Culling the Herd (Sending comics to the military)

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Culling the Herd (Sending comics to the military)

Post by spectre71 »

:idea: So I am making the same post at several different forums with hopefully good results. I have a crap load of old but not really old comics that I have read and enjoyed and in the interest of saving space I am looking for somewhere to donate them. Some are "adult" No porn but Manga, and Vertigo titles which obviously kids under teenage years shouldn't be reading. That being said I was watching that program History of comics and saw that the military was into comics back in the day so to speak. So I am on a mission to get these things into the hands of G.I.'s over seas. Anyone with information on how to do this would be great. Also I don't want someone to B.S. me with this :twisted: I really want these to get to G.I.'s over there but short of going myself I obviously have to trust someone so if there's an organization that someone knows of please let me know.
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Post by BobBretall »

I put the following into Google search and found the info as the 1st hit....

sending stuff to Military
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Post by Lantern2814 »


Bob has indeed provided the link for the best route to get stuff to military overseas. Last week I just finished 4 1/2 years of active duty as an infantryman in the army. I was in Iraq from December 07 to March 09 at a joint security station about 10 miles northwest of Baghdad and I can testify that guys do indeed read comics that folks send. I love literature but often found it hard to concentrate on heavy reading while out there but was always happy to flip through a comic.

On a related note on your concern about content, Spectre. Nearly everything that was sent from home that we didn't need or had used was passed out to Iraqi children. "Run of the mill" violent stuff is okay, even war related comics, however stuff along the lines of Garth Ennis is a bit much.

Marvel has a series of free comics they send out to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. We got stacks and stacks of these things sent out so I started taking them out on patrol to pass out to kids along with the stuffed animals and candy I kept in my backpack. I was shocked at the response. Kids just flipped over them. This was maybe halfway through my deployment and I was annoyed with myself for not thinking to share my favorite hobby with the children beforehand.

I started to have a friend buy up entire long boxes worth of stuff from the 25 cent bin at his LCS and mailed out to me. Out of all the treats I handed out nothing came close to the popularity of comics. My unit's area of operations were in a very conservative Sunni town. Not even alcohol was sold openly there so I was a bit concerned at first about passing out stuff like Wonder Woman. Innocent by our standards but fairly risque in a place where women are usually covered head to toe. There was never a problem. Children with their parents would on occasion flip through a comic before handing it back to them.

The only thing that should be avoided is anything with any overt Christian or Jewish imagery. A guy can get in serious trouble with his chain of command for passing out something like that.

If I had a list of favorite "comic book memories" in my mind after 26 years of reading and collecting, the number one thing would be something that happened about a year ago. My platoon was doing a school drop. Basically, we take out school supplies and clothing people from home send and hand them out at a school. Anyway, after a couple of hours we were getting loaded onto our vehicles when our platoon leader made me aware of a little girl about 8 or 9 y.o. working at a small newstand/conveniance store. She was in tears because she'd been working while seeing all of these kids get all sorts of free stuff. My PL knew I kept my own stash of stuff to hand out and fortunately I had one Wonder Woman and one Spiderman comic left. The sheer joy on her face as she took them from me is something I won't easily forget.

Anyway, thanks for the interest in sending stuff out Spectre and if anyone else is interested, the address Bob put up is the best way to go if they want to send out comics or anything else.
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Post by BobBretall »

Thanks for sharing that, Lantern! Really nice story...
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Post by spectre71 »

As a matter of fact my LCS has a 12 books for ten dollar bin so I was already heading there this very weekend to pick up some for me and another set for the troops I figure I can at least spread the joy that way. Yeah, awesom story thanks for the advice and I will be shipping this weekend and I will let everyone know about the response this is going to be great fun for me! :lol:
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Post by Garrett! »

There is also Heroes 4 Heroes. I think Scott Hinze from FanBoy Radio created it.
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