This is the place to discuss the episodes of the Comic Book Page podcast, the Comic Book Page website or pretty much anything else of interest to the Comic Book Page community...
I've been re-doing my "Want List" since we're approaching being complete with entering my collection into ComicBase (should be done by EOY).....
The upshot is I have a LOT more stuff on my list now. Found a pile of short-lived series where I was missing only 1 or 2 issues, added in a lot of DC's War/Sci-Fi/Mystery series that had been omitted from my previous list (for instance, I thought I had collected all the Enemy Ace comics, but found this past weekend that I am WAY short of having a complete run).....
Anyway, lots more on my horizon....... I'll keep the Back Issue Spotlight episodes filled w/Back issues
At the Windy City Comicon, I picked up five more issues of Legion-era Adventure Comics and yesterday made an order from for eight more. This now means that there are only five more issues between #340 and #380 that I need. Next up, their brief back-up run in Action Comics!
I recently took the plunge and finally purchased the entire run of Miracleman. I've never read any of these books, and I've only heard good things. So here's hoping for something good. Also on the Miracleman front, I picked up the first 15 issues of Warrior Magazine. This has a lot of early appearances by Marvelman and also V for Vendetta. Pretty excited about receiving both of them
atomic99 wrote:TravAzz, do you have all the V for Vendetta issues when DC reprinted them in the late 1980s or did the Warrior issues you got cover all of those?
That was a good question and I didn't know the answer so I looked it up. V is in 3 volumes, Warrior published the first 2 volumes. DC bought the rights and reprinted the first 2 volumes and then printed the 3rd volume for the first time.