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Post by JohnMayo »

Darth Kramer wrote:
johnmayo wrote:
Darth Kramer wrote: I'm a co-host on The Legion of Substitute Podcasters with Paul French, Darren Nowell, and Ric Croxton and we talk all Legion of Super Heroes all the time (
I need to add that to my iTunes queue and check it out. I'm a big fan of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
It's always great to hear that people love the Legion like we do. We poke a bit of fun at some of the cheesiness in those old stories, but we all hope that our love of the material comes through and it doesn't sound like we're mocking stuff just to mock it. We're currently going through the Archives/Showcases in chronological order and jumping around a bit for current Legion stuff, but we've only released six episodes so far, so it's relatively easy to get caught up. Thanks for the interest, John!!!
If you send us a short (one minute or so) promo for the show, I'll toss it on the end of one of the Weekly Comics Spotlight episodes.

For that matter, anyone else with a podcast is welcome to send us promos for us to play too...
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Post by Squire »

Hi I’m Mark, 21 at the end of the month. I first got interested in Marvel and DC superheroes watching the animated series’ in the early 90’s when I was little. The first comic I remember getting was Wolverine Unleashed #17, which was a British series that reprinted Wolverine stories from all eras of the character, three issues in one.

After this I stared getting other such reprint series for the x-men, spider-man and the Avengers, from newsagents as I had no knowledge of comic shops at the time. I really got into the x-men through this and started picking up trades in book shops.

Around the end of school though (when I was about 16) I got out of it for a while, but found my way back when a friend told me about a new comic shop that had opened in my local city.

These days I mainly read DC which I became hooked on just before Infinite Crisis, as well as a few marvel and independent titles.

Outside of comics I’m a fan of Doctor Who. I became a fan after the Series was relaunched in 2005 and have been collecting the classic series DVD’s since then.
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Post by comicman66 »

Hi, my name is David (42 from CT). I've been collecting comics since I was 11. My collection is just about to hit 11,000. My fist issue that I actually bought was Marvel Tales 92. I was hooked after that. I bought only Marvel then George Perez started Teen Titans and that’s what got me started in DC. My first comic book store (Jim’s Comic Shop Waterbury, CT no longer opened) was a dream come true. I could go to a store that just sold comics WOW. I only had 1 friend that bought comics at the time when I was young but now it’s only me. I’m married with two boys (8 months/4 yrs old). Right now it’s really hard to read a comic that I love and have no one to talk to about it. But at least now it’s great to have podcasts about comics that I can listen to every day when I drive to/from work and listen to other people out the that are as passionate as I am about comics.
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Post by hayestronaut »

Marvel's "THE 'NAM" #11 marks my entry into the world of comics. Love war comics up to and including DC's relaunch of Sgt Rock. Got to meet Mark Sparacio at Big Apple Con this past month. Mark contributed to the cover of that Billy Tucci issue. However, the single character that dominates my collection is Hulk. Love the big angry characters. Must be the untamed rage welling up inside of me.

Big fan of the Comic Book Page Podcast. Bob and John bring a refreshing, professional and intelligent approach to the discussion of comics. And the business of comics. Listening to the podcast has turned me on to titles that are normally off my radar. As a result I'm picking up current titles like Ex Machina and back issues like Green Arrow - The Long Bow Hunters.

As well as a long-time comic reader, I'm also a creator. My graphic novel based on the 1960's colorforms action figures THE OUTER SPACE MEN, was featured on the Spotlight November Previews Interviews episode of the Comic Book Page Podcast. Check it out. Thanks Bob and John.
From the Farthest Reaches of the Galaxy come: THEOUTER SPACE MEN!
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Post by stardog »

Hey all! My name is Jeffrey. I've been reading comics for about 22 years. I started with the Daredevil Born Again storyline (individual issues). A friend was reading it during a study (actually study? are you kidding :D ) , so I took an issue (part 2, I think) and couldn't believe how good it was. From there I learned about the Direct Market and bought myself a bunch of Daredevil and Batman (my favorite character growing up) comics, and have been hooked ever since. I read about 40 books a month, not counting limited series and specials. I'm mostly a superhero guy, but I do read some Vertigo and I love Ed Brubaker's Criminal.

Obviously I came here because I'm a big fan of John and Bob's podcast and I hope to contribute to the message board.
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Post by HawkeyeGuy »

My name is Kevin Quass, I am 38 years old with a wife and three kids (12, 6 and 3), and I am a comic reader and collector.

My entry into the world of comics was my older brother. He started getting comics when he was in 6th grade and my family moved to Iowa. I was entering 1st grade at the time This would have been around 1975/1976. My brother picked up X-men and the Legion and other various Marvel and DC comics. I would pick up my own comics here and there and the first comic I remember buying with my own money was The Avengers 141 with the Avengers lined up across from the Sinister Squadron. My main comic books growing up were The Avengers and Dennis the Menace. I got in on the ground floor of Alpha Flight because it was a new #1 and I wanted something that I could get from the beginning as I had no hope on my allowance of picking up a lot of back issues. I did get old issues of the Dennis the Menace comic because the Marvel series lasted just 13 issues and I had all of the daily reprints that I knew of in a book format.

I slowed down in high school but stuck with Alpha Flight and the The Avengers until I was a foreign exchange student in Germany my senior year of high school. My brother sold his comics (including Giant Size X-Men #1) when he got seriously into music (jazz trumpet player) and girls, so I already had a lot fewer issues to read. I did get some help from comics when I was living in Germany with a host family for a year. A friend of my host family had a full run of Asterix and Obelix and Lucky Luke and reading all those trade paperbacks help me learn German. I also really liked Dagobert (Uncle Scrooge) and Tick, Trick and Track (Huey, Dewey and Louie). They had large paperback style collections in color (digests).

I became a "responsible" adult on my return from Germany and went to college in a small town. A small college town (i.e. no LCS) and girls distracted me from comics for the better part of 13 years. The wife and I moved the family to a new house and I ended up in the basement with some shelving that let me get my remaining comics out of boxes and onto shelves. I ventured back into an LCS and picked up the Avengers, Ultimates and Thunderbolts (Hawkeye is my favorite character). I enjoyed that and I soon decided to pick up back issues through e-bay and the rest is history.

I am now up to about 60 - 70 monthly comics on my pull list but have pulled back on back issue buying for a bit as young kids take up a lot of my time and our budget. I started listenting to podcasts about 2 years ago. My first guest appearance on a show is the Back Issue Spotlight on Future Comics. I look forward to trying to become more involved in a few forums.
Darth Kramer
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Post by Darth Kramer »

Hey Kevin,

I'm an Iowa native myself! I grew up in the Waterloo area in Waverly (hometown of Hawkeye!) and have a lot of family in the Des Moines area, currently mostly in the Altoona area. My uncle lived right down the road from Ankeny in Polk City for about ten years.

And of course, GO HAWKS!

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Post by MaxL »

I'm, uh, Max. Bet you couldn't guess that one. I'm a 23 y/o recent grad who's looking for a job. Yes, my timing is awesome.

I got into comics maybe three, four years ago with Straczynski's Rising Stars and Midnight Nation. Babylon 5 DVDs made me a Straczynski fanboi, which made me pick up RS/MN, which made me think, 'huh, maybe there's something to this comic stuff', which led me to pick up The Punisher: Born, which led me to Preacher and MK Punisher which led me to Ellis which...yeah.

I exclusively read collected editions, as I positively loathe the pamphlet/single/floppy/whatever format. Okay, I read a few illegally downloaded :roll: issues as well, but that was a one-time thing and I have since purchased all the stuff I d/led that was actually good (Powers, Fallen Angel). Honest.

Speaking of things I loathe, big events are not for me. Identity Crisis? "They seem to be foreshadowing this pretty heavily, but they can't possibly be serious. Oh. They were serious and that 'who benefits' stuff was not a red herring. Ooookay." Infinite Crisis was borderline incomprehensible (it didn't help that I was entirely unfamiliar with 99% of the cast; as an example, when the Titans were getting owned, I had no idea who they were). My feelings regarding Civil War are best expressed by Chris's "Civil War in 30 Seconds". My attitude toward Secret Invasion is pretty much, "Read Abhay's excoriations, laugh, buy the worthwhile tie-ins when they're collected (Jason Aaron!), ignore the main event"

I did sorta like Planet/World War Hulk, although the latter was absurdly overpriced and I regret giving Marvel $18 of my dollars in exchange for 5 issues. Not a mistake I'll be making again.
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Post by jlshank007 »

Hi. My name is Jason. I am 26, married and have a 6 month old son. I live in South Eastern PA and have my whole life. I am currently a Job Accountant for a leading printing company.

My first comic was a Conan issue when I was 10 or so that I purchased from a Antique store that was located beside the house I grew up in. I loved it and went out and started to buy comics. My friends and I would trade comics when I was in Middle School and thats when I was introduced to the Silver Surfer. By far my favorite character of all time and of course love the FF4.

Later in my teenage years and early 20's I kind of faded from comics. Other interests took over my time. Mainly I become a volunteer firefighter (and also girls). Once I met my future wife I was thrown back into the comic world.

My now father-in-law is a huge comic book collector (not sure of how big of a collection he has) but its great. I married into a comic family! Its awesome having your wife and extended family into Superman, Batman (wife's favorite), and Spider-Man and everyone else.

My budget allows me about 10 titles per month so I stick to alot of the main titles. My favorite read was the Ultimate FF4 until they cancelled it. I also am enjoying Superman/Batman and Batman Confidential right now.

I missed out on alot in the comic world but am trying to dive right back in.

I love the weekly podcast. It gets me to maybe try out a title or two that I normally wouldn't just based on the Previews description.

Great job Mr. Bretall and Mr. Mayo.
Jason Shank
Mount Joy, PA
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Re: Introduction

Post by BobBretall »

jlshank007 wrote: My first comic was a Conan issue when I was 10 or so that I purchased from a Antique store that was located beside the house I grew up in.
Welcome, Jason! If you haven't stumbled across it, you might want to check out the Back Issue Spotlight episode we did on Conan:
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Post by Jeff_GNA »

I was plugging Bob's awesome "Online Comics Shopping Experience" thread over in the Secret Identity forum, and figured it was about time I stopped by and introduced myself. :)

Aged 36 (37 in a few days - ugh), married, two great kids. I've been back into comics since 2005 or so, having taken an extended vacation from the hobby with the 90s speculator implosion.

I'm essentially a Wait-For-Trader anymore, though I do like to buy lots of floppies from the late 70s/80s era. Nostalgia and all.

I'll read just about anything I find interesting, though I originally got into comics as a kid strictly for super-hero sci-fi. (I make no apologies - I love the stuff.)

The Marvel universe has been my favorite playground, though I'm not loyal to any one publisher - I've read lots of out-of-continuity DC material, Image, etc.

I like to take my web development coding skillz (yes, with a z - I'm hip) and use 'em as a force for good, having developed a couple of comic related web sites. My latest project is Cheap @$$ Trades, a price comparison shopper specializing in trades of all kinds (collected editions, comic strip collections, OGNs).

Great podcast, guys!

My Pricey Cents is tingling...
Introducing Cheap @$$ Trades - $0.01 trade paperbacks, 95% off cover, and more!
The Graphic Novel Archive | JeffGNA on ComicSpace
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Post by JC »

I'm JC, mid 30's, computer analyst. I found this board while Googling for comic book collection pictures (Bob's room) as I wanted to get an idea on how to build my library at home.

I started to buy comic books when I was 18 and now have about 5000 books. My favorites include Walking Dead, Conan, Fables, Bone, Sandman, and Watchmen. As of early 2009, I have slowed down on collecting floppies. I'm now geared towards collected editions and I particularly like oversized hardcovers.
Last edited by JC on Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mguy1977 »

I am a DC Comics & Superman Comics fan of 25+ years. I read the Superman books of course, most mainstream DC books, any titles written by Geoff Johns. Brubaker books, Uncanny X-Men, Amazing Spider Man. As for trades most 80s trades from DC I pick up, various Vertigo titles in trade (Fables/Jack of Fables, Scalped, Y the Last Man, Preacher, various Vertigo titles by Alan Moore, etc) Byrne FF or select HCs to help this DC fan learn more about Marvel. I also enjoy Punisher by Garth Ennis. I like buying back issues. As for indies, Hellboy/BPRD, Proof, Walking Dead & Invincible. While looking forward to the return of Ultimate Spider Man vol. 2.

Nemesis Enforcer
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Post by Nemesis Enforcer »

Hey Guys,
I came across the site recently and wanted to register and say hello. I have been enjoying the podcast a lot and hopefully can contribute to the forum as well.

I am a 31 and live in Western Mass with my wife and 9 month old daughter Sophie. I manager a Training Dept for a software company in CT. I love the outdoors and enjoy hiking, fly fishing and mountain biking aside for my love for reading, doesn't really matter what, comics, novels, whatever.

My love for comics began when I was a wee lad and would take my paper route money to the lcs to get whatever I could afford. I mostly read Marvel stuff with a little Batman sprinkled in. Like most people it seems I got out of comics in the 90s when I went to college. My wife in her infinite wisdom decided (after much hemming and hawing on my part) to jump me back into comics by giving me several trades for Christmas about 2 or 3 years ago. With the advice of a mutual friend I was suprised to open Punisher HC vol 1 (a childhood favorite), Fables vol 1, Fell and Sandman vol 1.

the rest, as they say, is history. I started back at an lcs but about 6 months ago due to the discounts switched over to dcbs.

some stuff I am reading and enjoying now:

Marvel: ASM, Guardians of the Galaxy, Daredevil, Immortal Iron Fist
DC: JSA, Batman, Green Lantern
Others (some read in trade format): Scalped, Fables, Proof, Fear Agent

Jeff/Nemesis Enforcer
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Post by Trev »

Nemesis Enforcer wrote:Hey Guys,
I came across the site recently and wanted to register and say hello. I have been enjoying the podcast a lot and hopefully can contribute to the forum as well.

I am a 31 and live in Western Mass with my wife and 9 month old daughter Sophie. I manager a Training Dept for a software company in CT. I love the outdoors and enjoy hiking, fly fishing and mountain biking aside for my love for reading, doesn't really matter what, comics, novels, whatever.

My love for comics began when I was a wee lad and would take my paper route money to the lcs to get whatever I could afford. I mostly read Marvel stuff with a little Batman sprinkled in. Like most people it seems I got out of comics in the 90s when I went to college. My wife in her infinite wisdom decided (after much hemming and hawing on my part) to jump me back into comics by giving me several trades for Christmas about 2 or 3 years ago. With the advice of a mutual friend I was suprised to open Punisher HC vol 1 (a childhood favorite), Fables vol 1, Fell and Sandman vol 1.

the rest, as they say, is history. I started back at an lcs but about 6 months ago due to the discounts switched over to dcbs.

some stuff I am reading and enjoying now:

Marvel: ASM, Guardians of the Galaxy, Daredevil, Immortal Iron Fist
DC: JSA, Batman, Green Lantern
Others (some read in trade format): Scalped, Fables, Proof, Fear Agent

Jeff/Nemesis Enforcer
Welcome Jeff! Your story reads almost exactly like mine. There's some great titles in your reading list.

Are there any titles you're reading in back issues? I know when I got back into comics, there were a ton of things I went out to read from the past.

Especially those books I could never afford as a kid :)
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