edelweiss/DC spring cataloge 2015
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:21 pm
I recently ran across the following link to DC's spring 2015 catalog on the CBR collected editions board. http://edelweiss.abovethetreeline.com/C ... gID=469426
This is a list of all of all the TPB's and HC's DC will be publishing next spring. What really caught my attention was the "announced print runs" that were listed. With the exception of the absolutes (10-15k) DC is printing between 20k-125k of their various books. From what I've learned on the Mayo Report even the top sellers rarely seem to crack 10k in the direct market. Either DC is selling a huge amount of books on Amazon and/or in bookstores or there is a warehouse somewhere stacked to the rafters with DC books. Can John tell us anything about these seemingly huge print runs? Does DC do that well outside of the direct market or is Dan Didio hoarding books?
This is a list of all of all the TPB's and HC's DC will be publishing next spring. What really caught my attention was the "announced print runs" that were listed. With the exception of the absolutes (10-15k) DC is printing between 20k-125k of their various books. From what I've learned on the Mayo Report even the top sellers rarely seem to crack 10k in the direct market. Either DC is selling a huge amount of books on Amazon and/or in bookstores or there is a warehouse somewhere stacked to the rafters with DC books. Can John tell us anything about these seemingly huge print runs? Does DC do that well outside of the direct market or is Dan Didio hoarding books?