So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

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So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by tehkeizer »

I picked up Nick Fury today while at free comic book day (1/2 price).

I have GOT to know what an "F" book looks like.
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by drew »

I look forward to hearing what your thoughts are...

My other two F grades are RED ONE #3 IMAGE COMICS and STARGATE ATLANTIS BACK TO PEGASUS #1 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY if you want to complete the trifecta
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by tehkeizer »

Oh my holy gosh mayonnaise ...

this was an absolute dumpster fire. this is exactly what an "F" comic looks like. i finished it in probably under 3 minutes because it has absolutely zero substance.

i didnt have any issue following the splash panels, however. i think they layout was followable. but ugly as hell.
Throughout the whole issue i could hear....literally was playing in my mind...i could hear the music from a crappy 70's movie.

the biggest issue by far to me: I think this is exactly the book they wanted to make. i think they did exactly what they wanted to do, and they did it. but it was baaaaaaad. They wanted to make a retro 70's movie, but they really shouldnt have.

thanks drew, I would have never picked this up if you had not been so negative on this book. I got to witness a 6 car pile up...and it makes me appreciate books that are well done much better.
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by drew »

Well I guess that's good (that it was so bad) - I heard the guys over at ifanboy rave about it and make it their best pick of the week - I was wondering if we even read the same book...
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by NiklasJ »

Opinions are different :-)

i didnt think it was that bad, if one is interested in james bondesque agent action with tech tools it should be right up your alley. Art was cool and very colorful. would grade it B-/C+ overall decent but nothing spectacular.

Sometimes IMO you bring too much baggage to the table when reviewing, dont overthink stuff when reading comics.

Why would Junior not be a field agent to start off his career, he was introduced as a cop not too far back(was it fear itself?)? thats about all i remember and more than what you actually need to know to read the issue. You only have Fury in the comic, a shield agent with an (unknown) coordinator in ear and the main villain is noone i recognized? Regular marvel decompression with the comic only containing the infiltration of the casino and the chase.

Trying to figure out the backstory gets much too confusing just by one issue and usually you want first issues of comics to get you hooked from the start, explanations and convoluted back story can be explained in later issues (if they get there)...

That said i doubt ill pick up second issue this week and dont think itll last very long past issue 6.
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by JohnMayo »

I read the Nick Fury #2 last night. It is a consistent title. Whatever you thought of the first issue will likely be what you think of the second issue.
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by tehkeizer »

So i showed this book to my podcasting partner. he doesnt read comics anymore (but enjoys the movies and keeps up on events and such), and i didnt tell him about the book before he he read it.

he HATED it. so, i think drew's original grade is validated.
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by drew »

Hey alright - even a broken clock is right twice a day
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by tehkeizer »

Dont sell yourself short, drew. you're not a broken clock. i think you're right at least like...i dunno..60% of the time? at least.
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by NiklasJ »

As John wrote, Nick Fury #2 was much of the same, very colorful! It grows on me. Some comics are like coffe and beer, an aquired taste, this one is very stylised and not for all. All comics cant be donald duck or gwenpool.

Who is the earpieceoperator?? Can we have a poll?? :-)

Maria Hill
Sharon Carter
Nick Fury Sr
Steve Rogers
Phil Coulson
Agents of Shield characters (May, Fitz, Simmons)
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by drew »

tehkeizer wrote:Dont sell yourself short, drew. you're not a broken clock. i think you're right at least like...i dunno..60% of the time? at least.
i'll take it :D
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by tehkeizer »

Venom #150: not gonna be curious about and F comic for $5.99. $5.99?!?!? wow.
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by alienal121 »

NiklasJ wrote:As John wrote, Nick Fury #2 was much of the same, very colorful! It grows on me. Some comics are like coffe and beer, an aquired taste, this one is very stylised and not for all. All comics cant be donald duck or gwenpool.

Who is the earpieceoperator?? Can we have a poll?? :-)

Maria Hill
Sharon Carter
Nick Fury Sr
Steve Rogers
Phil Coulson
Agents of Shield characters (May, Fitz, Simmons)
Hmm, so if we can assume these are flashback stories I guess it would be someone who is sort of training Nick, Jr? So, I'd go with Dum-dum or his Dad and maybe Coulson over the others.
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Re: So i picked up a book today based on Drew's review...

Post by NiklasJ »

alienal121 wrote:
Hmm, so if we can assume these are flashback stories I guess it would be someone who is sort of training Nick, Jr? So, I'd go with Dum-dum or his Dad and maybe Coulson over the others.
flashback episodes? didnt think about that.

Maria Hill would be my guess. Looks like the series wont last much longer (surprise!) so hope we can get some closure here :-)
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