My name is Nandor Fox Shaffer, the creator and writer of the new breakout comic book, SEASONS, and I thought I would update this forum with the exciting news that the entire first two issues are now up at! If there was ever a time to get on board for the most professional webcomic out there, this is definitely it. You can read over 50 pages of SEASONS right now all for FREE! Issue 3 even starts as soon as next week (the 24th)! And if you like it, please share it anywhere you have a voice. Hoping to publish the entire first book soon, and any and every supportive gesture would mean a lot to my artist, Anthony, and I.
Here is description of the series:

“SEASONS is an original, creator-owned comic book drama for readers who want be a part of a deep and serious one year journey that will challenge how they look at themselves, others and the world around them. The story of SEASONS revolves around one character, Fletcher Hart Iiams — a misunderstood, average young man who isn’t happy with life anymore and has run away from almost everything and everyone. The entirety of this series will span over one year of Fletcher’s life as SEASONS is planned to be four separate but interconnected stories that follow the seasons of the year. The title has a two-fold meaning: the seasons of the year and the “seasons” people go through throughout their lives. There will be four limited series stories — Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter — and each storyline deals with a combination of different obstacles, enemies, themes and problematic situations the main character will have to face all set in real time. Fletcher is given a new set of powers with every seasonal transition; as the world changes, so does he. It is an allegorical character study piece ultimately about finding a reason to live in this world that will drag you down with it if you let it.
This is SEASONS, a comic book drama presented by Nandor Fox Shaffer and Anthony Gonzales-Clark.”
Thanks so much, and I hope you read the first two issues and stay caught up with SEASONS! This is really a dream passion project of mine, and I’d love for you to be a part of it. Any feedback is welcome! Please let me know what you think!