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Star Wars comics discussion?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:03 am
by BobBretall
Hi everyone,

I got the following message from HipHopHead and wanted to toss it out for everyone's feelings:
How about a podcast on the Star Wars books produced by Dark Horse? I just recieved my Force Unleashed Graphic Novel and the introduction was quite interesting about how the idea began. Then I peeked in the back and saw the long detailed history of Star Wars under the Dark Horse banner.
If I may, the idea behind the hidden apprentice, makes sense for a Sith, as this is how the Emporer came to power. Then if you look at the Empire Strikes Back (I think?), Darth Vader offers Luke the opportunity to rule the galaxy as "father and son".
Now, I did get "Force Unleashed", so John & I could potentially do that one GN as a recent BI Spotlight, but, for more in-depth coverage of SW comcis, since I don't really read the Star Wars comics (though John does), if we were to do a show on this, we could potentially do a "Round Table" show focusing on the Star Wars comics where listeners who are into the SW comics could guest.

Who would be interested?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:23 pm
by HipHopHead
The man without an avatar would be interested. (Do you hear my Clint Eastwood Theme Music?) :)

Oops, wait I already have "another" homework assignment.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:38 pm
by Fnord Serious
I can't participate due to lack of knowledge regarding the material, but I would enjoy hearing some discussion on the topic. I love the original trilogy but have never been drawn to any of the Expanded Universe stuff (that's what they call the ancillary media tie-ins, right?). I would suggest asking Chris Marshall of the Collected Comics Library & the Mayo Report: Trades. He reads all the Dark Horse Star Wars comics, doesn't he?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:26 am
by laseraw
sorry but, as much as i'd like too, i couldn't help you on this one.
i havent read a SW book in my life...
i bought an adaptation of empire strikes back when i was little, i still have it and i love it as an "memory loaded" item but, i never read it and it'd didn't hold my interest as a book....
i love the movies and related merch very much, i'll watch any documentary about them any time, have tons of toys and i'm a sucker for anything with r2d2 on it, but the comics did not translate that appeal for me... as some of the stuff in the prequel films didn't...
i'm sorry cause i wish i could enjoy more, and newer star wars stuff more often but ...

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:55 am
by afroloq
hey...if you don't mind having in a guest ....I would like to join in if ever a podcast is done....I was a big star wars fan from the 70s when Marvel first took the licence and since I have gotten back in, I have taken to reading the Legacy series...I also picked up Force Unleashed and wasnt all that impressed with it altho it makes a nice dent into the canon...just think...Vader and Palpatine, may have accidentally started the Rebellion....LOL

I am impressed however, that Dark Horse has done a variety of of comics based on the different eras of Star Wars so that it's soemthign for everyone....this is how you take one franchise title and flesh it out for the fanbase......

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:33 am
by Darth Kramer
I used to be HUGE into Star Wars comics. I read most of the Marvel books in the 80,s and a good chunk of the Dark Horse stuff in the 90's. I loved the early Dark Horse stuff, like Dark Empire and the Tales of the Jedi stuff, but around 97 or so when it seemed like the only thing Dark Horse put out was Star Wars books, I just quit cold turkey and stayed away from them for ages.

A few years ago, when Dark Horse did their Star Wars relaunch, I got on board with the new KOTOR and Legacy. KOTOR didn't hold my interest and I dropped it before the first story arc was over, but Legacy is just an awesome, awesome book. Not only is it a great Star Wars comic, it's just a great comic book.

So yeah, if you do a Star Wars discussion, I'd definitely be interested.