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Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:51 pm
by Skyhawke
Any particular web site?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:54 pm
by JohnMayo
Skyhawke wrote:Any particular web site?
It is a few pages in on this interview at IGN.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:55 pm
by comicm
BobBretall wrote:
JohnMayo wrote: I don't really see that as any indicator of the level of confidence that DC did or didn't have in Final Crisis. I see it more of a reflection of how there wasn't really any titles to spin out of it.
Theoretically, they could have spun off a "new" New Gods series, at a minimum.......

Or even a "bar in Japan with weird super guys you don't give a crap about" series......

Or a new Anthro series.........
If anything were to spin out of Final Crisis I would hope it would be Kamandi.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:50 pm
by BobBretall
OK, I just read Final Crisis #7.

A couple of quotes from #7 sum up my feelings about this issue & this series, so I'll let Mr. Morrison take it away........
The Question on p. 17 wrote: Welcome to a mind-bending world I still feel ill-equipped to deal with.
Monitor Tahoteh on p. 33 wrote: Our story has become toxic…out of control…we must end it…
and that last quote captures my sentiments on the series exactly. Final Crisis is over…..Thank God!

But seriously, I really disliked the jumpy disjointed feeling of this issue, it seemed like too many thoughts were being crammed into the issue. In general I don’t like comics with a “narrator” style where the writer jump-cuts between little snippets of story.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:57 pm
by JohnMayo
BobBretall wrote:OK, I just read Final Crisis #7.

A couple of quotes from #7 sum up my feelings about this issue & this series, so I'll let Mr. Morrison take it away........
Monitor Tahoteh on p. 33 wrote: Our story has become toxic…out of control…we must end it…
That was my favorite line of the series. I wonder if it is a quote from someone in the DC offices.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:10 pm
by Koete
BobBretall wrote: In general I don’t like comics with a “narrator” style where the writer jump-cuts between little snippets of story.
I liked the use of the narrator style in this issue. I thought it really added to the "end of days" feel.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:15 pm
by JohnMayo
Koete wrote:
BobBretall wrote: In general I don’t like comics with a “narrator” style where the writer jump-cuts between little snippets of story.
I liked the use of the narrator style in this issue. I thought it really added to the "end of days" feel.
I disliked it. It seemed like a way to needlessly confuse the story. There were a few places where things seemed to just randomly happen.

I haven't reread the entire series in one sitting yet so I'm still at the point where the overall plot of the series is unclear and confused. I don't need anybody to explain who characters are or anything like that. It is the events in the story that are unclear to me. In some cases what actually happened. In others, why those events were included in the story at all.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:24 pm
by Wood
comicm wrote:
BobBretall wrote:
JohnMayo wrote: I don't really see that as any indicator of the level of confidence that DC did or didn't have in Final Crisis. I see it more of a reflection of how there wasn't really any titles to spin out of it.
Theoretically, they could have spun off a "new" New Gods series, at a minimum.......

Or even a "bar in Japan with weird super guys you don't give a crap about" series......

Or a new Anthro series.........
If anything were to spin out of Final Crisis I would hope it would be Kamandi.
Well, looks like we WILL have a spin out, only it's going to be featuring the Super Young Team! WOOT!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:45 pm
by JohnMayo
Wood wrote: Well, looks like we WILL have a spin out, only it's going to be featuring the Super Young Team! WOOT!
I heard about the various spinoffs. Depending on my budget constraints, I might pick up the one featuring the Superfluous Young Team. Maybe they'll actually do something in that series...

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:25 pm
by HassanT
JohnMayo wrote:
Wood wrote: Well, looks like we WILL have a spin out, only it's going to be featuring the Super Young Team! WOOT!
I heard about the various spinoffs. Depending on my budget constraints, I might pick up the one featuring the Superfluous Young Team. Maybe they'll actually do something in that series...
With DC's track record I need to know the creative team before I get excited.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:24 pm
by JohnMayo
HassanT wrote:
JohnMayo wrote:
Wood wrote: Well, looks like we WILL have a spin out, only it's going to be featuring the Super Young Team! WOOT!
I heard about the various spinoffs. Depending on my budget constraints, I might pick up the one featuring the Superfluous Young Team. Maybe they'll actually do something in that series...
With DC's track record I need to know the creative team before I get excited.
I didn't say I was excited about this, just that I might pick it up. I mean, really, is there any creative team that could get people excited about Superfluous Young Team?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:36 pm
by HassanT
JohnMayo wrote:
HassanT wrote:
JohnMayo wrote: I heard about the various spinoffs. Depending on my budget constraints, I might pick up the one featuring the Superfluous Young Team. Maybe they'll actually do something in that series...
With DC's track record I need to know the creative team before I get excited.
I didn't say I was excited about this, just that I might pick it up. I mean, really, is there any creative team that could get people excited about Superfluous Young Team?
The excitement comment was more a reference of Wood's excitement about the Super Young Team, not yours.

I do think if they pick a Greg Rucka or James Robinson, I would be all over it. If they pick generic creator B, then no.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:42 pm
by JohnMayo
HassanT wrote:
JohnMayo wrote:
HassanT wrote: With DC's track record I need to know the creative team before I get excited.
I didn't say I was excited about this, just that I might pick it up. I mean, really, is there any creative team that could get people excited about Superfluous Young Team?
The excitement comment was more a reference of Wood's excitement about the Super Young Team, not yours.

I do think if they pick a Greg Rucka or James Robinson, I would be all over it. If they pick generic creator B, then no.
I am puzzled by Wood's excitement over this. I'll admit to being curious but the characters were so derivative, underdeveloped and cliche in Final Crisis that it is hard for me to understand why anybody would be excited about a miniseries featuring Superfluous Young Team by a creative team to be named later.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:13 pm
by HassanT
JohnMayo wrote:
HassanT wrote:
JohnMayo wrote: I didn't say I was excited about this, just that I might pick it up. I mean, really, is there any creative team that could get people excited about Superfluous Young Team?
The excitement comment was more a reference of Wood's excitement about the Super Young Team, not yours.

I do think if they pick a Greg Rucka or James Robinson, I would be all over it. If they pick generic creator B, then no.
I am puzzled by Wood's excitement over this. I'll admit to being curious but the characters were so derivative, underdeveloped and cliche in Final Crisis that it is hard for me to understand why anybody would be excited about a miniseries featuring Superfluous Young Team by a creative team to be named later.
I commented on DC lack of information around their new titles that they announced over the weekend in another thread. It doesn't make sense to me. They said that in June there will be eight Batman titles. The only creative team we know is Detective and that Morrison and Dini will be back. If you want to sell a new book, talking about the creative team is a PLUS!!

DC has not done been doing so well lately with their long-term planing. Last year, they announced Robinson's JL and Power Girl and there is no sign of seeing either title. JMS was supposed to take over B&B and that is no sign of that happening. The lack of announcement in regards to the creative teams feels that they just flying by the seats of their pants or just bad marketing.

Look at the Hickman announcement. Everyone knew that he was going to do more work for Marvel, but when they announced the book, people got more excited because it became more of a reality.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:36 pm
by JohnMayo
The lack of solid announcements about the long term plans at DC is interesting. I agree that announcing a bunch of new titles without naming the creating teams is a bit crazy. I have to imagine that the lack of detailed information in some of these announcements is at least partially a matter of DC wanting to having things completely locked down before going public.