Yearly Comics Spotlight #16: 2022 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 14, 2023)

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Yearly Comics Spotlight #16: 2022 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 14, 2023)

Post by JohnMayo »

James and I will be recording the Yearly Comics Spotlight #016 episode in early January 2023.

In an effort to get the episode to be a bit shorter than the multi-part 2021 Yearly Comics Spotlight, I've combined a few questions and removed some other questions.

For multipart questions, please clarify which part of the answer goes with each part of the question.

There are a ton of comics and creators out there. We don't know all of the creators on all of the titles and we can't always remember these ones we do know.
When listing titles, please list the publisher, writer and artist.
When listing creators, it really helps if you include some of the titles that influenced your pick. For example, "FirstName LastName (Event title, Monthly title, obscure title)" is much more informative than just putting "FirstName LastName".
If you want to pick older material, please give an indication of when that material was originally published and which collected edition you are referring to.
Feel free to give a brief explanation of why you selected your pick. That might convince someone else to check it out.

Fill in as many categories below as you want. If you don't have a pick for some, that is fine. Just leave the square brackets empty.
An automated process will be compiling the notes we use for the episode using the square brackets as the delimiters for your responses.

Copy the text below and put your answers inside the square brackets.

What should we call you when reading your picks? []

Favorite Comics/Collected Editions (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Favorite Publisher: []
Book you wish more people read and/or wish they would publish: []

Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: []
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? []
Highlight of the year: []
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? []
Prediction for next year: []

Comic Book Page podcast:
What was been your favorite Back Issue Spotlight and what suggestions do you have for future Back Issue Spotlights? []
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? What would encourage you to participate more? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []

Additional Comments? []

Please have your entries in by the morning of Saturday, January 14, 2023. Thanks for participating!
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #16: 2022 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 14, 2023)

Post by fudd71 »

What should we call you when reading your picks? [Sam or Fudd either is fine]

Favorite Comics/Collected Editions (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Ronan and the Endless Sea of Stars; A Graphic Memoir published by Abrams written by Rick Louis art by Lara Antal - I don't know exactly how to describe this book other than amazing about parenthood and loss and children]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Ed Brubaker/ Sean Phillips. Thanks to wonderful experience of The Ghost In You, from their Reckless suff]
Favorite Publisher: []
Book you wish more people read and/or wish they would publish: [That Texas Blood by Chris Condon and Jacob Phillips this is a wonderful horror series? suspense? crime? published over at Image that is simply amazing ]

Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Morbius was my favorite film that fits the category, but for a different perspective I want to give an honorable mention to The Munsters. The Munsters is far from a perfect film, but there are many fun elements and love of the property that went into this quirky and humorous film]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? []
Highlight of the year: []
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? []
Prediction for next year: []

Comic Book Page podcast:
What was been your favorite Back Issue Spotlight and what suggestions do you have for future Back Issue Spotlights? [On a selfish note I thoroughly enjoyed re-reading and recording the Blackest Night back issues with John & James, Thank you gentlemen I really enjoyed that a great deal. Listening, my favorite episode was John & Eric recording on the Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? [yes]
What would encourage you to participate more? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []

Additional Comments? [John, James, Kay, Eric thank you, thank you, thank you. I derive hours and hours of joy from listening to the various episodes that release multiple times a week, they truly make my commute and and work days so much more enjoyable. I'm so thankful for all you wonderful people do! The great community here on the forum and over on the slack channel. I must also mention the great group of people that join us regularly for the bookclub and Chris for ensuring that continues to happen. The whole community is so wonderful and I'm truly blessed to get to interact with all of you]
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #16: 2022 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 14, 2023)

Post by NicksPicks »

What should we call you when reading your picks? [Nick]

Favorite Comics/Collected Editions (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Batman/Superman: World's Finest is my favorite ongoing superhero comic right now. Good story by Mark Waid, fantastic cartooning by Dan Mora, bright colors by Tamra Bonvillain. The epitome of what I like about modern superhero comics.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Even though her published work this year only consisted of the last 2 issues of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, Bilquis Evely remains the best artist in comics. Buy whatever she draws, and you will never be disappointed.]
Favorite Publisher: [DC. They are my bread and butter, my ride or die, my true comic love. I just can't quit them because they have Batman, Superman, Nightwing, Green Lantern, and all the lovely obscure characters like the Doom Patrol that only come out every few years. Plus on a different dimension of comic collecting, DC has the best paper stock and color saturation in their monthly issues. Even subpar art dazzles on their printed pages.]
Book you wish more people read and/or wish they would publish: [We went another year with no ongoing Archie comics. Come on, Archie, we need more comical teen drama!]

Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [The Batman, hands down was the best superhero movie this year. Granted it had an extra final act we didn't need, but the core of the movie was exceptional Detective Comics level supheroing. Penguin was better than he had any right to be, and Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman was a worthy foil to goth Batman.]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [In-person comic book experiences seem to be doing well after 2 years of the pandemic kept most conventions and gatherings stunted. I don't go to them, but several in the comic news sphere have commented on the return to somewhat more normal experiences. Even some of my friends have attended their first convention this past year. Additionally, my local comic shop seems to be doing really well with their gaming nights and special celebrations, and they regularly get new batches of back issues that keep customers browsing the stock rooms.]
Highlight of the year: [My highlight of comic publishing in 2022 was the recent move by DC infinite to add the Ultra level with a 1 month release window on new books. It's finally the time scale that has made me shift some new reading to digital. Although I still buy all my favorite comics physically, three change will allow me to keep up with more of the peripheral series. My personal comic book highlight of 2022 was continuing to add to my "Joe Palooka" collection. It's been a fun run to piece together. It's a golden age and silver age series about a boxer, for those unfamiliar with the character.]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [I don't speculate on comic book collecting, but I do enjoy hearing the various content creators running down the market trends. 2022 will definitely go down as the year that the pandemic speculation bubble burst, and vintage collectible prices drifted back toward long term averages. While new comics publishing continued to hit several speed bumps through the year, the cooling speculator market has brought prices back toward more affordability for the casual collector.]
Prediction for next year: [I have predicted in the past that some of these mid range publishers would be bought out by the bigger companies, but recent events suggest a few like Aftershock will simply just close shop over the new year. The streaming wars have not been too kind to comics pitches as the services tighten their belts, and I expect their to be fewer offers for properties like "Canto" or "Oblivion song" in 2023.]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What was been your favorite Back Issue Spotlight and what suggestions do you have for future Back Issue Spotlights? [Honestly, pretty much all of the Back Issues Spotlights are enjoyable. Given my entry to modern comics was Flashpoint, I did enjoy that retrospective especially hearing how John and James considered it in isolation from the other side stories. My recommendation is to continue highlighting some recent independent publisher miniseries or first arcs like "Gun Honey" or "E-ratic." The format of your reviews lets you get a better conversation going on about a whole run than for just a short mention in Monthly Comics Spotlight.]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? What would encourage you to participate more? [Once a month on the Forum for the Previews Spotlights, and a few times a month on the Slack.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Keep being great! Seriously, thanks to John, Kay, James, and Sam for curating a nice variety of content each month!]

Additional Comments? [I wish everyone a happy, healthy, and satisfying 2023. If you haven't submitted a monthly previews clip in the past, make it a New Year's resolution to send one in this year. I always have fun recording mine and hearing what everyone else is excited about each month! It is super easy to use my phone's voice recording app and upload those recordings to John via the Dropbox link.]
Last edited by NicksPicks on Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #16: 2022 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 14, 2023)

Post by comicfreak »

What should we call you when reading your picks? [Comicfreak or Erik, it doesn't matter to me]

Favorite Comics/Collected Editions (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Madman Library Edition; I really like Mike Allred's art style and now in a bigger format! As for a series I, just like at least on the the hosts, like "Department of Truth" for all the things that already have been said about this series]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Terry Moore with the series "Parker Girls", a new Series in the "Strangers in Paradise"-universe and actually all the other series he made]
Favorite Publisher: [Opus comics; I really like their interpretation of "Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer" and "Evanescence: Echoes From The Void"]
Book you wish more people read and/or wish they would publish: [Astro City; Only one comic this year? Come on! Where's the rest? I wish they'll publish more comics, because I know Kurt Busiek has a lot of stories in this universe]

Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Spider-Man: No Way Home. I didn't like any other of the comic and comic-related tv-series for the last couple of years. Not Loki, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Peacemaker, Sandman, Wakanda Forever, Black Adam to name a few. I found them all very disappointing]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [Image Comics turns 30! That means I roughly collect comics for 30 years, staring with Spawn #1 and Gen13 #1 which lead to expanding to collectiong other Image series and subsequently other Indie comics and some of the Big 2]
Highlight of the year: [The X-Cellent; The return of a Mike Allred and Peter Milligan's comic at Marvel. I really liked their prevoius X-Force/X-Statix run and was disappointed when it ended. And recently read that in 2023 there'll be another miniseries]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [A forgettable year. I can't think of a single comic story that I can remember so it has to be a forgettable year. When making this post I thought of something! Not a highlight but a sad note: The passing of serveral wellknown creators: George Perez, Neal Adams, Kevin O'Neil to name a few.]
Prediction for next year: [For the last couple of years Manga's selling better than regular comics and I think this will keep hapening. At least until comics will start entertaining again instead of lecturing the reader about all kind of important issues. It's entertainment and we get enough lectures during all other things during the day.
Oh and in the last month the payment problems turned up and I think that'll be happening more in 2023]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What was been your favorite Back Issue Spotlight and what suggestions do you have for future Back Issue Spotlights? [It can't come as a surprise considdering my anwswer to the "Book you wish more people read"-question but it is the Astro City Spotlight one. It took a long time before this was recorded. Especially since this series has been mentioned in various episodes through the the years]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? What would encourage you to participate more? [I sometimes respond on the Slack Channel and of course this post :D]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Geof Johns' "Green Lantern"-run or "Batman: Hush" or Bendis' switch to DC/Dark Horse. All three are interesting runs: The reboot of the Green Lantern, Jim Lee's art on Batman and after years ruling over Marvel's comic division Bendis took a chance to try the same with other publishers]

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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #16: 2022 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 14, 2023)

Post by drew »

What should we call you when reading your picks? [Drew AKA the GOAT]

Favorite Comics/Collected Editions (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance - Rick Remender/Andre Lima Araujo & the OGN Follow Me Down: A Reckless Book by Brubaker & Phillips - both from Image Comics]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tie: Tom(s) Taylor/King]
Favorite Publisher: [DC-I know I am also surprised its not Image]
Book you wish more people read and/or wish they would publish: [Wish More People Read Tie: New Think - AWA & Ice Cream Man - Image Comics & Please Publish a new Constantine]

Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Tie: Andor / The Batman]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [NFTs Implode as Imaginary Investments]
Highlight of the year: [I read another 1000+ comics this year, some were great but most of them were pretty good]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Marvel stopped publishing anything interesting - focusing instead on more cash grab shenanigans - my pull list from the house of ideas has now shrunk to single digits]
Prediction for next year: [Yearly Comics Spotlight Poll will be 3 questions]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Back Issue Spotlight and what suggestions do you have for future Back Issue Spotlights? []
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? What would encourage you to participate more? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []

Additional Comments? [By February (good lord willing & the creek don't rise) The Comics for Fun & Profit Podcast reaches episode 800 and 10 years of shows - I got my start here at the Comic Book Page so I guess John is a little to blame or you have him to thank depending on your view of C4FaP - I'm gonna go with Thanks John - hope you are still having fun doing yours]
Last edited by drew on Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #16: 2022 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 14, 2023)

Post by ChrisMyers »

What should we call you when reading your picks? [Chris Myers]

Favorite Comics/Collected Editions (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Reckless graphic novels by Brubaker and Phillips, Ghost in You and Follow me Down, runners up: Eden by Matt Arnold and Will Dennis a Comixology original, I Hate this Place by Kyle Stark and Artyom Topilin Image comics, Stray Dogs: Dog Days GN by Tony Fleeces and Trish Forstner Image comics]

Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Brubaker and Phillips, primarily for the Reckless GN's they've been doing]

Favorite Publisher: [I'm not sure any publisher is my favorite at this time but the most read is DC and that's because they publish Batman]

Book you wish more people read and/or wish they would publish: [my vote goes to the Reckless GNs by Brubaker and Phillips. One that I wish they would publish again is Bandette by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover]

Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [I haven't watched any this year]

What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [I don't follow a lot of the news but I suppose it could be the financial troubles of the various publishers]

Highlight of the year: [For me it's DC Infinite Ultra, I had let my DC Infinite subscription expire but Ultra enticed me back in]

How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review?

Prediction for next year: [More financial concerns for the comic business]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What was been your favorite Back Issue Spotlight and what suggestions do you have for future Back Issue Spotlights? [My favorite was the Death of Gwen Stacy followed by Batman: Three Jokers and Gun Honey. ]

How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? What would encourage you to participate more? [I participate in Slack channel discussions and in the Book Club. Now that DC Infinite Ultra has me closer to current, maybe I'll reappear on the Preview Spotlight.]

What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [My only advice is keep up the great work that you do.]

Additional Comments? [John, I want to thank you for making the Slack channel possible, it’s provided me with the hanging out in the comic store experience but in a digital format. I especially like the Book Club channel, it’s really fun to be able to get together and chat about the thing we care so much about. Here’s to a bigger and better comic reading 2023. ]
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #16: 2022 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 14, 2023)

Post by NiklasJ »

Placeholder or final answer if i dont finish on time :-)
feel free to edit for brevity

You:What should we call you when reading your picks? [Niklas]

Favorite Comics/Collected Editions (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Immortal X-Men gets the top spot, Xmen/XRed are not far behind, SheHulk and CaptainMarvel had a nice year as well as Punisher. Devils reign was good so I guess i would have liked daredevil if i was up to date on that but will read on digital later]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Kieron Gillen, Al Ewing on the Xmen titles, dont know if anyone have taken up Hickmans job as mastermind but their titles are very good.]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel]
Book you wish more people read and/or wish they would publish: [Lazarus more often :-) or a Doctor Doom solo book, or a Mary Jane solo book or a Doom/MJ team-up. Some good news for MJ fans 2023 though with the MJ/BlackCat series]

Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Sandman, runner-up SheHulk]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [soo many people in comics or related media passed away, have seen too many tribute pages in my comics the last few years. So sad.]
Highlight of the year: [AXE Judgement day]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [reading only the solicits it seems that DC have 4-5 different ongoing crisis storylines, im just not going there again... In other news XMen is great ]
Prediction for next year: [fewer but better titles, one can always dream]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What was been your favorite Back Issue Spotlight and what suggestions do you have for future Back Issue Spotlights? []
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? What would encourage you to participate more? [lack of time is the problem I have...]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [the tv season and movie podcasts are great]

Additional Comments?
 [I still buy lots comics but I don't have time to read all of them when they come. Often i save up 3-4 months of a title and binge read :-) But I have liked most of my marvel stuff this year, shehulk, silk, the end of amazing spiderman early in the year, new volume amazspi haven't really got me quite as hooked yet. Star wars is good, crimson reign, vader and dr aphra favourites. The eternals was a nice read that ended wildly with the age of judgement also good stuff, if you have to put everything back together when you are done why not tear everything down first. The 12 issue maxi series The Marvels also nice. More Black Cat and Mary Jane yes please, who needs Parker. Captain Marvel also good may even last for 50 issues this time. X-Men unlimited X-Men green was really nice with nature girl vs wolverine. I don't usually read punisher but I tried the new direction and are following it still. From image not much, magic order 2 was ok, have to mention monstress ofc even if i have been saving issues for a nice binge dive later. ]
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #16: 2022 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 14, 2023)

Post by doctormo »

What should we call you when reading your picks? [Doctor Mo]

Favorite Comics/Collected Editions (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Collected Series: Shy, Vol. 1 by Bukimi Miki from Yen Press. Shy is a manga series about a reluctant superheroine in a world in which superpowered beings serve as defenders for their respective countries/ Story Arc: Flashpoint Beyond from DC Comics, written by Geoff Johns, Jeremy Adams, and Tim Sheridan; Illustrated by Eduardo Risso, Xermánico, and Mikel Janín. Flashpoint Beyond felt like a DC crossover event event though it was published concurrently with their event series, but feels like there are short-term and longer-term consequences.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer - Chip Zdarsky, Batman (DC Comics); Daredevil (Marvel Comics); Devil's Reign (Marvel Comics); Public Domain (Image Comics) | Artist - Dan Mora, Batman/Superman World's Finest (DC Comics); Once and Future (Boom Studios)]
Favorite Publisher: [DC Comics - overall thought the company produced a lot of solid mini-series (Superman: Space Age; Stargirl: Lost Children; Flashpoint Beyond; Fables) and a handful of ongoing series (Nightwing, Batman/Superman: World's Finest) that I continue to enjoy.]
Book you wish more people read and/or wish they would publish: [I wish Jeff Lemire would release another Quantum Age series through his Black Hammer line at Dark Horse.]

Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Movie - Black Panther: Wakanda Forever was a triumph given everything that was stacked against the film because of Chadwick Boseman's passing. | Television Series - Young Justice: Phantoms on HBO Max, it was a idealized version of the DC Universe that continued to build upon continuity from previous seasons.]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [The Warner Bros. Discovery merger continues to impact DC Comics, particularly the film and television projects.]
Highlight of the year: [Image Comics turning 30 years old.]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Trying to get back to normal despite the pandemic continuing to be an ongoing concern.]
Prediction for next year: [Consolidation of comic publishers and/or several publishers going out of business - too much product and not enough readers. Also, the X-Men line is not going to completely shift away from the Krakoan era - more of a hybrid approach.]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What was been your favorite Back Issue Spotlight and what suggestions do you have for future Back Issue Spotlights? [Favorite Back Issue Spotlights: Blackest Night | Possible Future Back Issue Spotlights: Nightwing/Huntress mini-series from 1998; Spider-Man 2099; Young Avengers (any volume)]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? What would encourage you to participate more? [I plan to continue contributing as often as possible, though life gets in the way sometimes.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Bring back the roundtable discussion episodes occasionally.]

Additional Comments? [Thanks to John and the other contributors for continuing to provide enjoyable episodes.]
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