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Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:09 am
by doctormo
Hi Everyone,

Newsarama has posted a guide listing the various cities/multiverses that will be featured in Convergence - ... gence.html.

Also, Didio has narrated a video about Convergence -

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:18 am
by JohnMayo
Cool guide. Is there any easy way to download it?

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:00 pm
by doctormo
Hi John,

According to the Newsarama article the guide is supposed to appear in issues 0 and 1 of Convergence.

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:26 pm
by JohnMayo
doctormo wrote:According to the Newsarama article the guide is supposed to appear in issues 0 and 1 of Convergence.
Cool. Thanks. I must of missed that. I mainly just jumped through the list of universes.

I wonder if we'll see a similar list for the realities involved in Marvel's Secret Wars.

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:22 pm
by Perseus
Is there going to be a comic that contains the Sugar and Spike universe? I'd buy that in a heartbeat!

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:00 pm
by JohnMayo
Perseus wrote:Is there going to be a comic that contains the Sugar and Spike universe? I'd buy that in a heartbeat!
I thought I saw something in an interview indicating Sugar and Spike might show up during Convergence but I don't recall which title. Maybe Convergence: Worlds Finest by Paul Levitz?

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:29 am
by fudd71
So issues #0 & #1 of Convergence are now out, any thoughts?

A few of mine, I've only read the main Convergence titles so far. I picked up four of the #1 issues of the minis but have yet to read any of them:

I really like the last few page guides to the different cities
I think the artwork in the first two issues has been really solid
Seemingly Superman (or Supermen) will be the main focus of the event. While personally I am a big Batman fan, I feel Superman should be the big name in the DCU and it hasn't really felt that way very much since Flashpoint.

The best part of these issues has been the guides, backup material that was available for free before the event.
Nothing has happened. We are two issues and $10 into this thing and there has been zero story past the setup. Setup that could have and was done in a sentence or two with the solicits and creator talking points leading into the event.

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:38 am
by drew
Two issues in to Convergence Event and its barely okay...I may not finish it...I agree with fudd the best part is the backmatter...

I have only read a couple of the minis so far, but I am disappointed, stories are forgettable and art is lacking, not a great combination

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:41 am
by JohnMayo
I have very mixed feelings about the Convergence event.

The video game-ish city versus city aspect doesn't thrill me and I have no idea how the champions were picked or why. There is a lot more of the battle of champions than I was expecting or really wanting. A few characters seem out of characters and the Pre-Flashpoint Gotham City has a shocking number of non-Gothamites which just happened to be in town when it was bottled.

That having been said, overall, I'm enjoying the issues and seeing some long abandoned versions of characters, settings and status quos. Because of that aspects, this first round of first issues has been a lot more accessible with more story content per issue than the average comic book. I think these are above average comics telling stories around a very an uninspired plotline.

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:44 am
by fudd71
Now that I have read the issues of the tie-in series I got, I really enjoyed them much more then the main mini. They are a long way from perfect but I feel I got my moneys worth on those. But I stand by what I said about the main mini-series. Any fans that thought they would just read the main mini have gotten zero(or very near zero) story for their first $10. I'm going to get issue #2 this week and see what I think before getting any of this week's tie-ins. At that point I'll be a 1/3 of the way through the story and $14 in, if this is still more setup and nothing happens I think I'm going to just sit out of DC until after Convergence.

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:48 am
by fudd71
John and Drew,

Had either of you read issue #1 when you recorded the review of #0 for the weekly comic spotlight? I too gave the #0 issue an average (3 of 5) grade after reading it. However, after having read #1 I went back and adjusted the grade on #0 to a 2 (out of 5) and gave #1 a 1 (out of 5). I would love to know if either of you felt the same way after reading #1?

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:11 pm
by drew
fudd71 wrote:John and Drew,

Had either of you read issue #1 when you recorded the review of #0 for the weekly comic spotlight? I too gave the #0 issue an average (3 of 5) grade after reading it. However, after having read #1 I went back and adjusted the grade on #0 to a 2 (out of 5) and gave #1 a 1 (out of 5). I would love to know if either of you felt the same way after reading #1?
nope- we record on Tuesdays so it wasn't out yet...and yes looking back after reading #1, I was generous with a B-

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:04 pm
by MichaelCastle
This maybe a dumb question but would it be ok to read Convergence when it comes out in trade? I read Image almost exclusively except a couple of series in Marvel/DC but I'm preordering the DCBS bundle of all the new post convergence series to try out.

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:34 pm
by JohnMayo
I don't think you'll need to read Convergence at all in order to understand/enjoy the post-Convergence titles.

Re: Convergence Multiverses

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:29 pm
by RowdyFromScrubs
Made it through Convergence #3, now I'm jumping out. I'll be picking up Question #2 & trying Crime Syndicate #1, but that is it. For me that is 15-20 DC titles down to two or three.