Perry wrote:
With that said, when are we going to get another Back-Issue Spotlight. Love those things.
This one is tricky, since John has at this point 60+ more new comics to keep up with every month than I do.
I have, in the past, brought in guests to do BI Spotlights with on various books/characters. I'm happy to continue with that if people e-mail or PM me with ideas of stuff that I'm interested in reading/re-reading.
Keep in mind that we generally like to feature stuff that is reasonably available in TPB collections so listeners can pick the stories up if they get interested by the episode.
Perry wrote:
Also, Bob, you were mentioning the Conan book you are pre-ordering and I heard you say Belit, as in Ba'let and it got me wondering ... Is that the correct pronunciation? I have always said Belit as sounding like "Beret or Delay" and would really like to know if I was wrong all these years.
The consensus over on the Official REH forums is BAY-leet.
One guy posts:
Belit is tricky. As far as I know, REH did not use the circumflex over the e, but Farnsworth Wright added it in Weird Tales. "Be'lit" is an ancient Akkadian term (means "lady" or "mistress"), and my guess is that Bob got it from Zenaide Ragozin's Chaldea, which was in his library. Ragozin did not use the circumflex e', either. However, the pronunciation would still be the same: the circumflex is an accent neither acute nor grave, but rising and falling -- think of the "e'" in "fe'te", for instance. The "i" will be pronounced "ee".
Perry wrote:
I think you also say Tigra as Tee'gra instead of my Tie'gra, was wondering about that also.
For some reason I've always said "Tee-gra" in my head when reading her stories, all the way back to GS Creatures #1 in 1974, but "Tie-gra" makes sense, because of Tigers, never really thought of that. It's going to be a hard habit to break my pronunciation habit on this one.
But, then again, Mag-Neat-o isn't pronounced like magnet, and Sub-Mariner isn't pronounced like submarine.