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Your LCS & Convergence
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 4:50 pm
by drew
As I went into my local comic shop, a somewhat conservative shop that rarely has more than a couple copies leftover after release week, I noticed shelves overflowing with Convergence titles...the manager told me he struggled getting the order right and was also not sure how to order the DC titles releasing post convergence also...
I am curious, are your LCSs out there experiencing similar poor sales or overstocking issues with the DC titles?
Re: Your LCS & Convergence
Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 7:11 am
by doctormo
My LCS is not having a problem selling the main Convergence series. When I was there on Wednesday, the store only had a few copies of 0,1, and 5 remaining. Issue six had already sold out, except for a copy of the Steve Rude incentive cover. The few copies of five that remained were re-orders. Unfortunately the two-parters are a different story. They had difficulty figuring out how many copies to order. They were somewhat conservative about ordering a lot of copies for the shelf, but still have a lot left (of most series). The store managers have/are pushing pre-ordering; they are using the lessons of Convergence to help determine their orders for the Secret Wars mini-series.
Re: Your LCS & Convergence
Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 7:50 am
by drew
doctormo wrote:My LCS is not having a problem selling the main Convergence series. When I was there on Wednesday, the store only had a few copies of 0,1, and 5 remaining. Issue six had already sold out, except for a copy of the Steve Rude incentive cover. The few copies of five that remained were re-orders. Unfortunately the two-parters are a different story. They had difficulty figuring out how many copies to order. They were somewhat conservative about ordering a lot of copies for the shelf, but still have a lot left (of most series). The store managers have/are pushing pre-ordering; they are using the lessons of Convergence to help determine their orders for the Secret Wars mini-series.
yes I wasn't clear, I meant the two-parters, those are the ones I see overflowing on the back issue shelves
Re: Your LCS & Convergence
Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 11:06 pm
by SpideySavestheDay
A few shops I visited recently had a healthy stock of the Convergence 2-parters.
On a separate note, Justice League 40 was sold out at those three stores (except for a few copies of a very perturbing Magic Mike variant).
Re: Your LCS & Convergence
Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 11:51 am
by Perseus
I went to my LCS on Friday. I didn't look for the two parter Convergence books, but my LCS had plenty of regular Convergence. Every issue he had around 10 to 20 copies left on the shelf. So he must of ordered heavily. It probably sold well, but I'm sure he wanted to have plenty. Now to check back in about a month.
Re: Your LCS & Convergence
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 11:49 am
by drew
Five ‘Convergence’ tie-ins worth reading, even if you didn’t read ‘Convergence’ ... nvergence/
Hmm interesting list
Re: Your LCS & Convergence
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 12:43 pm
by JohnMayo
Very interesting list and very different that the five I would list (in not particular order):
-Booster Gold
-New Teen Titans
-Blue Beetle
-Justice League of America
And I'm not entirely sold on those five as the best five Convergence titles.
Re: Your LCS & Convergence
Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 10:40 am
by doctormo
I can't quite make it to five, sorry.
1). Shazam - the story was fun and Evan Shaner's art was in sync with Parker's script.
2). New Teen Titans - it felt like an issue of New Teen Titans.
3). Booster Gold - it helped fill in the gaps of the main series.
Re: Your LCS & Convergence
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:12 am
by GABE!
I work at MaximuM Comics in Henderson, Nevada. Even though we ordered very conservatively on Convergence, we made check lists so our Pull Box customers could let us know which titles they were interested in--which would help us get an idea of what to order for wall copies, we were left with a lot of copies in stock. Right now we're bundling the #1s and #2s into sets and selling them at $5.
I'm not in charge of making our FOC orders but with the less then stellar sells of Convergence, and Futures End one-shots, I feel we should really tighten the belt when ordering DC event titles.
Re: Your LCS & Convergence
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:49 am
by jacovny
SHAZAM! -- One of the few things I don't care for about Geoff Johns's work on Justice League is his characterization of Shazam, who seems to literally be a young boy in a grown man's body (with all the occassional immature silliness you would expect). Too often I'm not convinced that he has the "wisdom of Solomon". But I've loved what Parker (and before him Morrison) did with the Fawcett characters. It's true to the original vision of the Marvel Family, fun and accessible to all ages without being overly silly. The Bulletman/Bulletgirl cameo was an unexpected thrill. I would LOVE to see Shazam get his own title, taking place in the Fawcett universe. C'mon D.C., throw us a bone here.