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Thoughts on Comic Book Tattoo? Good/Bad/Indifferent?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:26 pm
by TravAzz
So I finally broke down this weekend and bought Comic Book Tattoo from InStockTrades. I had heard about the buzz from San Diego and thought, meh I'll pass. Then I heard Chris Marshall talk about it on CCPC and decided it was time to jump on the bandwagon.

It shipped today, so I won't be able to read it until this weekend. Has anyone read it yet? Any reviews?

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:22 am
by BobBretall
I guess I missed the "buzz" in San Diego......This was totally not on my radar....

Please give us a review back here when you get it and have a chance to read it!

Also, I guess I'm learning lots of new things here. I listen to Chris on Collected Comics Library (CCL), what is CCPC???

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:54 pm
by TravAzz
That was my error, it was late last night when I posted this. I thought it was the Collected Comics Podcast, but it really is CCL.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:29 pm
by TravAzz
The book just showed up today from InStockTrades and it is HUGE! (1 ft by 1 ft) I ended up buying the hardcover. It's basically a lot of short stories from different artists. I've only read the first couple stories and they are pretty good. The art so far is was is selling me on this book. It's also the fact that the pages are huge and glossy so the art jumps off the pages. Once I completely finish the book, I'll give an overall review.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:24 pm
by Lord Shaper
I've been really tempted with this one as well but I'm waiting for a better price. It's not something I really need no matter how much of a fan I am of Tori Amos.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:44 pm
by mguy1977
In a word, No. I have a birthmark & that is the only marking I need.


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:25 am
by Lord Shaper
mguy1977 wrote:In a word, No. I have a birthmark & that is the only marking I need.

Ok I'm lost... what are you talking about?

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:27 am
by JohnMayo
Lord Shaper wrote:
mguy1977 wrote:In a word, No. I have a birthmark & that is the only marking I need.

Ok I'm lost... what are you talking about?
I think he was commenting about getting a comic book related tattoo...

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:04 am
by Darth Kramer
I'm intrigued about this book, but I can't find for the life of me a list of the songs that inspired the stories in this book, as that'd make a difference as to whether or not I pick this up.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:50 pm
by Fnord Serious
I guess count me as indifferent. It looks like a beautiful package, and I'd be glad to read it if someone gave me a copy, but I've got enough books on my to-read pile as it is. Outside of Little Earthquakes, I was never a big Tori fan.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:59 pm
by Lord Shaper
johnmayo wrote:
Lord Shaper wrote:
mguy1977 wrote:In a word, No. I have a birthmark & that is the only marking I need.

Ok I'm lost... what are you talking about?
I think he was commenting about getting a comic book related tattoo...
Well speaking on comic book related tattoos... I have my Silvestri Darkling done yesterday from the cover of The Darkness Vol 1 Issue 5...

Now to wait for the pain to stop and for it to heal before I get some pictures

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:42 pm
by Alec Burkhardt
Darth Kramer wrote:I'm intrigued about this book, but I can't find for the life of me a list of the songs that inspired the stories in this book, as that'd make a difference as to whether or not I pick this up.
I haven't had the chance to sit down and read any of it yet, but I can take care of providing a list of the songs. :)

song - album
Flying Dutchman - B-Sides & Soundtracks
Bouncing off Clouds - American Doll Posse
Girl - Little Earthquakes
Merman - B-Sides & Soundtracks
Take To The Sky - B-Sides & Soundtracks
Mr. Zebra - Boys for Pele
Little Earthquakes - Little Earthquakes
Marianne - Boys for Pele
Crazy - Scarlet's Walk
Programmable Soda - American Doll Posse
Toast - The Beekeeper
Jackie's Strength - from the choirgirl hotel
Little Amsterdam - Boys for Pele
here. In my head - B-Sides & Soundracks
Suede - To Venus & Back
Sugar - B-Sides & Soundtracks
Teenage hustling - American Doll Posse
Father Lucifer - Boys for Pele
Snow Cherries from France - Tales of a Librarian
The Waitress - Under the Pink
Caught a Lite Sneeze - Boys for Pele
Winter - Little Earthquakes
Baker Baker - Under the Pink
1000 Oceans - To Venus & Back
Space Dog - Under the Pink
The Beekeeper - The Beekeeper
Siren - B-Sides & Soundtracks
Iieee - from the choirgirl hotel
Silent ALl These Years - Little Earthquakes
Leather - Little Earthquakes
Gold Dust - Scarlet's Walk
Precious Things - Little Earthquakes
Glory of the 80's - To Venus & Back
honey - B-sides & Soundtracks
Crucify - Little Earthquakes
God - Under the Pink
Pandora's Aquarium - from the choirgirl hotel
Scarlet's Walk - Scarlet's Walk
Beauty of Speed - American Doll Posse
I can't see New York - Scarlet's Walk
Upside Down - B-sides & Soundtracks
Northern Lad - from the choirgirl hotel
Roosterspur Bridge - American Doll Posse
Cornflake Girl - Under the Pink
Pirates - Y Kant Tori Read
Hey Jupiter - Boys for Pele
Devils and Gods - American Doll Posse
Past the Mission - Under the Pink
Sweet the Sting - The Beekeeper
Ribbons Undone - The Beekeeper
Pretty Good Year - Under the Pink

Some are only 3 pages long, most are probably between 7 - 11 (all stories are an odd number of pages), with the longest probably around 19 or 21. And I can't completely guarantee that I didn't miss a short one. :lol: