DC Rebirth Retailer Q&A Session - Chicago 4/28

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Re: DC Rebirth Retailer Q&A Session - Chicago 4/28

Post by erickowabunga »

drew wrote:a couple follow up ?s:

how many retailers were there?
There were roughly 10-12 unique retailers. Each store was allowed up to 3 people, and Graham Cracker Comics has about a thousand locations (or at least it seems), so there were a good chunk of them. But there were retailers that I talked to from WI, IL, and MN. I would assume there was at least one from IN, but not sure.
drew wrote:did you get a sense how many stops/cities were on the tour?
If I remember right, there were 6 total, and we were #5 along the journey. The 6th and final was in NYC on the 29th, as FOC for DC Rebirth was due that day.
drew wrote:I gotta say I am less jazzed about rebirth now...this whole 'lets go back to a point in time and tell stories like we used to' worries me a bit
It's interesting, we are get mixed reaction from everyone. Some are very much looking forward to taking a step back and regaining the comfort. Some people are getting burnt out on the same creators.

For everyone else - we are going to put up an uncut full recording for everyone to listen to in the next few days. We wanted to give our impressions on our podcast first, before we provide the audio to everyone.
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Re: DC Rebirth Retailer Q&A Session - Chicago 4/28

Post by doctormo »

Abhay at the Savage Critic lays out a very scholarly indictment against Didio - http://www.savagecritic.com/retailing/t ... dan-didio/. I do not agree with every piece of evidence put forth. However I think this is food for thought heading into Rebirth.
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Re: DC Rebirth Retailer Q&A Session - Chicago 4/28

Post by erickowabunga »

For those itching to hear the full audio from the event, as Rebirth comes out tomorrow we went ahead and put the whole Chicago recording out as an episode of KowCast!

Please note that Jim Lee was fighting a bit of a head cold, and is softer spoken, so some of his talking with the room acoustics take a bit of listening.

You can find is on iTunes, Stitcher, or directly at the page: http://kowabungacomics.com/podcast/
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Re: DC Rebirth Retailer Q&A Session - Chicago 4/28

Post by drew »

that is pretty cool, i think i prefer your and James hot take on the proceedings
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Re: DC Rebirth Retailer Q&A Session - Chicago 4/28

Post by erickowabunga »

drew wrote:that is pretty cool, i think i prefer your and James hot take on the proceedings
Thanks, Drew! Body language can do a lot, as well as the social hour afterwards, talking with everyone was great and gave us more insight. Remember this happened shortly after the whole Eddie Berganza item happened. One of the folks we talked to after the discussion is a higher ranking DC exec, who has been with them for almost 10 years. I point blank asked her if she felt that being a woman in the comics industry has ever been an issue regarding respect, career growth, etc. Her answer "Never. No. It has been the greatest job I have ever had." I wish I would have had the brains to record that part of it. You could tell she meant it.
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Re: DC Rebirth Retailer Q&A Session - Chicago 4/28

Post by drew »

compsolut wrote:
drew wrote:that is pretty cool, i think i prefer your and James hot take on the proceedings
Thanks, Drew! Body language can do a lot, as well as the social hour afterwards, talking with everyone was great and gave us more insight. Remember this happened shortly after the whole Eddie Berganza item happened. One of the folks we talked to after the discussion is a higher ranking DC exec, who has been with them for almost 10 years. I point blank asked her if she felt that being a woman in the comics industry has ever been an issue regarding respect, career growth, etc. Her answer "Never. No. It has been the greatest job I have ever had." I wish I would have had the brains to record that part of it. You could tell she meant it.
i missed that - good article at CBR - http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... ome-public

I especially liked the shots fired by Jen Guzman at Image
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Re: DC Rebirth Retailer Q&A Session - Chicago 4/28

Post by MisterFerro »

Some news coming out from the Retailers summit in Baltimore:
  • Justice League vs. Suicide Squad 6 issue mini coming December/January
  • Josh Williamson is writing with Jason Fabok and Tony Daniel on art
  • Tie-ins include Suicide Squad #9 and #10 along with Justice League #12 and #13
  • JLA spins out of mini in February, written by Steve Orlando
  • "Quarterly" events are planned for 2017
Non-rebirth news, Amanda Conner and Jimmy P. are doing The Jetsons for DC's new re-imagining Hanna-Barbera line.

http://www.newsarama.com/30890-rebirth- ... title.html
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Re: DC Rebirth Retailer Q&A Session - Chicago 4/28

Post by MisterFerro »

DC Comics have informed retailers that the upcoming event title Justice League vs. Suicide Squad is being reduced in price, going from $4.99 U.S. to $3.99 U.S. - despite no change in the solicited page count of 40. No reason was given for this change.
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Re: DC Rebirth Retailer Q&A Session - Chicago 4/28

Post by SpideySavestheDay »

I love what DC is doing.
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