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SDCC -- Your Haul

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:28 pm
by Trev
Post the cool stuff you got at SDCC

This year, SDCC was mostly about filling holes for me. I ended up buying over 100 books. Also got a couple of pages, a bunch of signatures, a couple of sketchbooks, and one sketch.

There were some great buys with some of the back issue dealers. I found one who had 5 long boxes of vf-nm bronze stuff for $3/ea, another who had two large sets of 50s-70s books in G-VG for $5/ea and VG+-F+ for $7/ea. Lots of great buys there for stuff I just wanted to read and might not have been on my list. Added lots of silver and bronze Legion issues.

Here's the highlights:

The "big" keys:

Cap changes the Team:


2nd Part of the "Galactus" arc:


First 'new' X-Men in the main mag:


Lesser 'key' issues:

First Howard the Duck (and as bob says, everybody needs a GS Man Thing):


First Kirby on Jimmy Olsen:


First Wasp:


First Groot (probably my favorite buy -- I AM GROOT!):


And just some fun issues:

Started my run of MiracleMan with about 10 issues:


Awesome women's lib silver-age goodness:


Just a cool Swamp Thing cover:


Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:42 am
by atomic99

How much did you pay for the X-Men #94?

I had a blast shopping with you during that last hour of the con, Trevor. Some great cheap DC Silver and just chatting comics with you while we shopped, one of my favorite moments of the con. And thanks again for those Y trades. I gobbled those up in two days, got completely hooked, and now have Volume 5-10 on order with In Stock Trades.

Here's my haul...

SDCC 2010 Purchases

Action Comics #258, 280, 290, 302, 306, 308, 311, 318, 319, 338, 351, 353
Adventure Comics #327, 335, 339, 345, 349, 350, 359
Athena Voltaire: Flight of the Falcon #2 & 3
Captain America #117 (first appearance of the Falcon. Needed a better copy)
Cipher: The Sorcerer Pope Part One Preview Edition
Freedom Fighters #8, 9
Jimmy Olsen #91, 94, 99
Lois Lane #41, 53, 54, 60, 77, 78, 80, 98
Spidey Super Stories #1
Superman #165, 183, 187, 207, 113 (1977 Pizza Hut Edition)
World’s Finest #139, 161

The Simon & Kirby Superheroes from Titan Books (pre-signed by Joe Simon and Neil Gaiman)
The Art of Athena Voltaire by Steve Bryant
Al Williamson’s Flash Gordon softcover
Al Williamson Archives Volume 1
The Art of Frank Cho: Galerie 9E Art (recent Paris exhibit book)
Into the Land of Shadows: A Prince Valiant Adventure by Gary Gianni and Mark Schultz
Bombshells: A Terry Dodson Sketchbook Collection

What Lovely Monsters by Dan Brereton
Girls I Like by Michael Dooney
Drawin’ Girls by Michael Dooney
Pocket Size Girls! #2 by Michael Dooney
Dawn 2010 Sketchbook by Joseph Michael Linsner
Arthur Adams Pocket Sketchbook #1
Arthur Adams Sketchbook #IX
How to Draw Boobs by Adam Hughes
Slayboy (2010 Sketchbook) by Adam Hughes
William Stout: 50 Convention Sketches #16
Alex Ross C2E2 2010 Sketchbook

Nexus: The Animated Promo DVD

SDCC Exclusive Captain America figure

Fables: Arabian Nights (and Days) trade
Deathnote #1-7
Y: The Last Man Book 1-4 trades
James Bama: American Realist art book
The Legacy DVD
Starro Mask

Also, on the drive down, I stopped at the Getty Center and caught a show on an artist named Gerome. I heard about the show via the Haggin Museum up here in Northern California and how they had a couple paintings on loan to the Getty. I'm sure I could have gotten it cheaper but I cracked and got the expensive art book for the show ($75 for a softcover. Ouch!). I justified it as my birthday present but, really, the whole trip was my B-Day gift to myself. Anyway, the book is...

The Spectacular Art of Jean-Leon Gerome

Also, before Preview Night, Todd and I hit a couple comic shops in Mission Valley and near Miramar. Rising Sun creations was a bust as it was all new comics and manga. Southern California Comics, on the other hand, had LOTS of back issues. So I filled some holes in my upcoming binding projects. Hell, I even found some Marvel UK magazines!!

Here is the list...

Micronauts #49, 56
Micronauts Annual #2
Micronauts: The New Voyages #13-20
X-Men and the Micronauts #1, 2, 3
Marvel Team-Up #13
Captain America #226 (direct market version)
New Warriors #6, 14, 63, 65
New Warriors Volume 2 #2, 4
Sally Forth #1, 2, 4

Rampage #2, 9 (1970s Marvel UK magazine with Nova and Defenders B&W reprints)
Alter Ego #76 (Joe Simon issue)
Captain America #6, 8 (Marvel UK)
Spider-man and Hulk Weekly #411, 412 (UK-Contains B&W reprints of one of my favorite DD stories where he takes on the Hulk, early Miller)
Super Spider-man #266 (UK)
Marvel Preview #11 (Great Star-Lord tale by the classic X-Men team of Claremont, Byrne, Austin, etc. I love this story and the black and white printing lets me enjoy the art even more. Best dollar I ever spent!)

Los Bros Hernandez-Flies on the ceiling hardcover (Love and Rockets Volume 9)

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:59 am
by Trev
Definitely cool shopping for back issues with you Ralph. I always end up finding something cool that I didn't know about.

The X-Men book has a little water damage that isn't really visible in the scan, and draws its grade down without being really beat up. Same thing for the FF book.

X-Men I ended up getting a discount on bec. I bought a few other books at the same time. I almost always try to put a bunch of books together before haggling with dealers. In the end, I think I paid about $165 for that book.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:38 am
by BadDeacon
Trevor, that Groot issue is really cool. I want one now.

This was an odd Comic-Con for me in that I didn't buy any back issues.

In fact, I didn't buy much at all, except food and booze. I think I spent more on beer this year than comics.

Usually I am on the hunt for silver age Green Lantern books, to complete that run, plus other cool key books that jump out at me. I don't think I went through more than one or two back issue bins this year.

I did get a few things though:

Terry Dodson Bombshells hardcover
David Mack's Reflections hardcover
Messiah CompleX hardcover (thanks for the scout work by Todd)
X-Infurnus hardcover
X-Men Noir hardcover (out of interest in Dennis Callero's art)
Skarr, Son of Hulk hardcovers, vol 1 and 2
It Tolls For Thee hardcover
a bunch of Goon trades (thanks, Bob!)

Artifacts 1 SDCC variant
Athena Voltaire Flight of the Falcon 1 convention exclusive
Doctor Solar SDCC variant
Return of the Super Pimps 1-6 (due to a friend's recommendation)

I also got a few G.I. Joe figures, G.I. Joe is my geek kryptonite.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:49 pm
by BobBretall
This was a funny year for me, I got no exclusive toys/statues, NO back issue comics at all, and only a couple of sketches.

* Thom Zahler sketches of Zatanna & Red Sonja ($20 each)
* Axel Medellin sketch of Miki from Elephantmen (free)

* 6 pages of Secret Six art by Jim Calafiore, focusing on Catman's origin.... $80 for all 6
* Page of art from Beowulf by Kody Chamberlain for $10

* Art of Athena Voltaire HC
* Frank Cho HC
* Brendan Peterson HC
* Michael Golden - 2 HCs
* J Scott Campbell HC
* Stan Sakai Usagi Yojimbo 7 SC
* Dan Brereton SC
* Art Adams - #8 & 9 SC sketchbooks
* Adam Hughes SC
* Neal Adams - slipcased HC "Monsters" sketchbook w/story - got this for $20 from a vendor.

TPs / OGNs
* Archaia buy 2 get 3 free sale HCs - Okko v1 & v2, Starkweather: Immortal, Gunnerkrig Court v2, Killer v2
* Amory Wars Ultimate Edition HC (autographed by Claudio Sanchez)
* Fluorescent Black HC (autographed by writer/artist w/sketch)
* 8 different $5 HCs from the Heavy metal booth, including several Luis Royo volumes I had been specifically looking for, and some cool European comics.

Other books
* Rocketeer Artist's Edition oversized HC
* Hero Initiative limited "Conan cover" Overstreet Guide -> I sold the one I ordered from DCBS on eBay.

* Hawks of Outremer #1
* Dan Brereton SDCC cover of Red Sonja Annual #3

* Morning Glories #1 (Image panel)
* Tribute to Michael Turner SC (Aspen panel)
* Pilot Season Preview & Pilot Season trade (Top Cow panel)
* Time Bomb #1 (Radical booth - autographed by Palmiotti/Gulacy)
* Dead Run GN (PCB Productions - autographed by Keith Arem/Adam Lawson)
* Adventures of Evil & Malice #2 & 3 (from Jimmie Robinson)
* Couple of issues of Kabuki: Reflections (from David Mack)
* Cursed Pirate Girl fan appreciation edition (from Jeremy Bastian)
* 3 Starro masks (my sons & I picked these up on Sunday)
* Trade swap - Marvel Masterworks X-Men v2, Tales of Essex County v1, Blade of the Immortal v1

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:25 am
by 80sJunkie
I didn't go to SDCC, but I ordered the HC of The Rocketeer Artist's Edition which premiered at SDCC. Just got it today. Will crack it open tomorrow.

You get the whole run for the price of perhaps a single panel of original art. Can't beat that.

Hard to believe they got access to all the original art, unless Stevens never sold any of it.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:32 am
by atomic99
Most of the run he kept but he did part with a few pages and those owners who loaned the pages out for scans for this project are credited in the book. There are about two pages in the book that are not taken from original pages.

Ray Cuthbert, one of the owners of one of the original pages, posted recently on the Adam Hughes Yahoo forums and talks about the differences between the original art and the book...

"As to differences from the originals, when my friend comic artist Doug Wheatley scanned the page I bought from Dave Stevens at San Diego, he scanned it with the setting a little darker than necessary in order to catch every line on the art, so that my page looks more aged and darker than the actual original, (a scan of which you can see here: ... 4&GSub=146 ).

There is no way that IDW could have known about the darker setting of the scan, but just for you folks to know, the page is VERY white (on whiter than usual bristol more akin to the surrounding pages). Likewise the inscription that Dave made to me was digitally removed prior to publication in last year's colour collection, and they left the digital edit of Dave's inscription out, which I assume was done for everyone's originals.

It was nice to see the list of all the folks who submitted scans of their artwork for use in the volume listed in the acknowledgements, and I thank David Applegate, Fershid Bharucha, Chris Caira, Harlan Ellison, Wally Harrington, Michael kaluta, Glen Murikami, Tom Neal, Tom Ranheim, Lance Suarez and Jim Young for making scans of their originals available for this edition.

I'm glad I've see this thing done.

Scott, ya did good! Thanks to Kelvin Mao and David mandel for all they did to make these two most recent editions happen.

Best wishes!
- Ray Cuthbert"

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:02 am
by 80sJunkie
I have to admire that Stevens held onto all those pages. I imagine he must have known what he could get for them, especially in later years.

The scanning seems a little uneven, but not enough to detract from the book as a whole. Never read Rocketeer before, so this is a real treat for me. Eventually I'll have to get the color version.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:37 pm
by junbobkim
atomic99 wrote:Cipher: The Sorcerer Pope Part One Preview Edition
Thanks for grabbing a copy!! I begged Steve not to print that issue yet as I was not completely happy with the art, but he is trying to teach me contentment.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:41 pm
by BobBretall
junbobkim wrote:
atomic99 wrote:Cipher: The Sorcerer Pope Part One Preview Edition
Thanks for grabbing a copy!! I begged Steve not to print that issue yet as I was not completely happy with the art, but he is trying to teach me contentment.
Oh, I got a copy of that too! Forgot to mention it above. Nice job, Junbob!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:06 pm
by junbobkim
BobBretall wrote:
junbobkim wrote:
atomic99 wrote:Cipher: The Sorcerer Pope Part One Preview Edition
Thanks for grabbing a copy!! I begged Steve not to print that issue yet as I was not completely happy with the art, but he is trying to teach me contentment.
Oh, I got a copy of that too! Forgot to mention it above. Nice job, Junbob!
Whew! Now, I'm relieved! Now I know that at least more than one copy was picked up! Feel free to share whatever thoughts you guys had after reading it... especially if you noticed anything that could make it a better book.