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Our first look at Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:20 pm
by bralinator

I must admit, this had me grinning at the end.

Re: Our first look at Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil W

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:22 pm
by drew
I tend to like the avengers movies the least (too crowded) of all the supe movies and this seems like Avengers 4 to me, is Garfield playing Spidey?

Re: Our first look at Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil W

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:55 pm
by bralinator
Garfield is NOT portraying Spidey. A much younger actor, Tom Holland, is filling the underoos.

As for the Avengers movies, I get your point. I'm not usually a fan of large ensemble films myself, but captain America The Winter Soldier is my favorite film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And the Russo brothers directed the Winter Soldier, and they are the same team directing Civil War. I trust their ability to do it right.

I am NOT a big fan of Joss Wheden, the director of the Avengers films, but I enjoyed them from the standpoint of the glee of seeing such fun, realistic portrayals of some of my favorite, childhood superheroes.

Re: Our first look at Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil W

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 7:11 am
by drew
bralinator wrote:Garfield is NOT portraying Spidey. A much younger actor, Tom Holland, is filling the underoos.

As for the Avengers movies, I get your point. I'm not usually a fan of large ensemble films myself, but captain America The Winter Soldier is my favorite film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And the Russo brothers directed the Winter Soldier, and they are the same team directing Civil War. I trust their ability to do it right.

I am NOT a big fan of Joss Wheden, the director of the Avengers films, but I enjoyed them from the standpoint of the glee of seeing such fun, realistic portrayals of some of my favorite, childhood superheroes.
Yeah I enjoy watching them but the whedon dialogue gets a bit tiresome - agree with winter soldier that was a great movie...heck they are all pretty good - keep em coming fox-paramount-warner-marvel-sony etc

Re: Our first look at Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil W

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:01 am
by NDHorse
I haven't been this jazzed for a Marvel movie since the first Avengers (Winter Soldier took my by surprise by how fracking good it was). Loved "Underoos!!" But maybe its just me being nitpicky, but what was up with Spidey's eyes. I am not sure I like the squinting mask. How does that work?

Re: Our first look at Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil W

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:21 pm
by bralinator
NDHorse wrote:I haven't been this jazzed for a Marvel movie since the first Avengers (Winter Soldier took my by surprise by how fracking good it was). Loved "Underoos!!" But maybe its just me being nitpicky, but what was up with Spidey's eyes. I am not sure I like the squinting mask. How does that work?
I'm pretty jazzed as well. I suspect the squinty eyes could be some Stark tech? It's not new to the character, as you can see it happening in the comics all the way back to Ditko as well as frequently during Erik Larson's run.

Re: Our first look at Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil W

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:58 pm
by clobberin_time_bs
drew wrote:Yeah I enjoy watching them but the whedon dialogue gets a bit tiresome - agree with winter soldier that was a great movie...heck they are all pretty good - keep em coming fox-paramount-warner-marvel-sony etc
After last year's Fant4stic debacle I'd rather Fox didn't keep them coming.

But I did geek or over that Spidey appearance in the trailer. And I'm excited the Venom movie is back in production.