Phoenix ComicCon 2009 - Con Report...

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Posts: 218
Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:38 pm

Post by Skyhawke »

BobBretall wrote:
neenjah wrote:Hate that you'll miss it next year, Bob. PHX was the first place we got to meet you.
I'll hate missing it too, but what can I say? Going on the Weekend of my 25th wedding anniversary would be very poor form (if I want there to be a 26th......)
Or have her continue to help you catalog your comic book collection. :)
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Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:14 pm
Location: Memphis, TN

Post by neenjah »

BobBretall wrote:
neenjah wrote:Hate that you'll miss it next year, Bob. PHX was the first place we got to meet you.
I'll hate missing it too, but what can I say? Going on the Weekend of my 25th wedding anniversary would be very poor form (if I want there to be a 26th......)
Totally understand!

Hopefully we'll run into each other somewhere down the road.

Good news for me is that my girlfriend said she wants to go next year and that it's easier for her to get off of work then than in January. She's going to MidSouthCon, Cape-Con and the Superman Celebration with me this year. She was a big help at my table at Shadowcon in January. Dean Zachary and Jim Hall were set up next to us so she got to talk Star Wars comics with them when it was slow.

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