Ferals (Avatar): First of all, the art is pretty good, no complaints. The gore level is what you'd expect from a Lapham book [at least from reading his Crossed stories and Caligula] but nowhere near as explicit as those I just mentioned. It's gory when needed.
When it comes to the story, it read pretty good. This was definitely a setup issue as it just stopped and said "to be continued", but I do want to keep reading. It reminded me Silver Bullet a little ... small town w/ murders and we're going to have to try and figure out who's the werewolf or if that's the angle David is taking. I'd recommend this for sure if you enjoyed any other Lapham books because so far he's doing a good job of story vs. gore, as opposed to Caligula and Crossed: Pyschopath which seems to have tons more gore than needed.
The Activity #1 - I think this could be a great book but right now I don't know any character from another. Obviously you can only do so much with one issue but we'll see if that gets fixed after a few more.
Memorial #1 - I think this book has tons of potential and from what I read about the next issues it seems Chris has created a pretty cool universe to play in. I like his ideas for the "worlds", here's a quote about it:
There are five "continents" that make up the world, three of which are seen in the first issue: the land of Maybe, which is full of things that might exist such as aliens and fairies but don't yet; the land of Is, an area also called the Everlands that has everything that currently exists and is run by a mysterious woman; and the land of Was, which is everything that ever had existed.
Two other realms on either side of those — Things That Are Forgotten and Things That Are Imagined — will be seen in the third issue. (And for those who need one, Roberson promises a map of all these sites in issue 4.)
Sounds cool to me.