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Introduce yourself!

Post by BobBretall »

A standard thread on many forums, wherein the members of the community say a few words about themselves. Took us long enough to create this thread.

I'll start us off:

I'm Bob & I like comics.....

I've been reading comics since I picked up Amazing Spider-Man #88 in 1970. I read over 100 titles every month, from Marvel to DC (including Wildstorm & Vertigo) to a wide variety of Indie books (Image, Dark Horse, Devil's Due, Dynamite, IDW, Radical, Red 5, and others, including manga). I also love to check out a variety of small press books on a regular basis. I've got somewhere north of 50,000 comic books.

I've been married since 1985, and my sainted wife Janine has been entering those 50,000 comics into ComicBase for me over the past several years. The project nears completion! I have 2 sons, Stephen (18 and in college) who reads a LOT of my comics every month, and Greg (14 and in High School) who sticks to manga.

I have both a BS & MS degree in Computer Science, and currently manage a group of software consultants that covers the western US.

Oh yeah, I also co-host this group of podcasts under the "ComicBookPage" umbrella.....
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Post by JohnMayo »

Hi, my name is John and I read comics. Lots of comics. Possibly too many comics...

I had read some comics as a young child but my addiction didn't really kick into high gear until the late 1970s. I started out many getting DC comics. It was titles like (Supeboy and the) Legion of Super-Heroes, All-Star Squadron and New Teen Titans that got me hooked. I branched in to Marvel with John Byrne's work on Fantastic Four and Alpha Flight. After Secret Wars, I was getting most of the Marvel Universe titles. I've been a hardcore reader of both universe and a number of ones published by other companies ever since.

I have a degree in Radio-Television-Film but my career has been as a computer programmer, business analyst and database administrator. Collecting, organizing and reporting on data is not only what pays the bills for me but also what allows me to indulge in comics as much as I want.

I currently get well over 150 titles a month and have a collection of around 41,000 comics. About a third of my collection is from DC, another third from Marvel and the rest from other publishers so I consider myself an informed and well rounded reader.

I co-host the Comic Book Page podcasts and I am a staff writer for Comic Book Resources. I started the Comic Book Page website in late 2001 at which point it featured the comic book sales estimates data and the thousands of photos I took at the San Diego Comic-Con. The website has since grown in size and scope to include the podcast and this forum.
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Post by Wood »

Hi, I'm Jason Wood


Like John and Bob, I read a LOT of comics. My typical DCBS order is 100-120 comics and I usually end up buying a handful of other titles at Midtown Comics as the month goes on. That's to say nothing of the back issues I buy from myriad sources and, of course, the tons of collected editions I can't say no to.

I'm 33 years old [34 in December] and have been collecting comics for 23-24 years. But I gained an appreciation for back issues early on so my collection goes much further back than that.

I cut my teeth on Marvel comics, almost randomly thanks to finding a copy of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe early on in my process. As a result, I read Marvel comics almost exclusively for the better part of two decades.

As a result, I have an interesting perspective as both a long-time, diehard collector but also someone who is just now discovering so many of the classic comics that many hold as the highest examples of the craft.

In the last three or four years, I've read tons of non-Marvel classics for the first time; kind of a crash course on my faux PHD in comicology. Whether it be Stangers in Paradise or Bone or Cerebus or Kingdom Come or Maus or Sin City, etc... if it's well regarded, I probably have read it in recent years or own a copy and just haven't gotten around to it yet.

While my collection isn't as large as John or Bob's, my collection is about 16,000-17,000 comics at last inventory. While I am an avid back issue collector, I am one of those knuckleheads who buys high grade (VF or better) copies of classic issues.

That's about all for now. Oh, I should probably mention that I am a co-host of 11 O'Clock comics -- alongside VinceB, David Price and Chris Neseman. We get together on Wednesday nights and have some drinks while chatting whatever comes to mind. It's a good time and we're fortunate to have gained a pretty loyal following.
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Post by zack kruse »

Hiiiiiiiii guys.

I'm Zack. I've been reading comics for as long as I can remember--Batman #402 was the first comic I remember owning (although there surely were others before that)--and I made the conscious decision to "seriously" collect comics when I was about 9 or 10.

From that point I was primarily a Marvel fan (with the exceptions of Batman and The Flash). Of course, there were the occassional forrays into other DC books and eventually Image and Dark Horse as well. Then about ten years ago, I got much more interested in DC lore. Of late, I've gradually moved a very large portion of my comic buying from the big two companies to independent publishers and creator-owned titles.

Beyond comics I have lots of other interests. I'm a Washington Redskins fan (and have been since I was 4 or 5), I have a pretty big interest in economics (and think I'm reasonably well read on the topic), and I'm an ardent and pretty out spoken skeptic on matters of the supernatural and paranormal.

And, finally, I am a proud employee of Discount Comic Book Service and have been since 2004.
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Post by HassanT »

Hi. I am Hassan.

I am 37 years old and father of two. I have been reading and collecting comics since I was 5 although, I didn't get serious until I was 9. I started out reading an older cousin's comics, which was Legion, Batman, Teen Titans, and JLA. This was the late 70s. Around the same time, Marvel started publishing Star Wars and then Micronauts, and I was hooked with those books.

I started seriously collecting super-hero comics with Batman #339 and got all the Batman titles (back then there were only 3), New Teen Titans, Legion, JLA, and eventually Batman and Outsiders. I considered myself a huge DC fan boy since I grew up reading those characters. Batman is my favorite character of all-time.

My first love of a Marvel super-hero title was Defenders #99, which came out the same month as Batman #339. For some reason that book blew me away. I continue to read Marvel comics off and on until I picked up my first X-Men book, Uncanny X-men #175. That book really got me into the X-Men and then later the rest of the Marvel Universe.

On the independent front, my first independent comic was Elementals #6 and I pretty much read then entire Comico and First Comics (the good old days).

I never stopped collecting and reading comics, although there has been periods where I slowed down and what I collected has changed over the past 30 years. There was a period where I pretty much stayed away from DC and Marvel super-hero books and just read independent or Vertigo books. During that time period, I got rid of a lot of collection because they were taking up too much space. I either sold it at a comic book show, a dealer, or gave the comics away to yet another cousin (this time one younger than me). I have some regrets with getting rid of some of those comics, but hey I was able to pay for the honeymoon :)

It was Marvel Knights, Heroes Return and eventually Joe Quesada taking over as EiC of Marvel that got me interested in Marvel and DC super-hero books again. And even though I am old-time fan boy, I have been loving Marvel characters and comics more and more. Majority of my collection buying (I buy more trades/hardcovers than back-issues) is aim toward the Marvel material, as I believe they hold up better and I really don't the details of the Marvel history.

I have cut down my monthly list to about 60 books a month, not including collections. I should be buying more independent books, but I spend most of my budget on the big two. I am more into trades than back-issues, but I am working on a massive want list related to Marvel 80s comics.

While I don't have my own podcast, I love to listen to them!!

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Post by Webhead »

Hello Everybody I'm Chris and I love comics

I am 43 and have been collecting comics since my dad bought me my first comics in '73 and I still have them in my collection. Although I've had to buy replacement issues because I've read and reread those issues so many times that they are falling apart.

Those issues are:
Amazing Spider-Man #126 my favorite character (as if you could not tell by my avatar or forum name)

Superboy #198 Starring The Legion of Super-Heroes

Marvel Features #12 Featuring The Thing and Iron Man

and Tales of Voodoo Vol 6 issue #6 (actually a comic magazine but I still count it as a comic book)

Before he bought those issues for me I never knew a thing about comics. The reason he bought them was we were moving and we stopped to pick up snacks at a liquor store. My mom sent me in to help my dad and to "hurry him up". As I was waiting for my dad I saw a spinner rack and started to look at the comics. My dad noticed and sent me back to the car with the sodas and candy. When he came out he had another bag with them and handed it to me( after he removed the bottle of booze). Inside were my first comics.

I am a die hard Marvel Zombie, I never really got into DC comics although I been reading them on and off since before COIE and The Flash (Barry Allen) and The Green Lantern ( Hal Jordan) are my favorite characters. I actually have about same number of Indie comics as DC comics. My collection is somewhere in the neighborhood 13,000 comics. and am currently in the process of finishing my run of Amazing Spider-Man. I have complete runs of all the other Spider-Man titles except for Marvel Team-Up and that will be completed soon.

I have never stopped buying or reading comic even through the boom and bust. My buying may have slowed at times but I always found a way to get my Spider-Man fix. My favorite titles are Amazing Spider-Man, The Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, The Fantastic Four, The Flash and The Green Lantern

Besides comics I love Movies and TV, music, cars and computers. To me a perfect day would be to sleep in late work on a classic 70's muscle car in my garage well the radio blasting away some 80's heavy metal or 70's punk songs. Afterwards read a stack of comics then finish the night with an episode or two of Star Trek TOS well on chatting on the computer or hanging out on the forums.
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Post by Saweez »

Hi All!
My name is Steve, I'm 39 years old with a loving wife in PA.

I can remember first reading comics when my family would go camping for our vacations. We would go to the general store and pick up supplies and I would find my way to the spinner rack.

My first comic titles that I can recall were circa Superboy and the Legion of Super Heroes (#246), Justice League of America (#161), and Uncanny X-men (#132).

Most of my shopping then came off the rack at the local 7 Eleven store. I never figured out how comics were released so rather than being able to collect specific titles I'd pick up whatever looked good.

Growing up I'd pick an issue up here and there, but when I received an ipod as a gift a few years back it led me to podcasts where I was amazed they discussed comic books.

Raging Bullets was my first experience and Sean and Jim were just so enthusiastic and went into such detail I was hooked. Liking titles outside of DC such as Marvel and Indies, led me to roam around different podcasts and I now listen to 4-5 different podcasts.

I became a loyal customer to my local comic shop for a year before he went out of business. So without a local shop close by I use DCBS. I really enjoy the discounts, but I have to admit I miss the fun of geeking with my old shop.

I collect about 20 different titles currently and fill in on runs on back issues I've missed out on. I only have just over 2,000 comics so I'm pretty tame to most, but I'm working on it.
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Allow myself to introduce my...self

Post by BuffDaddyBill »

My name is Bill (Oakdale, MN) and I like comics. As a father of three (Bryce 7, Emma 3 and Brady 6 months) and stay-at-home dad, comics have become my escape from the crazy world of parenthood. I am married to a wonderful woman, who not only works very hard, but understands my love of comics.

I have been collecting comics off and on since I was five (34 now) but I have really gotten into it in the last two years. Thanks to John and Bob, my comic pull list has vastly expanded. I have always been a DC - Marvel guy, but I am now reading many indie titles. I also enjoy all the Comic Book Page Podcasts and I am avid listener of 11 0'Clock comics.

I have a degree in Graphic Design and minor in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Stout.

I am a die-hard fan of Washington Redskins and Boston Red Sox. When I do have some free time, I also like playing X-Box 360 and watching movies.

Service - DCBS
Titles - 60 per month (Although I have to cut back)
Favorite Character - Aquaman
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Post by BobBretall »

Saweez wrote: I collect about 20 different titles currently and fill in on runs on back issues I've missed out on. I only have just over 2,000 comics so I'm pretty tame to most, but I'm working on it.
Steve, having 2000 comics is GREAT. That's about 8-10 long boxes worth, a really credible collection.

Most important thing is you're loving them!
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Re: Allow myself to introduce my...self

Post by BobBretall »

BuffDaddyBill wrote: Favorite Character - Aquaman
Good on you, Bill!

Arthur Curry needs some more love...
Unknown Fanboy
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Post by Unknown Fanboy »

Chad ...30 years old Albany NY

I grew up with comics...still have old Gold Key Winnie the Pooh, Super Friends and Whitman copies of Superman along with the Mego Superheroes (which my parents sold in a yard sale:cry::evil:). I got into comics because my older brother is a big collector and I wanted to be "cool" like him. He is a Marvel and I'm a DC (just like the YouTube videos). Anyway I think my first comic I actually bought was Batman: Death in the Family TPB then I really starting collecting seriously when Knightfall started because I am a big Batman fan. I was in High school and on the academic team and we had to stay up on current events and in the paper one day was a short blurb about a new Batman so I think that day I went down to the store and picked up of the magazine rack and the rest is history.
I have 2 comic stores I go to when I go home to WV, have ones I visit when in Cleveland and Cinncy OH visiting friends and family. During college I used New England Comics to order my books. I currently split my order between my LCS and Heroes Corner (trending more towards HC but still buy Bat titles at the LCS). I get most of DC ongoings because it is like a drug.

I am behind about 4 months in my reading due to the fact that during the summer I was prepare for and participating in my first season as a triathlete. I am currently training for next season and also teach Spin classes twice a week. I will buy anything Johns writes or Alex Ross paints (it could be a book of piles of dog poo and I would still get it). I have somewhere around 5,000 comics and get around ~50 books a month.

I am interested in podcast and have been a guest on a few. I am the first "in studio" guest on Raging Bullets and a few times on Comic Timing.

so yeah....
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Post by IanG »

Hi, I'm Ian Gowan, I've read comics off and on since the early 1980's. I started reading Conan the Barbarian and Iron Man, probably around 1982. I've been a on again, off again reader ever since. It wasn't until earlier this year that I discovered the Comic Book Page and started getting more comics every month. I found the CBP while I was looking for information on the web about how to order comics through DCBS. I went with Heroes Corner.

I also enjoy science fiction/fantasy novels, movies, and TV. Dan Simmons being one of current favorite authors. Of course, I like Star Wars and Star Trek. I love the original Trek and TNG television series, not so much the others. I'm in to the Lord of the Rings books and movies. I've seen all of the Lost episodes. Big Red Sox fan. Yeah, I'm a geek or nerd, whatever. :roll:

I'm married and have a 18 month old daughter. I already started reading comics like Archie to my daughter. [WebWiz2] She likes to turn (and crinkle) the pages before I finish reading them. By day, I toil as a graphic designer in a communications services department of a large tech company.
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Post by Darth Kramer »

I'm Matt, 30, married and own approx 6,000 comics and have been reading comics for about 26 years. I have a degree in Psychology and currently work in the field of Child Welfare.

My first comic book memories were reading scattered issues of Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck books, but then one day when I was 4 or 5 I was at my grandparents house I was bugging my grandma like nothing else. She went into the crawl space in their attic and pulled out an Avon box full of old comics that had belonged to my uncle, who had at that point recently moved away to college. In that box were a ton of Bronze Age Marvel books and a few scattered Batman and Adventure Comics. But it was one book that pulled me in forever, Fantastic Four #50. That book captured my imagination like nothing else.

Currently, I'm more on the DC side of the fence, but I have no allegiance to any one company over any other. I read what I enjoy and that's that. My five favorite titles coming out right now are Hack/Slash, Green Lantern, Justice Society of America, Star Wars: Legacy, and Scalped.

I currently host one podcast and co-host another.

The show I host is The Shade's Journal, a podcast all about James Robinson and Tony Harris' series Starman ( I'm a co-host on The Legion of Substitute Podcasters with Paul French, Darren Nowell, and Ric Croxton and we talk all Legion of Super Heroes all the time (
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Post by JohnMayo »

Darth Kramer wrote: I'm a co-host on The Legion of Substitute Podcasters with Paul French, Darren Nowell, and Ric Croxton and we talk all Legion of Super Heroes all the time (
I need to add that to my iTunes queue and check it out. I'm a big fan of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
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Post by Darth Kramer »

johnmayo wrote:
Darth Kramer wrote: I'm a co-host on The Legion of Substitute Podcasters with Paul French, Darren Nowell, and Ric Croxton and we talk all Legion of Super Heroes all the time (
I need to add that to my iTunes queue and check it out. I'm a big fan of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
It's always great to hear that people love the Legion like we do. We poke a bit of fun at some of the cheesiness in those old stories, but we all hope that our love of the material comes through and it doesn't sound like we're mocking stuff just to mock it. We're currently going through the Archives/Showcases in chronological order and jumping around a bit for current Legion stuff, but we've only released six episodes so far, so it's relatively easy to get caught up. Thanks for the interest, John!!!
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