Overdue feedback
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:45 pm
John, it has been a long time since I've posted here on this forum, but I wanted you to know I really appreciate the work that you and your cohosts do, as well as all those involved here on the forum. I have been listening to the vast majority of your episodes and have not been providing feedback lately. My apologies for that. I heard your recent discussion with Drew on your podcast this week about desiring some more feedback from the community. This is the first comic book podcast I started listening to all those years ago and I'm still listening. I appreciate your intelligent and thoughtful discussion of so many things surrounding comic books. You have built quite a community here and this feels like a trip to a cool comic book shop every time I visit.
One of the things I appreciate the most about this podcast and community is how respectful everyone is of each other. The discussion doesn't devolve into name calling or other shenanigans ( like on a couple of other shows which will go unnamed here ). There is always something constructive to say, and sometimes you bring up some hard truths about the comic book industry or specific comic book titles that need to be discussed, which is a very good thing. Even the discussions about tougher issues come from the perspective of contributors who love comics and want them to succeed. And no one here is fixated on just looking cool or hip. You guys choose to lead sophisticated discussions, which is just what I look for.
I also enjoy the different perspectives that each of your cohosts provide. It was a cool idea to have a different cohost for the weekly spotlight, and the comic book sales chart and trade sales chart episodes, as well as having your sister talk about related media.
Anyway, keep up the great work. I'll chime in more often.

One of the things I appreciate the most about this podcast and community is how respectful everyone is of each other. The discussion doesn't devolve into name calling or other shenanigans ( like on a couple of other shows which will go unnamed here ). There is always something constructive to say, and sometimes you bring up some hard truths about the comic book industry or specific comic book titles that need to be discussed, which is a very good thing. Even the discussions about tougher issues come from the perspective of contributors who love comics and want them to succeed. And no one here is fixated on just looking cool or hip. You guys choose to lead sophisticated discussions, which is just what I look for.
I also enjoy the different perspectives that each of your cohosts provide. It was a cool idea to have a different cohost for the weekly spotlight, and the comic book sales chart and trade sales chart episodes, as well as having your sister talk about related media.
Anyway, keep up the great work. I'll chime in more often.