jay Fife

Jay Fife

Thom Zahler

Chris Giarrusso

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:25 am
by comicm
Sounds like a lot of fun. I was supposed to go with a bunch of friends from our podcast but work did not allow. I was really bummed.

Those are some awesome sketches.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:44 pm
by BobBretall
Those are some GREAT sketches! I particularly like the 2nd Fife one....