Happy Birthday Bob! (3/19)

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Posts: 33
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Post by AndrewN »

Happy Birthday, Bob! Hope you had a good one :)
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Post by BobBretall »

OK, so as you might expect, I'm kind of hard to buy presents for, since I buy so much stuff for myself..... That said, let's see what I got....


A card that plays the John Williams Superman theme when you open it. Cool!

And, Janine got the Tony DeZuniga Shanna sketch I got at the Long Beach Comics Expo framed......it's now up on the wall....

Plus a couple of nice new Hawaiian shirts (beloved by Big Guys) and some tins of Blue Diamond almonds in various flavors.

Added to this, when I went to the comic shop yesterday they were having a surprise 20% off everything sale. Add to that the fact that you get a 10% rebate on purchases and I dropped $160 to get all the rest of the Eaglemoss DC figs I didn't have..... I now have a complete set....
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