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Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:26 pm
by BobBretall
comicm wrote:Dracula Company of Monsters #5-6. Story just kicked into high gear for me. While I have always thought this book was fantastic, these two issues really peaked my interest. I am very much looking forward to issue 7. I love the Dracula character and the scientist who helped bring him back. Fiancee is creepy. (5/5)
I liked those issues, but they were more of a 4/5 for me. I thought the middle parts of both issues dragged a bit, but they both had VERY strong concluding "hooks" to make you really WANT to get that next issue.
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:59 pm
by BobBretall
I absolutely loved Irredeemable #21. That last page really got me excited for #22 (Waid excels at those last page hooks). 5/5
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:08 pm
by abysslord
BobBretall wrote:I absolutely loved Irredeemable #21. That last page really got me excited for #22 (Waid excels at those last page hooks). 5/5
It's funny, I was going to make a thread about Irredeemable and I was going to say the same exact fact, I'll make the thread now.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:28 am
by comicm
Supergirl #59 - I loved the run by Gates and Igle on Supergirl and their wrap up on the character was amazing. They really built up the character and developed quite a rogues gallery with Superwoman, Dollmaker, Bizarro Supergirl and much more. The finale to the Cat Grant and Supergirl relationship was amazing. Loved it and this run will go down as one of my favorites of the character next to Peter Davids. (5/5)
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:02 pm
by comicm
G.I. Joe Cobra Ongoing 1-4 Coninuing the story of Chuckles and introducing The Chameleon (5/5)
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:41 am
by Paul Nolan
Image Comics' Memoir #2
about as perfect as a comic book can get. it was possibly the most unnerving comic book I've ever read. I don't think a comic book has ever scared me before, so it was a real surprise to have this book send shivers down the spine and cause my arm hairs to stand up.
The pacing was perfect, the art work was incredibly apt.
Image comics have been on a roll recently, but this is possibly there best series in a while.
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:38 am
by comicm
Outsiders #34 good action packed story and I loved Giffen's art as he was channeling Kirby.
G.I. Joe Cobra #5 Hawk has Scoop go undercover to investigate A cult called Coil. Man was this a well written story by Costa and Gage.
G.I. Joe Cobra #7 Origin of Croc Master
I will just say as a whole G.I. Joe Cobra is a 5/5 book. Finished 5-12 and a special today and the only complaint I had was in the special because it was mostly pros. Story of Chameleon, Cobra Commander, Chuckles, Skullbuster, Firewall, Croc Master and Tomax and Zamot was spectacular and I think anyone who likes Tom Clancy novels or movies will really dig this series.
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:09 am
by comicm
Star Trek Captains Log: Pike by Stuart Moor and JK Woodward. Focus is on Captain Pike and I loved every minute of it. Great one shot story (5/5)
I am extremely behind in Spider-man but I am working my way from 2009 to present and there was some real gems I ran across.
Amazing Spider-man 583 - One of the biggest sellers because of the appearance of the President. I loved the story of Betty Bryant and Peter. Amazing.
Amazing Spider-man 584 - 588 Character Assassination by Guggenheim and JRJR. The mayor race is going on, reveal of Menace, The incarceration of Spider-man, Spider-Tracer Killer revealed and so much more. Loved every page in this series (5/5)
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:43 pm
by BobBretall
Twilight Guardian #2 was a 5/5.....we'll talk more about it on Monday's show, but it's not to be missed.....
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 5:33 pm
by abysslord
BobBretall wrote:Twilight Guardian #2 was a 5/5.....we'll talk more about it on Monday's show, but it's not to be missed.....
Cool, I'm getting it on Monday I think.
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:28 am
by comicm
Amazing Spider-man 617 I have this thing for really enjoying reading The Rhino (5/5)
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:52 am
by mguy1977
FF 588.
Hickman pulls the heartstrings & gets a few tears from me in this issue.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:52 am
by spid
My last 5/5 issue was Avenger's Academy 8. I thought the whole Hood vs. The Avengers storyline was pretty lame, but this follow up to this by Gage was really great. It was thoughtful, and elevated what was another Bendis stunt into a really good story.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:23 am
by Paul Nolan
spid wrote:My last 5/5 issue was Avenger's Academy 8. I thought the whole Hood vs. The Avengers storyline was pretty lame, but this follow up to this by Gage was really great. It was thoughtful, and elevated what was another Bendis stunt into a really good story.
Its that kind of thing that makes Christos Gage one of my favorite writers in comics at the moment.
He's done wonders with Speedball's re-emergence (in Avengers: Initiative), he was pefect on Stormwatch PHD, and Wildcats in paying homage to the past, but and using it to advance on present storylines.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:13 am
by spid
Paul Nolan wrote:spid wrote:My last 5/5 issue was Avenger's Academy 8. I thought the whole Hood vs. The Avengers storyline was pretty lame, but this follow up to this by Gage was really great. It was thoughtful, and elevated what was another Bendis stunt into a really good story.
Its that kind of thing that makes Christos Gage one of my favorite writers in comics at the moment.
He's done wonders with Speedball's re-emergence (in Avengers: Initiative), he was pefect on Stormwatch PHD, and Wildcats in paying homage to the past, but and using it to advance on present storylines.
I read those stories as well, and enjoyed them. His name never comes up when people talk about some of the better writers, but almost everything he has done I have enjoyed.